The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-11-11, Page 1H
Former Focal boy
earns promotion
C. A. (AD Rettinger of Kitch-
ener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus
Rettinger of Teeswater received
a promotion at Uniroyal where he
works. He has been named
Wingham, Thuraday, November 11, 1976
Six 'disagree ent areas
delay teachers' contract
We have, a winter vocation for. you I
Listow*l, Ontario `"1.2111
Coll toll free 1 -✓109-266.6226
Single Copy Not Over 26c
Material Flow Manager of that
At the Remembrance Day Ser- Pastor Ron Baker of the Pente-
Wingham Branch 180 was busy on
maxima on the grid are reason-'
secondary school teachers and,
at the Cenotaph, a civic welcome prayer.
company at Lindsay.
The Fact Finder's report into
"Underlying the current im-
ably consistent with other
by a wide margin, accepted by
Hardy of the Salvation Army is to thorn of St. Paul's Anglican
This entails_ the overseeing of
negotiations between the Huron
passe is the teachers' expressed
counties and adequate to attract
them (although, it was conceded
Mrs. Patricia Brown and John
the plant manager, material
County Board of Education and
dissatisfaction with the total
new teaching staff.
that it may produce a different
manager and controller. He is
the branch affiliate of the Ele-
amount of money the board has
`This method of proceeding
total dollar figure at any gived '
account of her youth. She spoke of
also responsible for distribution
mentary School Teachers em-
offered," the report notes. "The
proved satisfactory in previous
stage on the two grids because of
Pletch, Adah; Hugh Armstrong, Sentinel; Mrs. Morris Swanson, organist; Mrs. Ron
accidents which involved injuries
ployed by the board was released
teachers contend that it is made-
negotiations," the report says.
past differences in elementary
to area people.
periences while the Second War
last week.
quate and, while they are pre-
"The board's offer, which the
and secondary grids.)"
P `
According to Fact Finder Ian
pared to defend the logic of the
teachers rejected on October 7,
"I have no doubt that the prior
Hunter of London a wide range of
position they have adopted in
involved an eight per cent in-.
settlement with the high school
items in the new contract has
respect of each particular item in
crease over the base cost (cal-
teachers has had a pronounced
been agreed to by both parties
dispute, and are prepared to con-
culated as of March, 1976) plus a
effect on both parties' positions,"
but there are still six outstanding
side✓ variations in the amount of
1.7 per cent guaranteed COLA
Mr. Hunter notes, "confirming
f "
areas in question.
money allocated to one as op-
clause. The board contends that
the board, in their view, that their
The matters in dispute are al-
posed to another, nevertheless, at
its offer is equal, in percentage
offer' was a reasonable one which,
lowances for principals of schools
bottom, they contend that the
terms, to that offered to the
had it been recommended by the
for the trainable retarded al-
total amount of moneyoffered is
negotiating committee (as the
lowances for vice principals, the
maximum number of sick leave
inadequate and hence no amount
of juggling or re -allocation will
0 0
Man in
secondary school negotiating
committee did) would have been
credits a teacher should be al-
accepted by the membership. On ~
lowed to accumulate, an approp
when car
the teachers' side, they genuinely
and scheduling of commodities
riate formula for board financingPERCENTAGE
of the�Staff Improvement Fund
For its part, the board empha-
that it has traditionally
believe that they have adopted a
to ical, fair
g position on each
manufactured within the Lindsay
and the issue of accumulation of
its to teachers in
Crothers, president, Ladies'
issue, and they fail to see why
division of Uniroyal.
funds from year to year, cost of
made offer
terms of a percentage increase
Wingham Town Police investi
their negotiating position should
Al has been employed with this
living allowances and finally the
ase ca
over a specified base
gated two accidents last week in
be prejudiced b Y what they
company for 12 years and was
method of costing.
at a fixed date. The board has
damage was estimated at
regard as an inadequate prior �.
s'w /
chosen from several qualified
"From this list," Mr. Hunter
left the teachers free to di-
$1,050 and one person was in -x
settlement with another bargain-N
men. He commenced his duties at
notes in his report, is apparent
vide the money as they see fit,
ing unit."
Lindsay in October and he, his
that the unifying feature of the
subject only to the board's right
Wing -
Dou las Wallace, RR 2 W
Mr. Hunter terms the teachers' �}
wife Helen and two children will
matters in dispute is that all are
to veto the final grid, essentially
ham was admitted to Wingham
position as "understandable but
be leaving Kitchener in the near
money or potential money
to determine that minima and
and District Hos ital with mWti-
unrealistic." Y
I- abrasions and lacerations to
"I accept that the board has �.
