The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-14, Page 7REVOLVER DIW)O
■ The Wingham Advance -Times, October 14,1975—POW 7
Madill mirro, s
President of Education
&0'aLO'rtao London college
The crest in the school's colimp ?Li ,T YeQr600 t o speak here
of purple and white has a lamp —SCHOOL k Club Dr. Gerald D. A. Bene of Loa e h a n ges
which Th is�obolic to •`Learning, "Fiddip e Sn"S1
Optimism and enthusiasm are don, a noted scholar and resi-
Paratus", translated from the two words which apply quite well dent of the newly -founded Cana- (Continued from Page 1)
Latin means "Faithful and to the air about the 1976-77 Year- dian Baptist Bible College of Loon- be a return to the old system of
BOYS: Beattie, and this week's winner book Club. don, will be the guest speaker at compulsory subjects In No
Prepared". The Senior Boys' Volleyball was Brad Cook.
Team played their fist tournaUnder the capable editor. themorning and evening s rwm school, pre -ting the reedit 01W
next game will be at Eileen Fischer, and her --m- in tine W'tem He said me� .
meet of the season here at F. E. Exeter on Thursday, October 7. ants Donna Gamble and Sylvia on Sunday. dents to continue to choose ft* a
Madill on Wednesday, October Hopefully the team will chalk -up Dickison, the "Courier 77" Dr. Bern is holder of several range of options outside compal-
29. In their first match the its first win. We wish them luck. promises to be one of the best F. degrees: a B.Th. from London spry subjects.
Mustangs crushed Exeter 119~2 Players of the week have been E. Madill yearbooks ever! Of College- of Bible and Missions; Students who are in Grade. 9
YOM cold and 15-9. In their second and final Mike Beattie, Rob Demaray and course, their helpful staff and ad- M.A. from Columbia Bible Col- now, who will be in Grade 10 next
games the seniors met MadW's Brad Cook. visors must not be forgotten. lege; M.R.E. from Temple Bap- fall, will be phased into the pro-
on ym W wlinsw' arch -rival Goderich. In these 0-0-0 They are Mr. Morrison and Mrs. tist Theological Seminary and gram, he said. Ip this way they
• exciting games Madill came GIRLS: Garland. There are about 30 won't be aluzed.
through agai_a with 15-13 and 15-8 The F. E. Madill Junior Girls members in this club, who are in -
the y Pan by coming ulrto
o RAW iredmuP wins. Congratulations team! Basketball Team started off an volved in the many tasks to be � the second year of the Dore ps+o-
The Junior Volleyball Team, exciting season playing against finished before the book "goes to �• gram.
under Coach Stuckey, started its St. Marys. Our top scorer was the press' Mr. Wells believes "that in
INS hMA&IN season well on Wednesday, Janet Wood with l0 some respects the pendulum of
points. Yearbook sales have been pro- ctfange in education across Nath
October 29. The first and second Although the juniors played well gressing quite well during the America swung a little too fir '
matches were played against the game ended 23-22 with St. past two weeks, with 450 of the during the 1960s. A
r Exeter and Goderich, reapiec- Marys on top. projected 800 already sold. They8e u1 the
IF lively. Exeter was not much of a The second game was against a can be bought in hard or soft 1960s from the 'authoritarian'
school system of the 1950s was
problem for the Madill team and rather weak seaforth team. The cover editions, at very reason- demanded by society."
was defeated in two games Madill team shone through, able prices when the real value of He said the government won't
1 straight. Goderich was more of a winning 69-6. these "Books of Memories" is
challenge and narrowly won the Exeter came to Madill on considered. return to the rigid lock -step, cur-
riculuan f th 1950s andli
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first game 17-15. Madill fought Tuesday, October 5 and provided Many new and original ideas "' o e ear es
� where the majority of students
back and won the second game the Madill fans with an exciting for both photography and editing ; tt dropped out of school premature -
'16 -14, again a close one. The third game. Again Madill won the were gained this summer by the ly because they couldn't keep up
and final game went to Madill. game with a score of 23-18. The' two delegates who attended a
After many- tense moments top scorers were Kathy Cruick- yearbook camp on the UWO camwith courses geared mainly for
the academic cream of the crop.
