The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 12lot
e 1�7bis WirApm Advance -Times, November 11, 1976
Huron board is concerned
by 4ydro, insurance rates FLORIDA
11tM Mm County Board of Education reWution noted that,
llld _ _ _ agreed to support two " `lYbe rm the insurance
-940 Mons, ons dealing with duns payable by boards of edeu- I ra •
I -F
I Hydm rates and another dealing cation throughout the Province of * ' MOTORCOACH
with school insurance, when it Ontario have escalated drasti
hatchet last week. tally within the past two years, TOURS
The Elgin County Board of be it resolved that the Elgin t
County Board of Education con- 4
tact .all other boards in the
provinceand the trustee or- t We Can offer you
Belmoreganizations requesting that the a� '"� several destinations
Ontario Trustee Council invests
gate the possibility of Ontario - - throughout Florida.
A benefit dance was held for Tool Boards starting an in- tr Come in and let's r
Mr. and Mrs' Ralph Dickson in surance fund with the view of j
the Belmore arena. A large num-talk about your
- y
her attended and enjoyed PAY making the Ontario school boards
FlOridO vocation!
cards. A presentation was made A second resolution, from the
to the Dickson and lunch was SIX ELECTROHOME EMPLOYEES received their On the —
same source, urged that a letter gg Bill Bell, non-affiliated chairman; Mr. Haggar, John
rag p
served. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson Job' training certificates from Aubrey Ha ar,
be forwarded to the Minister of Chi a, manager, Canada Manpower Centre, Listowel. And don't forget we Carry
suffered a recent loss in a fire. Ener expressing opposition to dean, Academic and College Planning, Conestoga College PP 9 P -
Gail Renwick of Waterloo Uni Energy ng pp° last Thursday. Back row, left to right,g
Doug Smith, Doug Front, Irene Brown, Rena Bowen, Barbara Hackett, Gary
the proposed increase in hydro
versity spent the weekend at her Lynn, consultant, Canada Manpower Consultative Service; Doherty and Elmer McFarlane.
home. Gail received word last rates.
week that she won an optometry It was the position of the Elgin
board that the continual "high in- Luggage
a up anniversary service of the creases in hydro rates, 30.5 per e employees
Voice for Life's
Belmore. United Church was held cent in 1977, as compared to an 41X E
increase of 10.8 per cent in the bazaar a success
on Sunday. speakeLavonr
end th h was maximum ordinary expenditure 0 0
the guest speaker and the con- � � '
per pupil which ,will be recog-
the trainingeert� ieatesgregatiY was also,�inspirSingers,
th get
On Saturday, the Wingham Enter our draw for a
music b the Man-"$elle S• ens, nszed for grant purposes over the
1976 maximum, only leads to a Voice for Life held its first craft FREE SEAT OTTAWA TULIP
an excellent choir under the further erosion of the monies and bake sale 'at the town hall. on an
Manpower and Immigration. encourage joint consultation and Mrs. Sall Campeau welcomed
direction of Mrs. Carl Douglas. available to the board to spend on Six employees of Electrohome PO g advance planning include the y �
Rev. Hakyoo Park conducted the actual classroom instruction of Deileraft Division in Wingham The need for employee training P g the public and announced the sale
assumption b the Federal TRIP upcoming in spring 1977. Return trip,
service. its students." were given certificates by on a large scale was occasioned P Y open at 2:00 p.m. P 9 P 9
"Each passing year brigs Aubrey Hagar, dean of Academic by the company's success in Government of 50 per cent of the Many donations were received
College Planning, Conesto a Col- invading the American market costs involved. The parties are via deluxe Motorcoach Tours in co-operation
about an increase in hydro rates g ng, g so that a fine selection of baking,
that far exceeds the increase al- lege, last Thursday. They are the with a new product line. These encouraged to retain the services crafts, while elephant table ar- with All Star Tours.
