The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-25, Page 10*Ole
e Wiaglwm Advaifce-Times, November 25, 1876
To the Electors of
Turnberry Township:
I respectfully solicit your support
FOR couNci«oR
at the polls on
i Monday, December 6th
Anyone wishing transportation to the polls please
PHONE 357-3435
To the Ratepayers
of Morris Township
Having ' served as a Councillor and Deputy -
Reeve in the Township of Morris for the past
16 years, I feel that I could serve you as Reeve
for the next two years.
If elected I will do my best to serve you. Your
help and support on December 6 would;, be
greatly appreciated.
Conservation Authority
Sealed tenders will be -received by the Maitland Valley Conser-
vation Authority until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, December 10,
1976 for the removal of the following buildings:
1. -one frame barn on lot 275, town plot of Wingham,
Township of Turnberry.
2. -one frame house on part lot 273, town plot of Wirrghom,
Township of Turnberry.
3. -One frame house on lot 272, town plot of Wingham,
Township of Turnberry.
4. -One frame house on lots 24 and 25, Plan 17, town plot of
Wingham, Township of Turnberry.
The successful tenderers will be required to completely remove
the structures within 30 days after acceptance.
The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender
forms and full particulars may be obtained by contacting:
Maitland Volley Conservation Authority,
Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario.
Alexw4w 4w Wins prize at To the Electors of
. bestit HaWns` Awli city 8 Meet' CC r� t ng
• Orders in t'tiquYlc' were iwred MORRIS
• • • • �� this week naming the leaf three The Huron County branch of
_11¢ representatives to the new Huron the Canadian Council for the
County Housing Authority. -The Bhod, known as the Biuewatec Forood township'govern-
new members are Jean Adams of Aub, held their closing meeting 9 9
By Lavonne Ballagh are only fads — they change with Goderich, Jack Alexander of for 1876 at the Orange Hall in ment and sound 'ud9 ment at
Are you ready? We are going to the seasons. Don't spend a lot of Wingham and J. Calvin Krauter Clinton with a good attendance.
explore your third guide to wise money on them. The classics last of Brussels. Piers from a raffle held by the County level, I solicit you r
These members join four
fashion shopping this week! forever and never look out of the club are to go to the f
pp g others who were named last sum -
Assuming, of course, that you date. mer and who have been operating Overseas Blind. First prize support as Reeve.
have already learned the first If you consider these three im lady's 1' trse, went to Mrs James
two, taking your fashion needs portant things, your fashion the County Housing Authority Ore, of u Abe „_sham
since Septembe- 1, 1976 when it Re-eleC t: BILL
into consideration and making dollar will go a long way. Plan on(1, wicker tcF.� nt is i.,nce
your clothes fit your personality �ihead before you go shopping, replaced municipal housing authorities in Goderich and Clin- Lammu� of Hensa.. chVrc+
and figure, what is the next step? choosing your clothes for your brown ton and direct management poodle, was won by
When you select clothes, select various activities. Then when you Sea- E. Burl.,rd of Stratford.
oauthorities in Wingham,
clothes that co-ordinate. Don't do go to buy your clothes, make prizes were all made by the blu. ELSTONI
shoot your entire budget on one sure you buy for YOU. Keep in' forth, Exeter and Bayfield. I y
dress. Instead, buy several dif- mind that you are not a Paris Other authority members are Anew slate of officiers was
ferent pieces that you can mix 'n' model but you do have very W. Harold Knisley of Goderich brought in for the coming year: For information or a ride to the polls
match and turn into an entire definite figure advantages to en- (chairman), Ken Flett of Clinton, Hon. pres., George Cox, Clinton; on December 6 please phone 357-3567
wardrobe. hance- and complement and you Frank Sills of Seaforth and Jack pres., Mrs. Gwen Watson, Clin-
For instance, buy a basic four- have a distinct personality that Delbridge of Exeter. ton; vice-pres., Bert Soothern, "Keep Morris a good place to live in!"
