The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-21, Page 5Gerrie F arsnnni Notes
The Wingbam Advance -Times, October 21, 197"op S
IT11 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scott have Hospital who on Sunday entered ed Mr. and Mm. Clifford Pyke , , ° i>.. �., Thanksgiving is theme
enjoyed a motor trip to Thunder University Hospital, London. and attended the United Church's�l ;
Bay where they spent two weeks Mrs. Thomas MacDonald and evening service. Mrs. Victor a :� __ :•. � " 'r� j;�..t.. if or Bluevale UC
with their daughter, Mrs. Wil Mrs. Harvey Adams spent Fri Stockton, Harriston, also visited , `„ r
liam Everitt, Mr. Everitt and day in Waterloo. at the same home.
family and returned after Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis Miss Janet Fawth rop, Scarbor- °! BLUEVALE — Mrs. Carol members of the bazaar on Oct.
Thanksgiving Day. attended the Centennial anniver- ough, Miss Donna Lewis of Dun = Campbell led the worship service 26th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mann and nary services in the United ville, and Barry Dane, Hawkes- to open the meeting of the UCW A resolution was read to be pro-
family of Heathcolte, Mrs. Mari- Church, Brussels, and visited at bury spent last weekend with Mr. + held in the Sunday School room seined by the London Conference
lyn Connell and Carol Anne of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Edgar Dane. on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 7th. to government, re — drinking ase
Clinton spent the weekend with Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fawcett of " 11 A Thanksgiving poem set the in which it was suggested that
Mrs. Sheldon Mann and visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Ar- Chatham, Misses Kim and Keri theme for the meeting followed age be increased to 19 in '77 and
Mr. Mann in Listowel Memorial thur and Kevin of Belmore visit- Stevens of Port Elgin and Misses r by the hymn "Corrie Ye Thankful 20 in '78.
Debbie and Cheryl Stephens of ,. People, Come". Mrs. Campbell An announcement was made of
Kitchener were guests of Mrs. A. read Psalm 95, anti presented the the visit of, the moderator, Dr.
L. Stephens and visited Greg Ste- topic, "When You're Thankful".
NOTICE. p Wilbur Howard, s Mitchell on
phens in Wingham Hospital. � ' in which she spoke of the sounds Oct. 13.. On the same day the
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness of thanksgiving, the many sourc- Huron -Perth Resource Centre
of McIntosh visited Sunday with es of thanksgiving, and the sea- was scheduled to be opened at
Pork Producers Marketing Yard Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson. a
sons for thanksgiving. Mitchell by Dr. Howard.
Blyth, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Brian Elliott of The roll call, "A Thanksgiving The Bluevale UCW bazaar was
Kitchener, Miss Kathy Powell, f Thought", was answered by 19 announced for Oct. ;9 with plans
Effective Mondor October 25, 1976 members. finalized by unit leaders.
Y• Montreal, Mrs. Carol Crawford,
YARD IS OPEN: Lori Anne and Jo Anne of Clinton' During the business period a Mrs. Dorothy Street told of her
and Wilson Powell of Owen Sound letter was read from Brookhaven visit to Bermuda. She gave an
Monday 7.12 were weekend guests of Mr. and t-�• Nursing Home, and it was ar entertaining description of the
Thursday 8-1 Mrs. Russell Powell.` ranged that the program com islands, the vegetation, the
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. George Brown re �T .;�'.{"t mittee plan visits there by the people, their homes, churches
turned Monday from Hershey, ,� units during the coming year. A etc. Pictures and souveniers
. zr .�, r., •w' : ' letter from Huronview reminded
Penn. made the talk even more in -
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Strong,c*'� + P u } resting.
Paula, Heidi, and Peter of Wing d The meeting closed with hymn
an IASIde story Of ham visited with Mr. and Mrs. "Now Thank We All Our God"
ry Robert Strong, Jill and Kent at PLANTING DAFFODIL BULBS at Riverside Park in Wingham are members of the prayer Y
s► the bright, turbulent world the weekend. B u e v a I e and ra ni b Rev. err e h
' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robinson Wingham Horticultural Society. W. T. Lapp, Frank Madill and Ed Fielding dig the holes Brown. Unit 2 served refresh-,
of today's teenagers for the bulbs which are expected to beautify the park in the spring. This is a project to ments during social time which
have returned from a motor trip followed.
