The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-28, Page 5NOTICE
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The Winghwn Advance -Tunes, October 28, 1976 ---Page 5
Medical work win -Taiwan
is theme of Goforth meet
"Medical Work in Taiwan" was children and the repair of cleft Thanksgiving Poem, followed by
! the topic of convener Mrs. Ken
Leitch when she and her assis palates and the subsequent the reading of an article from The
tants spoke at the fall Thank- speech therapy. It operates a Glad Tidings entitled "In Every
pastoral care department, a 24- thing Give Thanks". This was,
offering meeting of the Goforth hour counselling service and a written by Mrs. Di Gangi who had
Evening Auxiliary of And school of nursing. The hospital it- visited St. Andrew's the previous
I' rew's Presbyterian Church. self is operated entirely by weekend. It was presented by
Mrs. Leitch introduced thenationals with the exception of Mrs. Norman.
topic and Mrs. John Norman de- the medical director. Parasites, In this article, Mrs. DiGangi
scribed the work done at the I yi
McKay Memorial Hospital in tuberculosis .and poor maternal tells of the adjustments every �
health are the three main health woman faces when her children
Taipei This hospital specializes problems encountered. are.grown and she is left alone
in the treatment of burn victims Changhwa Christian Hospital again with her husband. Only
the rehabilitation of crippled was described by Mrs. Robert those who are willing to adjust
McKague. It offers the general can be self -fulfilled and happy.
services plus the new department We begin this adjustment by
of psychiatry. Many young turning to God's Word. She
people in Taiwan are suffering reminds her readers that not only
from emotional problems due, it are they mothers butwives, @r Rev. Lloyd Dried
t y i is believed, to the rapid changes friends, sisters and daughters Y 9
—Miss Agnes Williamson spent in living patterns. Only five per and these years are the time to
the weekend in London with Mrs. cent of Taiwan's population is develop these relationships more
J. Watson. Christian so these hospitals, fully. "The cure for depression is
Evangelism film
—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wood,
aided by mission gifts from to list the things for which we
00, Pamela and Beverley of Clinton, abroad, present a great oppor- have to be thankful," she writes. to, a shown at
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Bluevale tunity for Christian witness.
visited Sunday with Mrs. Ger- Spiritual and medical needs go Mrs. Clarehce Wood, president
MR. AND MRS. KALVIN FISCHER are residing in shom Johnston, Catherine Street. hand in hand. of the group, conducted the busi- Baptist Church
Bluevale following their marriage Friday, September 24, at -Mr. and Mrs. Randy Brenzil The group enjoyed singing a ness portion of the meeting.
the Wingham United Church. Mrs. Fischer is the former are leaving Wingham this week medley of Thanksgiving hymns, A most unusual motion picture,
Pamela Hickey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hickey and will be residing in Stratford accompanied by Mrs. Wallace The ladies were reminded of "The Chinese Are Coming", will
of Wingham. Parents of the room are Mr. and Mrs. George where Randy will be employed by Richardson at the piano. The the upcoming hot luncheon to be be shown at the Wingham Baptist
g g y y Blackstone Manufacturing ComThanksgiving P held in the church November 19 Church on Sunday, at 7 p.rrr. The
Fischer of Bluevale. (Photo b Snyder Studio) g theme continued from 11 until 2. film was produced by Under-
pany. Wingham friends will miss with Mrs. Robert McKague pre round Evangelism, a mis-
the Brenzils but wish them well in The meeting closed with the g g
senting some interesting facts re Miz ah benediction. sionary organization which
their new endeavors. ardin the celebration of P
—Mrs. Huh Carmichael left g g specializes in bringing the gospel
How to look your best g Thanksgiving through the years. to Communist lands.
on Thursday to take up residence Canada's first annual Thanks- The film, said by many to be
at 50 Ruddingtori Drive, Willow- giving Day was held in 1879. the best up-to-date film on China
• •
dale. Mrs. Walton McKibbon, appro- Church children today, contains authentic scenes
on a I I m I t e d budget —Mr. and Mrs. George Burford priately seated in • a rocking right out of mainland China.
