The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-28, Page 1FIRST SECTION
vve have a winter vocation for you!
Listowel, Ontario 291-2111
Single Copy Not Over Zoe
At 75, Lil Dickson is
'having i me of my life"
At 75 years of age Lillian Dick she could easily be taken fob a Seed headquarters located on a `
son has no thoughts of slowing woman of 55 rather than 75 y hill overlooking Taipei.
her busy schedule or of retiring. Asked to describe a typical "The offices are about three � �`,
"Not until God retires me," she back home in Taipei, she miles away. When I was younger,
replied in answer to a question that she would get up around I used to bicycle, but now they
about thoughts of retiring. "It "five or six a.m.". send a car for me. I remain at the 3' s
makes no sense to retire. As long "My life now is very public teed office until it closes at five. Then I t
as I am well I will continue to I need that quiet time for my do my shopping and return home
work." devotional period to read 01W around six or seven.
As she spoke, Mrs. Dickson was Bible or just to be by myself," she While agreeing the schedule
busy autographing copies of the explained. was a full one, Lil Dickson quick -
book written about her, Angel at At around 7:15 a staff C*r "ly added, "But I'm having the i Her Shoulder, filling in the few arrives to take her to the Mustard time of my life — I wouldn't 1 -
minutes before her speaking change a thing ... Oh, sure I get
engagement at Listowel's Knox tired, but I bounce back."
Presbyterian Church on Thurs-, Lil Dickson, or "Typhoon Lil"
day, Oct. 21. North Huron
on as she was nicknamed years ago,
Each year this short, rather has been "bouncing back" ever ,.
plump woman in her "six weeks• since she first went with her hus-
off" crisscrosses -the United Credit Union band as a missionary to Formosa
States and Canada on behalf of in 1927. Hearing of the dire need -
The Mustard Seed, Inc., the non- of the tribes living in the moue- a
profit interdenominational cor- buys property tainous areas, siie went herself to
poration which aids underprivi- see what was required and then
leged people in Taiwan, Ma At a special meeting of the proceeded to do what she could to
laysia, Indonesia, and Papua- North Huron Credit Union held on helpthem.
Lil" Dickson, Guinea. The remainder of Tuesday, October 19, the mem-
MUSTARD SEED FOUNDER—TyphoonNew The end result is The Mustard
founder of the Mustard Seed, Inc., was the guest speaker the year she works continually bers approved the purchase of Seed, Inc. which takes its name.
last week at Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel. Now 75 for the organization at the head- the property on the corner
of g from Matthew 17:20 — "If ye
years old, Mrs. Dickson continues her tireless efforts to aid quarters in Taipei and through Josephine and Alfred Streets, the have faith as a grain of mustard
the less fortunate people of Taiwan, Borneo and Papua. out the South Sea Islands. Despite former home of Nelson Frank. seed � ... nothing shall be impos-
Above she autographs copies of the book, An el at Her hear heal work schedule, her The white brick house will ber
g Y sible unto you."
Shoulder, written by Ken Wilson about herself. appearance belies her age and used as offices for the Credit The organization helps leper
a Associatnd Oionratdrs (Guelph). patients, provides children's
The house also contains a large homes for orphans and for small
children whosea parents are in
prison and for deserted handi-
Hallowe'en In March 1974, Belgrave Dis- capped children, rescue homesa d b n trict Credit Union and Wingham and vocational training for street
See n e seen oCommunityCredit Union amal-
boys, free medical clinics for
gamated to join the North Huron mountain le, free maternity
Hallowe'en comes second only adults, and some advice for chil- Not to eat anything until it has Credit Union. Since that time, the PeoP y
to Christmas in the eyes of many dren. been checked over in good light at wards for mountain mothers, as
business has made satisfactory well as running church kinder -
bright -eyed youngsters as a home. growth. Personal the ui ser- artens in man of the more than
Parents are asked to ensure g q �
favorite time of year, and to To walk first one side, then the vice to members has recent] g Y
their .child can see adequately, Y 500 mountain churches among
parents, the cost of goodies to other, not criss-cross. been started. The directors feel
and be seen. This entails the use the aborigines.
