The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-28, Page 17•
The Wingham Advance -Times, October 28, 1976—Page 7
ro%w clowl-ing
I turns W the fro for a -
BANTAMS Roses are fifth with eight points. had the � double with 225 .+
the final battle
. At W�5 Seld confrontation with his life
endingDaffodla have taken scam- Violets are in the cellar, with two made up of 118 and 112 games. .. archenemy.
enanding lead in the Bantam clivi- points. Other games over 100 were: .,, The mystery of the happenings long
witSean Connery
&ion with 25 points. Roses are Ellen Rodger led the girls with Debbie Hoy 113; pebble Hodgins ,�' $ on the Tallahatchie bridge, tan- and Audrey Hepburn are Robert
second with 16 points, one pointtalizing 133 single and 285 double. 105; Debbie Scott 125; 11[[ic�ele and unsolved over the
years, is unravelled for the first Shaw as the Sherif[ and Richard
ahead of Daisies. Sunflowers are years, Hickey had the high single Heard 119,107; Ellen Rodger 102; time in "Ode to BillJoe" the Harris as King Richard.
fourth with nine points and Sweet for boys with 141. Murray Skinn Pasta Passmore 105; Robert4 2. � g� � production "'llhe Sunshine Boys", Neil Sf-
Leedham 118. \ i mop's Broadway success now a
`/ . JUNIORS 27 at the Lyceum motion star
4 J` in W m. popular m oa picture, two
Standings tightened up in the "' The picture is a favorites, Walter Matthaw and
Junior Division with Dewdrops, yrr� rte,,. George Burns. It is a very human
Joyous and
sometimes touching story of
Crystaldrops and Snowdrops all comedy of a team of vaudeville
tied for first with 15 points. Pearl- ut Ill i-- Y° romance in the Mississippi comedians definitely not made
; �; Delta and is based on the famow for each other. Willie Clark
drops and Golddrops are just one ballad b Bobble Gentry. The
point behind with 14 points. Gum-(Matthau) and Al Lewis (Burns)
�' - film was directed by Baer from a have shared a successful career
DIVISION OF HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE drops bring up the rear with only, - - of laughs but the lumps are then
script by Herman RaucMr on
$31 Quoon Street, Kincordine, Ontario, Canada NOG 200 two pointe. x �� � - � location in Mississippi where the '
Debbie Wittig led the girls with V �k ' rk Tallahatchie flows and where the too, inflicted by Al on Willie and
a high single of 163 and a double n �. " # N secret of Billy Joe and Bobbie vice versa. While their protes-
A N X11 O U N C E S ALL NEW or 308. She hada 145 in her second Lee was bm;� on a and dusty mains invsignal respect for each other rer
game. Byron Thom` Y. ;- June 3, 1952. The picture stars relationshipis dominated b
8 Yr Thompson had the i i late, their personal
C h aI riga r C I a s s Canada high single for boys with 218. He Robby Benson and Glynnis md�� What ha
had a double of 342. `" 0 Connor as the teenage lovers. [mss
Other games over 125 were: Jo as Bobbie Gentry's relrecording when
Billies well -thea no -
Great new fares for flying within Canada with anne Henry 128; Kim McGregor { , . - �., of her original hit recording is phtriew -� xRic Benjamin) of the
Air Canada or CP e.g. Toronto to Vancouver a Wine Adams iso, illi - /Z heard on the sound track of the team on television is the fulcrum
Rance Willis 128, 151; Willie � - film.
$209.00 RT. of '"Phe Sunshine
Rodgers 181; Randy Bain 139, -:+� Opening October 31 is a great Boys". It is•a
140; Stephen Gaunt 171, 155; double bill, "Robin and Marian" comedy of characters and prom -
Effective February 1st, 1977 p and double
Sunshine Boys". "Bob-uwa a fine film treat.
