The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-21, Page 7V
Schmider's Large Bologna ....... .69 lb... . 3 lb. $1.99
Fresh Sliced Recon ......................... Ib. $1.49
Blue Ribbon Beef Roasts....... .... Ib. $1.49
Schnelder's Beef Pot Pies ............. 2 pkgs. of 3 $1.49
Hostess Large Potato Chips ................... Pk9..79
Royale 2 Roll Pak Toilet Tissue.....................59
Diane Scott
heads CGIT
in Betgralve
BELGRAVE — The second reporter and Shiela Andertoa,
Toronto minister,
Rev. Ian MacLean,
to speak Sunday
The Wingham Advance -Times, October 21, 1976—Page 7
Dr. Mariano DiGangi retvrns
oz. Maple Leaf Mincemeat ................... $1.59 meeting of the Belgrave CGIT ptamst. Each of the girls adopted
19 oz. N.S. Applesauce.......... The best there Is 2/.85 was held in the church basement a grandmother whom they will 114th an
PHONE siS-3451 GORRIE on Wednesday with 14 members visit and remember throughout niversary service
present. During the election of of- the year.
- !carry Wintario - Provincial and Loto Tickets ficers, Miss Diane Scott was The congregation of St. And- his work with the Bible and Medi- tral purposes of the early ChrW
" elected president and Audrey"The topic for the program was rew's Presbyterian Church, cele- cal Missionary Fellowship, Dr. tians. The theme of the early
Scott, vice-president. Cindy Growing like things we love". brating its 114th anniversary, Di Gangi has begun teaching pas- church was Jesus Christ and the
Campbell was elected treasurer The next meeting will be on Octo- welcomed back Dr. Mariano Di neral theol
P ogy at the Ontario was that its be His
her 27, and the girls ho to can-
,' _ •' and Patty Edwards, secretary. g Pe q R" Bible College. witnesses. The early church was
Karen Coultes was electedress vass the village for UNICEF. Gangi as guest speaker at week
P end events. Dr. Di Gangi, a noted Dr. Di Gangi based his Sunday' composed of different people with
Bible scholar, has spoken at St. messages on the first chapter of characteristic diversities but
the book of Acts. He compared the were one in their , to
;s Andrew's before, always im- _
.............. and a
the modern church to the early continue in prayer nd suppli
pressing his congregations with church, stressing that the cation.
�his vast knowledge of the scrip- modern church would receive The church choir provided
Residents of area meet tures and his dynamic delivery of man blessings '
the Word of God. In• addition to y s ngs rf today s Chrui- anthem muac in the morning stdumt
tians would remember the cen- the double trio sang two numbers
Church moderator a` `r. �"service.
Dr. Di Gangi also addressed a
SUPPLIESmen's breakfast a Saturday
Rt. Rev. Dr. Wilbur Howard, church: "Going out of Business" morning. On Saturday afternoon,
Moderator of the United Church or "Business as Usual". The �O Mrs. Di Gangi spoke to a group of
of Canada, spent Wednesday, church needs goals to work for women in the church sanctuary.
October 13, as a guest of Huron- and more active participation by She stressed the importance of
1 Perth Presbytery. In the morning the members of the church. studying God's Word, to know
l Dr. Howard officially opened the Actions become very important God, know ourselves and know
1 new Resource Centre in Mitchell so we should put into action what how to relate to others. Mn.
7 —Miss Annie Kennedy was —Mr. and Mrs. Talmay Horton
and was then taken on a bus tour we believe. Hugh Clugston and Mrs. Wallace
The 14'in h able to return to her Frances of Goderich were Sunday guests
of Huron and Perth Counties. A gam United Church Street home Tuesday of last week of Miss Annie Kennedy, Frances Richardson sang two duets
pork barbecue was held at Main Dr. Howard urged everyone to will celebrate its 113th anniver during the meeting.
/ \ after being a patient in the Wing- Street.
St. United Church, Mitchell, at look ahead and the lay members nary on Sunday with special ham and District Hospital. -Sunday visitors at the home
5:30 m. to which all the mem- to work as partners with the morning and evening services at
Shower to ower hers of the Presbytery were in- minister. There are many things 11 a m and 7:30 p.m. —Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCulloch of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Madill were
to Y Y la le can do. He said "Let's Guests of Kimberley visited for a few Mr. and Mrs. Glen Madill and Handmade
s �Q� vited to meet Dr. Howard. A tall Y PSP peaker at both services
v` y be honest and realize God has will be Rev. Ian F. MacLean of Sys last week with Mrs. Law family, Bolton; Mr. and Mrs.
Shower Talc ,.,ho climaxed the day and an over given us a big job to do. We are a Newtonbrook United Church, rence Willis, Diagonal Road. John Madill, Toronto; Mr. and CRAFTS.
flowing church was on hand to g g J —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shaw of Mrs. A. Heslin, Stroud; and Mr.
