The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-28, Page 13Tile Winosm Advame-'!'fines. 0clobw !, 1M --Pap 3
1dN or: Jiiwlrror L
G-I4ftw: M@ry Air» Ahft
W MW WW lW dereli":
School DaZDazethr the ali and Mr.
ZaasW didn't Move to do any r IdwR MRcr MRo>�iic
Lately the senior biology class- thing out of the ordinary.
an have been overwhelmed by Madill's detectives are once -- A SURE CURE
Mr. Gnay's 'fat jokes' along with more roaming the hall* looking , , F 0 R
an abundance of dieting advice for the lost needle for the record
(and living proof that it doesn't player in our student lounge. But Upon receiving my progress would not be education to moat of : ¢ THAT HEADACHE
wort). we have a class of probable sus- report, I did a 'lot' of thinking. I us: it would be destruction.
p r cried for quite a while and felt Of course marks are ipiport- , .. .
It always seems to be the poets — Mr. MacLennan's
q ;#'; •-•.;;
totally disgusted with myself. ant. The are a vital element if �/ `
teachers that E:ie young at heart t:.zn i�c ii6 ifiaii, uais8 wiSuad y y TRY T�i
who supervise -ar annual G1 ide ti AI er listen to records Just then I had the feelings of how you pian Lu LviGtir,uc t0 part r t - -
8 Night UBua I l 4he are alma• ui, Lt, aim. the 1930 t war depression must seconds education and also '*
y y have been and somehow knew needed f r your own satisfaction r t y; WANT ADS ! s
as .Woo us as the ankle Spic - " s further evidence that that the battle, indeed, was just as a measurement of achieve- -
Mr. Wood was very inconsp,�u- 1�� is a 'Bird Cage', aspar- hd meetBt thothr thint •
Char bopping about doing the v
the cafeteria last . uere are egs
� 351 2320
Charleston; Finkle toes (or as Tu ' tit aea
� !t was one time we A progress report is an esti- of much greater importance and �
some know him, Mr. Mali) tried could ho -e done without gifts mated evaluation of your work for these you will find no digit on ,
to revive Tiny Tim's ' Tip Toe from ah e. over the last month and a half — your report card.
a mere estimate — nothing to be What I am speaking of are the
upset about — right? components which make you a TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK
4eNM q• I arp certain others felt the person. Like understanding your-
.WINONAM same frustration and defeat self as an individual, how your
which I experienced. You are body functions, how your emo- Clerk's Notice of First Posting
mentally drained, over -tired, im- tions, work, the way you inter -act of Preliminary list
patient, and depressed because of with other people. Once you have Notice is hereby given that I have complied with the M,lnicipal Election
re 9 mounds of homework and study- accomplished this basic knowl- Acts 1972 as amended and did on Oct. 28, 1976 post a preliminary list
ir1g; and for what? A medium edge of yourself, then you will beof Electors for Hawick Township in my office as well as in a conspicuous
mark, a failure? There has been more capable in helping out with place in each polling subdivision.
CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST no time for family, friends or others' problems and even much Electors should examine the list to insure that their names and role -
relaxation. Little time for enjoy- more competent in sharing _ vont information are correctly shown.
ment. You keep putting things off, others' happiness. Applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or deletions
like sitting down with a good I am certainly not expressing from the list may be mode by an elector by completing and filing p form
book, a walk among the autumn the thought that marks achieve- THE CHEERLEADERS took an active part in Grade Nine obtainable at the off ice of the clerk.
PRELIMINARY VOTERS LIST trees, conversing with old ment, diplomas and the rest of it Night which was held on Friday 15 to welcome all the new The lost day for filing applications concerning inclusions, additions,
students to our school. From left to right are Julie King, corrections, or deletions is Nov. 5, 1976.
for the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron friends, because surely there will are not important, but my point is Mary Eadie, Nancy Warren, Clara Milligan, Sally Le Van, Revisions of the list will commence at 10 A.M., Nov. 8, 1976 at the
be more time later — after your they are not everything. Don't be { Municipal office, Gorrie Ont.