Wardair Charters Toronto to Miami announces all new Robbie Willis 132, 151; Greg Laid- George Burns received an
law 184; Phillip ; Brenttoul a 127; in and Marian" is a return to the Academy Award for his perform -
departures on Wed. and Thurs. commencing Dec. 30th Tim Bain 134, 146; Brent Day 164; golden age of screen romance,
and Jan. 5th weekly for only: ance as best supporting actor in
Denis Adams 128; Kevin Greenand stars Sean Connery as Robin .Sunshine Boys".
$99.00 RT. 2 - 3 - 4 weeks 126; Billy Gaunt 139; Terry Rin-� Hood and Audrey Hepburn as The
HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS toul 155; John Leedham 155; Maid Marian. Battle -weary,
David Scott 165. wiser and no longer a young man, FOR
TO FLORIDA SENIOR JUNIORS Robin Hood has returned to the
Speedbugs moved three pointstranquility of Sherwood Forest
CHRISTMAS BREAK: in front in the Sr. Junior Division ill following the years of the Cru- CLASSIFIED ADS
with 16 points. The Sweets are r - ""'' sades and King Richard's death.
Dec. 22 10 Days- Jet to Ormond Beach and Orlando second with 13 points while His once gallant merry men are a
12 Days- Motorcoach to Ormond Beach Jaguars and Tigers are tied for tattered band. His beloved Maid Phone
JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS DINNER third with 12 points. Grizzlies and ` Marian is a nun in an abbey.
Sasquatches are tied in the cellar But the suffering of the people Wingham
with 11 points each. under King John and the Sheriff
Mar. 18 9 Days- Motorcoach to Ormond Beach
Bonnie Thompson was high for of Nottingham remains the same. S Z Z O
9 Days- For this date we have departures the girls with 161 single and 305 So, once having rekindled the ar-
leaving by jet air to Fort Lauder- double. David Nesbitt had high dour of his lost love, Robin re -
single for boys with 244. Blair
dole, Ormond Beach, Orlando and Mansell had the high double with
St. Petersburg Beach, all perfect 430. WORK ON THE FLOOR of the Wingham Community Center ice surface began last week.
for the school break. Games over 150 were: Connie Workmen dug up the old floor and the pipes which have to be replaced. This is part of the "
Haugh 158; Linda Wittig 155; renovations which have to be done before the arena can reopen.
LONG TERM FLORIDA STAY: Donna Thompson 155; David
Jan. 29 27 Days- Motorcoach to Ormond Beach Nesbitt 169; Daryl Holmes 210, •
where you have a choice of staying 177; Steve Anger 177; Jeff Jack a n a a Royale provingY 9 son Blair Mansell 205, 225;
either at The Ivanhoe or at The Ma- Briann H Hoy 208; Greg Storey 206,
verick Motel where you may choose 214; Terry Hoy 176; Barry Haugh
to have an efficiency or standard 168; Wayne Thompson 161; Tim to
room. Stainton 199.cons* i s tent winner
Feb. 12 28 Days- Motorcoach to St. Petersburg and SENIORS
Ormond Beach whereou can relax Team 4 and The Bionic 4 took
y A hobby which began three Awards at the Sault Ste. Marie field of over 50 dogs. This past
for the rest of the vacation again Division with 25 points each. The years ago is bringing top honours Retriever Club trials and his days weekend's award, the Oktober-
being able to stay at The Ivanhoe Sacks dropped to third place with to a former Listowel native and as a Junior and Qualifying Dog fest Trial, was another triumph
or The Maverick Motel. 19 points. Team 5 moved into his black Labrador Retriever. were over. Bryon had entered the for Kanaka and his proud owner.
