The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 14I-
Riai�'�Is■s► Advance -Tuna, November 11, 1876
05375 Provides V5,000 insurance at age 30
41 Fint-Yeor Premium
hits 6 promsYftw°°°
PC agriculture critic an, nodved a tophy far buri 4-11 score in the cow" — 916
Centralia College of Agricultural
Technology offers two year
diploma programs in:
1. Agricultural Business Management
Z. Animal Health Technology
3. Food Service Management
4. Community Home Economics
6Exciti6g ibb oppurtunities in all areas of the
agriculture and food industries
•Residigrtice living with good recreation facilities
•Co-educational atmosphere
•Persoi�►al attention to students
Ipcoted in on excellent agricultural area
Clip and i6turn for more information to:
Centralia Collage of Ag. Technology,
Huron Pdrk, Ontario, MOM 1Y0
or Phonq (5 19) 228-6691
Address. .......................................
PostalCode .......................................
Please send me information on
Agricultural business Animal Health Technology
Food Service Management Community Home Economics
i f r it
a: ,r
n �
S 1
or all your
seed needs
One stop shopping makes sense.
It saves time and money, too.
When you see your Pride dealer
about your seed corn supplies
ask him about
all your other seed requirements.
The most important decision you make
every year is your choice of
seed — spending money
on fertilizer and chemicals
and making a poor choice of seed
is a sure way to failure.
Your local Pride dealer means
more than just corn.
He's a seedsman and can tell you
everything about Thor alfalfa
and Perth barley and Harcor soybeans
and PF 70 forage sorghum.
Be right the first time and everytime
by asking about Pride seed corn
and the King Brand range of seeds.
Clare Van Camp
King Grain Limited
P.O. Box 1088
Chatham, Ontario, Canada
N7M 51.6
R. M. Wormington
Keith Small
11by Pennington
RR 4, Brussels, Ontario
RR 1, Bluevole, Ontario
Wrox~, Ontario
RR 4, Wingham, Ontario
RR 2, Winghom, Ontario
NW N%W points 01¢ elf 1,00. Y1se novkm
policle S for 4-H work 'rich �the hiighest scare intbun I'n of his first year.
a g �
coon and its A 30 -year old first-year student Oscar Meier, RR 4, Bruank,
Intended for last week bers are concerned, farmers try people in serious at the University of Guelph was received awards for highest
have lost their political clout and trouble, both socially and econ- named the outstanding 4-H neem- scan in the dairy club, highest
John Wise' Federal ProgTe8- most governments are aware at omically." ber at the 39th annual Huran
sive Conservative agriculture He said Canadian producers Count 4-H achievement scan th j competition �
critic, toot some more swipes at it. The present federal cabinet y � a trophy as champion dairy
makes no bones about it and the cannot and shopld not be expect- last Fridayshowman.
what he calls government "bung- federal minister of agriculture rd to compete in any market -
ling" of beef and dairy policies, often displays the effects and re- place against heavily subsidized Jim Nivins, RR 5, Auburn, re-
st the annual meeting of .the Hur- sults of it. foreign food producers and com- ceived the Robert McKinley
on County Federation of Agricul "Until fairly recently, farmers modities. Farmers should be as- citizenship trophy for 4-H home
tune last Thursday night, held at were generally pleased with the sisted by government to seek out and community activities and the
Vanastra and develop foreign markets and Vincent Farm Equipment trophy
In Attendance
18 November 1976
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Heavy imposition of quotas on
beef imports from Australia and
present minister of agricu ture.
Given the tact that farm income
at the same time farmers should
called upon to develop more
score for highest in the tractor
club. He completed 30 projects.
Attention Farmers
your home must be your prime residence with
has nearly always lagged behind
year round occupancy Also, provided your
when your tank needs refilling. We'll delivery quality Fuel Oil all
credit is within approved limits, you will be
el g blP for CO.OP's Delivery Guarantee.
New Zealand into Canada are
only a temporary solution to a de-
all others, and given the fact that
aggressive sales programs,here
at home for their produce.
Len MacGregor, extension
Have CO-OP deliver your Fuel Oil and let us worry about keeping
pressed market, according to the
farm input costs have risen be-
yond the wildest imaginations,
The quality of Canadian food
assistant for Huron County
with the ministry of agriculture
Elgin MP.