i` Goderich was defeated by a score shank and Janet Wood with seven us in London. These 1 w
P e were
of 15-11. points each. and
Prescribing course content with -
Po Donna Gamble and Eileen in the core, the ministry will al-
f � Thanks to the cheerleaders and CROSS COUNT Y RESULTS: Fischer
the fans who came to support the low for varying levels of abilities
uppo The Madill Cross -Country Future plans are to raise of students by providing, for ex -
teams. Let's hope they continue Teams have competed in two enough money., to enable next ample, advanced general math -
in their winning ways for the rest meets now. year's Yearbook to have a color erratics courses for Grade 9.
of the season. In Stratford on Sept. 28, 14 section. New photographic equip- Ph.D. from Bob Jones Uni- 'Today, in mandating a basic
Texaco'steed Equipment JUNIOR FOOTBALL schools ran in the annual ment is needed to .produce clear- versity. He al§o attended Wind
sor Teachers' Coll care of required subjects,. are
Guaranteed The Junior Mustangs have not Stratford Central meet. The er, brighter pictures. College and taught easing the pendulum backk to a
We have all the new home comfort been very successful in their first Madill teams finished in -the So, if you want to be part of the for nine years___, , more normal, balanced position
equipment you'll ever need: forced -air two games. The first game, in following order: midget boys, editing of this year's "Courier", London's Canadian Baptist that will be to the advantage of
furnaces, boilers, oil burners, water heaters, exhibition, resulted in a one sided 7th; junior boys, 9th; senior boys, support the Yearbook Club. After Bible College began operation the vast majority of students. We
humidifiers, air -conditioners, dehumidi- score with Norwell winning 48-0. 6th; junior girls, 6th; senior girls, all, any group that gives away this Year and has 38 students en have already stressed the im-
fiers; pool heaters. These units are However, in the second game the 6th, free "Smarties" with each mem- roiled portance of basic subjects in ele-
guaranteed and we have payment plans Mustangs showed continual im- Top individual runners for Ma- bership has got to be going mentary schools in 1975 with the
to suit your budget. provement as the game pro- dill were Ken Metzger and Mark places!! local TV show, a day at Expo '67 introduction of new curriculum
gressed but lost 24-0 to Listowel' Haldenby who finished 24 and 25 —Mary Eadie along with an Expo baseball guides called 'the formative
The fact that Listowel had beaten out of 112 runners. In the junior game, a trip to the Olympic site, years'," he commented.
Norwell by a large margin in the boys' division Gord Kinahan was and a farewell banquet. These At the same time as the min -
past, suggests that the Mustangs 13th; Keith Megzger 24th and Teacher were all enjoyed by the exchange istry will be narrowing the opt -
did not do too badly. Dave Gamble 28th out of loo students. ions which will qualify as "Eng -
C DO This'
ears team is made u f
Y p o runners. In the senior boys' diva- Point of View while in Quebec we saw with lash" in the compulsory core, it
a large number of rookies who sion Murray Louttit finished 15th Marion and her parents, a will do. the same for Canadian
A visitor coming to our fair subjects. Mr. Wells said the re-
show a lot of desire but very little in a field of 60. g handball Olympic game, and the
y experience. With time, they will In the unior school would probably notice the len
h j girls' divisions different temperature zones in University of Sherbrooke. gulrements in 1974 for two Can-
improve — we have confidence. Rhea Behrns finished 15th and We arrived at the Kitchener adian studies credits has also left
our establishement. This is an y , ten much room for students to et
Some of our veterans from last Freda Reinink 24th out of 100 Station, on Jul27 after a rather
year who have is ed ell added feature for no extra g
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOU Ideas to save Write to local
_ p y very w
late) are Brad Cook Kevin
In the senior girls' Judi Adams
charge, which ever
g y person in thecooking
long but fantastic train ride.
I think the Canadian Council of
into courses on Canadian
instead history
your money! your
Texaco distributor listed below for "Your Guide to Home Comfort".
Carter, Mark Passmore, Archie
MacDonald, Steve Hamilton,,
was 18th; Debbie Adams 22nd
school can experience. The
visitor may be grasped by the icy
Christians and Jews should be
of and geography.
The curriculum guides will en -
This 22 -page booklet will help you cut down your fuel bills.
