The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 6Page 6—The Wingham AdvancesTimes, Novambw 11, 11170
Losing weight isn't that dif-
Aeult. Cut calorie intake by just
loo calorieu a day and you'll lose How to • • yourbest
10 pounds in a year . loo calorie is
Was than one bottle of beer or six �, on • limited budget
potato chips or about an ounce
and a half of steak.
10/00 LABELS
$398 plus tax
Quick, easy way to mark
books, letters, etc. Comes
in handy box.
1,000 labels - $3.98 tax extra
Box 562
Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4A2
In spite of what many women
The new Jumps— uniforms are
Wa Ut&, a p@600i Eattlemsat
think, they do not have to spend a
smashing if you are slim
conducted the service for the
lot of stoney to be Well-dressed.
work in a place where rules are
All it takes is common sense and
flexible. Pantsuit uniforms are
Plans were discussed for the
good planning,
great for the bigger woman, pro -
.When you are shopping for
vided the top is long enough to
31, commencing at S p.m.
clothes, there are three major
cover the hips. Your hours away
points to remember. First, con-
froin work will cry out for t )k
Cookies and
aider your clothing needs. A
as far away from the ui, w,a
housewife has different clothing
look as possible. % oid the,
needs from a career girl; a secre-
straight orderly look and swing toova
tary needs different clothes than
vivid colors and patterns. Yo: 'll
a girl who might be wearing a
want to experiment with acres-
uniform to work.
sories, too — scarves and jewel-
When you plan your wardrobe,
lery — since uniform dressing
ask yourself, "How do I spend my
doesn't give you a chance to.
.• ,
time and what kind of clothes do I
If you spend a lot of time in the
need for the time I spend at each
office, you will want tailored
activity?" If you spend several
clothes, the kind of clothes that
hours of your day at home, your
make you look well-dressed and
wardrobe may be oriented to-
with a few additions and -or sub -
ward the casual comfortable look
tractions can take you anywhere.
— pants and a variety of tops for
If you turn into a social butterfly
active hours, the lounging look
in the evenings, you will want
formal in your
BOARD OF Huron Chapter 89, Order of Eastern Star, front row, left to
for evening in jumpsuits or soft,
flowing and feminine caftans.
some clothes
wardrobe. Unless you are in-
right, Mrs. Thomas Currie, Mrs. Gordon Hamilton, Mrs. Jack Reavie, Mrs. Pearl Bell,
Suppose you are a working girl
volved in several evening func-
Worthy Matron; Scott Reid, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Ron Forster; Mrs. Scott Reid, Mrs. Roy
and your job calls for uniforms.
tions, though, or entertain often,
Ross. Back row, Mrs. Jack McKimm, Dr. Jack McKimm, Mrs. Allan Maclntyre, Mrs. K.
you will be best to stick to a for-
M. MacLennan, Jack MacDonald, Alex Robertson, Mrs. Jack MacDonald, Mrs. Farish
mal skirt and make it adaptable Moffat, Farrish Moffat, Mrs. Donald Maclntyre, Murrgy Gaunt, MPP; Mrs. Murray
9with different to Aenin
g Gaunt and Mrs. Wayne Pletch.
_ �� n evening
meeting may call for a
tailored blouse, a more formal
party will take a fussy blouse or a
shiny top or better still, a sweaterco-ordinateGranny Anne is remembered
to match or co-ordinate with the
Y lg skirt to make it look like one
A WELCOME G I FT! 9 piece and make you look �-ery
well dressed. by Anglican Chureh�Women
I Generally;unless it is a formal
if wedding, floor -length dresses are " Mrs. Hamilton's hand painted
j in vogue only after four o'clock. "The Story of Granny Anne" spent eight years teaching school
in Owen Sound. Later, with her bird notes are a regular feature
But O rd e r them I Afternoon teas and any social was interesting highlight of at church bazaars.