$129 �� hear Dr. Howard. global church and we should Toronto. Mr. MacLean comes Peterborough visited over the and Mrs. K. MacDonald, Milton. and
Dr. Howard opened his re- think globally and act globally. originally from the Maritimes
>� weekend with their son, David All attended the christening -�
I g Oz. marks by asking the question, "Is There are places for anyone where he graduated from Pine Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and family, and service at the Wingham United CRAFT SUPPLIES
I the church livingdin interested to do any kind of work Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, in
or dying — ax, attended the service at the Wing- Church where Stephanie
What's your point of view?". He all over the world. Being aChris- 1961. Since ordination he has ser ham United Church on Sunday Meaghan, daughter of Mr. and College Corner
stated it all de our int depends on tian calls for faith, risk and ac- ved in Saskatchewan and the
Y tion. God wants to work through ma when their grandson, Peter Fitz- Mrs. Glen Madill, was baptized.
;Baby Yourself of view what kind of a sign you ug jot church in New Bruns Hi hwa "West
would put on the front of your us all." wick's capital, prior to coming to gerald, was christened. Mr. and Mrs. Htsan are the g y
N E W —Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collar child's grandparents and Mr. and 291-4971
Toronto in 1974. Mrs. MacDonald are godparen1k. Monde to Saturday9-5:30
W1�1 Clairol Mr. MacLean is one of three returned last week from a most . y
• brothers in the ministry. His enjoyable trip to Israel. While
SHORT & SASSY me tree system theme father is Rev. Frank MacLean, there they visited Frank s sister,
an outstanding preacher, who Laura, who is engaged in
Johnson's 850 ml. CONDITIONER also is one of three brothers or missionary work among the Arab
BABY 2� m, for Institute meeting dained. people. They also toured much of
sented at the morning service by the country. They spent a week in
SHAMPOO ,: WHITECHURCH — The Edu- Wingham Night School. She the junior and senior choirs of the England on the way home.
t4� 39 cation and Cultural Activities opened with a poem, "Little church. At the evening service,
$299 `t410v`"meeting of the Women's Institute Things". The roll call was ans- the Mount Forest Barbershop
was held Wednesday evening of wered by 22 bringing and naming Cfhorus will provide special
last week at the home of Mrs. Bill a label giving the old and new rt 4sic. A coffee hour and time of NUTRITION EVERY WEEK
Rintoul. way of measurements and fellowship will follow the evening IS IMPORTANT. During Nutri -
President Mrs. Russel Me- naming a favorite hobby. service. tion Week, think about it and
Guire opened the meeting with The motto, "God grant us sere- Everyone is welcome to attend resolve to .eat a variety of foods
Package of 12 the singing of the Institute Ode nity to accept the things we can- these services of worship when it for health. Just choose from the
and repeating the Mary Stewart not change, courage to change is hoped spirtual refreshment five basic food groups every day.
HA N D I WIPES 79 Collect. She then gave a Thanks the things we can and wisdom to and growth will take place and Milk, fruit, vegetables, cereals,
giving reading. know the difference", was given enjoyable Christian fellowship be meat and protein alternatives.
Mrs. George Fisher, secretary by Mrs. Lorne Durnin' who . 'shared.
treasurer, read the minutes and stressed the importance of
12 oz. Liquid Detergent the correspondence. Delegates to having an opinion, becoming well
the rally at Underwood were acquainted with it and sticking to Mrs. Underwood i s WMS hostess
PALMOLIVE .79" appointed. The names of those it until it is proven to be wrong. Mrs.
—The ladies of Knox
----- -- -- - - - wishing to attend the Gtey-Bruce "Using wisdom, faith, hope and Thomas MacDonald and again
area convention at Chesley on courage, it is up to us all to make Presbyterian Church . Women's the theme was "Thanksgiving".
Pipe Tobacco November 15 and 16 were re- a better world in which to live," Missionary Society held their She told of the ten lepers who
AMPHORA October meeting at the home of were healed but only one re-
corded and an invitation was she said. g Y
accepted to attend Belgrave's Mrs. Johnston Conn then intro- Mrs. Glenn Underwood. The membered -to thank Jesus.
meeting this week. duced the speaker, Mrs. Evan President, Mrs. William A. Smith An enjoyable time was spent
POUCHES 2/$ Plans were made to entertain Keith, with the topic, "Metric opened with Thanksgiving when Mrs. Norman Fairles
the neighboring Institutes when System". She gave the origin of Thoughts. showed slides of their holiday
they met on the 18th to hear Mrs. and need for the metric system. Miss Louise Matthews reported spent in England this past year.
TRIANGLE on the Presbyter} meeting in The resident thanked Mrs. (Hae
Kirkpatrick of Ripley tell of the The metre is used for measuring, P - -
D 1 S O U_N�T provincial convention held in fbr weighing the gram is used and Wingham. Preparations for a Fairles and the meeting closed by
June at Prince Edward Island to for liquids, the litre. bazaar to be held in the church repeating the Mizpah benedic-
�.�r i�a�•�: _.e•.1� which she was a delegate. Mrs. Bill Evans gave a reading basement on Saturday, October tion. Lunch was served by the
Miss Merle Wilson presided for and Mrs. Ivy Smith showed crafts 30 were discussed. Roll call was hostess, assisted by Mrs. Blake
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to Six answered with a verse containing McMillan. - -
the meeting for Mrs. Dan Tiff she had made, including flowers. the word, "Prayer"The offering
'y '' who was teaching a class at wooden dolls, cradles, chairs. .
owls, Christmas ornaments. was received by Mrs. Underwood • • • at
Following the closing exer-
and dedicated by Mrs. Smith.
cises, a report was given on the
progress of applications received
Devotions were given by Mrs.
returns home
Josephine Street, Winghom -�
for work at the hall.