hand out comes second only to the •
To cross only at intersections. that this move will ensure con -
cost of dental work to fill result- of make up in preference to As far as money for her many
To take a flashlight. tinued expansion and provide
Dick -
ant cavities. masks with narrow eye slots that projects is concerned Mrs. Dick -
can obscure vision, and the use of To tell parents where they greater financial service to the son relies on providence. "God is
Here in Wingham the event is reflective tape on costumes to in- intend going. . community. my treasurer," she states calm- BARS HASELGROVE dives into some of the dirt with a mop and lots of water to begin
to be celebrated on Saturday crease drivers' awareness. To go with friends, or in the l If. there is a real need some- cleaning the clock tower on the third floor. There is a lot of scrubbing and painting to do,
night rather than Sunday. Adults are asked to le case of younger, children, with a where, He will send the money but with the help of the Junior Citizens the Wingham Historical Museum will hopefully be
light on during the early everting1, Parent or responsible older necessary." open for public viewing, early in 1977.
The Canada Safety Council has hours. Children should be in- \� brother or sister. , " Does He ever keep her waiting?
some ady}Se fop parents and The Council says all costumes Thieves fail
• strueted: • - "No, but sometimes we think
should be of flame -proof ma- • we need things we don't, then the feria], and should not extend Mattempt to money doesn't come," she replies �•C*t*'izen s � � a
• below the ankle. Knee length is earnest]
Preferable. enter drug Store The Mustard Seed, Inc. has
Gorrie mancharged The fact that Mrs. Lee headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan; •
in Glendale, Calif., and in Toron-
• alight sleeper probably saved a w O� cleaning museum,
Jim Bain buys sizable loss to •burglars early to, Ont. Mrs. Dickson is con -
wit extorting500 1Saturday morning. Mrs. Vance longed the work will carry on. and her husband, the owners of long after she is gone. serve, as much for those who Present] the Junior Citizens
Lueknow business the local Rexall Drug Store, live "My daughter and her family Often things of the past which Y
Wilbert Lamond Griffith, 29, of sidence of Herbert Spencer in g have so much sentimental and made it, as for our children. are preparing the third floor as a
in an apartment above the store are in Taiwan; she works for monetary value are lost through Now Wingham has decided it is storage space, where the items
Gorrie was charged with extor- Belgrave. The residence was en- On Monday Jim Bain becomes Mustard Seed — I always say
tion followinga motor vehicle tered and $270 in cash was taken. During the night Mrs. Vance the ears, as new furnishings and time for the public to recognize will be catalogued and stored, if
owner of a business in Lueknow. thought she hgard footsteps on there are lots more mustard Y the le and events which necessary, before bei put on
collision on Huron our Road During the week there were 11 He has purchased the McKay seeds to carry on after me," she machines reach the market. PSP Y.
30 in Howick To p. Ontario motor vehicle collisions which P Y the roof of the building. Every community and small shaped our town. The second display. The J.C.'s under Adrien
Fruit Market in that town and A look out back and front win- smiled. floor of the old post office is being Keet (dad), Pat Orien (presi-
Provincial Poli tcharged Grif caused an estimated $5,050 in with his wife, Dorothy, and their doves provided no further clue. town has an important history ofmade into a museum to hold hfs dent), and Sandy Brenzil (vice
fith with ext ng from Ron- property damage and injured two two children, will move there its own which is essential to preaid Preiss, 29, offord. The people. but some time later the noises torics] items+ Much work and re president) will be doing quite a
shortly. were more pronounced, so she INCORRECT NAMES novations are still needed but bit of scrubbing and painting to
charge was ai5turday and A native of Wingham, and well went quietly downstairs to the The Advance -Tunes would like with -the present enthusiasm the ready the rooms.
