The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-21, Page 1Y FIRST SECTION Wingliam, TbUr5daY, October 21, 1976 Sep. School board finds no, m ney f r alterctt*ions By Wilma OkeIngs be deemed to be: (a) busi attend the sessions of the Pro- Call", in morning and afternoon CPTH is becoming weaker and Salary rates for the Huron- tress and commercial assess -the Development Day for session respectively. weaker. He said there were no a Perth County Roman Catholic ment a (b) residential and farm the teachers to be held at St. Pat- Trustees Ted Geoffrey Q$ representatives there by mem- Separate School Board office ? rick's School, Dublin, on October Zurich and Michael Connolly of hers from the Huron Perth or assessment. reported on the 25tb Middlesex associations — staff are to be increased ;13.65 Therefore be it resolved that 16, when the special speaker at �PPen re Im Per week each for the calendar attention be drawn to the minis- the daylong event will be Rev. convention of the Catholic trustees only. year 1977. The board increasedtry of education expressing Michael Prieur of St. Peter's Parent-Teacher Association in Howard Shantz of Stratford therre- the hourly rate for school secre- concern that unless farm land Seminary, London, who will St. Catharines on October 1, 2 arfd mperhaps rd taries from $3.63 to $3.94 per hour and farm buildings have a late- speak on "The Call of the Chris- 3, which they attended. Mr. Con- should be doing something to en - h of the CPTA, for the school year 1976-77. gory of distinction other than tiara in 1976" and "Living the nolly said they were informed fife courage ethmiss missing that aspect of Donald Crowley of Gadshill re- "Residential and Farm", the the parents being involved in our ported that arrangements for the assessment so created b 100 per official opening of the school Y schools addition at St. Patrick's at Kin- cent of market value will weight Mr. Lane said the assessment kora have been completed. He to rural versus urban trustees to roll list had been received and it (Auxiliary) Bishop John M. a elected to a separate school was being checked for Catholics said (Aux Sherlock it London will dedicate board following implementation who are Protestant school sup - the addition at2 p.m, on October of the Tax Reform Plan, and be it porters. He said that about 10 per 31. further resolved that the ministry cent of these people contacted do In other business at the board of education be requested to switch over their assessment to meeting in Dublin Tuesday night monitor the proposal for Proper- the Catholic schools. approval was given to donate $125 ty Tax Reform with a view to Mr. Shantz offered the help of to the Kiwanis Music Festival in amending the Education Act 1974 the Stratford trustees in checking to meet the intent of the existing the assessment list for Stratford Stratford, an increase of $25 over Section 110.„s N and suggested they would make last year. Copies to be sent to the Com - John Vintar, director of educa-� personal calls or even phone calls tion, in his remarks to. the board mission on Property Taxation dal would be helpful, he said. Reform; the Ontario Separate;, said that there does not appear to School Trustees Association; and *' be any capital monies available all separate school boards except We have a winter vocation for you! GOOK NOW I NIZZS�RYKE Listow•I, Ontario .: "I-2111 Single Copy Not Over 35c CARL McCLENAGHAN, who donated an Apaloosa Quarter Horse for the Lion's ,Club draw to raise funds for the Ontario Crippled Children's Society, makes the draw. With him are Casey Casemore, secretary; Lee Vance, chairman of the drive and far right, Archie Hill, Lions vice-president. The winner was Sandra Wilson, Box 250, Seaforth. She had ticket number 827 for buil ng additions or doing Toronto, Windsor and Ottawa. , extensive alterations to schools in (Not to them because they are ountFederation opposed.1977. He said the board's 1976 pri- orities hold little chance of completely urban). When lists of the teaching staff '" � '�• receiving ministry. approval for for 1976-77 were handed out to the: . at least another' year. trustees, Francis Hicknell of Sea - forth questioned why a married REQUEST CLARIFICATION teacher is permitted to use her to healthcou nc'61 scheme Jack Lane, superintendent of maiden name on the staff list business, presented a summary ` when her husband is also on the The Huron Count Federation in the concept. input to our health scheme, we steps to implement a health-coun- of the announcement by the teaching staff. He was assured Y g � ' P P P minister of education in a of Agriculture voted