- to Saskatchewan where they spruce up the appearance of the waterfront. At the morning service in the
Tn,s a,yn, d ., Vn, ares peneri ales „R
visited at the home of Mr. and United Church, a new organ
Th.:, .. a^° nsuns u, lodey,
rn°„ a.p,eas uns of pe,,, ^P ,,-,,,,,,,,, Mrs. James Robinson of Yellow hymn book was presented for
,ne,, sea,cn,n9a ror 60010 al d,auplne end y
enin nys ,u, Jnr° °nd Grass. dedication b James Brecken- 1r ea r°^°°"'°^° W1 member shows ridge on behalf of the Brecken
.,a, d Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheOn
Thieves net ridge family, in memory of Mrs. (te`l�e1`'ioG¢'"°'°°'°"°""°""y'' returned Saturday from Wawa,$2,800
Beatrice Wickstead. Rev. Wilena ��F{ G a�w Ptd N0
arrivig by ferry at Tobermory. Slides of Britain G O P c� O"aRi-2
+ On Sunday thee. visited with Dr. Brown dedicated the new book HA4 de
and Mrs. Ken Philips at New n area break-insstrong
B E — Mrs. Jim Arm and presented it to the organist, KaHamburg. strongng showed slides of a trip Mrs. Max Demaray. P°
* 1. which she and her husband en-
Wingham Detachment of the During the week there were joyed in Britain when members Johnston relatives visited on
Sunday afternoon at Fellowship
XI Ontario Provincial Police was seven motor vehicle collisions in- of the local Women's- Institute ADDRESS
called to investigate two inti- vestigated by the OPP. Estimat- met at the home of Mrs. Robert Hall United Church, Lambeth, 1000 LABELS
Wroxeter dents of break, enter and theft ed damage was $10,275 to prop- Fraser for their October get -to- with Mrs. Mabel Harris and her
. ars.arryarr
sons, Mr. MBHis
and one of mischief during the erty and three persons were in gether. $
r , . past week. jured. In her role as president, Mrs. and family, Lambeth, and Mr. plus tax
- - Mr, and Mrs.. Dan Isabelle, On Saturday police were called On Thursday Jack M. Willits of Armstrong opened the meeting Mrs. Bruce Harris and baby r
Toronto, visited durin the week to the residence of George Hislop, RR 1, Wingham was injured as a with the Opening Ode and Mary daughter Vancouver, B.C.
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence RR 2, Wroxeter after it was burg- result of a two -car collision on Stewart Collect. Mrs. Bill Pea- Harris relatives were also Quick, easy way to mark
Present from Mount Forest and books, letters, etc. Comes
Clement. larized and over $800 worth of Huron Road 7, east of Highway 4. cock read the minutes and
'he zptai"that
Voingpeop1a El to Taman, Plattsville, was a po Fort Erie. in hand box.
. unbgn, °.r1, aur °.,d da,es IU o� 00 a Elgin g goods stole Most of it was new Paul H. O'Neill, also of RR 1, correspondence.
