The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-21, Page 10W,
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I II terim-Inodelt'ator for chalmer.
Fqp 14o --Mw Wingham Advance -Times, October 21, 1976 IIUIIIIINIIINIIIIIININIUNUIHIIIIIIItN11111111111111111111U11N11111111NIN111111 Bristol Terrace WTI son Ira Two Chun,, Whitecbweb and Lang -
side. R. W. BELL
Coming Events enters Into rest Pllbearers were David Wall,
T n b err receives Brant Clifford young, �,�. �„ OPTOII,►ETRIST ,
yIIIINIIININIIWNINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUINtI11U1Nu11111111111111111NINNU1111111N111I1111 in local hospital �y Laidlaw, Bill Versteeg and GODERiCH
BINGO TURKEY SUPPER from New Horizons p Mack Hptchison. Wesley Young (, S24-7661,1
Bingo every Monday evening at Fordwich United Church annual Wilson Ira Wall of RR 3, Wing- and Ken Pewtress carried the Sq
the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, turkey supper, Wed., Oct. 27 from A group of retired people from ham, entered into rest in Wing- floral tributes.
Clinton, at 8 p.m. 15 regular 5 p.m. on. Adults $3.50, 12 and Wingham is one of 194 in Canada ham and District Hospital on
games at $12. Three share the under $1.50, pre-school free. to receive New Horizons grants October 12, following a lengthy
wealth. Jackpot $200, must go. announced by Health and Wel- Pnness which he patiently and NEW EQUIPMENT
Courier Door prizes and many other courageously endured.
P BENEFIT DANCE fare Minister Marc Lalonde. Born in Culross Township,
With Hallowe'en just around (language booklet); Grade Two- specials. Admission restricted to AND CARD PARTY Mrs. Olive Lewis, president of rrb of
16 years or over. In the Belmore Community Bristol Senior Citizens from August 7, 1914, he was the son
the carnet, the Grade 3's created Donna Stockley (social studies the late Wilson Ira Wall and Annaa
the following composition: booklet); Linda Arthur (egg Centre, Friday, Oct. 22, for Mr. Bristol Terrace, said the group Elizabeth Pinnell. Of a family of
A Hallowe'en Scare canon animal); Elisabeth Sja- and Mrs. Dick Konings and had applied for the grant but had seven, there are three surviving ® _ STOCK I
family who recently had their not been notified that it had been members: Mrs. John (Fanny)
The day before Hallowe'en we arda (art illustration); Annette BINGO Y
got our costumes ready. Every- Joritsma (health poster); Chris- Blyth Lions Club Saturday night home damaged c fire. Music by accepted. When notified by The Wraith of Lucknow, Gordon of
one was extremely excited. When tina Funk (place card); Grade bingo at 8:30 p.m. in the Blyth the Crippled Duck. Advance Times that the grant gingham and Mrs. Len (Hope) 2 Danomex 3 -point hitch fertilizer spreaders.
we were cleaning the pumpkin Three: Jimmy Dennis (French Memorial Hall. Jackpot $150 on had been approves:, she said the Conley of St. Marys. He was pre
out we saw the refrigerator door collage); Debbie Hoy (social 60 calls. Share the wealth and Tl turkey
SUPPER $1,260house would go i equip a club- deceased by Lincoln, Leslie and 4 10 ton J 8 M wagons with 14 ply aircraft
slowly opening. studies booklet); Dean Golley regular games. A turkey supper at Duff's United house and organize recreational Mrs. Bert (Emma) Moffat. tires.
Quickly I closed the fridge (eggs di tomatoes); Jamie Heffer rrb March 31 Church, Walton, on Wednesday, activities that include sewing, On November 21, 1939, he 2 - Vic 10 ton wagons with 22 ply aircraft tires
door. The lights went out! I (health poster); Grade Four: November 3. Supper served from slide presentations, group din- married Anna Belle McKenzie of
couldn't see in the dark. I was Michelle Hooftman (mathem- DANCE OCT. 23' 3:30 to 8:W p.m. Adults $3.50, ners, lawn darts and bingo. Abernathy, Saskatchewan. Left 1 6 ton J & M wagon with radial tires
children 6 to 12, $2.00 and pre- Since the program was intro- to mourn his passing, besides his 210-250-300-350 bus. J & M gravity boxes.
terrified! I bumped into some- sties book, writing, and tropical Wingham Kinsmen invite you to Pa g.
