The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 4■ ,,
L% dam Advmce-Tk%w Novrmber 11, irm
What's neW at
Huronview .
nual Ladies' Night smorgasbord Recently Miss Beatrice Mc- As the news is beam written a
and entertainment were held at Quillin accompanied Mr. and snow accumulation of three in -
Victorian lin, Stratford. Mrs. Bill Purdon to Acton and ches has fallen on the level and
Mrs. Orville Tiffin and Joey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell more is falling. it looks as if a
visited at Lucknow with Mr. and Murray and family. Mrs. Murray spell of winter has come to the
Mrs. Bid Souwden aw ■illie. is the fornim Ili wUyn McQWUin. vMW.
A social evening for rep- operated the projector and Mrs. r`
we mtatives of groups and indi- Henderson and Mrs. Parker
victual volunteers was held in the played piano instrumentals dur `' i i
auditorium Thursday evening. ing intermission. Miss Margaret
Cheater Archibald, adminis- Mitchell, who spent several years ,
trator, abwed colored slides and as a nurse in the armed services, d. '
gave an interesting commentary thanked all those responsible forSrtM.
of a trip taken last stunmer to the program.
Western Canada. Special events Miss Sybil Courtice and Mrs.
that had been filmed with the new Ross McNee were welcomed to '
audio visual equipment were the Over 90 Club at the November I .
shown, followed by a general dis- meeting. Twenty-six members
cussion on volunteer work. Mrs. attended the get-together andel •
Finkbeiner of Exeter expressed joined in the sing -a -long accom- ' New Arrivals 'I'm
the appreciation of the volunteers parried by Mrs. Elsie Henderson.
to Mr. Archibald for sharing his The Walkerburn Club volunteers err Sewing Department
trip and to the kitchen staff who assisted with the activities -
prepared the buffet lunch.
Dick floor& led thg Christian Save Repairs Reformed song service on Sum- day evening, accompanied at the . Oil Often! ¢� '� �%q
t`►rpiano by Marlene Vandlxwal. Area entriesSEWING \ f ��
The residents enjoyed two num- '
TThe°Clint n Legion provided a in 1976 Royal s �
film for the Family Night pro- e • Tavern 67cgram. The story of the film was Winter fair' °Z.
related to Armistice Day and was JUST DROPPED IN FOR A COFFEE—Proprietor Herb Kenyon of the Tave 6
filmed in Holland and France. Organizers of this season's was slightly startled a couple of weeks ago when this helicopter settled down in his Knitters
Percy Brown and Bert Colombe
Royal Agricultural Winter Fair parking lot. The pilot, who operates the whirlybird for Ontario Hydro, was on his way to
have announced the list of con- Douglas Point and decided he needed a coffee. 10% OFF THIS WEEK
testants and a large number will .�C
on "Rad Hearts' Sayelle
present Huron County. ��rr \\
West Wh m the field crops dt4ision, �\ Worsted Knitting Sewing Machine
competitors from this regioi: will
1 G. Elder Hensall R. h Personal Notes- YARN • to enter be Haro d G , hatectintc
D. Etherington, Hensall, Camer- �Y�' 2e SHADES 40Z. �' NEEDLES.
for housing Unt on Bogie, Goderich and Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ducharme of Brenda visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Steven, Belgrave; REG. " 10 TO A BOX
Miller, Stephen Dietrich and Goderich were Sunday visitors Bill Frank and Miss Bessie Mc- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snowden, �, $1.97 SIZES 11-14, 16-18
The West Wawanosh Township Wayne Wim, all of Dashwood. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregor of Acton. Brian, Kimberley and Kerry; • • o
council approved a motion "that Breeding horses will see Judith Elroy Laidlaw. Mrs. Earl Caslick spent last Lloyd Humphrey and Bradley of
West Wawanosh Township enter Smillie, Hensall, Pat Stephenson, On Saturday evening Mr. and week with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, St. Helens and Bonnie of Kitch- 80e
into a plan for Senior Citizens' Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Mrs. Walter Moore and family Coultes of East Wawanosh. She ener. BOX
Housing Unit in Lucknow" at the Fox, Blyth, Eric and Tim Hack- visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gary returned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Milligan .