4+• + 1,000 labels - $3.98 tax extra
Sunda guest with Mr. and Mrs. .cosmetic products which are sold Wingham was the driver of the A meeting of the historical Mrs. Wendell Stamper, Bill
Ross Toman. by Linda Hislop. other vehicle. Willits was treated society will be held at Ethel on Anger, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Mrs. Harry Hupfer, Melvin- Also on Saturday police were for a laceration to his lower lip October 20. A bazaar will be held Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Al
dale, Mich., visited last week called to the Old Mill in Blyth and released at Wingham and at Huronview on Tuesday, Octo Lincoln visited at the Doge Fun- CLIFF KYER
ATwith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer, which was entered during the District Hospital. ber 26; those who wish to send eral Home on Sunday and at the AND ASSOCIATES
' Mrs. Oliver Riley and other rela- night. Almost $2,000 worth of rugs On Friday Gerald D. Rathwell, baking are asked to 4eave it at home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pais -
H U R 0 N MEWS C H A P E L tives in and around the village. and chamois were stolen. Investi- RR ` 2, Brussels and Nicolaas Mathers' store. ley, Forest, whose 14 -month-old Box 562
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement gations continue. Terpstra, RR 3, Brussels, were . At a later date, the Bluevale WI daughter Anget°a died October 15. Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4A2
AUBURN returned home last week after Saturday continued to be a involved in a collision on County will present a program and visit
spending the Thanksgiving week- busy day as the OPP apprehend- Road 19, south of County Road 16, the residents at Brookhaven �
SUNDAY OCT. 4th end and a few days with relatives ed two youths ho were shooting Grey Township. Mr. Rathwell Nursing Home. The Brussels WI
in Toronto. out street lights in Brussels.was injured as a result of the col- invited the group to its meeting I2I:VOLVEI2 DISCO
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Elliott, Charged with mischief are Har- lision. on November 10 at 8 p.m. Blue -
8 P • M • Markdale, spent the weekend at vey and Edwin Weber of Port Saturday, Kenneth A. Craw- vale WI is sponsoring an old-time
their home here. Elgin. ford, Clinton, was injured as a re- dance in Bluevale Hall on MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS
sult of a single car accident on November 26.
Highway 4 north of the Huron- Four get -well cards were AND
A `.
y •,Z
Bruce County line. signed by the members je'he sent OTHER DANCE FUNCTIONS
w .9k. ll -` A total of 20 charges were laid to the sick. Mrs. Charl s Mathers
✓ ~ • under the Highway Traffic Act
r i Z �� ► - and 22 warnings issued. Four ral. reported Many tthi things were dis-
charges were laid under the cussed pertaining to the Interna- • •LOVE TO TURN YOU ON'' P H 455-698i
Liquor Control Act and five tional Plowing Match which will
charges under the Criminal Code. be held in Huron County in 1978. London
New songbooks are going to be
made for the Institutes.
Following a lively singsong,
Thanksgiving mood guest speaker Mrs. Kenneth
9 9 Johns spoke on "Footprints —
The Mark They Make in Life Will
ave for unit meeting Show".
1 / It was announced that Miss
GORRIE — "Thanksgiving" Sandra Stewart was awarded the
" was the theme of 'Mrs. Robert Huron County scholarship, an
Gibson's worship service which . honor bestowed annually by
she led for the members of unit Huron WI groups to an outstand
two of the United Church Women ing scholar who has also been
when they met at the home of active in 4-H projects. Roll call Ice"
Mrs. James Alcorn on Wed- was answered by naming books
nesday of last weekthe members had enjoyed read- LordSimcoe
Mrs. Gibson opened the meet- ing recently.
ing with a poem, "Autumn The November meeting will be _
Colors". The scripture lesson was held at the home of Mrs. William / I �� •
As a roll call, members 1
HodeVos.wl�� ��e a taken from the sixth chapter of
John's Gospel and appropriate will be asked to name a television T I , ,t „If, of the 1975 w ce The Lord
thanksgiving hymns were sung. commercial that turns them on 5,f11( of. wit.1,ning the price on the 2 nate special
ore The worship closed with a prayer or off 1n the fdcr; of r iwiq costs
poem and roll call was answered
by the members stating things '
they are grateful for. Bluevale '
k The president, firs. Alex Tav Rev. R. H. Armstrong of Wing-
Lor, conducted the business with ham will conduct the communion
the regular reports Mrs. Elmer service at Knox Presbyterian
Farrish. secretary, read the min- Church. Sunday. Oct. 24 at 11:30
utes. Members were reminded of a m s
packing of the Fred Victor bale Mrs Alex MacTavish visited
i and the upcoming bazaar on on Tuesdav with Mrs. Freda Col -
November 6. vin at Teeswater
The meeting closed with prayer Mrs Don Dosman of St' or
and the hostess served refresh- Clements was hostess for a mis- ! f
�l ments. cellaneous shower for Miss Jean
The November meeting will be MacTavish, bride -elect of Octo-
e at the home of Mrs Gibson on the ber Jean is a daughter of John K •t" • '
loth. MacTavish. Brantford. and
r granddaughter of Mrs Robert
e McKinnon of Bluevale. Those at -
Three insured in tending from this area were Mrs.
Wes Paulin, Mrs. Dale Brecken-
ridge Mrs Jim Garniss. Mrs.
