The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-07, Page 5UNCLUTTER YOUR CLOSET
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For: Dry, Normal, or Oily Hair
ONE OF THE EXHIBITS which attracted a crowd was entitled Bridal Showers. This one
by the Fordwich United Church Women captured first prize at the Howick Fall Fair on the
The Wingham Advance -Tiara, October 7, 1076--PaIlp S
Report recommends VON adds
competent business executive
A study initiated by the Victo-
rian Order of Nurses for Canada
to examine the voluntary
agency's future role in home
nursing care, urges that the VON
"publicly state its case for being
recognized as the agency for de-
livering the nursing component in
Home Care programs".
Made available for release by
Robert G. Smethurst, president,
VON for Canada, the report was
prepared by Edward A. Picker-
ing, a Toronto business con-
sultant and chairman of the Ont-
ario Health Disciplines Board.
Mr. Pickering says that some
provincial governments react
positively'to VON's participation
in Home Care programs. Ontario,
Saskatchewan, New Brunswick
and Newfoundland, he says, fore-
see a continuing and possibly an
expanding role for VON "if it can
develop adequate management
capacity to deal with the pro-
grams contemplated."
In most provinces VON is pro-
viding, in whole or in part, the
nursing component of Home Care
under agreement with the pro-
vincial government and in some
cases with local municipalities.
More than 60 per cent of 1,631,172
livery of service. But this is just
not so, according to Mr.
Pickering who, ljsting examples
to the contrary, points to the
blood transfusion service entirely
financed from government
sources but administered by the
Canadian Red Cross, most hos-
pitals which are under the di-
rection of boards made up of both
professionals and laymen, and
legal aid programs.
Noting that "VON has a super-
lative record as an integrated
service with trained personnel,
high standards and good super-
vision," Mr. Pickering describes
the VON nurse as "an instinctive
advocate of the patients and their
needs" and asks, "Which' offers
the better chance of concern for
the individual, a government -em-
ployed nursing staff or a vol-
untary institution long dedicated
to the care of the ill in their own
How to look
The report says that if VON ex-
pects to serve as the agency Of
government in home cart cur-
sing, the Order will have to re-
cognize government require-
ments relating to cost contras,
budgeting, accounting, cost ef-
fectiveness and patient record
systems. To improve its rtelabons
with governments in these and
other areas, Mr. Pickering re-
commends that a ` competelat
business executive" be added to
the staff of the VON national
office in Ottawa on' a full-time
basis, and that "it should be poss-
ible to secure from a small group
of sympathetic business corpora-
tions the fitun-ds nem tee smart
a position of this kind for a five-
year period, thus avoiding any
drain on general revenues." The
Board of Management of the
VON for Canada has accepted the
report and is considering plans
for its implementation.
your best
visits made by VON nurses in the on a 1i m
Home canning, i t e d budge t
Order's 78 branches across Can
ada in 1975 were paid from
• government funds. Many conscientious young car- self, but her first impression has
preserving topic Mr. Pickering says that with eer girls are probably making the to be better than that. They want
taxpayers' 'money available, rounds or soon will be, attemp- her to create a good impression
200 ml. —Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ang- mott of Waterloo hosted a 40th governments are apt to take the ting to find a job. Perhaps on that for the company, to always look
er of Patrick Street have return- wedding anniversary party on of guest speaker position that the service can only occasion, more than any other, like a lady and even if she is no
ed home after a vacation in Chi Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. be provided through government you dre what you wear, for your raving beauty, to always look at-
_ - cago, Detroit and Bangor, Michi Harvey McDermott of Orange- Miss Jane Pengilley, Home bureaucracy itself, and that some employer (hopefully) may be tractive and neat.
