The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-07, Page 16pap *...-'IU WinShM Advance ! ;,:.ra ,ctu[rrr ty/o WMS guests
see Europe
iw its uses was the topic in pictures
"'11am II club at the
lMoa of header Mrs. Stuckey � BLUEVALE —The congrega-
> . tions and Young Peoples Socie-
11pWity night. The girls were and
alp given a sheet on "Classifica- ties v BelUn t a
Presbyterian and
em of Flommixtures".Bluevale United Churches were
Roll call was answered by a
guests for the Thankoffering
recipe using a ready -to -eat i meeting of the Women's Mis-
careal. Mrs. Stuckey demon- gz. sionary Society of Knox Presby
strated how to make tomatoeterian Church, Bluevale, which
? ; was held Sunday evening in the
meat sauce and spicy muffins. church schoolroom.
t r I
The club judged and templed the
muffins after they were finished Guest speakers for the occasion
baking. °��' "� were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Thorn -
Following the last project "A'� ��� ,.: ton who, wring the summer,
Touch of Stitchery" the girlse.
toured continental Euro p
were chosen to present their ex Showing slides and giving a very
hibit at the Teeswater Fall Fair. �. ' ,. r , *: interesting commentary, they
The home'assignment is to lists gave their audience a vividp.
10 bakery items made with white z� "" , , . e• tore of their tour.
flour. Any muffins are to be made ' a' . • The guests were welcomed by
and served. the president, Mrs. Glenn Galley,
_ -��-> -;�' ��•� � and later a vote of thanks and a
Expert Cleaning
And Pressing l
gift were given to Mr. and Mrs.
HAPPINESS?J" . Thornton in appreciation by Mrs. We'll use the very latest dry clean-
ERIN6BACK Gordon Mundell. ing methods on all your clothes. Plus
THE GCC() MOST OF THE'COMMERCIAL classes for horses had only by Arnold Young, and Glenn F. Johnston of Gorrie, show During the evening, the Dorsch
NICKEL we take extra -care with delicate gar-
, J C16AR... a couple of entries. Locklemon Farms of Goderich, owned their commercial singles with wagon. family favored the audience with
the singing of "We Plough the ments. Fast service.
Fields and Scatter" and "Joyful,
Joyful, We Adore Thee".
tprogramHappiness and well-being The meeting was openeg with CALL 357-1242
Indian ern Io men during childhood are essential in the call to worship by Mrs..
--redients of a . roductive adult Galley. Mrs. William Elston gave
g the devotions, reading scripture
THE ARC71C CATS I life, of national growth and, ulti-
Mately, of world peace. Help from the sixth chapter of Matt -
FOR ONLY helped studentscareers Unicef,. the United Nations Chil- hew's Gospel. The offering was /
1/099,60.. dren's Fund, improve the quality received by Mrs. Ross Gray and READMANS
How would you like to spend the MadAhbee, 21, of the Sucker program will continue to form a of life for children in developing b Mrs. Goe olleker and dedicatedy.
summer writing the history of Creek Band, who attends Con- vital part of the Indian bands countries. Please give generously The meeting closed with the
your people? Sound like a worth- federation College, Thunder Bay. works program in the years to when the child with the orange singing of the hymn, "The Day Dry Cleaners
while and interesting project? It Miss Madahbee is studying early come, and stimulate greater and black box comes to your door Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended"
is and was, according to two childhood education, and during participation at the band level. this Hallowe'en. and a closing prayer. Josephine Street Wingham, Ontario
young Indian summer students, the summer she organizr>'d a
Janice Oakes, 18, and Brian toddler and tot recreation centre
David, 19, who have just com- on her reserve at Manitoulin
...AND SINGLE LIVING pleted writing the history of the Island. Not only did she pick up
Indians of the St. Regis Reserve the 14 pre-school children in her The cars you've been waiting for are here now!