� Jack Willitts. Mrs HaroldGrant •
� A two -car collision on the main and Mrs Alex MacTavish foffta •
Street in Lucknow injured three Mr and Mrs Claire Finnigan •
• persons. The Kincardine Detach- of Victoria. BC spent several • modtern quPtt room for 2 nights
ment of the Ontario Provincial days with Mr and Mrs .J C • d nner nne evvnmq at the mous Captain's Tatou
Police investigated Johnston. rlcludinq a wu
elconnq ref thment
Mrs. Nancy Brooks, Lucknow, Miss Louise Stamper of Scar- • !,re,,kf,j,t e,j, h horning
F was apparently the driver of one borough visited at the home of • '"le 0ve1n1ght tlarkinq (from 6 Oj rn to 8 30,1
w of the vehicles. She was treated her parents, Mr and Mrs Wen- a„Iv om h (fav)
7 at Wingham and District Hospital ” dell Stamper
for a cracked rih and released Mr and Mrs. J. C. Johnston \ $090
Two passengers in the other ve- were guests at the Deihl-Mc-
hicle, Theresa Huber of Lucknow Cracken wedding at Monkton
ane Aivtn cMoinulg,iaj ui Luck- Presbyterian Church on Friday ' i'� j t„ actvancP ext nig
,flit V�sU � ,j,� ttAV �jrl extra night
i� now were injured Miss Huber evening and attended the recep g
t� b wl p j double
was treated for multiple injuries tion following the ceremony at S�oO
� at Wingham and District Hospital Brodhagen.
fire ,,
and was later transferred to Vic- Mrs. Roy King returned to your tr•jyel j gProt 11 eservp direct
toria Hospital in London. Toronto on Sunday after spending The Lord Sjmcoe Hotel, 150 K nq St West Toronto
Mr. Morningstar was treated the past two weeks with Mr. and
Tv, t •i 1 G1 :3ti7 1848
f? i "�` : ` for a fractured hand and releas- Mrs. W. J Peacock and other
C� ?► t ti �,� ed relatives.
Gerrie F arsnnni Notes
The Wingbam Advance -Times, October 21, 197"op S
IT11 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Scott have Hospital who on Sunday entered ed Mr. and Mm. Clifford Pyke , , ° i>.. �., Thanksgiving is theme
enjoyed a motor trip to Thunder University Hospital, London. and attended the United Church's�l ;
Bay where they spent two weeks Mrs. Thomas MacDonald and evening service. Mrs. Victor a :� __ :•. � " 'r� j;�..t.. if or Bluevale UC
with their daughter, Mrs. Wil Mrs. Harvey Adams spent Fri Stockton, Harriston, also visited , `„ r
liam Everitt, Mr. Everitt and day in Waterloo. at the same home.
family and returned after Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dennis Miss Janet Fawth rop, Scarbor- °! BLUEVALE — Mrs. Carol members of the bazaar on Oct.
Thanksgiving Day. attended the Centennial anniver- ough, Miss Donna Lewis of Dun = Campbell led the worship service 26th.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mann and nary services in the United ville, and Barry Dane, Hawkes- to open the meeting of the UCW A resolution was read to be pro-
family of Heathcolte, Mrs. Mari- Church, Brussels, and visited at bury spent last weekend with Mr. + held in the Sunday School room seined by the London Conference
lyn Connell and Carol Anne of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. Edgar Dane. on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 7th. to government, re — drinking ase
Clinton spent the weekend with Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fawcett of " 11 A Thanksgiving poem set the in which it was suggested that
Mrs. Sheldon Mann and visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitch, Ar- Chatham, Misses Kim and Keri theme for the meeting followed age be increased to 19 in '77 and
Mr. Mann in Listowel Memorial thur and Kevin of Belmore visit- Stevens of Port Elgin and Misses r by the hymn "Corrie Ye Thankful 20 in '78.
Debbie and Cheryl Stephens of ,. People, Come". Mrs. Campbell An announcement was made of
Kitchener were guests of Mrs. A. read Psalm 95, anti presented the the visit of, the moderator, Dr.