fourth place with 16 points while Bryon Fritz of RR 3, Palmer- dog in the Open Age Stakes and a Although Bryon is delighted
Departures are also available for the Florida Team 3 is fifth with 13 points. ston and his twenty-eight month win automatically disqualified with his "super dog" he is not ad -
Circle Tours for 15 days with departures on Jan. Number Ones remain in the old Labrador Retriever won first the dog from ever competing in verse to selling the dog "for the
prize in the Hai -Karate Oktober- any events other than the Open right price" which could ver
15th, Feb. 5th and 25th, March 12th and April 16th. cellar with seven points. fest Retriever Trial Oct. 10 in Kit- Age Stakes. well ha y
Nancy King led the girls with chener. The trial, b invitation happen as Kanaka makes his
243 high single and 527 triple. y The decision to enter the. Open way south this winter to Louisi-
CHARTER CLASS FARES TO g g P only, had eleven other dogs com- Age stakes was a "do or die" de- ana. Bryon ho will
l. Spencer Burly had the high single peting for the prized Oktoberfest cision for Kanaka and his owner "finished off" amend win his the s Ameri
LONDON MANCHESTER GLASGOW for boys with 196 and the high
triple with 578. mug• but a win was register ed and the can Field Trial Ctiampionshiu.
Mr. Fritz was born in Listowel, twenty-six month old do was Mr. Fritz doesn't have all his
$299.00 $292.90 $284.00 Games over 175 were: Pam y- g
14-45 Das -Travel an do of the week with Gerrie 197, 219 Brenda : Pamxton and went to public school and se- now competing against dogs two eggs in one basket and hopes are
Y Y Y 179; Nancy King Br da Peggy condary school here. He is the son and three times his age. The deci- not riding on just one dog — he
no surcharges and your children 179; Nancy
KingJoM2 e McCormick of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fritz, now sion to enter the Open Age Stakes also owns another young black
Terof Kincardine. paid off again at the Ottawa Re- Lab known as Brickers of Brae -
pay 1/2 the 22/45 day excursion 191; Chris Foxton 189, 190; -Anna Mr. Fritz' interest in dogs be- treiver Club Trial in September mar, which he says, will be
FRANKFURT: Haugh 176, 201; Spencer Burly gan three years ago when he saw where the dog placed second in a "Super Do Two."
$339.00 RT same as above only 22-45 days 196, 186, 196; Jim Laidlaw 184; Labradors at the Sportsman's g
Y Y Ronnie Johnston 191; Paul Cer- Show in Toronto. Shortly after he
son 181. bought his first dog, a Golden Re -
FOR CLIENTS IN THE LUCKNOW, WINGHAM AND triever, as a house pet. He then
GODERICH AREA WATCH FOR OUR NEW ZENITH Bridge results lame more inheed in the "_ \\
NUMBER COMING SOON trailing aspects oft the dogs andOM QUOTS
First, Ross Hanna and Art Wil- purchased a black Labrador \n 10 J11
son; second, Leonard George and (Wimberways x Teak) known as
Let Us Help You With Your Vacation Omar Haselgrove; third, Farish Tom. He spent many months with
Moffat and Joe Martin; fourth, the dog, training, and on the trial
CALL (519) 396-3477 Mary Lloyd and Yvonne McPher- circuit and won many ribbons (,� ��
son u&�
and trophies.%
In August 1974 he purchased a
two -month-old Labrador Puppy
from a kennel in KatonnR, New Well, the World Series is over o and watch the game. At least if
- j York. The dog, Kanaka Royale, g
? has brought many honours to his and things didn't go quite as I had their owner has anything to say
S master since then. The dog's sire Predicted. Those pesky Cin about it.
was Field Trial Champion Anzac cinnati Reds really gave it to the I heard while I was in Toronto
of Zenith and the Dam was Ga- New York Yankees.
on the weekend that he had gone
honk's Rebel Queen.