He told the annual meeting that,
farmers were delighted to.listen
Production is the highest in the
world and could fulfill any adver-
and food, said more than $1,000,
The grain elevator at J. Ditsch form is open
the location of the Huron County
to the resent minister tell their
story. It has made for some great
tising or promotion program. On
certificates, pins and plaques
were awarded to 90 clubs. He said
to receive your corn 7 days a week.
Federation in relation to the
province, the productive soils,
entertainment in numerous small
community halls, secondary
the overall genera) view, said,
"Let me state my own straight-
36g members participated in the
Truck hoist available. We will buy or store.
the well-groomed and attractive
school auditoriums and church
forward view. The government
farmsteads are the envy of many
living far beyond the county
basements across the country
and particularly in Central Can-
should be a partner in society, not
a dictator 'to society. Its role is
F�� _.� _. - -
— ` amu+
Corn Drying (1500 bu/hr) and storage for
ada .
mainly to establish standards
200,000 bushels. f'
He said that these highly vis-
"But what is the situation to-
and conditions which will allow
ible properties tell him, as a
day? It is evident that the smiles
business, labor, individual citi-
farmer, not only much about the
are disappearing — the laughter
zens and other groups to pursue
located 8 miles east of Brussels on Con. 10
land, but more importantly,
about the men, women and
is becoming fainter and the oc-Installationof
their own goals."
"If such a partnership is to
y p,
Grey Township.
family members who work, man
casions fewer."
work, it must begin with a corn-
Clay or Plastic
age and plan their agricultural
mon understanding of basic
enterprises. The message is clear
goals. Government, labor and in-
Free Estimates
Contact Joe Ditsch at 356-2292
— "You know what you are doing
and you are doing it well."
He said farmers are beginning
to realize what has been obvious
dustry will not always agree on
all questions, but it is essential
PHONE: 392-6700
or 887-6824 (residence)
Mr. Wiles said, "It is not our
in the House of Commons for
that they be agreed on the gen-
R.R. 3 Walkerton
purpose here tonight to launch months. The minister has not eral direction of the nation."
upon a lengthy recital of the im- and "will not" be able to trans
portance of the agricultural in- late his wishes into legislation,
dustry either in domestic or in- act when or in the manner he
ternational terms. It is a great wishes, or develop the types of
story and it needs repeating over policies and programs he talks
and over again but only to those about. "He has less influence to -
beyond the farm gate given the day in the Trude u cabinet, than
occasions. Such, in my opinion, he possessed a :ear ago."
would be similar to preaching to M Wise said he thought it was
the converted or akin to your .
accurate to say that Mrs. Plump
minister or priest lecturing to the
converted congregation about the tre had a greater influence on the
lack of church attendance." federal cabinet after she came on
He said that the present de- the scene in Ottawa than the min-
velopment trends and population ister of agriculture. The federal
movements toward rural living dairy policy which has created
will keep the rural ridings in ex- more unrest, instability and fin-
istence. However they may be- ancial strife within the industry
come larger in physical size and than ever before, is a prime ex -
significantly smaller in terms of ample. -
percentage of the number of i' _ The failure to produce a
resented constituencies in this program for the cow -calf oper-
country and thus less significant stars, be it in conjunction with
in terms of total numbers in the the provinces, or a financial in -
House of Commons. centive to remove beef cows to
This kind of situation produces decrease their number — the un -
another dilemma. It has no real fair Canada -Australia -New Zea -
bearing in terms of sales oppor- land meat agreement — inability
tunities or demand for produce at to implement a Canadian meat
tl:P marketplace. However it import law, are all examples of
rather' becomes a liability in the minister's failure to secure
terms of consumer appreciation fair deals for Canadian produc
and understanding and perhaps ers.
acceptability of the necessity for The .present and future�liveli-
producers to secure their fair hood of producers is totally de- ,
share of the food dollar. pendent on a fair and equitable
SMALL PERCENTAGE policy, and advice and counsel,
"Not that many years ago, particularly from the respective
nearly 25 per cent of our popula- commodity groups, on any ven-
tion was engaged in the primary tures is imperative.