Alt L A3 near Cornwall. car and drive them to and from
The students are just two of the school, but she fed them a mid -
321 status Indians who have morning snack. 0
participated in the native student Administrating this whole j
summer employment program project from the Toronto office of
(NSSEP) of the Department of the Depqrtment were three Inthe
Indian Affairs and Northern dian students. The three were
Development. Elizabeth Nandee, 22, Walpole
"The program was designed to Island who attends Centennial
offer students worthwhile job College, Toronto; Donna
experience and at the same time Maracle, 19, attending Loyalist O /
prepare them financially for College, Kingston; and Samson
Al zkow. Al CaL return to school," states Fred Sandy, 35, Fanshawe College,
RM GDJY $1099.001 Kelly, Director -General, Ontario London. Thethree supervised the • • • •
Region. complete details of the program A
winnin Combinafion of value,
econom ' and perfomance,aooaDye, colt. Good)rye. Elan_ The Indian bands were most by approving theapplications for �l
Goodbye, most used co-operative in efforts to make employment, makin certain • • •
¢- machines. Heresa S1g a wide ran of �s and les
AMU es, Heronlyes a S1099 001
the program a success. One of the that the students received their
important aspects of the summer pay, and managing the ad-�m e
itsthe Lynx 20M .
a > `ecifbt Catthat s
program has been that it allowed
the students to live at home with
ministrative details of having 321
work the
perfect tti! or for the
students at around
youngster who's outgrown
their families without having to
his Kitty Ca (2000-T 2-
cylinder model slightly
reside in a city or other place in
"One of the attractive a's*ts
extra) so if all your thoughts
order to supplement their income
of this program to the students,"
have tun to Cat - except the
to return to school," said Mr.
states Fred Kelly, 'tis that 50per
- —
price - come
running in
cent of the work was performed
today we've
The native summer program
on their home reserves — the
involved youth attending univer-
other 50 per cent was with district
L Thundetbf
price' /1
sities, colleges and secondary
offices of the Department."
schools. In order to be eligible to
It is anticipated that the
participate in the program, the
A new kind of thunder at a new1ower price.
The 1977 Thunderbird has a new look a new size
students had to meet three
requirements: 1) must be statusNorman Hayes Thunderbird. and a new lower, price—but it's still unmistakably
Indians; 2) they must intend 1
returning to school: and 3) they Leaner, :leaner, trimmer in size. Thunderbird has
were to participate in meaningful is appointed leen strikingly re -designed with elegant styling both inside
and nut.
work experiences. It's a car equipped to make driving a pleasure.
Janice Oakes and Brian David preceptor Power steering. {ower front disc brakes. \'-8 engine.
are just two examples of all the automatic trammiscion, steel -belted radials — are all
participating summer students. Norman Nl. Hayes, executive standard.
Through writing the history of St. director of the Winghatm and 7'hundcrhiud's suspensionstem and wide
Regis, the two students learned District Hospital• has been stance provide bath nimble ndling and a domfortable ride.
an immense amount about their appointed as a regional preceptor Perhaps the m(rf unexpected thing about today's
Your dealer in this area inherited culture. The history will for the correspondence program new Thunderbird is the lower manufacturer's suggested
for Arctic Cat also be a written document in Hospital and Health Care retail price. You'll find it almost unbelievable that a
k*mobiles preserving the culture for future Administration offered through Thunderbird can be xi easy to own.
generations. Janice attends Delhi the College of Commerce, L'ni-
P i F Learn i Sports Equip ATC. Delhi. New York, and Brian versity of Saskatchewan. Saska-
is attending State University of toon.
Hwy. 23 Listowel, New York and both expect to This program began in 1960 and
291-2441 maintain their interest in the was initiated to provide educa-
"We service what we sell" history of St. Regis while continu- tion in management of health
ing their university studies facilitiek and agencies. Since its
Another example is Carlene inception. more than 600 persons
have successfully completed the
e-rtificate program and many
occupy. responsible positions in
the health care field. Currently
some 200 students are enrolled in
ilionaa s b the program. drawn from all of
y y Canada's provinces and terri-
tories as the United Stites
and overseas I a
W7 Memvq Ma1qu1S
The regional preceptors. of
Wardair' and overseas
\ir Hayes is one. are Personality. Elegant.
persons selected as haying a wide Distinguished. Professional.