M i n i s t e r i a I towable by the Ministry of first graduates of an 'On -job new products demanded in- of a non-affiliated "'person as titles and plants were available.
chairman of their Manpower Ad -
Education in the expenditure training' program. creased production and develop-° Three draws were made at the 1♦i vi �t�r �� �t� Y/ie ys►
Assoc. w �,I' ceilings and is now reaching a Doug Smith, Irene Brown, ment of new skills without losing justment Committee. ,Such a close of the sale by Mrs. Norma z�Q �1� �
„ Rena'"B8wen, Barbara Hackett, the high standard of Deilcraft Person must have proven busi- Bender of Wingham. The winners Draw to be held Sat., Dec. 18. Deposit this ballot
point of major concern, rt said. P —*
• ness competence and be knowl were Mrs i1%
Gary Doherty and Elmer Mc- quality. Cory DeBruyn, RR 3, at Holida World. I
erect signs Farlane started a program which Training of existing workers edgeable in manpower matters Wingham, a baby crib quilt, Misses y00
involved a partnership of the and new employees in new skills relative to the specific task of the .Rosemary Curtis, RR 1, Wing Name ..................................... 'Wfc
Signs for the Pentecostal, company, the union (Local 2-500 was of paramount importance committee. ham, winner of both a macrame 1,0—. Address ................................... �y1
Anglican, United and Catholic • • of the IWA) and the Department and is progressing at a satisfac- To quote Bill Hanula, Deileraft hanging planter and plant, and Town .......................................
Churches were discussed when Organization of Canada Manpower and Immi tory pacewiththe active co- Plant manager, "Not only have also a gchd's chair. P Dt Phone .....................................
the Wingham Ministerial As we been able to .meet our com- ,J yfr �ti dpi ti
ration Consultative Service. As operation of the Listowel office of The sale proved to be a fine �1i �t� if/ 9� gfi � � � . � � ya . r►
sociation met at the home of Rev. W; I I request g mitments, but we have done so \ Q
a result a Manpower Planning Canada Manpower under man- success and hopefully will �1 � �.
R. H. Armstrong. It was an eq with a eater quality conscious- was organized with ager, John Chippa. � q Y become an annual event.
nounced that Rev. A. J. Nolan ness on the rt of the employees.
• • two members from the company, 'On the job' training is liven by Pa
had received iron or steel posts. apt• budding two from the union, and chaired instructors provided by Cones- The workers have a clearer idea
Mr. Murray will make the sign, by a non-affiliated chairman, W. toga College and funded through of, what is expected and how to
Mr, and Mrs. Dunn will paint H. Bell, of Cambridge. Technical Canada Manpower Industrial achieve it."
them and Mr- Whitby of Public FORDWICH — The November guidance was provided by D. F. Training Program. Chairman Bell summed it up Bluevale
Works will erect the signs. The meeting of the Senior Citizens Lynn of the Consultative Service The financial incentives avail- by, saying, "This is a text -book
cost will be approximately $25.00 was held November 2 in the com- of the London office of Canada able to labor and management to case of private enterprise seizing
each. munity hall at 8 p.m. Wray Coop- an opportunity to create a new Marie Walker and Dayle Fisch- r
The schedule for the hospital er, president, welcomed every- market, being backed by the en- er of Toronto spent the weekend
religious services was planned one and roll call was answered lightened interest and co -opera- at their homes. W )RI D
and is as follows: November 14, with members giving a funny tion of its union and taking full
g' ng y Mr and Mrs. George Fischer
Salvation Army; November " 21, story or incident of Hallowe'en Two o How c k councillors advantage of the facilities offered Visited on the weekend with Mr.
United; November 28, Anglican; that had happened to them per- by government to bring the whole and Mrs. Jim Pritchard at St. WINGHAM 357-2701
December 5, United; December sonall exercise to a successful conclu- George.
" 12, Pentecostal; December 19, .plan may not seek reelection were announced for a bus � slaty."
Presbyterian; December 26, Sal- trip to the Royal Winter Fair on
vation Army. It was suggested qday, Nov. 12, to leave Ford- Hawick Council may have board and four years on council,"
that perhaps a special service be with. at 8 a.m., and return from some empty chairs after the elec- said Mr. Douglas. "I think I've
held at Christmas •and trans- Toronto at 5 p.m. It was voted to done m share".
mitted over the public address have a Christmas supper on Mon= tion Dec. 6 t re present coin- Y
PPe However, there are rumours
system. da December 6, if possible to and
have threatened m quit, Someth'iong or 'Every
' in-
Billetingfor minor hockey Y' and so far nobody has come for- flying around that a group of O
Y have a caterer. Mrs. Clare Harris ward publically to fill their plat- dividuals is trying to persuade
players during the winter tourna- and Mrs. Roy Simmons will make es Mr. Douglas to run for a higher
ment was also discussed but arrangements. The program for council position. Mr. Douglas
nothing was concluded. The Christmas ar will be re red Coun. Stuart Douglas told the POs ll
party prepared Banner Tuesday he was resign says this possibility is very re -
Minor Hockey Association is ask- by the executive plus the group ins from the council fora variety mote". He added he might be re- —.