gathering held in the afternoon the meeting of the Anglican family married, at the age of 62
call for street -length clothes. Church Women of St. Paul's when she taught in Indian residential Mrs. R. Powell opened the
r If you are the sport -loving out they met in the parish basement schools in Manitoba and British meeting with a hymn, prayer and
doorsy type of gal, your wardrobe Thursday of last week. Columbia. Later, she moved to scripture reading.
will boast some s its clothes — Mrs. J. Kerr read the story British Columbia to live with het bereArmistice Day was ttenremby sports only living son after a double Mrs. . c article written her 9 slacks, shorts, T shirts, tennis which was of special interest to Y g Mrs. F. McArthur. Some of her
dresses, jogging suits. Think of the St. Paul's ladies because a bereavement.
comfort when you buy sports, former rector, the late Rev. Her- Throughout her days, Mrs. thoughts were that "we should be
Hamilton travelled west across impressing on our children and
Save mote clothes — stick to the knits for schel Hamilton, was her son.
grandchildren that it
y they move with you and keep Granny Anne, at 96, is st; ,the Rockies 35 times. In 1954, she isn't teres -
their shape. making a vital contribution' !to spent a year in England and at 88 sary to settle a dispute by throw -
and Christmas When you have asked yourself life. Widowed in her early 30s, she years of age, she was part of the
rush hassles where and how you spend most of Anglican Church of Canada's
your time, you will be able to first tour. She recorded all the Peace is theme
judge where you should spend sights, people and situations of
by Ordering your fashion dollar. Why spend 80 WI program travel and living in words and for Brussels
dollars on a formal gown you sketches and in 1973, put her
your overseas wear only once a year? Be sens presented by story together for her family. UCW meeting
ible and your wardrobe will be In it she recalls an incident at
flowers NOW. planned around your activities the beginning of her life when "I BRUSSELS—Mrs. Ada Evans
and you will always have some- 4-.H members ran up to squeeze between my invited the members of the after -
thing becoming to wear, no parents at the Communion rail. A noon unit to her home on Tues -
matter what you are doing. LAKELET—Mrs. K. Crowe lasting blessing must have been day. There were 21 ladies present
You save the worries and the In my next column, I will talk was hostess when the Women's bestowed on me." who recorded 47 visitations made
. about the other two major points during the month.
Institute met on Nov. 4. The She concludes by saying, "I
Price of a cable ! to remember when you are shop- Mrs. William Miller called the
meeting was opened with the thank God for my excellent eye- meeting to order b resit' the
ping, all of them with one purpose Mary Stewart Collect and devo- sight, for the inspiration and in- Y
— to make you look good without tions were given by Mrs. Gordon eentive bestowed upon me from poem, "In November.' The
*Flowers can be delivered at a later date! spending a bundle of money! Join Wright. Fourteen members and earliest childhood to love nature, theme of the devotions was
me then??? 12 guests answered the roll call, to try to copy the Master's hand- "Peace", convened by Mrs.
LE WI S FLOWERS "Name a talent of the one sitting work and to see Him in the midst Crocker. The verse of scripture
next to you" of all." referred to John 14:27. In oposi-
Frances Street
Winghom, Ontario
u 357-3880
a Bouquet of
Flowers or a
Plant every
Just fill out this
coupon and
deposit it in the
box in our store
and you might
be our
tion to this verse, other char -
Miss Janet McGee For this Education meeting, acteristies such as hatred, injury,
�� 3A the 4-H girls and their mothers
"your extra were special guests. The girls discord, doubt, darkness and sad-
touchflorist!" 9 honored at shower participated in the program by ness were introduced. Verses of
Janet McGee was completely displaying their record books and Remembrance scripture as solutions to these
taken by surprise when she en- crewel embroidery work from • problems were read by Mrs.
tered the upper room of St. Ani the previous club, "A Touch of VriesShold, an Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. De
drew's Presbyterian Church with Stitchery". Their completed �S theme or Vries, and Mrs. Evans. Prayer y
Y St. Francis of Assissi was read by
Olive Lapp on Saturday after- books from the present club,• • Mrs. Crocker and prayer for the
noon. About 50 friends and neigh- "The Cereal Shelf" were also on unit meeting
bors gathered to shower her with display. Carol Anne Behrns, Nations was offered by Mrs. J.