L. Stephens and visited Greg Ste- topic, "When You're Thankful".
NOTICE. p Wilbur Howard, s Mitchell on
phens in Wingham Hospital. � ' in which she spoke of the sounds Oct. 13.. On the same day the
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness of thanksgiving, the many sourc- Huron -Perth Resource Centre
of McIntosh visited Sunday with es of thanksgiving, and the sea- was scheduled to be opened at
Pork Producers Marketing Yard Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson. a
sons for thanksgiving. Mitchell by Dr. Howard.
Blyth, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Brian Elliott of The roll call, "A Thanksgiving The Bluevale UCW bazaar was
Kitchener, Miss Kathy Powell, f Thought", was answered by 19 announced for Oct. ;9 with plans
Effective Mondor October 25, 1976 members. finalized by unit leaders.
Y• Montreal, Mrs. Carol Crawford,
YARD IS OPEN: Lori Anne and Jo Anne of Clinton' During the business period a Mrs. Dorothy Street told of her
and Wilson Powell of Owen Sound letter was read from Brookhaven visit to Bermuda. She gave an
Monday 7.12 were weekend guests of Mr. and t-�• Nursing Home, and it was ar entertaining description of the
Thursday 8-1 Mrs. Russell Powell.` ranged that the program com islands, the vegetation, the
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. George Brown re �T .;�'.{"t mittee plan visits there by the people, their homes, churches
turned Monday from Hershey, ,� units during the coming year. A etc. Pictures and souveniers
. zr .�, r., •w' : ' letter from Huronview reminded
Penn. made the talk even more in -
Dr. and Mrs. Alex Strong,c*'� + P u } resting.
Paula, Heidi, and Peter of Wing d The meeting closed with hymn
an IASIde story Of ham visited with Mr. and Mrs. "Now Thank We All Our God"
ry Robert Strong, Jill and Kent at PLANTING DAFFODIL BULBS at Riverside Park in Wingham are members of the prayer Y
s► the bright, turbulent world the weekend. B u e v a I e and ra ni b Rev. err e h
' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robinson Wingham Horticultural Society. W. T. Lapp, Frank Madill and Ed Fielding dig the holes Brown. Unit 2 served refresh-,
of today's teenagers for the bulbs which are expected to beautify the park in the spring. This is a project to ments during social time which
have returned from a motor trip followed.
- to Saskatchewan where they spruce up the appearance of the waterfront. At the morning service in the
Tn,s a,yn, d ., Vn, ares peneri ales „R
visited at the home of Mr. and United Church, a new organ
Th.:, .. a^° nsuns u, lodey,
rn°„ a.p,eas uns of pe,,, ^P ,,-,,,,,,,,, Mrs. James Robinson of Yellow hymn book was presented for
,ne,, sea,cn,n9a ror 60010 al d,auplne end y
enin nys ,u, Jnr° °nd Grass. dedication b James Brecken- 1r ea r°^°°"'°^° W1 member shows ridge on behalf of the Brecken
.,a, d Mr. and Mrs. John McCutcheOn
Thieves net ridge family, in memory of Mrs. (te`l�e1`'ioG¢'"°'°°'°"°""°""y'' returned Saturday from Wawa,$2,800
Beatrice Wickstead. Rev. Wilena ��F{ G a�w Ptd N0
arrivig by ferry at Tobermory. Slides of Britain G O P c� O"aRi-2
+ On Sunday thee. visited with Dr. Brown dedicated the new book HA4 de
and Mrs. Ken Philips at New n area break-insstrong
B E — Mrs. Jim Arm and presented it to the organist, KaHamburg. strongng showed slides of a trip Mrs. Max Demaray. P°
* 1. which she and her husband en-
Wingham Detachment of the During the week there were joyed in Britain when members Johnston relatives visited on
Sunday afternoon at Fellowship
XI Ontario Provincial Police was seven motor vehicle collisions in- of the local Women's- Institute ADDRESS
called to investigate two inti- vestigated by the OPP. Estimat- met at the home of Mrs. Robert Hall United Church, Lambeth, 1000 LABELS
Wroxeter dents of break, enter and theft ed damage was $10,275 to prop- Fraser for their October get -to- with Mrs. Mabel Harris and her
. ars.arryarr
sons, Mr. MBHis
and one of mischief during the erty and three persons were in gether. $
r , . past week. jured. In her role as president, Mrs. and family, Lambeth, and Mr. plus tax
- - Mr, and Mrs.. Dan Isabelle, On Saturday police were called On Thursday Jack M. Willits of Armstrong opened the meeting Mrs. Bruce Harris and baby r
Toronto, visited durin the week to the residence of George Hislop, RR 1, Wingham was injured as a with the Opening Ode and Mary daughter Vancouver, B.C.