piece suit — jacket, pant, vest only certain clothes will beautify. Clinton; sec.-treas., Mrs. Donna
and skirt — in plaids and plains When you have chosen the clothes Webster, Exeter; program con -
that are so popular this fall. Add that best fit you, use your head vener, Miss Rachel Johnston,
a couple of tops and you have six and come home with not one out- Gift
p resented Clinton; press reporter, Miss t
pieces that can create more than fit but several for the price of one. Arnie Lammie. To the electors o f
a dozen different ensembles. In spite of what you think, you After adjournment of the bysi- i
The four -piece pantsuit can don't have to spend a fortune to to newlyweds ness meeting Louise Brecken-
take you to the country f4ir; on a be well-dressed. Just use some ridge conducted a talent hour, in TURNBERRY
day's shopping excursion or to a common sense! BELGRAVE — The board of which each member took part.
hundred other events. The vested the Credit Uaion held an evening Lunch was served by Mrs,
skirt suit with a tailored blouse is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- George Cox and Rachel Johnston.
perfect for the office with simple- liam Stevenson last Wednesday, TOWNSHIP
gold jewellery or a matching Nov. 17th, in honor of Mr. and-
scarf knotted perkily around the �M7G; Mrs. George Michie, who were •
neck. Exchange the blouse for a recently married. Cunningham
coordinating sweater, change The evening was spent playing on Monday, December 6
—Miss Judee Archer based her progressive euchre. After the Tack House
the skirt into pants and you're sermon on "Responsibility" euchre CifffUi•d Coultes read an
ready for an informal party with when she was guest speaker at We ore tcell stocked � address and Peter Chandler and
macrame shoes and bag and
some handcrafted jewellery to the morning worship service in Albert Bieman presented them for till Your Support
give you the light airy look. St. Andrew's Presbyterian with a fern stand and a fern. CHRISTMAS
For an evening at the theatre, Church on Sunday. Miss Archer George expressed their thanks. A GIFTING!
return n the skirt, don a fuss is a member of the graduating smorgasbord lunch was served. i
y class at Knox College and belongs t _ English& Western
blouse or sweater, toss an ethnic- to Runnymede Church, Toronto. �1 Saddles \
printed shawl or a cosy cape Children presented for baptism MONEY Hats . Boots BILL
around your shoulders, chsr)ge during the service were Eliza- Bolo Ties
your hairdo, add some hoop -far- beth Jean Elgie, daughter of Mr. AVAILABLE Neckerchiefs
rings and a bracelet to match and and Mrs.. Richard and El ie;
ft• .Belts .Cards -
you're dressed. . Jennifer Lee, daughter of Mr. / ,
All of this from one basic outfit, and Mrs. Robert Walden.
yet looking like several different MORTGAGE LOANS for 1- ur h KIEFFER
costumes. The little extras come - -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis Residential, Commercial /or tour horse.
from your imagination and a few visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
cheapie little accessories — belts, ence Henning Thursday night of Ruralooill around
for C o u n e i fl o r
scarves, jewellery. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Land Development around
The one thing to watch when Coe, Barry and Clarence, of Nor- Builders Interim Financing the .shop.
buying co-ordinates is color.. val, visited over the weekend Cull
Stick to the basics so you don't with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hen- PROMPT SERVICE ,
end up putting a chartreuse top ning and Mrs. Irene Henning. Mr. 8811153 , -
with a tut uoise skirt. The classic and Mrs. Clarence Henni were Call Collect -i
q nt then well he home. Wm. K offer
beiges, off-whites, navys or Sunday supper guests with Mr. 519.836.0470
blacks, can't be beaten. Your ac- and Mrs. Gordon Wright and WESTERN INTERNATIONAL CUNNINGHAM
cessories can do the talking! Shary.
