The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-28, Page 26
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-Ublillilir Advance -Times, October W ISM
people Sin worship and show the
d belief that made RuM
frith ar
film 'Tx"d Road", a Jo4nny
an easy convert. Rev. Ball paint-
Cash film promtation of the ilfe
ed out that the early church had
and ministry of Jesus. Dinner
some great preadnrs like Paul,
will be served by the UCW and in
Peter and Apo" but it was the
the evening at t:oo, The Channel
witness of ordinary meet, women
Singers will be part of the rally.
changing power of Jesus Cbrrist
pial Charge_
that brought the Christian faith
lir. aad Mrs. Kan McClement,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poltorak and
There was a visit on Wednes-
day evening, at the regular Bible
study group, representative
Smilra and Tommy and Greg
Jennifer of Orillia visited Satur-
showed slides and spoke of the
work of the Mission in oriental
Quality Installation
Dohg as spent the weekend with
day with Mrs. Dora Ridley.
Study free-will weekly offering is
Free Estimates
given in support of the Mission.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Johnston in
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson at-
life will be a Youth Rally on Sun
day, October 31 at 4:30 p.m. when
R.R. 3 Walkerton "
the minister will lead the young
trrrra.. X"1 "-rrrrrrr. c,
tended anniversary service Sun -
We extend best wishes to Mr
day in Harriston United Church.
said Mrs. Holger Espensen who
Rev. John Stinson of Fordwich
celebrated their 25th wedding an-
was the guest speaker.
niversary on Saturday at the
Harold Doi$ was taken to List-
Hawick Community Centre.
owel Memorial Hospital on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. David Steinacker
and family of Orangeville were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walker of
weekend visitors with Mr. and
Listowel spent the weekend with
Mrs. Gordon Stemacker.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin.
Congratulations .o Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Dernerling
Mrs. Jim Gibson who were mar-
visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.'s`'
ried Fnday evening in the Pres-
Gordon Goldrich and family in
1ff 1»
byterian Church, Gorrie.
Guelph and with Mrs. Joan Long-
Emmerson Hargrave is con-
staffe, West Hill.
fined to Listowel Memorial'Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons re-
turned home Wednesday after
' a�
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston
spending several days with Mr.
and John Winter spent one day
and Mrs. Doug Wildfang in Mis
last week in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Clarkson of
Harold Jenkins and Ernie Wes-
Nobleton. spent the weekend with
ley of Toronto were Sunday din-
the former's parents, Mr. and
ner gets with Miss Ruth John-
Mrs. Scott Clarkson.
ston and called on other friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Les Halliday and
the community.
Mrs. Ken Graham visited Sunday
with Mrs. Crawford at Tara. <
The sympathy of the com-
munity goes to Mrs. Tom Hut-
QUEEN WINS TROPHY—Graeme Craig, Walton, of the Huron Plowmen's Association
Miss Violet Beswetherick was
chicon and family in the sudder.
presents a trophy to this year's Huron Queen of the Furrow, Laurie Stafford of Howick at
in Toronto Saturday where she
death last week of her husband.
the Plowmen's annual banquet in Kirkton Thursday night. Miss Stafford is wearing the
attended the reunion of her tour
Recent visitors with Mr. and
leather coat that was part of her prize. ( Expositor Photo)
group, held at the Skyline Hotel.
Mrs. Les Halliday were Mr. and
John McElwain returned tome
Mrs. A. J. Stubb of Superior. Wis-
last week from Listowel Mem-
orial Hospital wtnere be had
recently undergone surgery. '
A shower was held Saturday
afternoon at the home of Mrs.
•i -s k
John Leppington in Gorrie in
Special e r v e e m a r
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and
honor of Miss Jackie Nickel who
will be married next month.
lK W meeting
Games were played. Lunch was
• •
served by the hostess, assisted by
intended for last week i
Cathy Clarkson and Eileen .Mil
GORRIE — Mrs. Alex Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulvey, Jeff
Anniversary services are al- What is needed is a new shoe. The Ball, chose as his scripture the
was in charge of devotions at the
and Cindy of Belmore and Mr.
ways a special time in the l gkof a only way to wear the Christian meeting between Jesus. the
October meeting of the United
and Mrs. Garry Sothern, Tim and
church family. It is a time to re- life with joy and victory is to get a Risen Lord and His disciple
WomeChurch n, wising
Tracy of Palmerston visited S-
new vows and be renewed in the new life. Jesus gives that new Thomas. He pointed out that
theme, "Christ above everything,
day with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Spirit, and also a time for renew- life. Thomas was not present when
no substitute'', saying everyone
of time. It is
. Sothern.
