The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-18, Page 19Unexpected weather changes areas even snow. Remember to
Dwhom Midgets
are always in store for Ontario cut your speed to match the
coached by Bruce Le Van;
drivers during these fall months conditions, says theO arlo
... rain, fog patches, and in some Safety League. 0 • j_
411111tseere Liens
various arenas in the area are to
Durham Midgets fired two first
receive kece,.:ly word has been
period power Play goals an route
to a 4-2 win over Wingham last
Are. : .+,i, . •! . 4 "z much
Sunday in Ayton.
as .: in ,• r. ,r, grants
Durham held a wide territorial
ewe opening 1 g, out-
hustling and outclassing the
M. - TNMRS. M. - SAT., NOV. 17.16-19.20
Mont at every turn to grab a 2-0
Please Note
lead on goals by Rod McNabb and
WID.. TN18RS. AT Ossa P.M. OWT1
John McArthur before the game
SfiOWtIOM M.. SAT. AT 7s" AND 9:00 P.M.
was five minutes old.
the $75,000 mark, then there will
The second period was a wide
open affair 1 ajh iry+ng+:am
1 1
narrowing the gap to 2-1 on Jay
grant of an amount of 25 per cent
MacLaurin's goal at 6:26 from
of the project cost. With an arena
Mike Montgomery. Thirty-four
and auditorium combined that
seconds later Brian Marshall
total maximum on the Com-
made the count 3-1 on a fluke goal
munity Centres Act grant is
from a wild scramble out front.
$150,000. When we first started
MacLaurin scored his second
our project the Wintario grant
goal of the period from Tom Mac-
was $1.00 for every $1.00 in dona-
Lean at 10:23 and Durham took a
tions. Because of the great num-
3-2 edge into the third period.
her of aren 1 f ' th
McArthur scored the game's
final goal at 6:33 of the final per-
iod as he was left unprotected
after a face off. The win was Dur-
,6CI1[ATgM a me rule saw uo
Ne �' -,�,,,,,
ham's second straight as they re -
mained undefeated in the young
Please Note
Both teams were assessed
SUNDAY AT 7:00 AND 9:00 P.M.
Showtime$ MON.
eight penalties with Durham
- TUB. AT 8:00 P.M. ONLY[
scoring the only two power play
_L N,,!'! _ :.. TT�Mp�oslh�h t
goals. The Lions have now con-
' • ;+f t}t t;lsek COSa °"
netted only once in nineteen
A PARADE WHICH MARCHED from the Royal Canadian Legion Hall on Victoria Street
to the Cenotaph on Diagonal Road h2id members of the Teeswater Pipe Band, members of
Branch 180, school children and members of the Wingham Beavers, Cubs and Scouts.
Here the parade comes to a halt in front of the Cenotaph.
The Wingham Advance -Times, November 18, 1976—Pass 7
Recreation Report
By Jim Ward
elementary school Jaguars an
There has been much talk
coached by Bruce Le Van;
about the amounts of grants that
Camaras are coached by Darryl
various arenas in the area are to
Holmes; Blue Flames by Fiic
receive kece,.:ly word has been
McGregor and Stingy Rays by
rN, Pi , rl •/, ,' '`,/• W;• !ham
Donnv Martin. Presently after
Are. : .+,i, . •! . 4 "z much
two games, Blue Flames and
as .: in ,• r. ,r, grants
Sting Rays are unbeaten and
provide is u.. 'InitY,
meet in the third night of the
through donaG ti come up
schedule on Tuesday the 18th'
Jaguars and Camaras, who have
with $75,000. Ab :port is
being written there a can-
not won a game, will mad in the
vassers out in town . -king the
other game on Tuesday. These
teams play on Tuesdays at the
householders to di, - little
deeper. If the donations go up to
Public School starting at 6:30.
the $75,000 mark, then there will
be no tax burden. We are also ell
gible for a community centres
There are over 30 again thb
grant of an amount of 25 per cent
year involved in the gymnastics.'
of the project cost. With an arena
Although most of them are
and auditorium combined that
there is a handful of boys who
total maximum on the Com-
anxious to learn also. The girls.,
munity Centres Act grant is
are under the guidance of Sheila
$150,000. When we first started
Stapleton who works hard to put
our project the Wintario grant
the girls through their paces. The
was $1.00 for every $1.00 in dona-
boys are learning their end -of the
tions. Because of the great num-
sport from Andy Heim who is one
her of aren 1 f ' th
rinks IOssO! Power play attempts, a figure as c osing ur er con- of the .top boy gymnasts uvin P'.
