The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-18, Page 4PSV �...� Mvaoc�t'Imr, November 1t, 1p{
Hydro sets up meetings
amid a grumbling audience
A meeting of Ontario Hydro of- They were unhappy from the ever, citizens at the meeting
ficials with citizens and environ- start, as they were unable to hear wanted specific answers right
meatal groups was held in List- the proceedings very well. They then, and there were none.
owel Nov. e. Although it was in- became even more upset when William Hodges of Mount For -
tended to serve as the spring- hydro officials, after agreeing to est, was suspicious of Hydro's ac -
board for a cooperative effort in meet with representatives on a . tions. "Ms is a charade, nothing
planning the best route for a regi basis starting Dec. 1 in less", he said. "An utter waste of
500,000 volt transmission line cor- Listowel, tried to break the meet- time. Ybu know where the cor-
ridor, the meeting left many citi- ing up an hour after it began, ridor is going to go — why don't
zens grumbling and an exasper- Hydro has held four meetings you just tell us?"
ated group of hydro officials who of citizen groups in Brantford, Hydro represeertative Peter
seemed happy to get out. London, Durham, and Listowel. Webster said that until the Royal
In addition to about 30 group The main purpose of the Listowel Commission on Power Planning
representatives and hydro of- meeting was to establish what hands down a ruling, they don't
ficials, over 100 citizens attended specific questions would be dealt even know if a project will be
the meeting at the Kinstation. with at future meetings. How- needed at all.
Pat Daunt of Gorrie, represent-
ing the Ontario Beef Improve-
ment Association, said that look-
ing at only Southwestern Ontario
• would not help the work hydro
had done in planning for the Prov-
. e • • ince as a whole.
"Do you really know where you
are going?" he asked. "I'm not
too sure this is the proper time for
the meetings. We've gotten ahead
of ourselves."
Concern was expressed from
the audience about the present
Centralia College of Agrieulturalai
500,000 volt transmission lines,
Technolo ffers two ear and the effect these lines have on
9Y oy the people who live near them.
Two women in the audience rams oma in-
di lprograms in:
- P p g silted hydro officials ask their
superiors to look into the effects
1. Agricultural Business Management of the lines on unborn babies.
"As a mother I would like to
2. Animal Health Technologyknow that Hydro would not put it
into effect until we see if it hurts
fetuses," said one of the women.
3. Food Service Management An uproar came when Hydro
officials were asked if the public
could come to the future meet -
4. Community Home Ecotngmies ings and ask questions. The
answer was that the questions
*Exciting job oppurtunities in all areas of the should be asked through the
group representatives, which did
agriculture and food industries not satisfy the crowd at all.
*Residence living with good recreation facilities Hydro did announce the meetings
•Co-educational atmosphere were open to the public.
•Personal attention to students At one stage Wallace Reeve
*Well located in an excellent agricultural area Rae Bender stood up and told the
crowd that all the shouting and
----------------------------- "mish-mash" of comments from
Clip and return for more information to • the audience would accomplish "We have to have order,
' Centralia College of Ag. Technology, nothing.
Huron Park, Ontario, NOM IYO or nothing gets done," he said.
or Phone (519) 228-6691 The Hydro officials promised
that for the next meeting they
Name .............................................. would try to have some rep-
resentatives present who could
respond to specific questions.
Postal Code.......... Pat Daunt had the last word,
stating, "I just wonder if you can
Please send me information on come up with anything meaning -
Agricultural Business Animal Health Technology ful. Sure you can keep us occu-
Management pied ... you've been doing that
Food Service Management Community Home Economics for years."
Surprise party
14 Luxury Products marks 45 years
Josephine St. Wingham GORRIE — A surprise family
dinner was held for Mr. and Mrs.
• Irving Toner of Gorrie at their
homeSunday, on Su da on the occasion
See of their 45th wedding � our � g anni-
.0 ':i versary.
complete Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Wilmer Ross, Marjorie,
} John, Marlene and Marian of
selection Cambridge (Preston) ; Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas McPherson,
for Gregory, Lori and Jamie of Tees -
water; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Harri-
son, Pamela, Valerie, Rebecca
•• IPWL- Christmas and Joshua of Harriston ; Mr. and
Mrs. Max Bell of Gorrie; Mr. and
Mrs. William Carswell, Linwood;
- — G• ideas! t Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bell, RR 1,
•Pool Tables • Swimming Pools Remembrance Day
• Peg Pool • Supplies and is theme for unit
•t• • Table Tennis Accessories
• Game Tables • Patio Furniture"' GORRIE — Peace was the
and Accessories theme chosen by Mrs. Delbert
4, Clegg as she spoke on the topic,
1� "Waiting for the Dawn", at the
{tom h November meeting of Unit Two
a'1 • Men's, Ladies', and Children's of the United Church Women. She
closed her talk with the poem,
"Wings of Prayer".
^^ Fifteen members attended the
Cruise Wear for that island in the sun. meeting at the home of Mrs.