LEWIS FLOWERS many beautiful and useful gifts. assisted by Marion Huth, Valerie "Remembrance" was the Turnbull.
Janet was ushered to a special Wright and Nancy Demerling de- theme of the meeting of the after- A skit on stewardship was pre-
chair with hertmother, Mrs. Fred monstrated the making of muf- noon unit of the United Church anted by Mrs. erB. McCutof the
WIN A PLANT OR and Mrs. R. Hupfer. It told of the
McGee, and the groom's mother, fins for the group. All are invited Women when it met November 2. correct projects available to the
BOUQUET EVERY MONTH Mrs. Don MacAdam, seated on to Achievement Day on Nov. 13. Mrs. D. Longridge and her as-
FOR A YEAR! 9 either side. They assisted in Mrs. Harold Wallace, presi- sistants were in charge.
UCW and the degree of values in
opening the gifts. Miss Christine dent, conducted the business of The meeting opened with the each.
Name .................. Campbell of Seaforth and Miss the meeting. An invitation to singing of the hymn, "Faith of Mrs. Steffler read a description
Address ................ Heather Campbell of Blyth meet with Clifford WI on Nov. 16 Our Fathers" and "God Save the of the church in 1876 when it was
brought the gifts to the guest of was accepted. Mrs. Lloyd Jac- Queen". Mrs. Olive Lewis read built. At that time it was 46' x 85'
and 28' hi with a seating ca
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • honor, goes gave a report on the Guelph the scripture from the eighth g pa"
The room was decorated in Area Convention, which she chapter of Paul's letter_ to the city of 550. The building is of
16Town................... Grecian architecture, of Brant -
Janet's wedding colors, red and attended as delegate. A Christ- Romans. An appropriate solo, "O ford white brick with blue lime
hone .................. green. mas dinner will be held at the Valiant Hearts", was sun b
Draw to be held on Janet expressed thanks for all home of Mrs. Harold Wallace on Mrs. Ken Wood. stone. The lights were installed
Sat., Dec. 18, 1976 the gifts and invited her friends to Dec. 9. On the war memorial plaque in by J. D. Pennington at a cost of
visit her and Ken in their home A lucky draw was won by Mrs. Ottawa are inscribed the words: $73. Mr. Wilkinson was the build -
after their wedding on December Melvin Kreller. The meeting ad. "to commemorate the spirit of ere
3. journed and lunch'was served by heroism and self-sacrifice of the Following the benediction, re
Lunch was served by the Mrs. Lyle Murray and Mrs. Gor- 620 thousand Canadians who an- freshments were served.
hostesses, Jean Anne Fryfogel don Wright, assisted by the hos- swered the call in the Great War
and Alexa Currie, assisted by tess. of 1914-18". Since, many thou -
IBM twva. am* sl& will give
Mrs. D. !~'arnwi report pu Was iuc
Wa Ut&, a p@600i Eattlemsat
Deanery meeting in Durham and
can aptly to eraehsd."
conducted the service for the
Her reap g slap stressed the
Least Coin. A hale is almost
importance of teaching the
ready for shipping.
younger genwatim the meaning
Plans were discussed for the
of the cwotaph and giving tbsm
Christmas bwtar and bake sale
respect tor. the 'Man on the Cor-
to be held Wednesday, November
nes'. "Not all at us know the ter-
31, commencing at S p.m.
roes faced by these men in their
The meeting closed with a
efforts to kirp peace for life," she
hymn and a closing prayer.
tea were served
Cookies and
Bayer Aspirin Tablets ........................
100's .99
Kleenex Facial Tissues.. .............
Jello Jelly Powder For Christmas .................
Valley Farm French Fries...........
2 lbs jbags for .99
bay $1.39
Rhodes. White Bread Dough .................
2 lbs. bay $1.39
Brussels Sprouts ......................