ing friendships as. former mem- At the evening service music
Jesus proved Himself alive and
has the same amount
bers and friends return to the was provided by the Grey High- well to His friends. Just so, a per -
what we do with it that counts.
home church. lands' Quartet singing A Little son who absents himself from the
Mrs. A. L. Stephens gave a re-
Wroxeter United Church cele- Talk with Jesus. Whosoever
fellowship of Cit ist is to blame.
port on Huron -Perth Health
brated its anniversary on Sept- Will and I Want 'My Life to Tell
you must stand in the light but
Council. Members were re-
ember 26 with morning and even- for Jesus. The sermon theme for
Jesus said men prefer darkness
ed of the bazaar to be held on the
Sunday evening guests with
ing services. At the morning ser- the evening service was "Faith
to light. Thomas would only be-
Sunday School room on Novem-
Mr. and Mn. Stewart Higgins
" vice special music was provided Force or Farce". Neve what his senses told him.
ber 6.
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burchill
by The Harmonaires of Mount Taking as his text "The just
Jesus asks faith' The world of the
A donation was given to the
of Goderith.
Forest, under the direction of shall live by faith" from Romans.
senses is small' sand
Leprosy Mission in India of which
Miss Lucelle White and mem-
Sidney Hewitt. A stirring rendi- chapter 1. Rev. Ball said there
Ball. It is a deceptive world. The
films were shown at the Bible
bers of the White family of Tor-
tion of Battle Hymn. I Believe, were over 8.000 promises in the a not withdrawn.
hand of Christ
Study on October 13.
onto spent the weekend at their
and Spirit of God inspired the Bible. Over 85 per cent of all the
Take it, said the preacher, find
home here.
packed church. Mrs. Nora Mof- promises in the Bible are promis•
pardon for sin, hope for the hope
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Osborne and
fatt was the organist and Miss es God has made to man. Faith is
const ker at
family of Newmarket, Ted
Marcia Gibson was pianist. trusting God to deliver what He
Again at the evening service.
Hampton. Keswick, Mr. and Mrs.
The minister. Rev. Wesley B. has promised. God promised His
the topic was "Are You
V divrehes
Bob Osborne and family. Dun-
Ball, as his scripture lesson Son as the remedy for the defileser'°°
C°n�°�� and special music
dalk, visited over the weekend
St. John 3:1-17 and the theme of went of sin. that through His
`'If frac provided by the Folk Choir
GORRIE — Rev. Jean C. Don-
with Mrs. O. B. Osborne. Mrs.
the morning address was death on the cross and resurrec-. Lon-
from John's ised
aldson of Moorefield United
Bob Osborne and familv are stay-
being born hasn't ;atisfied you — tion man would be restored to as bas
d0°' The a was on
Ciurch was in charge of the ser-
ing for the week.
try being born again". From the friendship with God. "Trust
the story of Ruth combined with
vices at Wroxeter and Gorrie
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Elliott.
encounter between Jesus and Christ to save you and walk in
Jesus commission to go into the
United Churches on Sunday,
Markdale. spent the weekend at
Nicademus one sees the absolute that light and live in that belief." in the power of the Holy
while Rev. Wesley B. Ball was
their home here.
necessity of being born again. Mr. Ball said. Spmworld
and be witnesses for
guest minister at Moorefield's
Mrs. Ken Leaver, Smith's Falls
Rev. Ball pointed out that lack of Mrs. Marilvn Kobertson and Ruth because
Ruth chose a God because
anniversary service_
and Mr. and Mrs. Art Cardinal,
a robust faith for these days re- her son. Lynn of the Salem United aonn. It
she chose 1\aomi. It was the way
Rev. Donaldson's sermon was
Perth. have returned home after
sults in people trying to follow Church provided a flute and
based on "Mini, Midi. and Maxi
spending the past week with Mr.