Robert Gibson on November 10 at
two o'clock. The roll was called
See us about Saunas and all the with a Remembrance thought
supplies. and a donation toward flowers for
shut-ins. Psalm 130 was read and.
hymns were sung.
RINTOUL'S President Mrs. Alex Taylor
conducted the business with the
Luxury Products minutes, treasurer's report and
• report of finances from wedding
catering and a very successful
WAN e RINTOUL'S bazaar. Leftover bazaar articles
purchased at this meeting netted
57'a OMEGA 0 Luxury Products $19.
Official Ballot Mrs. Taylor gave a report of
9 piece Cue Stick the recent UCW workshop at
• Walton, with suggestions for pro -
Valued at:- Name _ gram plans and the new format
Address _ _ � for 1977.
Mrs. Robert Hastie, Mrs. Max
$24Town -_ Bell and Mrs. Gibson were
I Telephone named to a nominating com-
Just fill out this ballot I mittee.
and deposit it at Draw to be held on After the meeting closed, a des-
RINTOUL'S LUXURY Saturday, December 18, sert lunch was served by Mrs.
• PRODUCTS. 1976. Hastie and Mrs. Bell. The
Irl December m6eting will be held at
Mrs. Hat;tie's home on the ttth.
fast for the Clampetts" ; the
F'ordwid► Cereal Chet who en-
joyed a "Mezican Fiesta"; and
the Gorrie Muffin Maids, coming
up with some suggestions for
"How Pizzeria Pete Can Have
His Pizza and Eat Well Too".
Visiting Home Economist Miss
Jean Riddell from Brant County
commented on the day's ac-
tivities and Mrs. J. FYeeman of
RR 1, Gerrie, president of HuroA
East Women's Institutes, brought
greetings from the sponsoring In-
The girls are now looking for-
ward to their spring sewing pro-
ject, "Clothes for Leisw-C'.
RID OF GA�__�_
• Special anti g a/ L:. ;t -
antacid formula. -�
• Patented Ingle l -S
client breaks up
disuesstnli I;�r
trapped gasI'
• Multiple antacids
quickly neutralize
excess acrd
• Di Gel liquid or tablets in
mint or lemon/ orange.
DI -GEL. Fust the gas. Then the acid.
COUNTY HONOURS were received by ten girls at Achievement Day held in the Howick 1
Central School on Saturday. They were presented with this award at the completion of six - Fishermen -Knit SWEATERS
4-H clubs. Back row: Louise Gibson, Wroxeter; Valerie Wright, RR 1, Clifford; Dorothy = "' Pull -over; turtle -neck; cardigan
Kreller, RR 2, Clifford; Freda Reinink, RR 1, Wroxeter. Front: Rhea Behrns, RR 1, available in--
Wroxeter; Sandy Carson, Gorrie; and Nancy Demerling, RR 2, Clifford. Absent were - ^+'' off white, navy, $895 and $1000;
Peggy Schneider, Mary Beth Sanderson and Janna Gowdy._ / �,
( brown and rust '
e _l �. r Other fine pullovers '.
Whitechurch 4-Ngirls receive honors`, 1.,, $595 and $695
Mrs. Clifford Young of Lang-PENMANS
side and Mr. and Mrs. John at area achievement dayMcInnes of Kinloss were recent Penman's T-SHIRTS 8300 SALE
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- Sixteen members of 4-H Clubs RR 1, Wroxeter and Beth Payne, white with navy trim long sleeve firsts
ley Young of Lucknow. in the Gorrie area received hon- Gorrie, who received certificatesS 00 1�s pS SO
subs 3 rice � Thermal Shirts
The committee planning the ors certificates when the area and silver pie servers. Mrs. Small and medium j
next WI euchre party on Novem- Achievement Day was held Payne, in addition to participa- Canadian Made seconds
ber 22 is Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. Saturday in the Howick Central ting in the project, was also a
Jim Wilson, Mrs. Jim Currie and School. Huron Home Economist club leader.