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burford chair, read a meditation from hold meeting Documenting the physical and
Women's Lib has final) hit the ordinating pants. Kee it longer, and Pamela of Stratford visited Jane Scott's "Rocking Chair political changes taking place,
fashion scene! Sure, the blue though, so only one-third of your Mrs. Melville Bradburn recenfly.. Reveries". She told of thanks- at Whitechurch Underground Evangelism's new
jeans, the pantsuits, all made for outfit is pants. To giveit "some —Rev. and Mrs. T. Garnet giving for the fruit of the field and film reveals the desperate need
the masculine look, but it seemed shape, tie the waist with its own Husser of Albright Gardens, the fruit of the Spirit. "Our grati- WHITECHURCH — Chalmers for the Word of God among
women, underneath it all, still self belt or jauntily knot a co-own
Beamsville, visited recently with tude should be shown in a practi- Presbyterian Children of the China's vast population of 800
Mrs. Jack Reavie. They also cal way — time, talents and Church held their October meet- million.
basically wanted to look like ordinating scarf. y
women and even with the pants That new look is great for the attended installation' ceremony money — as well as praise," she ing on Sunday 'in the Sunday The background music from
and jeans, something was added tall and slim gal; it can look ggOrder off the Eastern Star
for officers Huron Chapter . said. School room during the church The Chinese Women's Revolu
to give the feminine. touch. Fall of dressy or sporty, whatever is Mrs. Terry Nethery read a service. tionary Ballet and professional
'76 is the excep on. , your wish. If you are a little wider The call to worship was given Chinese art all combine to trans -
The welldresed look this fall in the caboose section and not by David Ross and Mrs. Archie port the viewer into the very
comes from suits tailored from over five -feet -four, you'll have aChief Crothers speaks Purdon read Psalm 136 verses 1-9 middle of life as it is today in
the menswear idea which leads little trouble making the look as the scripture reading. The roll Communist China. Additional
you to wonder if maybe some-. work. Stick to the tunic style,jcall was answered "Something authentic atmosphere is provided
where in the future the gals are keep it shorter than your average t o InsI• t v t e. members we should be thankful for". through scenes filmed in the new
going to be wearing the greys and dress and forget the waistline territories along the China border
Kendra Purdon gave a reading and in Hon Kong's oldest Taoist
browns in tailored no -fashion divide. Wingham Fire Chief Dave Mrs. Alf Lockrid e, resident, g g
clothes and the guys are goingto For this look, always re- g g P "God's Creation" and Brian Ross temple.
cl showing u gin fare ' Don't member i keep the ants Ion others was the guest speaker welcomed the ladies. The min- received the offering. The offer- The public is cordially invited
g p P P g, when the Wingham Women's'In- utes of the last meeting, treasur- ing prayer was given by Andy to view this film.
laugh! They're already doing just with little shoe showing. For even stitute met in the council cham- er's report and correspondence Verstee
that for formal weddings and the more layering, add a coordin- ber with the Goderich WI mem- were read b secretary Mrs. g• Rev. Lloyd Drudger will be
like! y Y Mrs. Purdon read the junior showing the film and preaching
ating turtleneck under the dress bers as their guests. Uldene MacKenzie. Miss Myrtle story —• "What will Dorothy g
Anyway, let the guys have their and if you like, a perky little vest Mrs. Laura Galbraith, pro- Johnson, delegate to Dashwood ?,, at the morning service at the
P g Choose and Mrs. Isobel Kay, church.
frills if they like. Women this fall over the dress. For the gal who gram convener, introduced the rally, gave an excellent report of filling in for Mrs. Hugh Simpson
are wearing the pin -stripes, 'a feels the cold, believe me, the speaker and later presented him the day's activities. read the senior story — "Wild
three-piece suit, fitted double- layered look is some nice new with a small gift. In his remarks, The roll call, 'name a food or u- Strawberries".
breasted jacket, vest and slim fashion to keep a body warm! `Prevention and Fire Safety", he tensil used 75 years ago', was
pants, with, of course, a tailored stressed that many chesterfield answered by the members pres- MONEY
manly shirt. The funniest fashion coverings and drapes are highly ent. Mrs. Robert Powell had AVAILABLE
joke this fall is the guy who says explosive because of a spray -on charge of the bake sale.
to his• wife: "All my suits are at foam substance. Chief Crothers On Thursday afternoon, Octo Eleven receive
the cleaner's, dear, can I borrow Women teachers also warned that many aerosol ber 28, the ladies are planning a
one of yours?" cans at 150 degrees can explode, dessert euchre. The proceeds will MORTGAGE LOANS
Most of them in a combination as well as furniture polishing go toward the Wingham and Dis- attendance awards
wool 1 ester fabric, it is warm, hold meeting Residential, Commercial
Po Y cloths that are carelessly put trict Arena Fund. A trip to Lon- WHITECHURCH — Atten-
serviceable and easy to care for,Iway, in closets. don . is planned for Friday, Rural
keeps its shape, always looks n Brussels aHydro can also be an enemy November 26. The Whitechurch dance awards were presented
sharp. In grey or black, all neut but solei the result of misuse of WI members are to be invited to recently at the United Church land Development
The Huron Association of the y Sunday School.