And when you're sticking to —Rev. and Mrs. Rea Grant of FUNDING CORP. Tack House
basic colors, stay also with Listowel and David Tiffin of 20 Brown St. Walkerton
classic styles. The extreme styles Wingham entertained Sunday at
the Ranton Place, Palmerston,
where a dinner was held in honor
Infants" ba tized of their parents, Mr. and Mks" 0 -
p William Tiffin, Frances Stfeef:
of United Church The special occasion was' their 35th wedding anniversary, actual irect
rvice r y
BLUEVALE —The sacrament date of which was November 20. e
of baptism was observed at the Attending besides the Grant
family and David, were Mr. and
Janice Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tiffin of Kitchener, -
Mrs. Ross Nicholson and Jacqua- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stokes, Tees-
ees line Deborah, water, and Ivan Haugh, Wing- Wedding BIU TIFFIN WINGHAM
daughter of Mr. 9 AI S COIIISIOn
and Mrs. Joe Seili were received ham. Arrangements • Imperial Esso Agent SUNOCO SERVICE
into the church. kj�3,
The service was conducted by Phone O LICENSED MECHANIC
Rev. Wilena Brown and her.0ut flowers 357-2206 UNDERCOATING&
sermon was, "Becoming who we . Plants For all your Home and RttSTPROOFING
are next to be", the meaning of Mrs. Percy Willie W,CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Farm Fuel and COMPLETE. CAR &
family life, and concluded by . Flowers by Complete Body Work Lubricating Needs TRUCK SERVICE
saying, "In our lives there is a dies following Wire Service and Painting 357-1031
sense that God's love is in us, LEWIS Frame and Rust Repair Prop. Ken Leiter
around us and for always." lengthy illness '; Also Insurance Claims PLUMBING HEATING Phone
UCW unit 3 members made up 9 y FLOWERS the choir. Mrs. Walter Willitts A lengthy illness ended in death CONC. 2, MORRIS TWP. :157-1 54 NIGHT 357-3585
'Hwy. sa Leroy Jackson
sang a solo, "Ivory Palaces". for Mrs. Percy Willie of 514 Alice 135 Frances —
The UCW is packing a bale of Street, Wingham, who passed t 1st Morris
used clothing to be sent to the away at the Wingham and Dis Phone ; - and Morris • mei' —Plumbing CONSTRUCTION
Fred Victor mission and will be trict Hospital on Saturday, 357-3880 _' —Heating
accepting donations until Decem- November 20, in her 75th year.
ber 6. The White Gift service will Mrs. Willie was the former SALES AND SERVICE INSURANCE —Tinsmithing . T. M. at T.
be December 5 with the Sunday Mary Catherine Schiestel and 191 Josephine St.
School children taking part. The was born in Culross Township on CONSTRUCTION
UCW will meet at the church, October 4, 1902. Her patents were 4 4tca Wingham357-2904
December 1, at 1:30 p.m. The roll the late Michael Schiestel and CANADA General Contractors
call will be an article for the bale. Mary Ann Schumacker. She CUp ELECTRICAL
SWEATERS All types of concrete work
received her elementary educe Pit Silos
NOTICE OF POLL tion at SS No. 4, Ctilross. now available All Types Of Homeandfarmbuilding
Mrs. Willie was a member of
H. W. Armstrong Sacred Heart Roman Catholic °' Insurance Pleteh Electrica
Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Church and a life member of the 335.3525 357.2636 Winqham BLVEVAI.E, ONTARIO
TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS was a former Catholic Women's League. ♦ GORRIE WINGHAM 357-3493
Surviving, besides her hus-INDUSTRIAL or
that whereas -more candidates have been nominated to each Morris resident band, whom she married in PIRO S COMMERCIAL WIRING
of the following offices than the number required to fill such Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater. POOLS,ETC. Also Rural and Domestic:
offices, therefore polls will be held at the times and laces A former resident of the fifth on August 9, 1927, are one daugh- SPORT Askes Brothers
p p line. of Morris Township,Henry
stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of W Armstrong of 2262Dougalter, Mrs. Clarence (Martina) 177 Moin St. Listowel, Ontario Phone 357-r�583 CONSTRUCTION
such offices. Machan, Kitchener, and one son, f
Michael Willie of Wingham; eight Swimming Cottages,
OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL WILL BE HELM• Road, Windsor, died at Metro gee, Homes
• politan Hospital, Windsor, on Fri- grandchildren; five great -grand- Additions 8 Renovations
REEVE for Township of Morris day, November 12, following an children; one sister, Mrs. Wilfred Pools 357-3053
ONE representative to Huron County Board of Education
ONE representative to Huron County Board of Education
ADVANCE POLL: NOVEMBER 27, 1976 at the Township Hall
at the following places.