BOYS' MITTS 71 Drawers iA
Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Miss Jane Pengilley was in Crests and certificates rep- Size 40 seconds
Mrs. Garnet Farrier visited charge. - resenting Provincial Honors Regulor'3.95 27 Drawee a
Monday to Wednesday with Mr. During the morning session, were awarded to Linda Espen -
and Mrs. Carman Farrier and the girls wrote quizzes about the sen, Fordwich, Kathy Bennett, Subs'Z.�� Thermal Shirts
family and Miss Winnifred Far- project just completed, "The RR 1, Gorrie, Bonnie Behrns, RR = 9
rier of Toronto. Cereal Shelf". The afternoon pro- 1, Wroxeter, and Karen Mann, BOOTS BY KAUFMAN 9
gram was open to mothers and RR 1, Wroxeter. They have com-
Mrs. Bev Kay on Thursday friends. pleted 12 clubs.9
symbolizing went to Toronto and her husband Advanced Honors, s Snow boots
Y g � Leather t0
returned home with her from the completion of 18 clubs, were g y hon- Leather top $ 18 95 Safe toep
Ten tris received count $1995 9
Knox College. On the return trip awarded to Carol Anne Behrns of ors for completing six clubs. Pre- regular toe
they visited with his mother and sented with certificates were M
his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sandy Carson, Gorrie, Rhea I
Y Y P SLEEPY SEWERS Behrns, RR 1, Wroxeter, Nancy All winter needs Jackets, underwear,
Ka and family of Guelph. Y
Mrs. Walter Elliott hosted the Demerling, RR 2, Clifford, Doro- Socks, mitts, toques and boots 9
Miss Iris Ford of Knox College thy Kreller, RR 2, Clifford, Freda
spent the weekend with Mr. and meeting of the Whitechurch girls Reinink, RR 1, Wroxeter, Valerie are now in stock I
Mrs. Bev Ka and Wend and on Monday evening. Lori Jamie -
Wright, Y Wright, RR 1, Clifford, and
had charge of church services on son, president, opened t :a _
g Louise Gibson, Wroxeter. Absent w WIN this Ile -lined I
meed with the pledge repeated Sunday at Ripley and Ashfield. � P � � were Peggy Schneider, RR 1 =
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rintoul in unison. Three girls answered Fordwich, Mary Beth Sanderson, - MAN'S PARKA
spent Saturday at the Royal the roll call giving plans for the RR 1, Gorrie, and Janna Gowdy, - 9
Winter Fair, Toronto. next sewing project at home. Lori - 9
Gorrie. Just
then read the minutes. =,k 9
Miss Gayle Rintoul and Brian The discussion centred on plans All the girls who completed the = fill our
Rintoulspent the weekend with for Achievement Day and in- project were presented with this
ballot -_-
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul and dividual activities for the day. spoons. deposit it HAYES CLOTHING+
family of Tottenham and attend- A work meeting is planned for Exhibits "Featuring Wheat" ;, in our Oficial Ballot 9
ed the Royal Winter Fair. November 29 at 7 p.m. at the were presented by the Gorrie Pot store and 9
Next Sunday evening, Nov- llome of Mrs. Archie Purdon. Holders with Kathy Bennett as you could -Pile-Lined Parka - 9
ember 21, at 8,30, Sunday Schdal' Girls are asked to bring their commentator and the Fordwich = WIN! Name
teachers and parents are to at- garments so they can practise Baker's Dozen with Donna Hard- - Address
tend a meeting at Chalmers- = Town
judging and rehearse their fash- ing commentator. Susan Mann
church to discuss the work of the , - T•Iephone
ion show. explained an exhibit, `Featuring NO PURCHASE IS 19
Sunday School. Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Purdon Corn", by the Gorrie Miss Muf- - Retail I
The YoungPeople's Society = REQUIRED TO
P Y have been honored by the Minis feta. Members of the Snap, = Value Of s� O O VYINI 9
cancelled its Sunday evening try of Agriculture and Food for Crackle and Pop club of Wroxeter Dir an Sat Dec18
meeting to attend the film, "In their work with 4-H Clubs used as their exhibit theme, Parka iS 1976 9
Search of Noah's Ark." throughout the years. They will "Make it with Pasta". Their and nothingto bu to win!
This community extends sym- spend two days at the Royal Win- commentators were Dianne Leek - y
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Russel ter Fair and spend the night at and Cathy Craig.
Chapman in the passing of her the Lord Simeoe Hotel as guests Entertaining skits were pre- = HAYES CLOTHING LTD. 9
brother, Clarence Sm4, at Red of the Ministry. Mr. Elliott and sented by the Lakelet Grain
Deer,elbNovembr�erta, on Tuesday, Mr. Purdon will accompany Grannies who portrayed "Break- -' Wingham, Ont. 357-1701D
them. 2.
,.. ;. s. gllKglOLl7AK.. ,.,:. ,IPJBt;lPleeclPmcYfatgfat;!?tat:�lacgJac9ltx�ix�SaclPJaclF'�"
'. •iiifrr�F �.0 t : i F
F •.
Apprenticeship training prepares
people to enter
skilled trades and
earn a better, living.
This is what Ontario
is doing to help
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Ontario's growing economy has created a continuing need
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To meet this demand, the Ontario Ministry of Colleges
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Depending on the trade, an apprenticeship varies in
length from 2 to 5 years, and apprentices are paid an
increasing percentage of the going rate for fully -qualified
tradespeople. At the conclusion of the training period, an
apprentice will qualify for a Certificate of Apprenticeship
and, where applicable, a Certificate of Qualification.
Your Ontario Government has prepared a special
booklet, ''Training for the Skilled Trades which describes
the apprenticeship program, lists the trades which it
covers and explains how to get into the program.
Fat your free copy, write to:
Information Resources Branch
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Mowat Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1139
Or telephone:
Brantford 756-5197 Sarnia 542-7751
Chatham 352-2800 Stratford 273-1520
London 453-7190 Windsor 254-8654
St Catharines 682-4313
Please indicate whether you wish to receive the English or French edition of the
Apprenticeship Booklet
Ministry of Colleges
and Universities
WilliamGHarry, C. Parrott, DDS,(W
Minister Premier
Province of Ontario