last week to "Although we feel there could feel that additional costs would cil, but to wait as long as possible this was perfectly legal if she memorandum to school boards accept a brief for presentation to be certain advantages. in the field probably outweigh the advan- before being forced, in order to wished to use her maiden name the Steering Committee to the of better co-ordination of all to es." on October 1 regarding the 19?7 g taggain experience from other coun- and he was referred to Maureen general legislative grants. Mr. proposed Huron -Perth District health services,' the Federation In the brief it was noted that al- cils and thus help avoid costly Lane revealed that the board's McTeer (who refuses to be called Health Counci! "generally oppos- noted, "and possibly more local though tb� estimated first year errors. i expenditure per pupil would in- Mrs. Joe Clark). cost is $75,000 "we note that in Ot- '•We feel that the council should crease from $1197.54 to';1254.22 or Mr. Vintar presented a letter iawa-Carleton the costs in the have a clear indication of when it 13.24 per cent in 1977. Translated, from the Auxiliary Bishop of Lon- second year rose -33 per cent and will be given fiscal responsibility he said, this means the total don, John M. Sherlock, request- 71it may be assumed will continue in order to facilitate long range ing the board members as indi- Hosp. b a.pprOves to rise.' The FOA asked.if this - lann yordinary expenditure for grant viduals and as ---an ith tlttatnt'money might not be betterspent p ►ng�: the brief'sa s. purposes may increase x- diocesan organization; .to under- �+ in other areas, such as keeping "We feel that it is unfair to ask ;303,800 the 9d per cent. He ex- take a year-long crusade for the s u r e r y consultant hos itals open and in the field of people to serve on such a council plained the difference between g P � ther u success of Renewal 77, and to � pupil increase and titre strongly encourage the members RICHARD WALL, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wall, 39 The Wingham and District Shoppe be accepted to do the car- Preventative medicine. on an upaid (excepting expenses-) stron total yield in dollars is due to a Victoria St., Wingham, graduated in Electronic Engineer- basis. The quality of people need- ro bolted decline in enrolment, to participate in the special g g 9 Hospital will have a new doctor petig of the second floor hallway "Furthermore," the FOA brief ed for this council is such that P deanery masses which will be ing Technology from Radio College 'of Canada, Toronto. on the consulting staff of surgery. and some of the rooms. The ac- said, "it could mean one more they will be very busy, active The following resolution to the held throughout the coming year Graduation ceremonies were held in September at the The appointment of Dr. C. R. ted bid was ;3,650. g iB Y pP°tce P step between local hospital people and time lost from their minister of education was ap- proved by a narrow margin (6 to to encourage the entire local Sheraton Centre, Toronto. Richard, a graduate of F. E. Digani to the Associate staff was Board members were told the boards or boards of health and professions could be very expen- m 5): "Whereas the determination church to assist Priests at Madill Secondary School, Wingham, has accepted a position approved at the meeting of the abul$nce service made 86 calls the health ministry, thus often sive. They are serving for the of the number of trustees and, the Prayer. with Sperry U,pivac Computer Systems, Kitchener, as a hospital Board of Governors last during the month. There were no slowing decision making." benefit of all people in the area distribution of those determined The trustees were invited to customer engineer. Wednesday. vehicle breakdowns and the two The brief said the Federation and, therefore, their costs should dist for r b erste school board is set Dr. Digani will be working only vehicles covered 5,416 miles. On was also concerned that the coun- be borne by all." P by consultation and his work will eight of the calls both vehicles cil would achieve fiscal respon- out in Section 110 of the Educa- be reviewed at the end of one were out together. The board sibility but afterward they could The FOA said it felt that local tion Act, 1974, and for purposes of the distribution, the equalized • year. At that time he could be ap- wanted to remind citizens of the become the scapegoats for. hospital boards and boards of assessment of residential and Seminar set forgolf e' u b pointed to the staff of Surgery. ambulance emergency number, government decisions and spend- health