Remembrance Dar functions
held by', Legion Branch 180,
The Royal Canadian Legion,
At the Remembrance Day Ser- Pastor Ron Baker of the Pente-
Wingham Branch 180 was busy on
vice to be held today (Thursday) costal Tabernacle will lead in
the weekend with the annual ban-
at the Cenotaph, a civic welcome prayer.
quet on Saturday night and a
is scheduled to be given by Acting Wreaths will be placed on the
Remembrance Day Parade to St.
Mayor Joe Kerr. Lieut. Bruce Cenotaph and Rev. T. K. Haw -
Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Hardy of the Salvation Army is to thorn of St. Paul's Anglican
Sunday morning.
read the scripture lesson and -Church will give the benediction.
The banquet was attended by
Patron; Mrs. Denis Langridge, Associate Matron; Jim Inglis, immediate Past Patron
about 110 persons at Branch 180.
Mrs. Patricia Brown and John
Murray Gaunt, MPP, acting
previous board and committees.
The regular meetings, begin -
mayor Joe Kerr and Mrs.- Iris�1'�
Morrey were guests.
Mrs. Morrey was the guest
r r�
speaker , and gave a detailedz,,
taken to Wingham and District
Southampton, where funeral
account of her youth. She spoke of
Armstrong, Martha; Mrs. Gordon Brooks, Esther; Mrs. Jim Miller, Ruth; Mrs. Wayne
the OPP also investigated two
Hospital with injuries. They were
Toronto during the two Great
Pletch, Adah; Hugh Armstrong, Sentinel; Mrs. Morris Swanson, organist; Mrs. Ron
accidents which involved injuries
Wars and her own personal ex-
ment followed in Southampton
mittees will be held on the third
Forster, Associate Conductress and Mrs. Harold Elliot, Conductress.
to area people.
periences while the Second War
Monday of the month.
was in progress.
P `
A dance followed with everyone
staying around to enjoy an eve-
ning of relaxation.
On Sunday the veteransM.
paraded to St. Andrew's for the
service. The Teeswater Pipe
Band led the parade of about 25
Acting Mayor Joe Kerr, Don
Montgomery, president of
Branch 180, and Mrs. Georgiena
Crothers, president, Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Legion were
guests of honor.
Poor showing
at seminar
at Golf Club
A business management sem-
inar, primarily for people inter-
ested in small business, was held
at the Wingham Golf Course
clubhouse on Monday.
A rather poor showing of 11
men from the area attended. Bill
Rintoul, Murray Gerrie, Larry
Snyder, Bob Middleton and Bruce
Cameron were representatives
from Wingham.
The seminar was arranged by
the Management Services De-
partment of the Federal Business
Development Bank in co-opera-
tion with the Wingham Business
§4 Association. The seminar is one
r' of several hundred to be conduct-
ed by the Bank in towns and cities
across Canada.
Those attending used the case
study method to examine the
small business, its personnel ad-
ministration, management of, hu-
man resources, cost controls,
management controls and finan-
cial statements.
The bank's management ser-
vices has three main spheres of
activity: Management training,
management counselling and an
information service.
The management training pro-
gram, as well as providing
seminars on various subjects of
l,. interest to business people, also
provides management courses to
provincial educational institutes
for the owners and managers of
small businesses.
CHEQUE PRESENTED—Mrs. Dave Crothers of the
Legion Auxiliary presents a cheque for $1,500 to Don
Montgomery, president of Legion Branch 180. The
presentation was made at the annual Remembrance Day
banquet and dance Saturday evening.
his face after the car he was driv- historically maintained a certain
ing ran into the Howson Dam on relationship between the ele- A CRAFT AND BAKE SALE was held Saturday in the town hall, sponsored by the
Water Street. Damage was es- mentary and secondary school Wingham Voice For Life. The various crafts, plants and baking were all donated by
timated at $600. panels, and that it is legitimately people of Wingham and the surrounding area. In the foreground Mrs. Harold Smith of
Damage estimated at $450 oc- concerned with parity. Of course, Kitchener glances over some delicious looking cookies and Mrs. Art Gilmore of the Pro
carred when two cars collided in settlements betwqen the two Life group waits to be of assistance.
front of Estate Marketing offices panels need not be identical,
on Water Street on Saturday. either. in terms of total cost to the
Owners of the vehicles were Don, board, total dollars at compar-
ald Ross of 5, Lucknowand able grid positions, or even per-
for elections
Clarence Derbebe cker of Wingham. centage increases," he said.