school children, free. duced, 6,368 projects have been sorrowing wife, are Mrs. George thing but I couldn't see it. rain forest booklet); Cheryl -Ann dance to the great music of Star g g 4 Vic stone rigs
Suddenly the lights came back Searson (writing, 21 28 funded for a total in $37,140,695.
gh g French post- Trex at the Wingham Legion, (Doris) Needham, Pinkerton; 2 _ J g M elevators 33' and 43'
Another group in Wingham which
on and there was a ghost. I was er); Bert Sjaarda (pair of turk- Sat., Oct. 23, 9:30 to 1 a.m. $8.00 William, Bramalea; Mrs. Dave
RESERVE THE DATE received a $400 grant was the -Westfield rain augers - 6", 7", 8" models
Schneider's Men's Choir of Senior Citizens on Alfred Street
just ready to run when the ghost eys); Terri Baker (wall hanging, per couple. Light lunch. Advance . (Edna) Arthur and Mrs. Randy g g
removed his mask. What a sur- health poster); Grade Five: tickets available from any Kins (Mary Lou) Davis, both of Lon- -10' and 12' J & M fertilizer augers
prise! It was only my big brother Brenda Chambers (composi- man. Limited number of tickets Kitchener will be a return visit Oct. in Wingham for This group received the grant don; also seven grandchildren. 1 20' grazing feeder
playing tricks on me. Just wait tion); Kendra McKague (hand to be sold. - zero
27, sponsored back in March of this year. g g Mr. Wall attended school at SS
until tomorrow night. I will really puppet, wild flowers, flower ar- 14-21 A the Couples' Club ofndrew's Presbyterian Church. . people to create projects of their New Horizons enables retired No. 7, Culross. He worked on con -
trick him. rangement, and song title) ; struction work in various parts of
—By Grade 3. Grade Six: Karen Quipp RS own choosing. It offers grants to Ontario and served with the USED
TOL groups of retired le who Ministry of Transportation and
(mathematics workbook); Mur- DANCE FOR DASA CHAMPS g P PSP y po
Last week Fire Prevention was res Snell (French project); ; In the Whitechurch Community W WVA JAMBOREE: 2 -day undertake activities for the bene
Y Communications for the past 23 EQUIPMENT
Y P J tour departs Nov. 12 (evening)
the theme in Kindergarten. The Marilyn ten Pas (science project Hall for Joe Tiffin and White P r fit r themselves and others in years. He was an elder in Chal-
singing ng and writing); Bar Haugh (pet church Junior Softball team, for a great Country and Western their community. mers Presbyterian Church, �I
children enjoyed si In songs ng Barry g pe y
and saying verses about the fire- show) ; Grade Seven : Lyle OASA champs, on Saturday, Oct. show in Wheeling, West Virginia. The accent is on local needs as Whitechurch, past superinten-
men. Campbell (bird house); Corey 23, 9:30 p.m. Music by Alley Cats. Only a limited number of seats seen by older people and on their dent of the Sunday School and 1 8 ton Farmhand double reach wagon with
Quite a few prizes were won by Wallace (French project); Ladies please bring lunch. remain. willingness to meet such needs. served on the Board of Managers.
421 FLORIDA: Free brochures 250 bushel gravity box, side boards and
several students of our school at Nancy Darling (health, project 1 -now available on Fettes Tours The funeral service was held
the recent Howick-Turnberry and mathematics problems) ; Florida trips, leaving Dec. 23 for October 14 from the S. J. Walker ridge pole.
Fall Fair. Here is a list of first David Fear (electrical device TEA AND BAKE SALE 11 days; Dec. 26 for 8 days; Jan. Funeral Home in 'Wingham with 1 8 ton Dion wagon
prize winners: and t show). interment in the. Culross and 1 - 10 ft. brillion packer
P Pe Plan to attend the Catholic Wo- 15, Feb. 12, Feb. 19 and Feb. 26
Kindergarten: (poster depict- Miss Kirkland, our Grade 3 men's League Tea and Bake Sale, for 14 -day circle Florida tour; Be more Teeswater Cemetery. Service USED TRUCKS
ing story of the three bears) ; teacher, took on a new name dur- to be held at the Wingham Town Jan. 29 for 14 -day circle Florida was conducted by Rev. Glenn
Grade One: Erika Hooftman ing last Thanksgiving weekend. Hall Oct. 30 from 2:15 to 4:30. and Nassau cruise; March 14 for Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Johann Noble of Lucknow Presbyterian 1964 White tandem, gas, air brakes, good rub -
(picture making); David Sjaarda it is now: Mrs. Folkard. 21-28 18 -day Padre Island and Mexico; and family visited on Sunday Church, presently acting as in- ber, 300 bushel gravitybox, 12' fertilizer
(art design) ; Andy Versteeg --Grade Eight Maech 18 for 9 -da Florida
Y with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Emke of
MAITLAND W.I. mid-term break; April 17 for Elmwood. auger and duaer-mate. Excellent condition.