are necessary and should farm properties oil ti to be Hospital administrator, Norm- Zenith 90000. ing cuts. be retained. These boards, they P Pe Y an Hayes, told the board that all said id this," the FOA say, understand best their local used, and in the proposal for the beds are back in service at the In the Hospital Auxiliary re requirements and, furthermore, Reform of Property Taxation in A business management vides details of approximately, blems of small business Ahich hospital., The average length of port, Mrs. Mary Procter told the conceded, "we feel that in the fu Health Council members rob Ontario, farm land and farm seminar, primarily for people 100 federal government assis- cannot afford to employ experts stay per patient is 7.3 days. This bard that a capping ceremony ture, a Health Council will be ably wouldn't have time top give buildings are to be assessed at 100 interested in small business, will tance programs to business. on a full-time basis. This service y forced on us either directly or in- adequate consideration e o give be held at the Wingham Golf and is down about 1,300 in patient would be held for the Candy directly, by great structures." q per cent of market value with the g There is also pamphlet series en is provided at a nominal daily days over the year. At the present Stripers the following day. She The went on to recommend day affairs. taxes paid by the province, and if Country Club on Monday, Nov- titled 'Minding Your Own Busi- rate. time there are 88 beds occupied. also wanted to acknowledge the y the proposal in its resent form ember 8. Arranged by the ness" which now contains 14 The management trainingpro-P that the steering committee be The brief agreed should pass final reading in the Management Services Depart- pamphlets on various subjects. gram, as well as providing The board also passed a motion floral arrangements put in the prepared to take the necessary with the con- should q ment of the Federal Business P � g that the tender of the Decor lobby by the Auxiliary members. rept of committees and suggest - Legislature, a question arises: The Small Business News is seminars on various subjects of ed that hospital boards could be Will farm land and farm build- Development Bank, in co -opera- issued quarterly. interest to business people, alsocommittees of the Health Coun- tion with the Wingham Business The management counselling provides management courses to ` w "` a= cil. Committee members, it Association, the seminar will be¢ provided by the bank is done provincial educational institu` ' noted. should be unpaid volun one of several hundred conducted mainly by retired executives and tions for the owners and man (�( ,lC�if ,; teers. T D. 1 . WIISOIi by the Bank in cities and towns concentrates on solvingthe pro- a ers of small businesses. • across Canada. P g l�, /J /i., v�rIII receive (tl���%����%� ,N The Federation proposed from Some 25 to 30 people interested" position of the new council from in business are expected to attend • f (f II!%t��/t 'b "six providers, six consumers Masters degree the seminar. They will be using Lower Town C���I'1'f'1�)1 �` and three politicians." This was the case stud method to exa ommittee asks .,, , , "quite acceptable, providing that The University of Waterloo will y �'° ^ p p award 699 degrees at its fall mine the small business, its per - award ;` the six providers represent as convocation, Friday, Oct. 22, sonnei administration, manage about purchasing' new land many aspects a health care as ment of human resources, cost � possible, such as doctors, hos- including two honorary degrees. controls, management controls pital board members and board This will include 406 bachelors' A second meeting of the Lower help them to purchase this new of health members." and financial statements. `L' •' degrees and 293 graduate degrees Town Committee with Maitland land. Ian Deslauriers of the The bank's management ser Authority felt they would have to The six consumers should rep - (masters' and Ph.Ds.) Valley Conservation Authority, Y vices has three main spheres of � Two of the people receiving Huron County Planning Com- make inquiries about available resent as many viewpoints and activity: Management training, counselling master of science degrees did management an mittee and Turnberry Township , their work by correspondence. g g land. backgrounds as possible, such as and Council was urs Cil held last Thursday. Deslauriers said. "if the land is , urban, rural, businessmen, information service. available there are other costs housewives and farmers, the They are Peter Thomas Spencer The information service