During the week 12 charges "Some disparities are inevit
were laid under the Highway able and, to the extent that they
Traffic Act, fourthrthree
Liquor reflect different priorities (eg. outlined to Huron board
Licence Act and eee un underthe fringe benefits vs. salary) adopt-
Criminal Code. t. ed and emphasized by the differ-
ent negotiating committees, per- An ad hoc committee which eering speeches". that meeting will be for the past
a=, -4o haps even desirable." able." was charged with reviewing the In the alternate, no -election
�& know Ye Mr. Hunter says that "in present policy and practice of the year, the meetingwill be held on chairman to call the meeting to
assessingthe adequacy of the Huron Count Board of Educa- y order an follow with his remarks.
eq Y Y the regular day, the first Mon The past chairman will then de-
jt cocidmes board's total offer, it is not tion brought in its report at the day, as in other months. All board clare the chair vacant and call
Today (Thursday) is the dead- realistic for the elementary regular boattd meeting on Mon- members will at that time be upon the secretary of the board to
school teachers to totally exclude day making a number of wide given an 9 portunity to declare r
line for acceptance of nomina preside over the meeting. The
from consideration the ,fact a ranging `recommendations. their candidacy for office on the
tions for public office. However, secretary will at that time con -
persons nominated for positions comparable offer was considered The committee recommended next year's board but again no duct the swearing-in ceremony
on town councils, township coun- acceptable by their high school that, in an election year, the time is to be granted for election- (omitted in off years).
cils, public utilities commissions counterparts. At very least, a December board meeting be held eering.
and boards of education, or as fact finder would expect more de- on the second Monday of the December meetings of com- For nominations and elections
mayors, reeves and deputy tailed documentation of specific month. The director of education mittees (education and manage- it was recommended that the
inadequacies (eg. why is the is to contact all non -incumbent ment) will be held, if necessary secretary of the board preside
reeves have until Nov. 15 to ac- board's offer of a $4,000 al- candidates before that meeting on the usual day with committee over all nominations and elec-
cept or decline such nominations. lowance for a principal of a and invite them, if elected, to reports to be submitted to the tions and that they all be held by
Not unexpectedly very few school for the trainabl retarded attend the December board
have stated their intentions at Y .new board in January. a secret ballot. Three nominating
this time. ed but two members at inadequate?) perhaps based on meeting as observers. All sitting The inaugural meeting of the ballots would be required for
comparative data in other coun- members are also to be given the new board, following an election, eligibility to run for office.
the Huron County Board of ties, rather than a simple reitera- opportunity to declare their ..will be held at 2:00 p.m. on the
Education stated their intention tion that the total monetary offer candidacy for office, but no time day school re -opens following the The offices of chairman, vice
to seek re-election. Representa- is inadequate without more." is to be provided for "election- Christmas break. Procedures of chairman, chairman of the
tion in this area for that board education committee and chair -
will certainly be altered, since man of the management com-
redistribution has placed Wing- mittee are to be elected in that
ham, Turnberry and Howick in order. Nominated candidates will
one group, to be represented by Wingham OPP k / bus y be listed alphabetically and
two board members. allowed to speak in order before
Jack Alexander, who has rep- 0 the election is held. Each candi-
resented Wingham and East ' n v e s t 1 a t i n a e e i dents date will act as his or her own
Wawanosh on the present board, scrutineer and the secretary of
will be running. Alex Corrigan, the board will call for a motion to
who sat for Turnberry, had not The Wingham Detachment of Arthur Fischer, RR 2, Wing- Angus Griffith, RR 4, Kincar- have all ballots destroyed when
made his decision early this the Ontario Provincial Police ham, was apparently driver of a dine, was apparently the driver the election is complete.
week. It is rumored that at least were called to 12 motor vehicle truck which was struck on _the of a car which entered a ditch on
two other candidates will be in accidents last week which caused driver's side by a gravel truck, Bruce County Road 1, approxi For installation of the chair
the field, possibly more. an estimated $34,000 in property north of Glammis on the road to mately a half mile east of Luck- man it was recommended that a
Only two firm decisions have damage, one fatality and seven Douglas Point. He was treated at now. He was admitted to Wing- Judge, or other invited dignitary,
been heard from Wingham coun- injuries. Wingham and District Hospital ham and District Hospital with a conduct the installation, that for an abrasion below his knee laceration below his ear and back
cil. William Harris has stated such person be allowed to ad -
mess the board. Once the chair -
that he will not run again and A single car accident on'Satur- and released. injuries. man assumes the chair he or she
Acting Mayor and Reeve Joe day on County Road 29, east of would then give the inaugural
Kerr has made it clear he will not County Road 12, Howick Town -
seek the mayor's chair. ship, injured five people, two address. -
girls being admitted. to hospital. Three vehicle collision The striking committee is to be
The car was driven by R. Brad composed of the board chairman,
at Wingham and takes life of Morris man the board vice chairman. the
who was treated t
ley Aitchison, a 1, Lucknow, chairman of the education com-
mittee, chairman of the man
District Hospital for a laceration A fatal accident occurred last fractured clavicle, abrasions and age -
on the palm of his hand and abra- Thursday at 3:45 p.m. on High- shock. Mrs. Brown was admitted ment committee and the past
sions on his .forehead. Richard way 86 east of Wingham, when with multiple abrasions, con- chairman of the board.
