The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 18Piga a *--The Wingham Advance -!times, November 11, 1976
by Ted Saunders
Well the Toronto Argonauts
have done it again!
For the th rd straight ,oar they
went into Hamilton's Ivor Wynn
Stadium needing to win if they
wanted to make the Eastern
Football Conference playoffs.
For the third straight time they
came up short.
It is beginning to be a habit
wµth the Argos. When they need
the big game they fall short. Sun-
day afternoon the team just
wasn't up for the game. They did
most things wrong in the first half
and found themselves down by 21
points as they trooped into the
locker room at halftime.
Coach Russ Jackson did make
some changes for the second half
h 't
On the play of the teams which
are in the playoffs in the East, I
wVYlli LLgvC to jity uaa�
'd that Hamilton
appears to be the team to imai.
They have won their last two
games and have terrific momen-
tum. Montreal beat Ottawa in its
final game of the schedule and
could be putting everything to-
gether. But Ottawa seems to have
slowed down since they clinched
the league title three weeks ago.
The fact the Rough Riders have
a couple of weeks off and have
lost their last two games could
give their opposition a big edge.
They have to keep sharp for two
weeks remembering that they
have been beaten twice.
Right now I would pick Hamil-
1 bl
President Lori Jamieson
opened the meeting -when the
Whitechurch girls met at the
home of Mrs. Archie Purdon.
Five members answered the roll
call with a problem they had in
sewing and how they solved it. All
the girls showed ideas for book
covers and voted on them. Lori
Jamieson read the minutes.
Mrs. Elliott showed the girls
how to insert sleeves in wool ma-
terial and Mrs. Purdon demon-
strated sleeve insertion in knit
material, also to hem knit goods.
Mrs. Elliott told how to slip stitch
in a woven fabric and Mrs.
Purdon remonstrated sewing on
a button with a shank.
A work meeting will be held on
November 29.
Bow ling
The Satellites are bombing
right ahead as they lead the
league at 44 points. In second
place are the Gremlins with 38.
The Mustange have 28; Granadas
25, Hornets 20 and Austins are
,sputtering along at 13.
Shirley Zimmer bowled the
high single of 229 and Ruth Ann
Steffen's 583 was high triple. For
but w atever, t was wash
enough. The team played much
ton to win t e east and posse y
have enough momentum going to
the guys, it was Lou Readman's
THE W I N G H Afill 'YN T E R M E D I AT E ba I I team held their
better in the second half but had
take Saskatchewan Roughriders
267 single and Frank. Burke's 680
end -of -season banquet at Turnberry Tavern on Saturday
too far to go to get a tie or win.
in the Grey Cup game. However
evening, followed b a dance in the legion hall. Bill Brown,
9- Y 9
it won't be an easy task.
The league thanks the spares,
who played short stop, was awarded a trophy for the 'best
,Hamilton wasn't really that
Argos will have to wait until
Marie Philips, Kevin Hickey and
batting average' by Manager Ted Ahara.
much better. They just got off to a next year. I hope they get rid of Larry Simmons.
fast start against a weak Argo some of their high priced help
defence and an inept offence. and get some players who want to
When the Argos did start to play, play instead of reading all their
Tiger -Cats had to fight for their advance press clipings. lives. avis didn't do much ■ Bowling
Of course the Argos weren't Anthonyy
g for the Argos in the last half of the
helped by Ottawa Rough Riders season. He was injured but must BANTAMS The qualifiers are: Byron
who went down to their second have been ready to play as he did Daffodils are in first place in Thompson, Robbie Willis, Mich -
straight defeat at the hands of the dress for all the last four games. the standings with 30 points and ael Rintoul, Tim Stainton, Steve
Montreal Alouettes on Saturday. Maybe if he had been ready to hold a 10 point lead over second Thompson, Jim Laidlaw, Ellen
This put the pressure on the play instead of make remarks place, Daisies. Roses are only Rodgers, Michele Heard, Julaine
Argos and Ticats. about the rest of the team, he one point behind with 19 points Adams, Joanne Henry, Peggy
If the Riders had been able to could have been a big help. How- and Sweet Roses are fourth with Tervit and Christine Foxton.
beat Montreal, then the game on ever he was completely ignored 16 points. Sunflowers are in fifth SR. JUNIORS
Sunday wouldn't have meant in most instances on Sunday by with 14 points and Violets bring Speedbugs and Jaguars moved
anything. The Al's would have quarterback Chuck Ealey who up the rear with six points. into a tie for first place in the
finished in fourth place and out of has been fueding with Davis all Debbie Scott and Susan Hub- standings with 20 points each.