The next meeting of the Maitland 21 -day California tour. Rosa Chambers is a patient in CUSTOM Sell with or without box, etc.
WomeOur brochures describe each Listowel Hospital.
Belgrave Personals Tuesda , Oct ber 26ll 8:15 p. . P 6 wheel drive full tandem truck, never licenc- Tuesday, October 26 at 8:15 p.m, tour in detail and are yours for Mr. and Mrs. Mac Inglis .and COMBINING -
in the town hall. A macrame the asking. Fettes Tours and family travelled to Toronto re ed, with P.T.O., 750 gallon water tank, air
Thanksgivingweekend visitors demonstration by Mrs. A. Mahe Travel 323-1545 Mount Forest or cently to visit Mrs. -nglis' mother � brakes and good rubber. Will, sell with Or
The the epee Men's Choir pro- 348-8492 Mitchell. who is a patient in a Toronto Grain & Corn
at the home of Mr. Howard vidtad the special music at the will be held, Supplies will be P �1 without tank.
Wilkinson were Mr. and Mrs. Monkton United Church anniver available for purchase if•anyone A SANCTION MATCH Your Belmore news corres- 1963 Ford gravel truck V-8, 5 and 2 trans'mis-
Gordon Wilkinson and family of say on Sunday evening. Rev. wants to try it. The roll call is, For all purebred dogs, a Sanction ndent, Linda Renwick would *Com *Complete drying Sion, good rubber. Will sell with or without
Smithsville, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- . Gordon Hazelwood was the guest Bring a Guest. The program Match by the Grey Bruce Kennel ver much a reciate an one in P
ton Wilkinson and family of Kit- speaker. conveners are Betty Belanger and Obedience club, at the Y appreciate Y box.
chener, Mr. Elmer Wilkinson of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Whitfield and Ethel Adams. Belmore Arena on Sunda the Belmore community with facilities
Wingham, Mrs. Hazel Procter y' news, either personal or f
Ing of Florida, Mr. and Mrs, Herman October 24. Entries $2.00 per dog. Contact: RIEGLING,
and Mrs. Ethel Wheeler of Bel- Whitfield of Brussels visited on UNITED CHURCH From 11 a.m. Judging starts at meetings, to phone her at 367
grave. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert TURKEY DINNER one p.m. Belmore Women's In- �' before 5 p.m. on Sunday if OTTO WEBER
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Orvis of Johnston. r. Wingham United Church Turkey solute will serve their famous possible. It would be much appre
Wingham visited on Dinner on Wednesday, November ciatea. R.R. #>, New and Used Form Equipment
giving Day with Mr. and MIS. spent the weekend with Mr. and 3. Tickets, adults $3.50; children Pancake and Maple Syrup meal.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mawhinney Lucknow, Ontario 7 miles west of Lucknow
Lewis Stonehouse. Mrs. Fred Moffat of Owen Sound. $1.50: Pre-school children, free. RUMMAGE SALE and Mr. and Mrs. James Busby
Lorne Jamieson is a patient in We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Tickets available at Miller's The fall Rummage Sale of the attended the Grand of 357-2095 Opry in n Highway 86
a Toronto hospital. Robert Gordon and Robert Jr. to Ladies' Wear, Harris Stationery Auxiliary to the Wingham and Nashville. 395-5107
Mrs. Earl Anderson spent last the village. They moved into their and Vance's Drug Store. District Hospital will be held in
week with Mr. and Mrs. William new home last Monday. 21,-28 District
Wingham Armouries building
Schreiber of Milton. Mrs. Cecil Coultes accom- on Oct. 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mo of P RECEPTION AND DANCE For ick u of articles, clothing, Y anted Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armes P P g.