Christ but failing to catch his piano rendition of the Lord's
in which Naomi lived out her
people Sin worship and show the
d belief that made RuM
frith ar
film 'Tx"d Road", a Jo4nny
an easy convert. Rev. Ball paint-
Cash film promtation of the ilfe
ed out that the early church had
and ministry of Jesus. Dinner
some great preadnrs like Paul,
will be served by the UCW and in
Peter and Apo" but it was the
the evening at t:oo, The Channel
witness of ordinary meet, women
Singers will be part of the rally.
and young people to the life
The evening service is ePen to the
changing power of Jesus Cbrrist
pial Charge_
that brought the Christian faith
into a dying world and society.Yi-
There was a visit on Wednes-
day evening, at the regular Bible
study group, representative
from the Leprosy Missionoo
showed slides and spoke of the
work of the Mission in oriental
Quality Installation
i.•n&- 91.0 r CW gave a chentw. in
support of the work and the Bible
C` l a y o r r i o s i i c
Study free-will weekly offering is
Free Estimates
given in support of the Mission.
The next event in the .church
PHONE: 392-6700
life will be a Youth Rally on Sun
day, October 31 at 4:30 p.m. when
R.R. 3 Walkerton "
the minister will lead the young
trrrra.. X"1 "-rrrrrrr. c,
Grain & Corn
* Complete drying
R.R. it
Ludarow, Oehrlo
Stock up with
:J :Am ■ 1
144 + 144
50,4e TABLET
lfuhistr•ies".saying that with God and Mrs. Clarence Clement. The spirit. It's like trying to lam one s pray_ er.
all efforts in His work are Man. three ladies. are sisters. foot into a shoe that doesn't fit. Gorrie Anniversar,
Gone Uruted celebrated 120
years as a church famil on
Sun -day. October 17 At the morning kyo
The KinMessengers from Rellesle}. brought a mostSeum Incom� fleNibifitye, _
t n m uric s
��_A�„^Ing in ingclo min—aherr m _ l(Nl (`_] mg in close harmom�. Come. Hold
Spirts. The LongerI gene Him Oe lm &)s most
and K?here No One Stands Alone. No wonder
� and others Miss Karen Hyndman
was pianist and Mrs. `abelSI-)OW111cr w Freeman was oCrust
p .Opular mvestiment
The sermon topic was
' man to blame if he doesn't be-
ltece^.. — The minister. Rei w'eslev B
• r
Yes Christmas is only a short time away. If you re wonder -
P ing what to buy for all those sisters brothers cousins aunts
uncles — oil the people you re giving gifts to - keep your
eye on upcoming issues of The Winghom Advance -Times
We ,ave lots of gift suggestions and ideas to make this
Chr,s+rros buying season a little easier for you'
the Wingham Advance -rimes
Y -Air Sufi tc) Christmas dt dvll
WI enjoys
XKNX tour
GORRIE — A tour of C} -.\X
Television and Radio stations
was arranged for the Education
and Cultural Activities meeting
of the Women's Institute held
Wednesday evening of last week.
The tour proved yen interesting
and educational
The remainder of the meeting
was held at the home of Mrs M
Fisher Secretar%-treasurer.
Mrs R Gibson read the corres-
pondence and announcements.
one of which informed the
members and public of the
Achievement Day for the 4-H pro -
Act. The Cereal Shelf. to be held
at Howick Central School -
November 13
Sixteen members and s isitors
commented on the roll call Your
views on pre'ser:tda% educatior`
Mrs Glenn JNhunstor and Mrs
Robert Gibson ga\e a �-,elpful re-
fresher dem orist ra' : on -,n soc-i a 1
graces and dirimig Mrs Glad
Edgar gase thoug!:ts or, the
motto Fill sour vntli
memories that w:l: make.
nourish and cu;ture %our
thoughts in later %ears
Mrs William Thorrion presi-
dent. conducted 'he business
Plans are bung made for a visit
to Forda-Kch Village Nursing
Home in November The regular
nwehng of the WI will be held in
the hall in November
A soc•ral hour w -ac spent iftle
the hostess. Mrs Gibson and
- Mr's Alex Graham served lunch
..7 e3.
Nor. .
TNN,o Kinds.
A.i .,II% ruo,,tcrcd b„n,ls. These
n,i, .uc rci:i,tercd .is it, Kith
pr m, ipal mid intcrest. The interest
cnt t„ wu .mn,mati,ally by
. hcgkic c.i, i \c.,r „n November 1st.
Tho-irc .i\•.ul.iblc in ,icnom,nati,ms
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B.1 ,,upon I`„nd,;. Thc,e bond,
irk, rc_'i,t, red .is to pnn, ipal ind
h.we .,nnu.,l inure r \tiwpons
r`„ -1H, t,, bc.ircr.Thc� Tire available
i.•nun.irionsof $50.51\\`,
1. AN' ,ind ';5A J.
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to M.Irunty
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great lvvW to save I