that will have to improve to he Iget third win i' SCOUTING NEWS sideration was given to the 2 for 1 E. Madill S.S.
competitive in this league. formula which is considered in
Recentl I have been asked
The same two teams go back at • _ �� Eastern and Northern Ontario. about cross count ski inatnle-
} it again this Saturday at 9:30 m. defeating W i a r t o n 3 Although it was recently an country
1 in Lucknow. Y PWednesday of last week, Paul nounced that $62,500 was due tion. Now that winter seems to be
r In Junior D action at the How- seemed to lead the attack with Pick, District Commissioner of Wingham through the Wintario here to stay (we are still looting
L ick Community Centre last three of the five goals. Paul Inglis West Saugeen District, invested grant structure we have since for an Indian Summer) thoughts
Wednesday, before a crowd of six new leaders into the world- had word that more is due. Not of course are turning to skiing. If
N Y. playing his first game, between wide organization of Scouting- there is anyone in the community
I • 200, the Western Foundry Iron- veterans Jim McGee and Russell g g- only was the 2 for 1 formula ac- Y
E ORC At the MOY�eS men with a strongthird period g g The 23 members of the new ce ted but due to further struc- interested in instructing in crass
Pte' Jones is a hard working, good P
registered their third straight skating centre and this line, with Beaver Colony were then in- ture problems the amount also country please contact the
"Survive!" is a human adven- win of the season, downing Wiar- good size, will certainly carry a vested and presented with their had to be increased. recreation office at 357-1208 to let
ture drama about one of the most ton 5-3. lot of punch for the Ironmen. blue scarves and woggles. This us know. Also if there are people
- harrowing and sensational epi- The first period saw both teams 'Dipsydoodling' Kevin Murray
Was followed by the investiture of FLOOR HOCKEY interested in the sport and would
sodes in the annals of man's en- with good scoring opportunitiescentres the line of Paul Skinn and five new Cubs and seven Scouts. A four team league has been like to participate at a club level,
30 THE SQUARE durance. The film, which plays at but good goaltendingat both ends We were especially proud of the formed involving over 30 boys in contact us.
B ♦ RK
the Lyceum from November 17 to resulted in a scoreless lad. Alan Fitzgerald to give the Iron- Beavers who sat so quietly
Y Pte' men three well-balanced lines in
E 2o, examines the human will to At 8:52 of the second, Wiarton'sthis winthrough quite a lengthy Gere-
. At the blueline, Kevin mony' It was also gratifying
endure against staggering odds. 'powerplay produced the first goal Carter is the only veteran from parents tn-
GODERICH AIR 8 I 1 On October 13, 1972, a char- of the game. The Ironmen bounc- last year's team, but in this win dances It means have o many so ch to both Country Singles
tered plane carrying 45 passen- ed back to even the count at 12:32 coach Skinn dressed a good crop
FIRST SHOWING IN AREA gers, mostly members of a rugby on Gard Kinahan's power play of rookie rearguards and with a the boys and their leaders to
know the have our a r FALL FEST
team, crashed in the Andes goal with hard-working Tom little more experience will give Y Y support.
Nov. 17 — 23rd Mountains. Theirs is a gripping Graham drawing the assist. The the team that balance required We would like to thank those ,
WED. THURS. FRI. 7:30 8 9:15 account of how 16 o men Ironmen um into the lead at who supported our paper drive.
young jumped � for a winner. The `old pro',
SAT. SUNDAY 1:304 3:15; 7:30 8 9:15 managed to survive without food 16:36 as Wayne Johnston slipped Inglis, was in the net for his first Unfortunately we can't report
MON. TUES. 7:30 8 9:15 or fire in sub -zero tem ratures. a pass from behind the net to g that it was a financial success. at Vanastra Recreation Centre, Clinton
pe game of the season and made
NOW PLAYING Trapped in a hopelessly inaccess- Dave Bennett in the slot. Dave's more than one big save. For We will receive Pts for the paper
The Greatest Discoveryof Our Time r ible area, and facing certain quick shot put the Ironmen ahead less advertising expenses of $25 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20
-- ng 9 P Wiarton, that solid defence pair ,
���� O� ' �, f I death through starvation, they 2-1. of Jones and Ed McGuire shone leaving a profit of $20. We don't
realized their only ho was to Wiarton's pillar -of -strength, need an accountant to tell us that
y pe P g in a losing cause as their coach Music by Die Troilers from Waterloo
, use the bodies of their tom- Chuck Jones, got an unassisted for the efforts of seven drivers
' gave them an overload of ice and trucks and 30 Scouts, it was
O mons killed in the crash for goal at 17:14 to even the score be- time.