ing if it would be possible to allow conveners. of reasons. He said there was a tiring soon and perhaps would not
some teams to use the church. It was moved that a letter be ? , r
basements, with proper superwritten to the Department for vacuum on the council, meaning even be living in the Howick area.
vision, for overnight accommo- re that there were not enough people Coun. Jim Robinson meeting
that f Senior Citizens, requesting a there wishing to move up to a to council at its last meeting that
dation if it is necessary. building containing Senior Citi= he will not seek reelection, but he x..
higher position. He said his lack
A religion ecumencial booth for zens' apartments be constructed has since reconsidered. He, too, s. `
the 1978 International Plowingof time to tend to personal affairs a '. • '
on the agricultural grounds in and council business, plus "some is finding it difficult to find the
Match was discussed and will be Fordwich which are no longer disenchantment" with the1 ob time for all the council business, •
investigated further. Also, the used. so is now undecided if he will run
rt religion should la in the were factors in his decision not to
Pa l� play A card party will be held, Fri- seek reelection. again.
1979 Wingham centennial was day, Nov. 19 at 8:30 p.m. "I spent 13 years on the school Also undecided as of Tuesday is
discussed and it was thought that The guest speaker was Norman Coun. Harold Hyndman.
one of the association's members Wilson speaking for the village The top two positions on Coun
should be on the planning board. trustees. There are several books cil, those of reeve and deputy
The next meeting will be held of early records of the village and reeve, are filled by, Robert Gib -
on November 16, at 3 p.m. at the the trustees would like them pre -son and Harvey McMichael re- f f t
home of Rev. Wilena Brown. in served in some safe place. The Howic Dons spectively, and both have an 16 Acadian 16 GMC 1/2 Ton 14 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton
Bluevale across from her church. Senior Citizens have assumed the nounced that they will seek an- -
responsibility of finding a place A supper meeting of the How- other_ term in office. 2 door hatchback, automatic, radio, Pickup. Just 12,000 miles, V8 This is the top line Cheyenne Super and
for them in the hall. A new cab- ick Lions Club was held in the electric rear defogger, white walls, automatic, power steering, radio, has Vs, automatic, power steering,
Fordwich hall on Nov. 1, and Dis- wheel discs, exterior decor package, Ziebarted, rear bumper, same as new. ower brakes, radio, wood rain
R. W. BELL suet or cupboard that can be lock P g
trict Governor Lloyd Stewart of ,000 miles. Serial No. 501814 Lic. No. C94 305 panelling, radial white walls, wheel
ed was suggested. Y fJ
discs, rear bumper, sliding r
Mrs. Florence Wilson and her Mount Forest made his first of- dow, and has been maintained to to
OPTOMETRIST group arranged a few games of ear win -
ficial visit. East Wawanosh $ 3 4 9 5 $ 4 9 5 condition. Lit. No. C93962 P
euchre. Prize winners were Mrs. In the absence of President Don
GODERICH'• Stan Bride, Edwin Dietz and Coun. approves ,
Call too first Vice President Wes $3,495
The Square 524-7661 Wally Gibson. Mrs. Clarence Ball took charge of the evening,
MacLaughlin and her group serv- Twenty members and guests sat �p '15 Cadillac Eldorado '13 Astre Hatchback
ed sandwiches, relishes and bev- down to a good old fashioned beef ■ w resolution
Get your erage. dinner, prepared by the Institute This front wheel drive fine Cadillac has 4 speed transmission, 4 cylinder,
'10 Chevelle Deluxe
ladies of Fordwich. The council of the Townshipof all the power features including twin P
six way lounge seats with passenger custom radio, A-1 shape, Lic. No. HDR
�� • East Wawanosh endorsed a recliner, illuminated vanity mirror, 493
During the business session, Y 2 door hardtop, seeing is believing.