1. Wm. Souch's House S'7 Lot 11, Con. 8
2. J. Cragg's House, Walton
3. Institute Hall, Belgrave
4. Township Hall
5. Harvey Edgar's House, S'', lot 7, Con 2
6. Mrs. Viola Campbell's House, S'2 Lot 26, Con. 2
All polls will be open from 11 o'clock a.m. until 8 o'clock p.
and no longer.
A person who hos been appointed a voting proxy may ap
to the clerk not later than 5 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesd
November 30th to receive a certificate to vote by proxy.
Helen D. Martin,
Returning Officer
illness of two months. He was to (Angeline) Vollmer, RR 2, Wing- 1 1 Above and Below Win ham
by his 82nd year. ham; and three brothers, Walter Ent ises Ground Electrical Contractors Ph: 5228-2726
Born in Port Moody, British Schiestel, RR 2, Wingham, Alex Complete Line of
Columbia, he moved as a young g p Motor Rewind and Box 122, lucknow -
and"Michael Schiestel, both of Honda and Skidoo Pool Chemicals Sales
by child to' Morris Township and Teeswater. She was predeceased Sales & Service ARMSTRONG
received his education at SS No. by one brother, Frank. Household Appliances SIGNS
5. He was a son of the late Wil- The late Mrs. Willie rested at Hwy 86 east of Wingham, . Josephine St. 357-2450
liam Henry Armstrong and the R. A. Currie and Son Funeral Phone 519-357 3435 CHEMICALS Emergency Service - See
Margaret McGarvey. Before his Home until Tuesday when re Pages SIGN
retirement 11 years ago, he was moval was made to Sacred Heart , Box S6 Walkerton the Yellow
foreman of Auto Specialties Roman Catholic Church for
Foundry in Windsor. service at 10:30 conducted by UPHOLSTERY - WRITING
Mr. Armstrong was a Mason Rev. A. J. Nolan. Interment fol -
and a member of Chalmers lowed in Teeswater Roman THE "Dunn by Tom"
United Church, Windsor. Mem- Catholic Cemetery. Let us make your old furniture
bers of the Masons conducted a Pallbearers were six rand- • Truck Lettering
memorial service Sunda eve g ADVANCE TIMES
Y sans, Larry Machan, Garry � BETTER THAN NEW! - •Commercial Signs
ning. Machan and Donald Willie, all of
Surviving are his wife; one Kitchener, Thomas Rowe and �Q� For a free estimate and o •Show Cords
nephew; three nieces; one Leonard Hatt, both of Walkerton, ` ,1 look at our newest samples _ • Paper Posters
brother, Willard Armstrong of and Brian Douglas of Wingham. �+ of materials call: _ -
Belgrave, and one sister, Miss Kenneth Schiestel of Teeswater �; *Logos
Martha Armstrong of 929 Law- and Harry Vollmer of RR 2, COOK UPHOLSTERY ---� *Illustrations
rence Road, Windsor. Wingham carried floral tributes. w 3 7-2320
ply Funeral service was conducted Family prayers were said M Blyth, Ontario 2 Thoms E. Dunn
ay, by Rev. Donald Wilson on Mon- the funeral home Monday eve `
RR 1 Bluevale
day, November 15, at 11 a.m. at ning at 8:30 and the Catholic
the Don Morris Funeral Home, Women's League conducted a WE HAVE FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE 335-639>3
Windsor. Interment followed in service on Monday afternoon at
Victoria Memorial Gardens. two o'clock at the funeral home.