Sork fore the end of the second period. not a profitable endeavour! Admission $S.00
, food. Pe The Ironmen play Arthur to-
? r �+ At 6:39 of the third the war However, we will try one more
I Survive. is the story of the Po night (Nov. 17) at Howick Arena Lunch provided
survivors' will power, ingenuity PAY clicked when Ironmen de- and have a busy week ahead as drive in the spring and hope for
and religious faith —and the fenceman John HamilEon caught they play in Fergus on Friday better results. So please save Proceeds to Vanastra Recreation Centre
STARTS NOV. 2 4 — 2 7 Tom Graham with a perfect ass, your papers for us.
heroism of their two leaders who Pte' P night, at Markdale next Tuesday and Clinton Community Centre
NED.. — SAT ONE SHOW ONLY - 8:00 P.M.finally brought rescue helicop sending him steaming down the and right back in the Howick Last call for CJ77! A meeting
left side and he made no mistake, for parents of boys who plan to
ters to the crash site after a 10 Community Centre next Wednes attend will be held on Wednes Singles who have met and married through
l , day journey through the moun- denting the twine with a perfect day night against that big Fergus 9 g
tains. The true storyshot. Goals by Jim McGee and Green Machine'. day, November 24, in the court
became Kevin Murrayput the Ironmen room at the Town Hall. John1ww-
the club, come to the reunion
world-wide headline news when it Y P Looks like a winner this year;
was learned that the survivors ahead 5-2. Wiarton got the final why not come out and enjoy the Dawson, Provincial Field Execu
were forced to resort to canni- goal of the game at 17:29. Junior D action at the Howick tive for Bluewater Region, will be SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 lits
' alism in order to survive the 72- y at this meeting to answer all our
bdWHISTLE STOPS — Good CommunitCentre and "Back a
day ordeal. The film is based on goaltending at both ends made Winner", the Wingham Ironmen. questions and assist us in our
fans for the Jamboree. at Vanastra Recreation Centre, Clinton
the book, "Survive!", which was for an exciting game and both You'll enjoy the action. p
BETTS DAVIS written by Clay Blair Jr, in 1973. goaltenders had the goal posts For further information, call:
Playing November 21 to 23 is working overtime for them, es -
United Artists
ADULT "Vigilante Force", a con- pecially in the first period as
,•':"11'"61•' temporary action drama about those posts rang loudly more than Vic Horbanuik Betty Cardino Irene Clkahashl
the changes that occur when the three times at each end. Three
oil reserve near a small town is stars were Wiarton'$ goalie Ron '� 482-3323 527-1102 482-7833
opened and suddenly it becomes PORTS511111013
Schultz, Ironmen's Jim McGee '
a boom town over night. Jan- and goalie Doug Inglis. Coachh .
Michael Vincent plays a very George Skinn seems to have %0- r titin #take a holiday in
I 1 1 I I N straight, upstanding member of come up with quirk success in his • ' by Ted ►JCIW I�Qn
" ' One Of Olt,
<c the community who fights to line combinations as all three I'
�- regain law and order in his home lines seemed to be putting out a a •
CHILDREN'S MATINEE town and Kris Kristofferson lot of effort and hard work. The r
SAT. NOV. 27 plays his brother, a bad guy who 'Rookies', centered by hard There are some people who teachers were major contri
SANTA CLAUS STARTS 1:30 P.M. is a ex -Vietnam hero. Also star- working Tom Graham flanked by have read the recent edict by the butors to the amateur sport de -
M' t f Ed t; Th 1' t
n are Victoria Principal and lms er o uta Lon, oma$ rvery sys em.