Notice is herebythat I have complied with Section studies are done. turned into a machine; de- Lori Moir, Jo Ann Wood, Cheryl Halldenby and Barb Loree.
given P R. sail
23 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1976 and that have But you know, I'm sure that velopment should go on in all They did various cheers and helped with the entertainment clerkTroownr-
posted up at my office at the Town Hall, on the 26th day this cannot be the purpose of areas not just academically. for the evening. Township ofNowick
of October 1976, the list of all persons entitled to vote school. They can't possibly want Take time and enjoy the things .
in the Municipality at Municipal elections, and that such intelligent, isolated little ma- around you, appreciate a day
list remains there for inspection. chines with pencil and calculator with lots of sunshine, notice a
in hand, a diction which consists child's smile, and take the time Hasn't Madill already
of chemistry equations and his- for loved ones. Don't close them
And I hereby call upon dits core
proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected cheeks from lack of sleep, always be there.. NOTICE
according to law. two diplomas in hand, and three —Joan Leishman, One purpose of the Madill there. The teachers really care
degrees behind your name. This E
Editor Mirror' is to let the public, as well about what happens to you and
The last day for filing complaints is Nov. 5, 1976. as other students, know our teach you to the best of their
opinion on certain current issues ability. The standard of educa- REVISION AND CERTIFICATION OF THE
The place at which revision will commence is at the Clerk's Teachers' point of view which affect us. The announce- tion is high and the reason for it is
Office. ment of a mandatory curriculum the teachers. They could stand by
On Monday mornings all the because I think the students can in grades 9 and 10 have brought a and let you take any courses you
The time at which revision will commence is November students and teachers gather to- find out about sports, activities variety of feelings to those of us wanted, just as long as you met ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER'S UST
5th, 1976. gether for our "Monday Morning and different events going on in at Madill. the requirements for your dip -
Assemblies" in the double gym. the school. It adds cohesiveness 4-0_0, loma. But, where would you be in e
Dated this 22nd day of October, 1976. At these assemblies the students as a student body, it is a time for Every student entering grade 9 the end? You may have the re- RE. L RT ENTRY
learn of coming events, how the the students to get together." in September 1977 and after will quired English courses and
school teams are doing and what Mr. G*eluk: "I think they be required to take nine compul- Canadian studies but without the
sory subjects to graduate. Most proper background in other
William Renwick, Clerk the various clubs have accomp are worth" hila. I like the way of the mandatory curriculum will courses where can you go? Notice is hereby given that I have posted up at
Town of Wingham lished. The students have many they are set up now, every other be required in grades 9 and 10. Every eolle e•and university my office in Bluevole, Ontario on the 28th, day -
different points of view on these w'eek." This was announced recently by has requirements for entrance of October 1976 the Census List as prepared
assemblies, positive and nega- Therefore, the teachers feel u
Education Minister Tom Wells
tive. Let's look at the teachers' that Monday morning assemblies . that you must meet to be ac by the Assessment Commissioner, showing the
are worthwhile efforts b the stu- Will this make much difference cepted by them. I don't think
1owN o, point of view. dents and staff, and they are a to the students of Madill? My there are many, if any students school support of every inhabitant who IS en -
""`"a"" Mr. Campeau; "I think they refreshing break from the usual feelings are that it will not. It who graduate from Madill who do titled to direct taxes for school support pur-
�j are excellent. I would like to see day to day routine. "See you on may change the year in which not meet these requirements if poses, and that such list remains there for in•
them held on some other day for Monday," ou take certain courses. For in- they have really tried. Teachers S ection.
'"c R►xooA ° variety." =Patti Stewart once, you may have to take and counsellors can not do every- p
1879 History in grades 9 and 10 as thing- they must have the co -
Mr. Morrison: "I think they Canadian studies instead of Law AND I hereby tali upon all �iersons t0 take im-
serve a useful function, however, Mr. Damsma: "Robert Burns operation and hard work of the
I don't think they have to be on wrote `To a Field Mouse'." or some other Canadian course in student as well. There are few mediate proceedings to have any errors or
NOTICE grades 11 or 12. times when a person asks for help ommissions corrected according to law.