phase of agriculture. Today, al- Mr. Wise said, "It must be
though 40 per cent are employed recognized that a healthy and
either -directly or indirectly in the thriving agricultural industry is a
total chain, only five per cent are fundamental requirement, in
actually primary producers," he terms of not only the total econ-
said omy, but also in terms of our
"These one million people pine- world trade and trade balances. Wellgive you 100 gallons of furnace fuel oil
ed together would only make one- "Look at countries which first
third of the population of Metro of all have failed or neglected to
Toronto or of Montreal." develop maintain their see
TREE'if we let'your tank run out■
Mr. Wise said, "As far as num- culture inn dustry and you see a
Morris Township council
names Belgrave streets•
Morris Township council
passed a motion to name three
new streets in Belgrave at the
regular monthly meeting with all
members present.
The street which runs from
John Street on the west to easter-
ly limits along north boundary of
Lots 70.72 of Plan 9 for Township
of Morris will be named "McCrea
Street". The street from High-
way 4 along south of Lots 70-72,
Plan 9 to easterly limits of sub-
division, will be "Parker Drive",
and the street connecting eastern
ends of McCrea Street and
Parker Drive will be named
"King Street".
Five new by-laws were passed
by council. By-law 26 appointed
Mrs. Jane Badley as clerk. By-
law 27 imposes a special annual
drainage rale under the Tile
Drainage Act of 1971, By-law 28
authorizes Morris Township to
enter into contract with Ontario
H dr f street h hts in south
to be given permission to sell
raffle tickets in the township;
that Maitland Engineering
Services be instructed to make
necessary survey on Bird Drain
subject to approval of the Mait-
land Valley Conservation Au-
thority and that James Mair look
after street light installations in
A resolution from the Town of
Markham that Wintario be asked
to allow the purchasing of equip-
ment under the grants be done by
municipalities was endorsed. At
the present time all the equip-
ment is bought in Toronto and
sent to the various organizations
which receive grants. Markham
wants the money so they can pur-
chase the equipment locally.
Morris Township Council con-
currs with them and would like to
see the equipment bought in the
township or area.
Y o or g
Bluevale and by-law 29 designat-
ing certain lands acquired by
Morris as roadways, were all put
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steurnol of
into force.
There were no appeals on -By- Burlington, Miss Glenys Steurnol
CO-OP Guarantees to keep you warm this winter. If we let your tank `Conditions of Guarantee
run out, the next 100 gallons are on us, free.
Let us deliver your fuel oil automatically. Your
tank capacity must be 200 gallons or larger, and
CO-OP Petroleum drivers have earned a solid reputation for
your home must be your prime residence with
dependability. They're backed by a weather computer to tell them
year round occupancy Also, provided your
when your tank needs refilling. We'll delivery quality Fuel Oil all
credit is within approved limits, you will be
el g blP for CO.OP's Delivery Guarantee.
winter long. We guarantee it.
This offer will not apply if our failure to deliver
results from nterruplion of supply, impassable
Have CO-OP deliver your Fuel Oil and let us worry about keeping
road conditions or any other factor beyond our
you warm.
Just another way . .
for you
laws 23 to 25 inclusive, King, Rin- of Kitchener and Paul Smith of
toul and Branch 4 Mills drains, Atwood spent the weekend with
and after signing oath for Courts Mrs. MacSteurnol. -
of Revision, these by-laws were Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson �--
We like to know our customers
passed of Stroud spent the weekend with
In other business, a grant of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cooke. --4 by name!
$150 was given to Brussels Agri- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson
cultural Society: Robertand James Edwards and Mrs. BELGRAVE B
was given permission too look look Les Davidson of Listowel attend -
after drain on South half of Lot 15, ed the funeral of Mrs. Alex Sang
Concession 6; letters are to be ster of Belmore on Saturday. Wingham Brussels
sent to Huron County Board of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy Belgravia, Ontario
Education and Huron -Perth spent the weekend with Mr. and 357-2711 887-6453
Roman Catholic Separate School Mrs. Jack Attwood of London.
Board requesting that in 1977 Asuccesafulbazaar was held in L./ p UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO
there be two dates for payment of Gorrie United Church basement
rates, namely, June 30 and on Saturday with proceeds f
December 15; OXFAM -Canada is amounting to $1,100. /