ral colors, in herringbone, Federation of Women Teachers hydro. Different fuel types of the Wingham November meet- Robert Raikes was awarded a Builders Interim Financing
checked, tweed, it is adaptable. heating are a potential hazard to ing.
of Ontario held their fall meeting diploma; PROMPT SERVICE
You can put any color with it, at Melville Presbyterian Church, the household as well as to the Margaret MacIntyre has been Five year seals went to Clare
though really experimentation Brussels. A delicious roast beef firemen. He spoke of smoke de- selected as the winner of the Weber, Murray Gibb, Jack Call Collect
has to be limited. Jewellery and dinner was served by the ladies of tectors at various prices, also Grade 10 proficiency award in Whvtock, Cindy and Richard 519-836-0470
other accessories must be kept to the church to approximately 125 battery-operated detectors which Home Economics which has been Moore. Six year seals: Linda
a minimum. For the office and members and their guests. are a good warning at the time of presented annually by the Wing- Moore and Nancy Quips; seven WESTERN INTERNATIONAL
business occasions, you can't find Guests seated at the head table a fire. It was also suggested that ham branch of the Women's In- vear seals: Calvin, Kenneth and FUNDING CORP.
anything more dressy. hand fire extinguishers hang stitute at commencement exer Q pp
I wo u.f�, t invest in too many were s and Mrs. Charles near a door instead of in the mid- cises. Karen Qui
d 'the masculine look, Thomas and Wilfrid Srom theeed dle of a room. — Following the meeting, lunch
though. Tailored and simple as Bo brought greetings from the thief Crothers concluded by was served and a social half hour
the may be, methinks men still Board of Education; Robert Al
y y Ian, representing the administra sa�mg, "In case of fire. get out, enjoyed. Hostesses were Mrs. (j11.1C
ow►+ o,
like women to look like women then call your fire department William Jardine and Mrs. M.
and Women's Lib or no, the five staff of the Board; Mrs. Lil immediate) McKersie. wI"f'MA1A
Liam Thompson, Wiarton a pro- immediately." t
majority of women will eye the feminine colorful ensemble be- vincial director for FWTAO and
Miss Kay Dyson, Toronto Execu A►oaa Eo
fore they'll go manly. It's a fad
that can't last! tive Assistant for FWTAO, the ig,v
Of course, if you really want
guest speaker.
the total look and want to feel The meeting was conducted by NOTICE
well-dressed, go the whole bit the president of Huron Associa
tion, Mrs. Mary Huether. Mrs.
with a grey pin -stripe, white tail- Joanne King, Mrs. Karen Cardiff
ored shirt, black and grey tie and and a quartette of Brussels girls TOWN OF WINGHAM
black fedora. And don't be sur
entertained with musical selec-
prised if someone steps up and f
says, "Sir, do you have the tions. The Wingham Town Council request that Saturday
time'" Fourteen new teachers were site October 30 be observed as Hallowe'en
A new member of the layered- inducted into the Federation of ,
Women Teachers by Mrs. Lillian Nite in the Town of Wingham.
look family this fall is the dress.
In the shirt -waist style or new Thompson.
y In her address, Miss Dyson ex- William Renwick �
tunic shaping, it fits loosely over plained the various services pro- Clerk
its own matching pants or co- vided by FWTAO to its members,
and urged that they should bring
> pressure to bear on school boards
.and government to ensure thatWould You Believe
the best conditions for education
are provided in our schools.
is moving to 254 Main Street, Palmerston
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Savings of 30 - 40% off on our
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Maternity fops
Sale Ends November 6
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a 1
Area bride -elect
honored at shower
Kathy and Lorie Purdon enter-
tained girl friends aha surprise
shower in honor of April McBur-
ney, bride -to -tom,
April and two of her attendants,
Marjorie Nixon and Cathy Fis
cher, were seated under a rain-
bow. At the end of the rainbow
was a pot of gold containing
mgy gifts. Assisting with the
gi is were two other attendants,
Lorie Purdon and Janet Cook.
A sash of bows made by Mrs.
Eldon Cook was presented to
April after which she replied,
thanking everyone for their gifts
and expressing gratitude to the
sponsors of the party.
SCHUMACKER—NEILSON—Heather Neilson, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. David Neilson, of Gorrie, exchanged vows
with Gary Schumacker, of Fordwich, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Schumacker, of Gorrie, on Oct. 8 at Gorrie
Presbyterian Church. The couple will reside in Fordwich.
(Russell Photo)
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