pro- Lower Town Committee mem- which brief says. of Agincourt, and David Terrence bers feel they are not getting a, besides the purchase price t;,, Wilson of RR 2, Lucknow. \ fair appraisal for their pro- have to be taken into considera- The FOA noted that "it is very Mr. Spencer, a Toronto teach- . • \ perties. The land lies in the flood tion. There is the cost of putting. er, has been working on his Talking Books area of the Maitland River. in services which could jack the difficult for parsons not directly master's degree since the fall of Committee members wanted t„ Price up considerably." related to the health field to sug 1971. He received his bachelor's aVaflable here know if the Maitland Valley Con- He said the Authority under gest meaningful functions of a stands the hlem hein faced health council. "However," the1 degree from Queen's (honors servation Authority could p rng �� brief says, "the council should e physics and mathematics) and A new list of Talking Books has acquire land outside the area and by the residents of bower Town aware of the total health needs of been issued by the Bruce Count However it can only do so much has been particularly interested Y ! i the area and ensure that, as far Public Library which are avail- i to help. in solid state physics. His gradu- Y j as possible, all services be a% work included preparation of able through the Wingham Public • The Maitland Vallee ('unser . a research report on light emit Library. Town POIICe vation Authority will now try to � able to all persons without costly find,out what land is available if t(i duplications. Probably at the be ting diodes (LED's are the They are available to Anyone ginning, most of the District devices that low when you push who is una le to read or hold re investigate • possible. it will also try to find out i g Y P � In ves tI ate ginning, Health Council's time would have the button on a digital wrist- ' gular books. what it will cost each individual ! i to be devoted to various health watch). The new books are: Vanishing resident and call another meeting care studies before intelligent de Mr. Wilson, a teacher of Wing- Point; Stories That Scared Evennacc d bent to explain the situation. one, a �y f ham, also began work on his Me; Women in White; Mike; Deslauriers said he thought the ! 4 cisions could made." master's degree in 1971 after Snow Fire; PT 109; Day of the The Wingham Police Depart- meeting last Thursday made a lot i The Federation had been asked ment had only one accident to in of progress, Both sides seemed to t by Medical Officer of Health for acquiring a BA degree at the Uni- Jackal; By the Pricking of My Y P g s 1 Huron. Dr Frank Mills, to pro- versity of Western Ontario in Thumbs; Sundowners; i Heard vestigate the past week. During be in a better mood to get to the ltj 1965. He has been particularly in- the Owl Call My Name; More Joy the week 31 charges were laid bottom of the problem. pose one or more names for terested in biophysics and has In Heaven; Every Other inch a under the Highway Traffic Act nomination ever the brief noted that. "We Rto the council How completed a report on the effects Lady; Meaning of Being a Chris- and four under the Liquor VOLUNTEER HELPERS at the hospital don'tget much in the way of encouragement. feel it would be unrealistic to sug- e of sodium chloride a other salts lien; Rosy is My Relative; On Licence Act. One of the big things for the Candy Stripers is to get their caps, bands and pins. Nancy gest nominations for council on whole organism Her Ma cella and Majesty's Secret Service; The one accident occurred on --Mrs. Hilda Bolt, Mrs. Irene Stuart (band and pin), Kathy Snell (band and pin), Gail Thompson (pin), Arlene Willis membership at this time We cell components. Boat Who Wouldn't Float; The Josephine Street and involved ve- Henning, Miss Jean Robertson, Both have completed eight Kite; Case of the Crimson Kiss; hicles driven by Mrs. Deanna Lloyd Robertson and Mr and (cap and band) and Irene Pullman (cap) received these awards , Wingham and District would ti pleased to make such eive a cap for 50 hours of work, courses, via correspondence, in Hockey; Story Bible; Wuthering Boyd of Gorrie and Clifford Huff- Mrs, Clarence Henning were Hospital last Wednesday. They reca band for 75 hours and nomination nearer a time at addition to completing the Heights and No Steady Job for man of Lucknow. Damage was Sunday evening supper guests of a pin for 100 hours of volunteer work. Missing was Kathy Underwood who received her, which a Health Council would be research reports. Papa. estimated at ;375. Miss Mildred Henning. band, set up­