recent meeting with all members` ett, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and family of Mildmay. and Clara were Sunday visitors
present. James McKague, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore and Recent visitors with Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs -Pat Donnelly,
The Village of Lucknow and the Beef competitors will be Whit- family of RR 3, Walkerton, were Mrs. Walter Elliott and family Angela and Jill of Streetsville. IThe Stare that Saves Yes Mare"
Townships of Ashfield and Kin- net' Coats of Exeter, Bodmin Sunday evening visitors with Mr. were Bradley Campbell and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Bill Purdon and MEN'S—BOYS—LADIES—GIRLS a
loss will also participate in the Ltd., Belgrave and Smith and Mrs. Walter Moore and Shirley Peters of London and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaunt at- asset WEAR YARD GOODS—
plan. Lucknow will pay 40 per Brothers of Brussels, Sharon family. Mrs. Agnes Elliott of Wingham. tended the seventh convocation of F U R N I T U R E — M A T T R E S S E S —
cent of the costs with West Waw- Alton and Andrew Gaunt of Luck- Miss Joyce Tiffin of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt of the Wilfrid Laurier University of PAINT—SEWING MACHINES -SMALL
anosh, Ashfield and Kinloss to now, Harvey Black, Belgrave spent the weekend with her par- Centralia visited Sunday with his Waterloo on Sunday, October 31,
pay 20 per cent each. and R. Shelly, Gorrie. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John when Barbara Purdon was
Council directed the clerk to In the dairy division, Alec Os- She was accompanied by Miss Gaunt. among the 320 graduates of the -
write a letter to Ontario Hydro tron and Elizabeth Batty of Clin- Janet Sleightholm who spent the Mr. and Mrs. E. W. BeeeXoft Bachelor of Arts General Pro- STORE HOURS:
approving the erection of a hydro ton and David Ireland and Sons, weekend with her patents, Mr. and Karen visited on Sunday with gram. Barbara majored in Anth- Monday - Saturday
pole to service a lot in Dungan- Teeswater. and Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Beecroft and ropology. 10:00 - 5:30
non. The motion gave approval William Turnbull and Jan van Saturday visitors with Mr. and family of Exeter. On Sunday Mr: and Mrs. Joe a Friday night$
for the installation on the road al- Vliet of Brussels will have entries Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. On Saturday evening Mr. and Tiffin and Joan attended the reg- 'til 9.'00 P.M.
Iowance. in the swine division, Turnbull Orland Irwin and family of West Mrs. Bill Ryan and Janette of ular November meeting of Strat-
By-law 14, imposing a special showing Yorkshire and van Vliet Wawanosh and Mrs. John Crow- Goderich came to Carl McClen- ford Musicians Local 418. The an -
rate on a property to cover a tile showing Lacombe. - ston of Lucknow were Mr. and aghan's and Mr. and Mrs. Mc+
drainage loan was given third Thomas J. Todd of Lucknow Mrs. Clarence Crowston and Clenaghan accompanied them to,
and final reading. The clerk was will have entries in the lamb and Debbie of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gollan's
also directed to advertise fora Mr. and Mrs. Frei Moore and dinner �^
it sheep competitions. wedding, - - .
plications for wingmen for the April of Wingham were Sunday at the Mayfair Restauranf Come T 11
o the
two Township graders for the visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lucknow. 1
1976-77 season. Laidlaw, Janet and Kimberley. Mts. Eileen Parker of Exetd
Eli Gingerich of East Wawan- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of visited Sunday with her mother; •
osh attended the meeting to en- Windsor spent the weekend with Mrs. Ben McCfenaghan, and
quire about the use of Bethel Lakelet Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and brother Carl and Mrs. McClen-
Cemetery by his people. The Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. aghan.
clerk was instructed to draw up Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Emerson, On Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
an agreement for its use until Harvey and Walter Demerling Darlene, Sharon and Brenda George Webster had some rela-
definite ownership is established. spent last week hunting in the spent the weekend with Mr. and tives in to celebrate the 83rd
The clerk was directed to write Huntsville area. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Victor Emerson. On Satur- birthday of her father, William Grand 0. en i n
giving the necessary approval to Kurt Krumland of Ajax visited day Victor Emerson- Mr. and Humphrey. Celebrating with -
OXFAM Canada to sell lottery Saturday with Mrs. H. Demerling Mrs Eldon Emerson, Sharon and them were, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
tickets in West Wawanosh Town- and she returned with them for a
ship. Estimates for materials to week.
improve a home under the On- Lakelet and community extend Life of Albert Schweitzer of
tario Home Renewal Program deepest sympathy to the Kreller
were presented and discussed. families in the loss of an aunt,
The council approved a motion Mrs Alex Sangster who passed recounted at U.C.W. meeting
"that the Huron Board of Educa- away last week, also the families W*ingham tion be requested to accept two of the late Mrs. Nbrman Harper. WHITECHURCH — The UCW work they had started.
payments for taxes in the year held their November meeting on Mrs. Laidlaw led in prayer.