with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence RR 2, Wroxeter after it was burg- result of a two -car collision on Stewart Collect. Mrs. Bill Pea- Harris relatives were also Quick, easy way to mark
Present from Mount Forest and books, letters, etc. Comes
Clement. larized and over $800 worth of Huron Road 7, east of Highway 4. cock read the minutes and
'he zptai"that
Voingpeop1a El to Taman, Plattsville, was a po Fort Erie. in hand box.
. unbgn, °.r1, aur °.,d da,es IU o� 00 a Elgin g goods stole Most of it was new Paul H. O'Neill, also of RR 1, correspondence.
4+• + 1,000 labels - $3.98 tax extra
Sunda guest with Mr. and Mrs. .cosmetic products which are sold Wingham was the driver of the A meeting of the historical Mrs. Wendell Stamper, Bill
Ross Toman. by Linda Hislop. other vehicle. Willits was treated society will be held at Ethel on Anger, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Mrs. Harry Hupfer, Melvin- Also on Saturday police were for a laceration to his lower lip October 20. A bazaar will be held Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Al
dale, Mich., visited last week called to the Old Mill in Blyth and released at Wingham and at Huronview on Tuesday, Octo Lincoln visited at the Doge Fun- CLIFF KYER
ATwith Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hupfer, which was entered during the District Hospital. ber 26; those who wish to send eral Home on Sunday and at the AND ASSOCIATES
' Mrs. Oliver Riley and other rela- night. Almost $2,000 worth of rugs On Friday Gerald D. Rathwell, baking are asked to 4eave it at home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pais -
H U R 0 N MEWS C H A P E L tives in and around the village. and chamois were stolen. Investi- RR ` 2, Brussels and Nicolaas Mathers' store. ley, Forest, whose 14 -month-old Box 562
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clement gations continue. Terpstra, RR 3, Brussels, were . At a later date, the Bluevale WI daughter Anget°a died October 15. Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4A2
AUBURN returned home last week after Saturday continued to be a involved in a collision on County will present a program and visit
spending the Thanksgiving week- busy day as the OPP apprehend- Road 19, south of County Road 16, the residents at Brookhaven �
SUNDAY OCT. 4th end and a few days with relatives ed two youths ho were shooting Grey Township. Mr. Rathwell Nursing Home. The Brussels WI
in Toronto. out street lights in Brussels.was injured as a result of the col- invited the group to its meeting I2I:VOLVEI2 DISCO
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Elliott, Charged with mischief are Har- lision. on November 10 at 8 p.m. Blue -
8 P • M • Markdale, spent the weekend at vey and Edwin Weber of Port Saturday, Kenneth A. Craw- vale WI is sponsoring an old-time
their home here. Elgin. ford, Clinton, was injured as a re- dance in Bluevale Hall on MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS
sult of a single car accident on November 26.
Highway 4 north of the Huron- Four get -well cards were AND
A `.
y •,Z
Bruce County line. signed by the members je'he sent OTHER DANCE FUNCTIONS
w .9k. ll -` A total of 20 charges were laid to the sick. Mrs. Charl s Mathers
✓ ~ • under the Highway Traffic Act
r i Z �� ► - and 22 warnings issued. Four ral. reported Many tthi things were dis-
charges were laid under the cussed pertaining to the Interna- • •LOVE TO TURN YOU ON'' P H 455-698i
Liquor Control Act and five tional Plowing Match which will
charges under the Criminal Code. be held in Huron County in 1978. London
New songbooks are going to be
made for the Institutes.
Following a lively singsong,
Thanksgiving mood guest speaker Mrs. Kenneth
9 9 Johns spoke on "Footprints —
The Mark They Make in Life Will
ave for unit meeting Show".