ville. There were 40 people pres- Economist for Huron Count of the public officials he inter- seeing you for the first time and Always wear clothes that you
gan. While there, Mr. and Mrs. y' g g first impressions mean a lot in a feel comfortable in and are con-
Aspergum ent to help the couple celebrate, gave many useful ideas on home viewed argue that government P
Anger were honored by members
Pkg. of 24 of their family living in that area including their two sons, Donald canning and preserving at the funding requires government de- case such as this. Before he even' fident in. Wear heels that are
when they celebrated their 50th and Larry of Waterloo, their September 28 meeting of the sees your references, previous easy on the feet but give you
wedding anniversary at the home
wives and four grandchildren. Maitland Women's Institute. experience or anything, he sees enough height to make you stand
of their son-in-law and eldest Also present,were Mr. and Mrs. you and judges you on that first tall and appear in control of the
h )r Perce McDermott and family, Miss Pengilley warned the Malactic Lodge impression — your personality, situation. Never slouch, for the
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brantford; Miss Elsie McDer- members of the danger of botu- your voice and your appearance, finest clothes can lose the high-
NNIr Hruska, their five children and mott, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jim lism if the proper methods of can- installs officers and very much the latter. fashion touch if you dissolve into
E.11ll11l�' two grandchildren. Also present Fitch and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd nin vegetables etables are not used. Cit You need not spend a fortune on them like a turtle.
were Mr. and Mrs. James Cul Y g g Approximately 50 members Pe
I kalltlll • • " . bert and four children and Mr. Montgomery, Wingham; Mr. and ric acid added to tomatoes en- and guests attended the meeting an outfit when you go to apply for A few tips to remember—dress
Carefree and Mrs. Robert Barklay and five Mrs. Clark Renwick and Mr. and sures that this danger will be of the, Majestic Rebekah Lodge a job. After all, you aren't a little more special than you
Mrs. Jack Fitch, Belmore; Mr. eliminated. She advised the on Monde eveningwhen Mrs. working; don't go looking like a would on an ordinary working
MAXI PADS children. A buffet dinner was Y
served and the family presented and Mrs. Barney Keemarof Tor- ladies to make sure that only Reta Markley, District Deputy princess! He may give the job to day; be professional, forget the
Mr. and Mrs. Anger with a color onto; Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Pitcher, standard Mason jars be used in President of Kincardine District someone he feels needs it worse dresses that are strictly evening,
Old Spice Spray Package of 10 Morrisbank; also other friends canning. Slides were shown, No. 24 South, and her installin man you. cut to the navel or made of silk
DEODORANT g television set, to be installed in g
their home in Wingham on and relatives. The couple receiv- giving the basic steps in canning team, installed the officers. The most important thing to re- and satin; cut the naive school-
December 1, the actual date of ed many lovely gifts and a and preserving and Miss Pen- Junior Past Noble Grand is member about dress when you girl look (knee socks may look
their anniversary. smorgasbord dinner was served gilley answered many questions Mrs. Ethel Holmes; Noble are applying for a job is to dress great on Doris Day but you're not
%Inion Chapter No. 89, Order to all present.about canning• and preserving. Grand, Mrs. Helen McBurney; for the job you want. It is tine to Doris Day.); dress a little ahead
99, -Wingham friends are leased weigh ourself down with make- of the season, for instance, if you
of thea Eastern Star, Wingham, g P Mabel Jack_in, the resident, Vice -Grand, Mrs. Hazel Bate g Y
n interview in
1 nil polish and n int r toFeb
n wear blue a s vin a e F
"'"'•�"""'• that Robin Walker was able to re- up and are ha
was represented at the General reminded the members of u man; recording secretary, Mrs. g
100 Assorted turn to his home recently after P a false eyelashes if you area I
Grand Chapter of the Order of the coming meetings in Tillsonburg Etl': 1 Gerrie; financial sacra Y Y apply- suit a show up in a fresh spring
Plastic Bandages Curd Eastern Star at Cleveland; Ohio, being hospitalized since a serious on November 9 and 10 and that of Lary, Mrs. Isobelle Montgomery; ing for work in a circus. But if suit and brighten everyone's day;
automobile accident on May 22. treasurer, Mrs. Mary Austin; Your job is the more conventional if the interview is in August,
o� last week by Mrs. Florence the Belgrave WI to which the
��P► Robin spent 121 days in a London warden, Mrs. Nettie Ross; con- type, dress accordingly. throw the summer dress in a tror
Reavie, Mrs. Pearl Bell, Mrs. Hartland group rs invited on Dct The first thin our interviewer ner and come on strop in a li t
hospital with his leg in traction ductor, Mrs. Nora Finnigan, g y gN�EgS �Ronald Forster, Mrs. Jack ober 19.ouc pand underwent surgery on one el- chaplain, Mrs. Gertie Tiffin; will notice is cleanliness and fall suit.
