The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 5UNICEF is the United Nations or nodal origin. You can help• �
Children's Fund. It helps children UNICEF by � buying UNICEF a 1 a n t r a' to offer
all over the world, regard eas of Greeting Cards this year.
race, color, am, religion, national
s wrMsr Close to sixty people jammed ciation don't end with the cm -
The Wingham'Town Council
Request that
Business Places stay closed on
Thursday, November 11
until 12:00 Noon
So that Remembrance Day
Service may be attended.
William Renwick
Town Clerk
the music room of Robertson
struction of the trail, however.
Memorial Public School when the
Members inspect the trail to ro-
initiators of the Maitland Vail
pair damage, if any, and to clear
Association held their first an-
up any debris left by unthinking
nual, meeting. Many of those pre-
users, and also endeavour to
sent were newcomers to the also-
teach users peoper "trail man-
ners". The most important rules,
Chairman Heinz Hoernig de-
of course, are to stick to the trail,
scribed the first year's activities
since it is often on private land, to
WW outlined the association's
leave no garbage, and to do m
plans and projects for the
- harm to the environment.
following year. The eventual aim
As Mr. Hoernig reported, the
is to have a hiking trail that
first year's work has resulted in
stretches from Goderich to Wing-
three excellent and scenic sec -
ham, following the Maitland
tions, to provide good hiking,
River, including branch trails. Its
snowshoeing and cross country
development is similar to the way
skiing for outdoor enthusiasts.
the Bruce. Trail was built. --,--'Indeed, many hikers have ai-
First, the most appropriate
ready enjoyed these sections.
route is worked out. Then, since
Trail Construction Director BW
much of the route must cross pri-
Wisser reported on the actual
vate property, the owners are
trail construction. Many local
approached, with the hopes of ob-
members of all ages, from mem-
taining their permission. This
bers of the Goderich District
takes the form of an unwritten
Collegiate Institute's "Outers",
"gentlemen's agreement", which
under John Smallwood, to mem-,
may be withdrawn if the owner
bers whose vigour and en -
has a change of heart. Where per-
thusiasm belie their age, gave the
mission is not granted, the trail
trail construction great momen-
must detour around that section.
tum. They trimmed overhanging
Road allowances and public
branches, painted blazes, built
lands are also involved.
steps and bridges, and reported,
The responsibilities of the asso-
"It was fun — I'll come again."
Secretary -treasurer Jean
Knight outlined the association's
financial position, and than the
new officers were elected.
Executive officers are elected
for a two year term. Those in
their second year are Chairman
Heinz Hoernig, secretary-trea-
surer4ean Knight, and director
in charge of trail construction
and maintenance, Bill Wisser.
First-year officers are the vice-
chairtuan Jim Bishop and land-
owner relations director, Mau-
rice Wilkinson. Two positions,
those of club activity director and
public relations director are yet
to be filled.
Ideas put forth by Nick Hill,
concerning the beat ways of ex-
tending the trail as far as possible
in the next year, were then dis-
cussed at length. Comments and
questions from the floor showed
an abundance of interest in the
Trail's extension and success.
Following the business, every-
one viewed an excellent film
about the Bruce Trail called
"Among Other Things".
In concluding this report, there
is one more important aspect,
and that is the deep appreciation
felt by all members and hikers
for the permission given through
the generosity of the many land-
uwntxs already involved. They
are truly unselfish, public-
spirited people. Because of them,
there will be many healthy,
happy bikers in Huron County.
Some swine
flu vaccine
is avatla%le
Dr. G. F. Mills, Huron County
medical officer of health, said in
an interview that about 10 per-
cent of the total units of swine flu
vaccine has been received in the
first shipment. This has been
issued to the health units in the
five major centres in Huron
County and doctors in those areas
can pick it up as they need it.
Dr. Mills said this vaccine is for
elderly persons and those chroni-
cally ill. He stated that another
shipment would be in Goderich
some time this past Tuesday and
would be distributed on the sem
The Wingham Advance -Times, November 11, 1976—Pace 5
THE BEST IN GOSFMEL quartet singing Is to be heard
Sunday evening at the Wingham Baptist Church where the
Melodaires Quartet of Mississauga will be guest musicians.