Erin Mills spent the weekend of Windsor on a trip north to Reception and dance for Mr. and etc., call 357-1714.
with her mother, Mrs. Earl Chapleau, Pembroke and the Mrs. Charles Procter, (Grace Direct
Anderson. Haliburton District. Coulthart) in the Belgrave WI OLD TIME DANCE ' C e
Oct. 23. Music e r
r -y
Sunday visitors with Miss Nora Robert Hibberd, Raymond hall, Saturday, In the Wroxeter Community Hall,
Van Cam were Mr. and Mrs. from 9 to 12 by The Country
P Niell, RR 2 Wingham, Henry October 29. Music by Howard
John Evan of Sarnia and Mr. and Mann's. Ladies please bring y FLOWERS FUELS AUTOMOTIVE
Pattison and Calvert Falconer of Smith. Sponsored b the Wroxet-
Mrs. Glen Van Camp. Blyth, Harvey Jacklin, RR 1, lunch. Everyone welcome. er Women's Institute. Tickets COLLISION
_ Ethel and Emerson Mitchell of $5.00 per couple. Lunch provided.
Walton attended Huron County SALVATION ARMY 21-28 Wedding AIS Collision BILL TIFFIN WINGHAM
Royal Black Knights' meeting in FALL SUPPER X Arrangements Imperial Esso Agent SUNOCO SERVICE
WINGHAM Woodham last Wednesday. EUCHRE PARTY 1' Service
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd Will be held Nov. 10, at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets, adults $3.75, children In the Wingham Armouries on Cut flowers Phone ESSO 1.1('E:NSF:DME('HANI('
BODY SHOP visited in Walkerton on Sunday. Tuesday, Oct. 26, at eight m. 357-2206 UNDERCOATING
Mrs. Len Coyne and Mrs. Eric $1.50. A limited number of Y, g P• c &
P Sponsored b the Senior Citizens. For all your Home and
Gracka of Windsor spent a few take-out orders will be acce ted. Po Y �q� Plants R('STPROOFIN(:
For tickets contact Mr. Bill Admission 75c. Proceeds for the 't5' CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES Farm Fuel and COMPI.ETE CAR &
days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, 357-1913. arena fund. Everyone welcome. Flowers by Lubricating Needs TRUCK SERVICE:
Lawrence Taylor and Robinson 21-2 Complete Body work
Complete relatives. 113 ANNIVERSARY Wire Service and Painting 657.1032
Cor. Frame and Rust Repair Prop. Ken Leitch
Howick lions Rev. Ian F. MacLean of Newton- Also Insurance Claims PLUMBING HEATING Phone
for brook United Church, Toronto FLOWERS CONC. 2, MORRISTWP. t:;7 -1 :,a til(:IIT:t57-:tSt45
Automobilos, Light Trucks, Card Of Thanks will be guest speaker at the 113th _ Hwy 86
Farm Tractors t e g 13 5 Frances Leroy Jackson
Anniversary Services of Cele int Moms—Plumbing CONSTRUCTION
Farmers Night y � Phone >5
Now Rad Cores •Thanks to all the staff of the oration at the Wingham United '
Wingham and District Hospital g 3:2
Ind Morns •I\_ 2nd 9
Biron Beelor, manager of g Church on Sunday, Oct. 24 at 11 357-3880 s
Rodding Stewart Seeds in London, was the for my care. Also to all who sent a.m' and 7:30 p.m. Inspirational —Heating
cards, letters, gifts, flowers and
Cleaning i Flushing guest speaker at `Farmers Night' g music will be provided at the INSURANCE—Tinsmithing T. M. � T.
put on by the Howick Township who visited me. Special thanks to morning service by the Junior SALES AND SERVICE
14 North St. 357-1102 Drs. Leah Pin and Mowbray 191 Josephine St.
Lions at the Community Hall in Y• g• y' and Senior choirs and at the 4 � F
Wroxeter Monday night. also Rev. R. H. Armstrong and to evening service by the Mount COHSTRUCTIOH
The Howick Lions invited the all my good neighbours. It was all
Forest Barber Shop Chorus. A CANADA Wingham 357-2904 ,
farmers of the area as guests deeply appreciated. coffee hour will Pfollow the CUP INfuRANCE hype s o Contractors
MONEY along with Lions from Lucknow Miss Annie H Kennedy evening worship. Everyone is SWEATERS ELECTRICAL All types of concrete work
and Palmerston. Over 50 people invited to attend. now available All Types of Pit silos
Home and farm building
AVAILABLE were in attendance. I would like to say thank you to o, .