a pair of mighty mites', Dave
Bernadette Peters. Bennett and Wayne Johnston, Wells, introducing an expanded Though there are thousands of
core curriculum, that feel one of people now involved in organiz- t ,�
�: �.>: the things which was omitted was ing sport programs, coaching and
� compulsory physical education. officiating in the province, there 1973 CHEV IMPALA 1973 CHEV CAPRICE
Bob Reid, chairman, Sports is still a serious shortage of vol- r 2 door hardtop, white vinyl 2 door hardtop. ° c blue
�HECTER WHO LISZT WHO ISTI6HT JAG TO Ontario Board of Directors, unteers. $2 995 BJN 266
IS HOT FOR WITH A DOLLAR... HAVE AND recently said, "The purpose of This in my estimation is one of 'KF 921 , �(yu
PERFORMANCE TO HOLD• the education system is to pro- the big reasonswhy Canadians � 1973 DODGE
L vide knowledge and training to don't .do very well on an interna 1973 PARISIENNE
the youth of Ontario. Is education tional level. More and more stu- * BROUGHAM CHARGER S.E.
and training of the body any less dents are getting out of the sports j a door hardtop, red matching Green with whiteroof -f
z; important than that of the on an Interscholastic level and interior FJV 786 12 995
mind"' don't continue with sports later 1 62,995 ,
4 Maybe he has a point. With the on.FHN 938 1973 CHEVELLE
- --- — - enormous costs of health ser- There is real) nothin to be
�- Y g 1974 DODGE DART Dark Green matching int.
vices, the lack of fitness of the done about the person who can't s
general public and the efforts or won't be bothered with sports BJN 604 =2,975 JDK029 2,475
JAGbeing made to encourage a high- and physical fitness. That type of ; 1
•�� >� Come out and test er standard of health and fitness person will find some way to get r 1972 PLYMOUTH 1972 METEOR `
through such programs as out of the drudgery However 2 door hardtop automatic 2door hardtop(
drive one today, and P y p 4 blue '1,650,v
y Partici action, 1 wonder why the [here must be some wa • to icer
U' ble _ you will see why more Ministry hasn't given a broader those who are sportsminded, FMO 915 '1,695 DAK 218
ar� Lr� people are buying the direction to the school hoards happy. n 1 is 1971 CHEV IMPALA
Everyone IS qu,le aware there Talking to Deans of Students at 1972 OLDSMOBILE 4 door hardtop gold.
• CATFOR r77 are students who are not phvsi- some of the universities and col -
CAT door hardtop vinyl roof $
,n• t j Cally motivated due to size. poor leges in Ontario has given me an * p '1,950
yFKD 021 1 ,875 ;
co-ordination and other reasons. insight into this problem. FKD 0261970 HORNET
However, teaching them how to It is ironic that more students
otic, responsive, Performance use their bodies, the introduction than ever before are going into 1971 VEGA Low mileage
p r r �..
�W_ Ride ARCTIC of the myriad sports and games physical courses at universities. Automatic One Jody owner FKF 128 $1,175
and how to play them. is the very However they are going into it
maneuverable. A - Handling r essence -, /h,, p. p g '1,095 1977 SKI -VAN
CAT 77 r arLu ation and with the idea of moving into FKF 257
performance Cat— De
Dependability involvement in ater vears Sports Administration courses.
but costs less than P y Includes frig furnace, srova,
We all know that several years They want to get into the business , - 1971 OLDS. stereo
you'd imagine. Less Service P 7 Good Reasons ago physical education was end of p CONVERTIBLE FULLY EouuwEDI
Parts physical education rather
when you buy it. Plus changed from a complusory to an than into the teaching end J Collectors Hem
to Buy Cat A number of NEW 1977
better operating econorr>,y than competitive 340s. and Price optional subject in Ontario sec- This is a sad sign when students r s.7 195
ondary schools The direct result feel there are more obs available CBR 441 VANS are now in stock f
Come on in. We'll get yolk started on a beautiful j V141
was that the physical education in administering to sports than in
relationship with a Jag. staffs in schools was cut 1n half the teaching profession. They feel
We hove 2- /. ton NEW 4 -wheel drive
P & F LAWN AND SPORTS EQUPMENT This has meant a reduction in that the secondary schools are
quality and quantity of the after not allowing them enough free- Pickups with Snow Plows installed!
school programs. Not only at the dom to teach the benefits of (�jQ
TT inter school level, but also at the physical education. �' ■
We Service What We Se/1" inter -mural level. Schools are now looking io
Not only has this short changed teachers of other subjects, who
Telephone 291-2441 the student participation, another have enough sports background,
R.R. 1, Listowel, Ontario repercussion is that fewer train- to coach the interscholastic
pat governi are
their sonstthat This
s f the big its hasrea-de- •
NAM s 99Au/!R
r Win ham 357-2323
programs. Physical education teriorated over the past 10 years. 9