Belgrave Personals
basis. The second shipment
Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter
Blair William Biemaninfant
would bring the units up to about
attended the 50th wedding an-
son of Mr. and Mrs Roger Bie-
40 per cent of the total.
mversary of Jim's uncle and
man, was baptized on Sunday,
He said the first shipment con-
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. William Wood
October 31, in Donnybrook United
sisted of about Soo units. The se-
of Linden on Friday evening.
Church by the Rev. Earl St. Jean.
cond was to have been much
Master Jamie Rae of Guelph
After the baptism a dinner was
larger and could incorporate
spent a week with his grand-
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
some of the 20-65 year olds.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Bieman. Those present were Mr.
Dr. Mills said that all doctors in
Coultes, while his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bi(gnan and
the county had been notified by
and Mrs. Don Rae, holidayed in
Evelyn, John Lepping on of Clin-
letter that the vaccine was avail-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bieman
The World Affairs meeting of
and Miranda, Mr. and Mrs. Neil
the Belgrave Women's Institute
Edgar and Kimberly, Mrs. Irlma
will be held Tuesday, Nov. 16 at
Edgar, and Murray of Wingham,
8:15 p.m. in the Belgrave WI
George Inglis of Walkerton.
Council was
Hall. Mrs Ross Taylor is the con-
The annual fowl supper spon-
vener and Mrs. Walter Scott will
sores by R.B.P. 1226, Blyth was
• ' be the speaker. The lunch com-
imlttee is Mrs. Leonard James,
catered to by the Belgrave
Women's Institute. The guest
Mrs. Peter Campbell and Mrs.
speaker was Henry Pattison. A
Nelson Higgins. All ladies in the
reading was given by Clifford
housing program
community are invited.
Coultes. Vow solos by Clarice
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
Johnston Mrs. George
Wingham didn't see fitto parti-
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Johnston as\,accompanist. About
cipate in the Ontario Home Re-
Mrs. Maitland Edgar and family
100 were present.
newal Program provided by the
at Petrolia. They attended 'the
Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide and
Ontario Government according
commencement of the Lambton
Kimberly of Mount Hope visited.a
to Town Clerk Bill Renwick.
Central Collegiate at Petrolia on
few days with her parents, Mr.
The program which has been
Saturday evening when their
and Mrs. Garner Nicholson.
offered by the government for
nieces, Beverley and Brenda ►
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Johns -
some time now, offers money to
Edgar, were graduates. Beverley
ton and Tara of Ilderton visited
Ontario municipalities which
received her Secondary School
on the weekend with their par -
they in turn pass on to home-
Graduation Diploma, Brenda re-
ents, Mrs. Laura Johnston and
owner -occupants at low or no in-
ceived her Secondary School
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby.
terest rate in order to make im-
Honour Diploma and an Ontario
Master Jeffery Leitch of Lon-
provements to their homes.
Scholarship as well as the F. C.
don returned home on Sunday '
The program extends home re-
McCurdy Bursary. She is at-
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
newal possibilities to owner occu-
tending St. Pauls College,
Gary and Julie after
pants in any municipality in On-
University, Waterloo.
spending a week's holidays with
tario, urban. or rural, which has
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch and
his grandparents, Mr. apd Mrs.
either adopted a property main-
David visited on Sunday with Mr.
Robert Grasby.
tenance standards by law or a
and Mrs. Carman F ullarton and
Mr. and Mrs Glyn Wide and
resolution setting such stand-
ards. The only remaining catch is
family of Paisley.
Miss Ruth Ann Pletch of Kit -
Kimberly of Mount Hope visited
that the municipalities must
chener spent the weekend with
apply for the money.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
parents and Mrs. Garner
To date 423 municipalities have
program and more
Congratulations to Ruth Alton
Mrs. Lawrence Vannan return -
than $36 million has been alloted
on receiving her Teacher's Asso-
ed home Sunday after spending a
week with ndaMr. and Mrs. James
by the provincial government for
ciate of Music diploma from
McCrea of Mississauga.
home renewal.
Western Ontario Conservatory of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vincent
Under the OHRP, the province
Music on Nov. 6. Those attending
visited on the weekend with Miss
provides loans on a per capita
were Mrs. Stewart Procter, Mr.
Reta Mathers of Woodstock.
basis directly to municipalities
and Mrs. Charles Procter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Barry IAgan
that administer the program.