Holiday Ice Cream........................A
gal. $1.59
St. Paul s Churc
Rev. T. K. Hawthorn, Rector
Mrs. Diane Matisz, Organist
and Choir leader
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon.
Wed., Nov. 17 - Budget Interpretation Meeting
with Bishop Parke -Taylor at 7:30 p.m.
Ross Smith — Pastor
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Service
7:00 p.m.—Evening Service
Prayer and Bible Study
8:00 p.m.—Wednesday Evening
A gospel sing with Mack Taunton, formerly
with the Cathedral Quartet, and the New
Hope Trio
The Melodaires Quartet
will be singing at the evening service.
359 Centre Street
Ronald Baker
English will deibonstrate Christ-
Mid -Wok Services
Wednesday 8 P.M.
*Sunday School 10 A.M.
Prayer 8 Bible Study
Morning Worship 11 A.M.
Friday 8 P.M. 0.01Evening
Evangelistic Service 7 P.M.
Family Night
REV. WITTICK will be at the 7 p.m. service only -
*For free bus transportation
call 357.1340
Mrs. Sharon Louttit and Mrs. sands of Canadians have an- i
Brenda McGee. swered a similar call and on this Get That CUSTOM LOOK n Your Sewingig
St. Andrew's WMS native rand newanceCanadians, bwi 1
remember fathers and mothers,
meets in church
sons or daughters who gave their A New Pattern Making, Fitting a Design Method
The Women's Missionary lives during the same trouble- Copy or Design Your Own Clothes!!l
Society of St. Andrew's Presby- some days. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY
terian Church, Wingham, held its In war, no one ever wins. Every
monthly meeting in the upper nation loses. We honor those who LEARN HOW YOU CAN: 'Eliminate costly b
room of the church on Tuesday served. We remember still with
time alterations 'Draft patterns to
afternoon of last week. sorrow those who gave their A
The president, Mrs. Gordon lives. your size 8 contour 'Complete a
,Wall, opened the meeting with a Mrs. Langridge led in prayer garment in 2 hours 'Geta good fit
poem, "Do It Now". -An opening and Mrs. Lewis read a poem on every time *Attend only one class
hymn was sung, accompanied by "Remembrance". The offering learn to fitt before you I•arn to sew.
the pianist, Mrs. J. Conn. was taken and dedicated, also the 90 -MINUTE COURSES
The minutes and corres- offering for The least Coin which
pondence were read by was conducted by Mrs. Lock- Beginning at
secretary, Mrs. W. Ford who also wood. The triumphant hymn,
called the roll. Offering Was "Onward, Christian Soldiers", 11 A.M.
received by treasurer, Mrs. G. closed the worship service.
Fisher and dedicated by Mrs. T. Mrs. Underwood conducted the ALKMY WILKINS
Currie. business. The treasurer's report, From London, Ontario
Following the singing of an- given by Mrs. Bone, revealed Home Economist A Sewing Expert
other hymn, the scripture, from that the unit has more than met
the first chapter of the book of its allocation. The unit has two PRESENTS FOR THE FIRST TWIE EVER IN WINGHAM
Ruth, was read by Mrs. O. quilts to finish in November. Monday November 1S
A H h The UCW general meeting will
Wools, leathers, fur trimmed and plain
Many dollars
Starting at $49.80 a few samples at $19.88
Sale - This Fridays November 12 only.
Holmes. Mra. ug es de-
livered a meditation and Miss A.
be held November 6 when Mrs.
Williamson led in prayer.
English will deibonstrate Christ-
Miss M. Deans conducted the
mss decorations. The afternoon
study on "Christianity in Asia".
unit is in charge of lunch.
The next unit meeting will be
Josephine Streef
Following the closing hymn,
Mrs. J. McInnes closed the meet-
held December 7, with the Christ-
(Across from Day Care Carter)
ing with prayer and a social hour
mas meeting in charge of Mrs.
Lockwood and her assistants.
1:111 P.M.
Witt+ This Ad
orsttM� tnafeMsb
ler wN st etsts.