Taylor, RR 3, Goderich, and Phil- Walter James Brown, 69, RR 2, fusions and shock. This committee is to meet im-
lip Jerome, RR 3, Lucknow, pas- Blyth, was killed. He was turning Walter Brown was born in mediately following adjournment
E sengers, were treated for minor out of the driveway at Turnberry Bruce County on August 1, 1907, a of the inaugural meeting to
injuries and released. Central School when he was in son of the late Walter Brown and assign board members to the
collision with a milk truck driven Elizabeth Kemp. He had been liv- education and management com-
Marjorie Pellett and Rosemary by Donald Taylor, RR 2, Luck. ing retired at the home of his son, mittees. In doing so the ad hoc
1 Pellett, both of Wroxeter, were Walter, in Morris Township for
now. P committee recommended that
also injured and admitted to
Wingham and District Hospital. A third vehicle driven by the past six years. the striking committee take into
`►.. Robert Fischer, 237 Huntington Surviving are five sons, Walter account each board member's
1 Marjorie had lacerations and Jr. and Peter of RR 2, Blyth, ! (�` Drive, Waterloo, which was Y 'personal preference as ex -
multiple abrasions while Rose- travelling in an easterly direc- Kenneth of Bluevale, Bill of Han
mar had multiple facial in- � Y pressed on preference sheets at
Y P tion, collided with the Brown and over and John, London; three the inaugural meeting but shall
juries. Taylor vehicles. daughters, Mrs. Billy (Edith) not necessarily be bound by such
Sunday, Debra Taylor, 3, of Mr. Taylor was admitted to Graham, Lucan, Mrs. Jim (Shir- preferences."
East Wawanosh Township, was Wingham and District Hospital ley Ann) Kalbfleisch, Waterloo,
injured when she ran onto the with multiple abrasions and con- and Peggy Lynn of London; three The January business meeting
road from a Janeway oCon- tusions to his face and hands. Mr. step -daughters; nine grandchil- of the board would be held on the
cession Road 6-7, west off High- Fischer was admitted with mul- dren and one great-grandchild. Monday next, following the
\ way 4, East Wawanosh. She was
hi d ' b G B tiple injuries and later trans- There are two brothers, Alfred of inaugural meeting. Under the
NEW OFFICERS OF Huron Chapter 89, Order of Eastern Star, front row left to right,
L by a vehicle riven y ary �
Richmond, RR 2, Blyth. Debbie
ferred to Kitchener -Waterloo
g� Port Elgin and Charles of South-
heady of 'old business' the
Mrs. Alex Robertson, treasurer; Mrs. Jim Inglis, immediate Past Matron; Denis
was admitted to Wingham and
Hospital where his condition is
am ton, and two sisters, Mrs.
board would deal with an Y
Lan rid e, Associate Patron; Mrs. Pearl Bell, Worth Matron; Scott Reid, Worth
District Hospital with a scalp
reported serious.
Annie Brown and Mrs. Hazel
recommendations from the
Patron; Mrs. Denis Langridge, Associate Matron; Jim Inglis, immediate Past Patron
laceration and an injured right
Mrs. Patricia Brown and John
Blundell, both of Southampton.
The late Walter Brown rested
previous board and committees.
The regular meetings, begin -
and Mrs. Farish Moffatt, secretary. Back row, Mrs. John Gnay, Chaplain; Mrs. Jack
Brown, RR 1, Bluevale, were
at the Eagleson Funeral Home,
ning in January following the
Blackwell, Marshall; Bert Moffatt, Warder; Mrs. lack McKim, Electa; Dr. Alma Conn
The Kincardine Detachment of
taken to Wingham and District
Southampton, where funeral
inaugural meeting, of the
Armstrong, Martha; Mrs. Gordon Brooks, Esther; Mrs. Jim Miller, Ruth; Mrs. Wayne
the OPP also investigated two
Hospital with injuries. They were
service was held Saturday. Inter-
education and management com-
Pletch, Adah; Hugh Armstrong, Sentinel; Mrs. Morris Swanson, organist; Mrs. Ron
accidents which involved injuries
passengers in the Brown vehicle
ment followed in Southampton
mittees will be held on the third
Forster, Associate Conductress and Mrs. Harold Elliot, Conductress.
to area people.
and John was admitted with a
Monday of the month.