1977, on June 30 and December Just a reminder of the 4-H Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 2 p.m. at The hymn "For the Beauty of the
15." Achievement Day to be held at the home of Mrs. Wardrop. Mrs. Earth" was sung. Rev. W. Brown
The roads and general ac- Howick Central School on Satur- Cliff Laidlaw was in charge of the gave a talk on the Christian Re-
counts were ordered paid. day, Nov. 13, at 1:15 p.m. meeting on Christian Missionary sources Centre recently opened Bi*11'isard
Education. She opened the meet- in Mitchell where religious books
i ing with a meditation. The hymn, lending library for books, film
"We Have Heard a Joyful Song" strips, tapes and facilities for
as~e a► was sung. Mrs. Fred Tiffin led in UCW are available. The Christ-
wIN"AM prayer. Mrs Quipp read the mss concert will be held Dec. 17. -
scripture mal"Mrs. Laidlaw, Mrs. White Gift service will be Dec. 5. Fr*day,
Tiffin and Mrs. Quipp each gave Twelve members answered the o em er 12 1916
' ea rt tation on the Wonder roll call by naming a missionary
rs�e �� and the collection was received.
Mrs. Laidlaw read a story on The Least Coin was received for
the life of Albert Schweitzer, born missionary work. 4 tables
in Germany, 1875. He became an The meeting closed with prayer
accomplished musician and and the travelling basket was
teacher. One day he saw the face then passed around.
of an African in a picture and it • 6 pinball machines
F WINGHAM lum to go and help the African
TOWN 0people. age 30 he went back Farmhouse burned
uniledversittyy to study medicine. In
1913 he and his wife went to •
Africa to set up a mission hos- ' in weekend blaze Come o n down! Test ital. During the first World War A fire at an abandoned farm- skills
NOMINATIONS they were arrested, and put in house on the B Line, Turnberry
prison. Later, when released Township, east of Bluevale was
Nominations of candidates for the office o4 Mayor. Reeve, De- after gaining health, they went the only call for the Wingham and have agood time,putt'-Reeve six councillors. two Public Utilities Commissioners back to Africa to continue the Volunteer Fire Department last
and one Huron -Perth Seporote School'Board trustee represent- week.
ing the municipalities of Winghom. Morris, Grey, Brussels. The McNaughton farmhouse
Tumberry. Hullett, Howick. Culross and Kinloss was noticed burning by Ontario s1 r MM 0111 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M,
YPSmeets Provincial Police who were pa
will be held trolling the area and the Mount
NFIIA, coupon(it
Forest Detachment notified the ,Present t
FROM OVBER 11 TO NOVEIN6ER 15INCLWSNE at langs•�de Wingham crew. By the time they
arrived the farmhouse -was prac- 1 ,
Nomination blanks oreovailable at the Cleric's Office and com- WHITECHURCH — The YPS tically burned to the ground. 1
pleted nominations will be accepted during business hours held their meeting last Sunday Wingham Fire Chief Dave , R
November 11 to November 15th inclusiveevening at Langside church. The Crothers said that vandalism is, ,
meeting opened with a sing-sonWingham
' Roomg. suspected but no proof had been ,
Should an election be required the 'tom* will be held on A topic was chosen for the chinch found. No estimate of damage
meeting in December. was made as the house had been , 1
MONDAY, DECEMaER 6, 1976 Groups were then formed for abandoned for over two years. , an ou' rece'i6ve ,
discussion. The collection was re
betwoen the hours of 11 00 o clock in the morning and 8 00 ceived and the dedicatory prayer Euchre party
o clock in the evening given by Karen Young. On Nov. ,
14 the group plans to visit Pine- WHITECHL'R(-H — On Mon ,
ADVANCE POU crest Nursing Home and Pine- day evening a progressive euchre ,
NOVEMKIt 27, 1976 crest Lodge. party was held in Whitechurch
11:00 O'clock to 0.00 e'ciodc David Elliott read the minutes hall with 10 tables in play. Coffee or.Pop H
and a letter from the foster child. Winning prizes were high
wiltk•.n Renwick On Friday evening. Nov. 5, a gent, Hard Casemore. high e
social was held at Brookside lady, Mrs. Velma Falconer. 1 andCOndy bar ,
Town Clerk school Grace was sung, lunch man's lucky draw, Fred Tiffin, ,
served and the meeting closed women's lucky draw, Mrs. W7= ■
with Circle Prayer lace Cann. ess M Isis mm��������������������������