Lorne Fischer the club was invited to attend resolution passed at a recent fire mist point, padded top AM -FM 28,000 actual one owner miles, V8,
• Clinton's 40th anniversary cele- meeting of the Clerks' and Trea stereo with tape player, radial tires, $ automatic, power steering, radio, white
'Warmer�zed' In charge of y surers' Section of the Huron etc. Gives fabulous gas mileage. Lic. 16 9 5 walls, wheel discs, Lic. No. DHD 686
g orations Nov. 13, the Zone advis-
ory meeting in Blyth on Nov. 17, County Municipal Officers' Asso- No . JAW 494
• C C meeting and the Mildmay charter night on ciation that a letter be sent by the -
right �! Nov. 16 Township of East Wawanosh to �, 9 9 5 15 Dodge Royal / 895
BELMORE —The Chamber of
the Huron County Board of Edu /
d th
tion ane Huron-etth
Commerce meeting was held last The club then installed six new caMonaco Brougham • •
week with an attendance of 18. members: Harold Eskritt, Har- Roman Catholic Separate School
Secreta Ralph Dickson read Board, asking that in the year 14 Buick Regal 13 Pontiac Catalina
Thc' I11(ltl�� ) UU Si�l'Itcl Secretary p old Winkel, Don Watson, Bob g
1977, there be two dates for pay -
right IIOw' to illtiUlat� the minutes Which were approv- Brown, Harold Davidson, and 35,000 miles, features power steering, 2 door hardtop, nice dark brown, Ve,
Butch Stone. The installation was ment of rates, namely June 3o Sedan, top model intermediate, with 350 p�
ed. Chairman Lorne Fischer was power brakes, vinyl top, tinted wind- automatic, ower steering, and I'cn���atc �l1Ur and December 15. V8 automatic, power steering, power P g, power
in charge of the business. The performed by Governor Stewart, brakes, rear defogger, 6 radials, local shield, electric rear defogger, full brakes, radio,vinyl top, rear defogger,
11ornc will rad hi`� bills were presented and moved who stressed the importance of A resolution received from the custom interior with individual seats
one owner low mileage car. Lic. No. whitewalls, wheel discs, Lic. No. SAO
Town of Markham resolving and recliner. Lic. No. JFN 583
c11� IclCttclS Itl tial lIl`� to be paid. the step they had taken and what "that under grants available dis- DHH 810 827
and "a t i of act l Ohl . The date of the.annual meeting it meant to be a Lion, with the fel
was moved to Januar instead of lowship, goodwill, and het you tributed by Ontario Athletic $3,395
i3c�rrc��� what t11c111C� Y P Commissioner under the Win- $ 3, 3 9 5 $3,895 $2,495
you raced, (S>OO ccs March to come in time with other give to your fellow man. tario
chambers in the province. The grants, sports equi}thent
57.500) In a lclw annual meeting will be held He then went on to tell how the when applicable to be purchased
clubs could work for their district from local retailers", was filed.
Intcrctit, life January 5 as a dinner meeting. Council approved building and receive the 100 per cent PP R per-
i n u red �e ruin a l The Belmore Women's Institute award that is being offered for mits for John Carmichael to build
lean From Victoria has been asked will
cater and a the three star district. His motto a pit silo and for Ronald f.ock Come 111 and IODIC over our NEW inventory. We have the
guest speaker will be obtained. g wood to put an addition to his
and Orcy. Repairs to the arena were dis- was "Together we can do it". He P LARGEST STOCK OF NEW CARS and TRUCKS IN THE COUNTY
cussed and a work bee was ar- was thanked for an interesting house.
and inspirational speech. Severances in regard to Gary
and ranged for Saturday. The sched- . • '
PYCMR ule for taking care of the arena gintoul and Charles Ivan Wight- Pontiac — Buick
GR�,, The Howick club paid a visit to man were also approved by coun-
for the winter months was dis
cussed and a meeting of the the Brussels club on Monday cil. A grant of $150 to go to the Cadillac
heads of each group will be Nov. 8 for a supper meeting. East Wawanosh Recreation,
arranged to draw up duties and It was moved by Lion Dave Parks and Community Centre GMC Trucks
,, , Dinsmore and seconded by Lion Board was approved.
Main $t. E., Listowel The new aweaiera and cocks for Henry Lachner that the hills he The road accounts of $1,535.11 Hamilton St„ Ooderlch, 524-8391
D. N. Lefebvre, Mgr, d for the month. The next and general accounts of $1,798.88
the girls' hockey team were on display. meeting is Nov. 15. were paid.
,y. �►. � r -=4i �.a.�..ibr.. anew,. v �:7M;+. -^.