the playoffs. As it is the Al's are season. bard split the high single for girls The Sweets are close behind with
now in and will meet the second It showed up in the final game with 114 each. Susan had the high 19 and Susquatches have 18
place Ticats in Hamilton next on Sunday when he o�lpoints. Grizzlies ang y received double of 213. Darrin Hickey had lid Tigers are
week the ball on four occasions. The the high single and double for tied for the cellar with 14 points
This semi-final will put the win- rest of the time he ran his pat- boys with 140 and 246 respec- each.
ner into the final series with the terns and got himself in the clear tively. Susan Bain was the only girl to
Rough Riders on November 20. but watched as the rest of his Other games over 100, Cheryl bowl games over 150 and she had
The winner will advance to the teammates couldn't generate Delmage 110; Kim Metcalfe 101; the high single of 198 and the high
Grey Cup game to be played on enough to win the big game once Darrin Hickey 106; Jeff Cameron double of 365. David Nesbitt led
more. 103; Stephen Skinn 100, 110; the boys with a 282 single and 465
November 27. Murray Skinn 106, 107; Robert double.
Leedham 108. Other games over 150 are:
Bowler -of -the -Month crests Daryl Holmes 166, 191; Steven
went to Jeff Walden and Cheryl Anger 162; Scott Cornwall 150;
Pe)mage for bowling most pins Barry Haugh 192; Wayne Thomp-
over their average for the month son 151; Michael Rintoul 194; Tim
-taste 300 Prize of October. Stainton 168, 240; Robbie Grove
JUNIORS 151, 228; Blair Mansell 167, 194;
Dewdrops took a one point lead Brian Hoy 240, 210; David Nesbitt
1 976 in the league standings with 22 183 and Greg Storey 246, 191.
ts. Snowdrops are second SENIORS
21, just one Ahead of Pe�aarl- The Sacks moved into a six
GreyCup Draw with 20. Golddropa�''a-9'apoint lead in the standings with 38
Y Crystaldrops are tied for fourth points. Team 4 are in second
with 19 points and Gumdrops place with 32. The Bionic 4 re -
bring up the cellar with four main in third place with 29 points
points. while Team 5 are fourth with 23
Winner determined by the Julaine Adams led the girls points. Team 3 are in fifth place,
score of East-West Gamewith a 229 single and 383 double. one point out of the cellar, with 13
Phillip Rintoul was high for the while Number Ones have 12
held on November 28, 1976.` boys with 238 single and 361 points.
double. Brenda Foxton was high for the
Other games over 125 were: girls with a 254 single and 647
Proceeds to Community Service Debbie Wittig 139; Stephanie triple. Paul Cerson had the high
Gaunt 142; Joanne Henry 136, single for boys with 201 and was
132; Karen Casemore 131, 126; tied with Steve Thompson for
Debbie Lee 139; Andrea Walker high triple with 539 each.
Tickets available from any 146, 137; Julaine Adams :54; Other games over 175 were:
of the Wingham Kinsmen. s Sheri Walden 150; Maureen Gail Delmage 180; Rhonda Lee
Beattie 128; Greg Laidlaw 146, 220; Chris Foxton 203, 235, 180;
I37; Donald Casemore 135; Anna Haugh 178; Brenda Foxton
Randy Bain 157; Murray deVos 214, 179; Janet Storey 212, 209;
126; Tim Bain 164; Brent Day 144, Spencer Burley 195; Kevin Tervit
136; Denis Adams 133; Michael
Pletch 166, 129; Billy Gaunt 156; 175; Paul Cerson 186 and Steve
Terry Rintoul 133; David Scott Thompson 197.
146; Byron Thompson 153; Allen
Jackson 126, 133; Stephen Gaunt The water used by 90 per cent
162, 176, Robbie Willis 168. of the population of the develop -
The House qualifying round ing world is either unsafe or in -
was held last Saturday and the adequate, or both. UNICEF
following bowlers will compete in Greeting Cards help the United
the Zone round on November 21. Nations Children's Fund support
The winners from that round will projects which will provide
move to the Regionals. abundant, unpolluted water.
Financial assistance
Infk n o m mu m u on government
programs for business
Wayne Rounding
one of our representatives
will be at
Wingham Motel, WINGHAM
on the 3rd Tuesday of each month
NOVEMBER 16, 1976
write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford.
COACH DOUG NEIL presented the trophy for 'most
valuable player' to Catcher Grant Coultes of the Wingham
Intermediate ball team at a banquet held Saturday night.
After being eliminated in the finals the team placed an
overall second.
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Saturday, December 18, 1976.