Monday morning." Dave Bennett: "Bet he didn't I feel we are very lucky at that he does not receive it. Can
Mrs. Machan: "I enjoy them get an answer." Wingham and I am proud to go the students of other area high The last day for filing complaints is the 5th day
of November 1976.
schools say this truthfully?
I think the teachers, coun-
TOW N.. 0 F WINGHAM senors and principals of F. .
E. The place at which the revision will be under -
OF acs Madill S,S. deserve a round of ap- taken is the Municipal Office in Blu-evale during
P � plause.
NOMINATIONS—DayleMacDonaldl2D regular business hours from the 28th day of
I �1�?opf- October to the 5th day of November 1976.
Nominations of candidates for the office of Mayor, Reeve, De-
puty -Reeve, six councillors, two Public Utilities Commissioners
and one Huron -Perth Separate School Board trustee represent-
ing the municipalities of Wingham, Morris, Grey, Brussels,
Turnberry, Hullett, Howick, Culross and Kinloss
will be held
from November 1 1 to November 15 inclusive
Nomination blanks are available at the Clerk's Office and com-
pleted nominations will be accepted during business hours
November 11 to November 15th inclusive.
Should an election be required the some will be held on
between the hours of 11:00 o'clock in the morning and 8:00
o'clock in the evening.
NOVEMBER 27, 1976
11:00 o'clock to 8:00 o'clock
14 14)
William Renwick S O V r h 0 0 h ho 4 r 50 w C
Clerk -40Town Cle� 4 9 yN, l`) d co me C-6er-r y ou (IQ t r
A MWnagenvent Seminar
Co-speas•rad * Wh*i l BvelmismWo Ass".
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will attend the buamess management November 11th
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Th. AegtetrNlon FN o1 815 00 per person includes tunchaon
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Madill Choir DATED this 28th day of October:
If you've noticed a few
pleasantly harmonic sounds
Victor Bakker
drifting through the halls of our
school in the past few weeks,
Clerk of Turnberry Township
don't be alarmed. It's probably
the "F. E. Madill School Choir"!
That's right; the '76-'77 school
body has done it again! We've
comprised the first sizable
FEMSS choir since music was
discontinued as a subject in our
(lark's N�R
The support of the choir has
been fantastic, with about 170
students showing an interest in a
chance to let loose their musical
talents! Mrs. Douglas directs this
mixed choir, with help from Mrs.
MacDonald. Several students
from within the school will ac-
company them on both piano and
Preliminary list 1976
organ. Of course, all practices
take place during various classes
throughout the week, which is an
Th* Township of Turnberry
added incentive to be in the
County of Huron
choir! After all, who wouldn't
rather sing than 'study"'
Future plans of the choir are to
Notice is hereby given that I Dave complied
musically entertain at various
with Section 23 of the Municipal Election Act,
assemblies and concerts. In
November, they will perform at
1972, and have posted up at my office in
the school's Armistice Assembly,
Bluevole, Ontario on the 28th day of October,
and at Commencement. Plans for
1976, the list of all persons entitled to vote in
the Christmas Assembly, Home
the municipality at Municipal Elections, and
Ec. Fashion Show, and Huron
County Concert are also being
that such list remains there for inspection.
If you think this choir is a group
AND, I hereby call on all electors to take im-
of hardworking, talented people
mediate proceedings to have any errors or
— you're probably right. But,
omissions corrected according to law.
don't worry. I'm sure all the
successes they are destined to
The last day for filing applications for revisions
have won't to their heads"'
—Mary Eadie
is the 5th day of November 1976.
The place at which the revision will be under -
Mrs. Tiffin, just after her hus-
taken is the Municipal Office in Bluevole.
band bought her a new fur coat:
"I can hardly believe that such
The times will be the regular office hours start -
beautiful furs can come from
such a small, sneaky beast."
ing October 28th, 1976 and will continue to
Her husband: "I may not ask
5 p.m. on November 5th 1976.
for thanks my dear, but the least
you could do is show respect."
Dated this 28th day of October 1976,
Victor Bakker
I have never let my schooling
interfere with my education.
Clerk of Turnberry Township
—Mark Twain