Lunch was served by Mrs. E.
Johnston, Mrs.
BELMORE—Mrs. Harry
McGuire and
Helferistein recently travelled to
Mrs. Evens.
Toronto International Airport to
see Harry's nephew, Claude Geh-
Get in fashion for Fall1
rig, off on his return flight to
Have Sheila, Gayle or Carol
BELMORE - A new craft
Switzerland after a five-month
Cut YOU the latest look:-
group has been formed in the Bel -
stay with his Canadian relatives
more area and members held
on the second of Culross.
Male Chorus
their first meeting Monday
While here Claude learned to
evening of last week. Calling
speak English, learned the in
How about a UNIPERM or LUMINIIE your hair.
at St. Andrew'sthemselves
the Belmore Crafties,
tricacies of a dairy enterprise
the group members will meet
and also joined the Helfensteins
on October 27
Monday evenings throughout the
on their motor trip to Newfound-
winter months
land. It proved a wonderful ex-
Ali people.of the Belmore area
perience for Claude, for his Cana-
Have your hair Cut and styled Tuesdays and
The Schneider Male Chorus,
who are interested in craft work
dian cousins and a plug for inter-
Wednesdays 9 to 5 p.m. by Gayle or Sheila
one of Ontario's hest known non
professional male choruses. will
of anv kind are cordially invited
national relationships.
While in Toronto Mrs. Helfen
resent a concert in Win ham's
P g
to attend. F'or information, tele -
Phone Brenda Garross at 335-3766
stein attended a symposium put
Wednesday evenings by George
St. Andrew's Preshvterian
Church on Wednesday. OctoberHoward
or Mvrtle :Metcalfe at 392-6494.on
by the Rattweiler Club at the
Johnson Hotel on Octo-
from 5 to 9 p.m. - by appointment
27 at 8:30 m. Tickets are $1 5n
The Belmore Crafties are pre
her 3. A full day of lectures, film
and are available at the door
sently preparing for a bazaar and
strips and judging broadened the
Proceeds will go towards the
bake sale to be held in November.
scope of canine knowledge for all
church's organ fund
s wow
Proceedill go toward arena
those present including persons
Founded in 1947• the chorus hay
from Long island. N.Y., Winnipeg
travelled manythousands
and Harbour Grace. Newfound -
miles and presented hundreds o
r e w e
l l
land The guest speaker. Mrs
Would You
concerts. In addition to numerous
Bernard Grr eeman, is an inter -
performances in Southern On
national judge P
e of Group Three
tario, the chorus has made ex
Allan Griffith were pleasantly
(working dogs) and the only
tended tours of eastern and
and completely surprised at a
American ever to be asked to
northern ()ntari(r and to the west
farewell party on their retire-
judge Rattw•eilers in Germany.
That's right! Diamonds are
coast A number of concerts have
ment from their farm. B Line
the country of their origin.
so hard that they will scratch
been presented in New York State
Howick. last Friday evening.
other gems and precious
and Bermuda
hosted by Mr and :Mrs James
Schefter and attended by many of
The concert material is chosen
their neighbors
to appeal to a wide range of muse
The evening was spent playing
at Knox Church
i i
cal tastes. it includes selections
euchre, followed by a delicious
from the American Musical
lunch and beautifully decorated
BELGRAVE--Mr. Dwight Nei-
\ �- 1 BELiEVE
Theatre Additional features in
white and pink cake inscribed
son of Barrie was the guest
clude soloists and quartets as
"Allan and Hazel"
speaker at Knox Presbyterian
� �#
well as specially designed light
Following lunch. Jim. with an
Church on Sunday morning. His
rd' v that we've of some
ins effects
appropriate address presented
sermon was based on "Prayer"
� do"P�"ro"
- �, �' rare to offer
All told, the Schneider Male
the couple with a beautiful rug,
He was accompanied by his wife,
pretty gems
� our customers: RELIABILITY
Chorus repertoire adds up to a
gift of money and a "From All
Mrs. Nelson, when they sang
varied and highly entertaining
card signed by the neigh-
several numbers. Mr Nelson
evening Their aim is to give
lxmrs Allan• on behalf of Hazel
accompanied them on the guitar.
audiences an enjoyable, exciting
and himself, thanked .Jim and
The Brussels Men's Choir pro -
musical experience
Marion for the party and all for
vided -mesial music with Mrs. Jo
the gifts which will be treasured
anne King as pianist. The choir
J—rphine H 4 N1)I/
The appearance of the chorus
always. They invited all to visit in
sang two numbers "Wandering
I-wirert FLl►K ER �HI)NPF
in Wingham is sponsored by the
their new home on Ann Street,
Child, 0 Come Home", and
Couples' Ctub of St Andrew's.
tch and Pray"