Constables Ken May and Har- Brenda L. McCann of RR 1, known as a member of local ball q Y James Fairies
old McKittrick are continuing in- Fordwich and Deanna G. Boyd of store to 'see whether anything to apologize for incorrectly spell museum will hopefully be open The Junior Citizens are keeping
Y and hockey teams, Jim has been wa iss. °As she reached the ing the name of the new doctor on et's scholarship for public viewing early in 1977. busy as usual preparing for their
vesti October
Gorrie were involved in a colli- a member of the office staff at s eet floor the glass in the front the consulting staff of The Wing- 9 P At present there is one com- Santa Clause parade to be held on
On October ed Barry Hogg of soon t County Road 28 at James Stanley Door Systems Limited oor shattered. At her cry of ham and District Hospital. He is pleted room — The George Allan December 4, helping out with
Gorrie reported that someone Street in Gorrie. for near] 20 ears. Dr. C. T. De ani not Di ani as Jim Fairies, son of Mr. and Room — which is furnished arena renovations, getting read
stole the wheel discs off his Ford Mrs. Boyd was taken to Wing y Y alarm the would-be thieves fled, g g g ng Y
Mrs. Bain, a registered nor Mrs. Eldon Fairies, RR 1, Gorrie,
Thunderbird while it was parked ham and District Hospital where � leaving the door damaged, but shown last week. was awarded the Huron -Perth mostly with items from Mr. for their dance-a-ihon at the Ar -
has been a staff member the the store unentered. Also Mr. Beelor of Ailsa Craig Allan's home and includes the mories, November 5, and another
on the B Line of Turnberry Town- she was examined and released. Wingham Medical Centr for is named Byron instead Biron as Veterinary Scholar§hip at a ban- wide collection of birds that he dance on November 26, as well as
ship. The wheel discs were Kimberley Boyd, a passenger in g Police believe the thieves were Y t held at University of Guelph Th
several years, working wit Drs. attempting to cut the lass ane] shown in the story of the Howick q4p y P carved and painted. it is like helping with the museum. e
valued at $260. her mother's car, was also ex- Ping and Wilkins, and lat erly in order to unlock thedoorfrom Lions Club from in last week's last week. walking back into the past as you J.0 's are working hard for a
Last Friday, John Binning, 17, amined and released. The scholarship is presented to
of RR 3, Listowel and Murray with Dr. Mowbray. the inside. paper. are suddenly surrounded by an worthy cause, the community,
During the week 15 charges the top student from Huron -Perth array of cabinets, chairs, light and feel that the parent response
Williams, 17, RR 3, Listowel were were laid under 'the Highway in the first yea[ of the veterinary
charged with attempted theft of Traffic Act and 15 warnings ' -� course. Jim is in his third year at fixtures, ornaments, paintings certainly lacks the enthusiasm
and tapestries common to the which they feel.
gasoline from the Johr Langen- issued. Three charges were laid University of Guelph but it is his
doen farm in Howick Township. under the Liquor Licence Act and X first year" in the veterinary early 1900'x. Along with the help of the
... Other rooms are partially de- ror Citizens and other residentsis of of
Also on Friday the OPP in- four charges under the Criminal course. Last year he was in a pre- corated with artifacts which have
vet course.o
vestigated a break-in at the re Code. the town, the Wingham and Dis-
t been donated, or leased. by the trict Heritage Society Museum
Wingham area citizens. Eighteen will be a worthwhile project. The
`., paintings from the London Art
L Gallery are expected to arrive Past is not to be forgotten d, laid
- "'�" _ Smolderjng hay soon to be put on display. Citizens aside; it is to be preserved, and
i b ra used as a device for laughter and
Huron Countyleasing articles will be given a re
quickly doused learning.