U1fa� McKim, Mrs. John Gnay, Mrs. P neatness. If our clothes look as When applying for our b,
bow. He celebrated his 16th birth- The roll call was a recipe for musician, Mrs. Ena Ritchie; y Y w
G .tack MacDonald, Mrs. George
$149 g day while a patient there. Al- the recipe book. A committee was color bearer, Mrs. Vicki Wild; though they were slept in, if you dress as though you know the job
Mrs. Mrs. Bruce Chambers, though Robin is back to school, he appointed to compile the recipe have a gravy stain on your collar, is important and you know you
Mrs. James Dunbar, Mrs. g PPo P Pe right supporter Noble Grand,
is walking with the aid of crut- bock. Mrs. Mossie Jones; left supporter if your hair looks oily and your are important. Neat, tailored
Phronie Elliot and Mrs. Farish PPo co-ordinated
,• fr Moffat. Mrs. Moffat, Grand Rep -
Miss before rees and must gaining ofurther
Miss PengilleY announced that Noble Grand, Mrs. Eva Bain; fingernails
ob. Anyonety, you who makes a accehes, with ssories es well (or make youlookresentative of Michigan in On g g there will be a quilting workshop right supporter vice -Grand, Mrs. sloppy job of her own looks will terrific and when you know you
tarso, took part in the opening Plate use of his limbs. available at the end of January. Kathleen Aitchison; left sup- PPY � y
ceremonies. —Eight people were received porter vice -Grand, Mrs. Thelma obviously be a sloppy worker. look terrific you will feel terrific
t into the membershi of St. And The Maitland group is already p° There are many places for and be able to pass on that feeling
Neilson's Pack Q1 4 —Mrs. Gershom Johnston and P McIntyre; inside guardian; Mrs.
rew's Presbyterian Church as the making plans to attend. antsuits—applyingfora ob is of self-cconfidence and
LATE BARS6 George Grigg visited over the Y Ethel Adams; outside guardian, P 3 pore.
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Mrs. Margaret, Elliott. not one of them, no matter how Fifteen letters after your name
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Members of the Wingham g
Elliott and family of Hillsdale, was observed on Sunday morn Women's Institute and the Sal- Mrs. Helen Spicer, warden of tailored. Loud gobs d color, like may mean nothing when you're
- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Visser the Rebekah Assembly of On- matching purples and reds, are applying for a job if you don't
T R 1 A N G L E Mr. and Mrs. Reg Peacock and were received r profession of vation Armv were ,guests at the equally out of lace. Jeweller show good fashion sense. It
family of Thornton and Mrs. P September meeting. The next tarso, was present, as well as eq Y P Y a;
D 1 S C D U N T faith. Received f f certificate or guests from Kincardine and should , kept to an absolute doesn't take a fat pocket -book;
D - Mary Pressick of Painswick. On meeting will be a macrame g minimum, no s hoc Bar-
re -affirmation of faith were 'i1r. Teeswater. gypsy P just use your head—and a good
the return trip home on Sunday, lesson. Anvone interested is
�� rix rr i •It i ��liliizt�tt itzt*>ytv r rtK�17� they visited with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ron Boonstra. Harper A social hour followed with rings, not ten bangles that clang fashion eye to judge whether tJi
English, Mrs. Margaret English, asked to attend the meeting on every time you move. Makeup, not you look like the kind of per -
Nurse of Alliston. Tuesday, October 26. lunch served by the committee in
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays 'Noon to Six —Mr. and Mrs. Larry McDer- Mrs. Jacoba Visser and Mrs charge. too, should be conservative; none son YOU would hire if you were in
Grace Wright. of this grotesque 'brown lipstick control.
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I own a huilding lot I need mortgage financingLo J.
and layers of Parrs green eye A final hint—before you leave
shadow. And if your nails must be the house, check the over-all look
polished, keep it pale or colorless. in a floor -length mirror. Make
Many personnel directors are sure the slip isn't showing or a
very definite about what they hem isn't ripped or your panti-
w•ant a girl to look like when she hose don't have runs. nen--out
applies for a job. They may let the door, girl, looking like a lady
her come to work in gauchos and and hoping to be a career girl!
big tops after she has proven her- And Good Luck! r
EVELYN STROOPof FordWIch was the winner in the class
for the fattest dog. She was also entered in the class for the
dog which least resembled any known breed.