Even after the Reds won the to other clubs in the league and
Affectionately known as first two games in Cincinnati I bought up several thousand
Ems "Super Dog", Kanada and his thought the Yankees would come tickets so that Argonaut sub -
owner have spent the past two back to force the series back to scribers would have an oppor-
Much More'Than A Rumor', years training near is aswat l at seventh
ti for the sixth' or even tuThe to get a seat for the among Dawn Flight Kennels as well as seventh game. However it was all The tickets are divided amon
weekend and weekday training over in four straight. the nine teams in the league so
sessions and travelling the trial The Reds deserved to win be- that fans from across Canada can
circuit from Montreal to Sault
Here -They Are —All Four Ste. there are always a lot of tickets
Marie. The results are evi get to see the big game. However,
cause they took advantage of all
dent at the Fritz home; literally the breaks and created some of which are left until the final week
dozens of prize ribbons adorn one their own. This a the mark of before the are sent to the host
cod team no matter what sport y
wall of the farm kitchen and g p°
From the legendary Astro 340 t0 the high l��'\ they play. team for sale. Toronto wasn't
trophies are proudly displayed in waiting until the last minute to
performance SST 440, the dependable Astro the front room. I thought the Yankees' pitching
would give the Reds more get tickets for their subscribers.
440 to the Luxury SST 340. they're all true. Kanaka won his first major trouble. Cincinnati had power The schedule for the Wingham
trophy by being named Top Ironmen is now out and the team
They've of advanced low -swept aero- '� _ •.W puppy of the Labrador Owners'
Y g P throughout the batting order and
dynamic styling, A uni ue headlight OU elm i "p will be playing its first game at
Top Puppy by the Lab- New York couldn't do a thin
Y y g Q { g y _ - • `'� Club and To Pu g the Hawick Community Centre on
like a car headli ht. A II hter, fou her track - rador Retriever Club. Both about it. It seemed that every y
g g g �. time the ap- November 3. They have been
and over 60 Improvements in styling, per- �� �� awards were won in 1975. In the me e Yankee pitch
working out at the Centre for a
same year he received First, Se- Feared to be out of an inning
formance and comfort. Put it all together and without any damage, a Reds' couple of weeks now and the team
I . � � rand and Third Place in Puppy is starts to take she
you've got the KawasakiSnoJetsl __ ���` Licence Trials and placed second batter would get on base and open
as Top Puppy in Ontario with up the flood gates. In next week's column I will
have a complete rundown on the
nine points. It was just the reverse with the team. There are a few players
In May of this year the dog won Reds' pitchers. Just when the
P back from last year's team and
second at the Montreal Retriever New York hitters got something several new faces.
Club Trials and third at the Pine going, Cincinnati would come up
- ' _ �,'• q . Ridge Retriever Club trial at with the big play to bail the pit-
' l Kingston. These wins followed a cher out.
h� �1 two month training session in 1 guess the only word which
'� •� Southern United States. While in really describes the Reds is Brownie Corner
Louisiana with professional "hustle". They never quit and
handler, Bill Little of Kingston, just keep coming at you until they Mrs. D. Vair demonstrated a
he entered the Louisiana Re- overpower you. Hallowe'en craft which the
L triever Club trial and won the Brownies enjoyed making. When
Governor's trophy. All these wins Now that the World Series is finished, the Tweenies discussed
As You Can See, Kawasaki Snowmobiles Are Much More were made in the Junior category over, sport fans who watch
the promise, law and motto.
of trialing. events via the television will have The Brownies learned some
Than Just Rumors... So Come In And See The '77 Line -Up Today! In Qualifying Stakes, Kanada to wait until the end of November songs and dances. Carol Bel -
won third place at the Pine Ridge before they see another playoff. anger and Julie Nicholls helped
in May, third at the Labrador Re- That will be the Canadian Foot with a dance and a game.
DAVIDSON SALES and SERVICES triever Trials in June and second ball League's Grey Cup. If anyone has a Brownie uni-
at the Sudbury Retriever Trials Toronto Argonauts don't ap- form for sale, please phone 357-
Monkton, Tol•phona 347.2235 in August. Ontario Su pear to have much chance of get- 1105.
On August first of this year he ting to play in the game but their ' Thank you for buying the cal -
won two Certificates of Merit ardent fans will get a chance to endars•
Goodbye, Colt
Goodbye, Elgin.
Goodbye, moat used
machIrm. Hare s a naw
Arctic Cat for ORW SIOM-001 It's the Lynx 2000-8, a
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slightly extra.) So if all your thoughts have run to Cat -
except the price - come running in todaywe've got your
Cat at your price!
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