^; q y ceipt for the appraised value of
a The Wingham and Blyth Volun'- the item
over budget teer Fire Departments were call-
y �� `� ed to a barn on the farm of Stan
` Rummage sale nets
The Huron County Library tion over the past year, Mr. Par Hopper, Concession 3, Morris
System will be over budget by the tridge explained, has been steady _. a "r Township last Wednesday at Weekend brings
Y i
end of this year to the tune of each month, and most noticeable 11:55 a.m. when smoke was dis eIOSe to $1,400
=15,000 to $20,x• According to in the town and village branches. covered coming from the h
, ayloft extra hour Of Sleep
Partridge Books this year are just costing
Librarian Bill idge part of Both departments sent water The doors of the Armouries
Partythe is duet a more, he explained, and the book TW tankers and the Wingham de- Been feeling tired lately' Don't swung open Friday morning for
or diture
defic t carr�yyover , from 1975�of budget was reduced from last ij..4'"A partment sent a pumper. The worry,you can temedy the situa the fall rummage sale sponsored
:8,800. An increase in costs for year's $84,000 to $70,000. Wingham Detachment of the On- tion this weekend when you get iby the Hospital Auxiliary. A large
;' tario Provincial Police also the chance to snatch back that crowd filed through the building,
books of between eight and 10 per A special emphasis on the par
wered the call. hour of sleep you lost in April finding bargains in clothing and
cent was cited as another contri- chase of non-fiction as opposed to ans
bating factor. fiction was undertaken this year Farmers from the area reacted As of 2a.m. Sunday. Oct 31, the accessories, household furnish -
Mr. Partridge also explained and this may, in the long run, ° i quickly by bringing pitchforks to time returns to Eastern Standard ings, books, china and many
that during the past year the li- effect a reduction in future costs. ' get the second cut hay out of the Time and consequently clocks .'other articles.
brary has seen a considerable in- Non fiction books, Mr. Partridge ; barn. Firemen said it was spon- can be turned back one hour to A total of $1,377.26 was realized
crease in book circulation over explained, are not read out as taneous combustion which start. read 1 a.ML from the sale which is an in -
previous years. Circulation in fast as fiction and remain active ed the smoldering. So you can get a jump on crease of about $20 dollars over
1975 (for the January to August on the shelves considerably The quick action of the area Father Time by either setting the the spring sale The money was
period) was computed at 226,000 longer. farmers got the smoldering well clock back an hour before retir- divided as follows: ladies' cloth -
books. For the same period this When the County Library under control almost immediate ing Saturday night, or set the ing $2&120, miscellaneous ladies'
year the figure is 236,992. Board meets on November 3 the ly. However, later in the evening, alarm to ring an hour later for s91 15, men's $289 70, shoes
x. •.:
Countywide the library service question of the budget delict will when the early cutting was being Sunday morning; or if you're a $156 15. hats. purses $64.65;
operates 29 library outlets with a be considered. Mr. Partridge 4` checked, a large area in the mid- real stickler for precisiorr, go books, toys $59.10: china, etc.
staff of 3s to 40, many of those noted that the library staff had dle was found to be badly burnedahead and sit up until exactly 2 $193 00, children's clothing
employees being part time. The not been increased in some time x It was not known whether this a.m. and make a production of $162 71. draperies, bedspreads
total budget for 1976 was set at and that the work load was on a was from the early smoldering or turning back the hands of the $97 60.
$301,250. Of that total budget, steady upswing. "There is no whether it was just ready to burst clock one hour The members of the Auxiliary
$70,000 had been set aside for the doubt we will need additional into flame. It wks quickly put out in any event the results will be are grateful to all who donated
actual purchase of books and for 4taff as well," he said, "but that THE GEORGE ALLAN ROOM is the first to be completed at the Wingham and District by the farmers in the area who the same — brighter mornings articles and time and those who
processing those books. is a question the Library Board Heritage Society Museum which is on the second floor of the old post office. Here is a had stayed around after the fire- and long nighters until the winter attended the sale to make it a
The increase in book circula- will have to consider." display of birds carved and painted by Mr. Allan, men had left. solstice arrives around Dec 21st very successful event.