Mr. Beelor gave a rather tech- all my relatives, neighbours and ANNIVERSAR t' SERVICES Pleteh Electric >
nical talk on the growth of a i- friends for their many acts of Gorrie Presbyterian Church An- / ' 335-3525 357-2636 ( \1.1. litlR Tll(1111 ti(IN
g SI Y ISI.I E:\':\I.E,IINT\ItI(1
MORTGAGE LOANS kindness shown to us while I was GORRIE WINGHAM Wingham
culture in Canada. He said there niversary service on Sunday, �:�
in the hospital. also since t''' at•rt
had been no major break- P October 24 at 11 a.m. Rev .John INDUSTRIAL or
Residential, Commercial throughs the past severalryears returning home: remembering Neilson guest speaker and the PIRO SS POOLS, ETC. COMMERCIAL WIRING
Rural and didn't foresee any in the next too Dr. McGregor and nurses on Brussels Men's Chorus with PORT i Also Rural and Domestic
Land Deveb nt five to ten years. second floor for the excellent special music.
a"° He said the last real break- care I received. 177 Mom Swimming St Listowel Ontario Phone 357-1583 Askes Brothers
Builders lnterim Rnaincing through came when Hybrid corn Herson Irwin CONSTRUCTION
PROMPT SERVICE was first produced. This came Pools Cottages, Homes
about 20 years ago. Although words are inade Damage caused to Lynn Hoy g
Call Collect There has been a lot of re- quate, we wish to express our • Above and Below BURKE ELECTRIC Additions 8 Renovations
S19 -a36-0470 search going on over the years sincere thanks to those who came Belmore home by Enterprises Ground Electrical Contractors 357-3053
but nothing really new has come to help Ken at the accident Complete Line of
WESTERN INTERNATIONAL of it. Mr. Beelor said he felt that Thanksgiving Day, also to those overheated pipes Honda and Skidoo Pool Chemicals Motor Rewind and Wingham
FUNDING CORP. with all the agricultural com- who helped in any way after Afire in a house at Lot 3, Con- Sales &Service Household Appliances Sales Ph; 528-2726 .
ARMSTRONG t3a><,sz, Lucknow
panics which are going into the wards.
research field there could be an Ken and Olive Zinn cession B. Howick Township on
- Hwy 86 east nf Wingham CHEMICALS Josephine St. 357-2450
other breakthrough in the next 10 Saturday caused damage estiolPhone 519 357 3435 Emergency Service - See
ears. aced at "a couple of thousand dol Box S6 Walkerton
Y 1 wish to thank my friends and lays" � the Yellow Pages
STOMP Mr. Beelor said that one thing relatives for their visits and "
which has come from recent re The house awned by Ralph UPHOLSTERY
cards while 1 was a patient in Dickson and occupied by Elmer
search is the finding of aspergillin Victoria Hospital, London. Spec Stanley and family received THE
(Save The Ontario Milk Flavius in peanuts. This is a sub- ial thanks to Rev Barry Pass-
stance whicl. has been linked more. Dr. Leahy. Dr. McLarty damage to the attic. The fire Let us make your old furniture
cancer. He said the sub started in the float of the attic ' ADVANCE -TIMES
and nurses a third floor. also BETTER THAN NEW THE
Are you an industrial milk shipper stance is now being found in corn. and was caused by overheated � e
g Forest bodge for the beautiful
suffering Financial hardship duo to The substance is a ink colored
nota cuts and I doductions? P azalea plant stoup pipes ?s For a free estimate and a
q wY The damage was contained by �,t�
Join us to obtain justice and equal. growth which attacks the cobs. Fred Douhledee the presence of mind of one of the 1 1 look at our newest samples
ity by group action through the Mr. Beelor mentioned that �'- �t ' SERVICE
winter wheat is Nein town in young sons who was in th- house of materials call:
courts For details on how you con g g I would like to thank my neigh t -
obtoin satisfaction. writ* ever increasing quantities. How- tours and friends for their visits• at the time. Randy and Rick were COOK UPHOLSTERY
alone at the time and one ran to
ever he said that farmers in cards and treats while a patient r % —A1
Southwestern Ontario are not in Wingham and District Hospi- the hasement and hooked up the Blyth, Ontario DIRECTORY
3 7-23`0
STOMP going into this crop as much as in tal Special thanks to Dr Corrin, garden hose and ran up the stairs e
other parts of Canada. to pour water on the blaze. u SZ3-4474
Dr. McKim, the physiotherapy `
P.O. Ethel, Ontario Mr. Beelor augmented his department and staff of the Fie kept the water on the blaze WE HAVE FREE Pie -K -UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE `
speech with slides showing the second floor for the excellent until firemen from the Wingham
NOG 1TO various types of research going care I received. Volunteer Fire Department ar-
on. Betty Stafford rived.
. i �