Dou To for Ed H Rick
and � a 25th out of 50
winds circulating on third floor
congratulated for the excellent
sure that "ev student knows
g y , aures, runners. south or the may be over organization of the whole ex- enough about our history and Dori
Deichert, Marty Young, Mike In Kitchener on Oct. 5, 31 Y y change, and I would highly Beattie, and Lyle Bridge. powered by the balmy breezes g Ili y geography to be aware of Can -
The Rookies who show talent schools took piart in the annual that blow- on the main floor. recommend it to everyone. ada's identity and Canada's place
Grand River Meet. Madill team When those most noblele, —Karen Fitch in the world, together with a
are the quarterback, Grant results: boys, midgets 14th, �°p knowledge of how government in
Gnay, fullback, Dwayne Letteau, juniors 6th, seniors 6th; girls, the teachers, were asked what INSPIRATION: our democratic society works
halfback, Randy Gnay, and seniors 4th. they thought ht m f our these school's
The most glorious moments in and how they make it work."
defensive centre, Doug Morland. g Y P your life are not the so-called The school system must also
The junior football team has followed: days of success, but rather those
in our young people a
Brussels 887-6528 introduced something new this Miss Clark: "I didn't think it days when out of dejection and sense of their personal responsi-
year, "The Player of the Week". Field tri to was on. There isn't too much heat despair you feel a rise in you a bility for the survival of our
Last week's winner was Mike *down in gym 228." challenge to life, and the promise
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• Mr. Roberts: "Our school's of future accomplishments. democratic and free -enterprise
plowing match what? Seems alright to me It's --G t Fl be system of society."
US ave ou rt
The Grade 10 Agricultural and kinda cold up here in the winter -
time but it's alright now."
Special Education students of F. Miss Mu;vor: "very peculiar,
E. Madill journeyed to the plow- very strange. I do not like it.
ing match at Walkerton on Sept. Some days I'm boiling, somedays
29. (These were the students who I'm freezing. Maybe it's the
got to go without skipping class- room."
es). Mrs. McDonald: "If I were a
The ktudents were allowed the millionaire and were to die, I
freedom to view the site accord- would bequeath sufficient funds
ing to their own interests and to purchase an air-conditioning
walking speed. From their re -
system." :..:,:,.,..:..
ports later it appears that some Now you know why, in our
were drawn to specific exhibits school, we say "When you're hot, Cd on
and some saw a little of almost vou're hot, and when you're not,
you're not.
everything. '
Most found the machinery ex- —Patti Stewart
hibits to be the main attraction.
The wide range of sizes plus the Hotel0-tt-
enormity' of the larger ample
merits impressed the students.. lake Lord
advanta a of the 1975 ar�ce. The
They were both impressed and CCUSrmcoe is maintaining special
gthe rice on the 2 nite s
depressed the prices. Pvchan p in the face of rising p p
The differ
ent cattle breeds
were exhibited with the new
exotic breeds being of special in-
My partner on the exchange,
terest to many. For true inside
Marion Laliberte, arrived from
information there was a "walk-
Sherbrooke on Tuesday, July 29.
in" cow.
We met tier at the Kitchener
The parade was a focal point of
station and proceeded home.
the day with the cart drawn by
The first week we spent
two pigs — seeming to hog much
shopping in Kitchener with
of the attention.
friends and just visiting people.
Those who actually got out to
But unfortunately, Manon got
see the plowing were amazed at
homesick and we both returned to
the perfection demanded of the
Quebec a week early, thus
missing the activities in Kitch-
Beautiful weather plus inter-
eating and varied exhibits com-
At Sherbrooke, a town of 80,000
bined to make the 1976 Plowing
people, we were greeted by her
Match a pleasurable learning ex-
parents, sister, and two brothers.
The first two weeks we swam, --�9AN
shopped and went sight-seeing
N. B. During the last week we had ac -
Drive Carefully! Remember: tivities that were pre -planned
It's not only a car that can be re- by the council These included a
called by its maker. tour of Sherbrooke, being on a
Student Council News
This year's Student Council,
under the direction of President
Brian Jeffray is hard at work get-
ting events organized for the
coming year.
The full council has finally
finished passing budgets so the
activity clubs can now get under
way. The first school dance was
held on Friday, September 24
with "Chillum" providing the
music. From all accounts the
dance was a 'Great' success.
"Grade Nine Night" is coming
up on Friday, October 15. This
will be an entire evening devoted
to making the Grade Nine stu-
dents feel welcome at Madill and
it will give them a chance to get
acquainted with one another.
There will be games, entertain-
ment by the drama club, supper,
and to top it off, a sock hop will be
held. Senior students will be help-
ing throughout the evening, so
come on out Gra�e Nines, Fri-
day, October 15 is your night.
if anyone has some new ideas
or suggestions, let the Students'
Council know. We want everyone
to take an interest in what goes on
at Madill
—Eleanor Johnstone
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