1 / It was announced that Miss
GORRIE — "Thanksgiving" Sandra Stewart was awarded the
" was the theme of 'Mrs. Robert Huron County scholarship, an
Gibson's worship service which . honor bestowed annually by
she led for the members of unit Huron WI groups to an outstand
two of the United Church Women ing scholar who has also been
when they met at the home of active in 4-H projects. Roll call Ice"
Mrs. James Alcorn on Wed- was answered by naming books
nesday of last weekthe members had enjoyed read- LordSimcoe
Mrs. Gibson opened the meet- ing recently.
ing with a poem, "Autumn The November meeting will be _
Colors". The scripture lesson was held at the home of Mrs. William / I �� •
As a roll call, members 1
HodeVos.wl�� ��e a taken from the sixth chapter of
John's Gospel and appropriate will be asked to name a television T I , ,t „If, of the 1975 w ce The Lord
thanksgiving hymns were sung. commercial that turns them on 5,f11( of. wit.1,ning the price on the 2 nate special
ore The worship closed with a prayer or off 1n the fdcr; of r iwiq costs
poem and roll call was answered
by the members stating things '
they are grateful for. Bluevale '
k The president, firs. Alex Tav Rev. R. H. Armstrong of Wing-
Lor, conducted the business with ham will conduct the communion
the regular reports Mrs. Elmer service at Knox Presbyterian
Farrish. secretary, read the min- Church. Sunday. Oct. 24 at 11:30
utes. Members were reminded of a m s
packing of the Fred Victor bale Mrs Alex MacTavish visited
i and the upcoming bazaar on on Tuesdav with Mrs. Freda Col -
November 6. vin at Teeswater
The meeting closed with prayer Mrs Don Dosman of St' or
and the hostess served refresh- Clements was hostess for a mis- ! f
�l ments. cellaneous shower for Miss Jean
The November meeting will be MacTavish, bride -elect of Octo-
e at the home of Mrs Gibson on the ber Jean is a daughter of John K •t" • '
loth. MacTavish. Brantford. and
r granddaughter of Mrs Robert
e McKinnon of Bluevale. Those at -
Three insured in tending from this area were Mrs.
Wes Paulin, Mrs. Dale Brecken-
ridge Mrs Jim Garniss. Mrs.
� Jack Willitts. Mrs HaroldGrant •
� A two -car collision on the main and Mrs Alex MacTavish foffta •
Street in Lucknow injured three Mr and Mrs Claire Finnigan •
• persons. The Kincardine Detach- of Victoria. BC spent several • modtern quPtt room for 2 nights
ment of the Ontario Provincial days with Mr and Mrs .J C • d nner nne evvnmq at the mous Captain's Tatou
Police investigated Johnston. rlcludinq a wu
elconnq ref thment
Mrs. Nancy Brooks, Lucknow, Miss Louise Stamper of Scar- • !,re,,kf,j,t e,j, h horning
F was apparently the driver of one borough visited at the home of • '"le 0ve1n1ght tlarkinq (from 6 Oj rn to 8 30,1
w of the vehicles. She was treated her parents, Mr and Mrs Wen- a„Iv om h (fav)
7 at Wingham and District Hospital ” dell Stamper
for a cracked rih and released Mr and Mrs. J. C. Johnston \ $090
Two passengers in the other ve- were guests at the Deihl-Mc-
hicle, Theresa Huber of Lucknow Cracken wedding at Monkton
ane Aivtn cMoinulg,iaj ui Luck- Presbyterian Church on Friday ' i'� j t„ actvancP ext nig
,flit V�sU � ,j,� ttAV �jrl extra night
i� now were injured Miss Huber evening and attended the recep g
t� b wl p j double
was treated for multiple injuries tion following the ceremony at S�oO
� at Wingham and District Hospital Brodhagen.
fire ,,
and was later transferred to Vic- Mrs. Roy King returned to your tr•jyel j gProt 11 eservp direct
toria Hospital in London. Toronto on Sunday after spending The Lord Sjmcoe Hotel, 150 K nq St West Toronto
Mr. Morningstar was treated the past two weeks with Mr. and
Tv, t •i 1 G1 :3ti7 1848
f? i "�` : ` for a fractured hand and releas- Mrs. W. J Peacock and other
C� ?► t ti �,� ed relatives.