Charles Thomas, Mr. Ross Proc-
Michael and Shawn of Oakville
Loans are made available to
ter and Chris and Mr. and Mrs.
were weekend visitors with his
homeowner -occupants with an
George Procter.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
adjusted family income of $12,500
The Belgrave Library woulda
or less to upgrade their dwellings
like books brought back to library
to acceptable municipal property
by Nov. 13 for book exchange.
maintenance standards.
Little Debbie Taylor, daughter
Proceeds from one box of
The main object of the program
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor,
UNICEF Greeting Cards can buy
is to correct faulty structural and
RR 1 Belgrave, was hit by a car
1,000 Multivitamin capsules for a
sanitary conditions and to up-
on Sunday at noon. She was taken
mother or child; or buy enough
grade plumbing, heating and
to the Wingham and District
seed to sow 600 feet each of let -
electrical systems.
Hospital for observation.
tuce, carrot and beet rows.
Householders can save
First, let us explode a myth. Unfortunately many munity participation has given us a standard of
people believe that their local hospital is owned hospitals and hospital care that is unexcelled more energy and money
and operated by the Government. It is not, and anywhere in the world. y
we'd like to keep It that way. The many ways a householder temperature and don't play with watching.
However, we are concerned that the present can save on energy consumption the thermostat. 12. Turn off all unnecessary
,,"The fact is, our IQ al hospital belongs t0 you, � around the home all add up to ten'
y w p g y system of local control may be eroded awe b direct savings — money that 5. A 40 -watt fluorescent bulb lights.
and is managed by the dedicated people who y y y coria be spent on other family gives more light than a 100 -watt 13. Cook more than one thing at
too much government intervention. We don't priorities instead of the annual incandescent ...and it lasts 10 a time in the oven.
make up the hospital's Board of Directors. energy bill. times as long. 14. Thaw frozen foods before
deny governments right to decide how much 6. A fire in the fireplace may cooking.
Serving voluntarily, without pay, they are typical During Energy Conservation draw off 20 per cent of the heat 15. Don't use the oven to heat
money it wishes to spend on hospital services. Week (October 31 -November 6),
of more than 4,000 hospital trustees serving In - take a look around your home for from the rest of the house. When the kitchen.
We do believe that the local community can the fireplace is not in use, make 16. Use automatic washers and
Ontario. some the obvious areas of our home insulated to Is sure the damper is closed and fits dryers only when there is a full
These pegfate live and work right In your com- best decide how that money should be spent waste. y tightly. load.
the standards of the revised On- 7. Install storm windows and 17. Keep the condenser coils of
on its hospital services, beds and staff. tarso Building code? Are the win-
munity. We believe that only in this way can doors. the refrigerator, freezer and de-
dows and doors caulked or
your hospital be most responsive to your needs That's why you need your local hospital board. weatherstripped?Is your furnace 8. Check the caulking around Humidifier clean.
windows and doors.
in top working order? 18. Repair leaky hot water
for health care services. We believe this com- It's your hospital, Help them keep it that way. By insulatiworkinng, caulking area 9. Don't peep into the oven. faucets immediately.
having your furnace properly You'll lose 25 degrees every time 19. Insulate long runs of hot
maintained, you could reduce you do' water pipe in the basement.
If you would like to find out more about how your hospital is operated, write to its 10. Turn off the roast 30 20. Conduct an energy survey of
your annual energy bill by as minutes before servingtime and
Chief Executive Officer, or the Ontario Hospital Association, much as 40 per cent.your home to make sure you are
150 Ferrand Drive, Don Mills, Ontario. M3C 1.H6 Lowering daytime tempera- in et retained heat finish
the cook saving the maximum amount
ng• possible. After all, the money is
f tures from 22 degrees to 20 (72 11. Turn off the TV if no
degrees F to 68 degrees F) and nobody is coming out of your pocket.
AmeMage on behalf of nighttime temperatures to 17 (63
degrees F) could save an addi-
your community- run hospitals by the clonal 15 per cent.
On a ;400 fuel bill these four
steps could mean a combined NOTICE
saving of up to :180 per year.
Here are some of the ways to
thOntario ,s aAssociation �«damF) when IF YOUR ADVANCE -
leaving the house for a day or so. READS NOVEMBER 9-8-7-6
2. Draw the drapes over all
`Lets kee windows during wintnights aa YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE
p It that wa `%' reduce heat loss throughI
�] Keep them open on sunny days.
3. Clean or replace air filters on
warm air heating systema at Advance -Times
least once a month.
4. Avoid overheating the fur-
nace. Keep a constant daytime