know ledge and experience in the
health care administration field \I:- for pet -plc ah still line their
The% act as advisors, consultants „ Fver% inch ..i every \l;irquis
WINTERHOLIDAYS: and teachers to the students dr,' ; �e .ind qualm engmeerwiz
located near them and meet with t competit„r has ,caled-d-1177
•Hawaii •Florida *Jamaica them on a regular basis Their 7 •mpare Marquis
weeptance of such an unpaid c 7 �.,r -ind comfrt. trunk -pace.
assignment indicates their inter
•Acapulco *Barbados est in upgrading the quality and r\nnng 197; Marquis m,,dels
quannt\ of framed administra l'''� A)ng a ver. affordable \larqui�
•St• Lucia *Grenada tine personnel in the rapidly
�lr,e r
grow ing service field of health
care administration 11� ��� Iln•q.:< R . .it .,,, : !t -
A full-size car that kept its full size. Ford LTD.
The same interior spaciousness, deep -well trunk;
road -hugging performance, lung wheelba,t• and 31 , tom
rated towing capacity lith „pti(,nal trailer towing
package t, the Ford LTD is every inch the car it was last
yeariCompare this to our competitors' 1977 ,11—
"full -size"
,11 r"full-size" cars')
11 A IIIIIIIIII11111111111*
— It's Quality. Reliability and
Durability, and more. It's
comprehensive anli-corm-
Sion measures, thorough —
testing and a new no rharLe
36 -month- warranty again,
rust perforation.
w:aRR.ati-n-: —
36-mon1h unlimited mileay;e
warranly again,l ru.l perfo-
ration on 1977 car., includ-
ing taeis and police car,. —
Th 5
ce-ce ^ ••+e q,a
-- aro ani-co+ros > �• a..
tw it� eve,, -c —
Ca^aaa ca, As• _—
r •
05� O,�D'e •'�q'C' wa••a�` -
—' the ca s w tr` ire
rr a^a ." at r , �pvrtai FC:':
_ -Don• ,
1977 Mercury Monarich
Distinctive. Debonair. Fashionable.
Who'd e%er expect such an affordable price in
a cat of such class.
\lrnar& has a •nr-. a -.;c ,;mK. fi•.e
passenger n_m-miness and :hat `Ar -•..u, %Itr,Jr\ ride a;; in
For 1977. there are three Monarch series a new
Special Edition senes, -ith a moist attractive price tag, the
distinctive Monarch and the fashunable Monarch Chia
Arid a new 4 -speed manual overdrive transmission is stan-
dard on \Monarch and Ghia series
mmmmmmsemmst•mmmmmmm ;•
WINGHAM 357-2701
LAKE1..ET — The fourth meet-
ing of the Grain Grannies was
held at the home of Mrs Huth
Sept a with 12 of the 13 members
answering the roll call with a
recipe using a ready -to -eat
L-&eal The next meeting will be
held,,ALthe home of Mrs. Behrns
at (1Mober 4
A discucsiw on manv kinds and
man uses of flour. displayed dif-
ferent kinds of flour and the tex-
tures This was followed by a
demonstration on making and
baking muffins The rls kA
muffin that they made" --as
serving them
1,977 Ford LTD II
The trimmer, sportier car at a trimmer price
that LTD. New LTD 11.
hard uitrixluccs a Twp% line of rare -sporty 3 -doors,
4 -dors, Ind ttagun, ;ill called IA 1) 11. When it crimes to
value, you'll find 1.111 11 cniparc• nut only ,cith other
mid-,izc cars. but cion mth (;\1•� nc�s niallcr "full-size"
carc.'vr.hup alert yuugct,a char c ,ur I unl-Mcrcury
dealer. Ile'- L,,„t the full -Svc Ford 1.TI) ;md the tnni
size nes L 1 1 ) 11.
1977 Mercury Cougar
Bold. Strong Aggressive.
1977 Mercury Cougar Brougham. Created In the
,trong N ... dline ',I the ( „ugar Xi! 7 %tore than ever, it',
the ultimate mid-size peru)nal luxury car It represent, the
spirit „f the 1977 \lercury lineup With a mvtique, a ler
formanct :ind a l,.,k seldom fx•fore so tastefully combined
in a North .American r„ad car
L,,uKatr's nes t}hng is a reflection of the kind of
i erunalm eau are Decisive, resp mtiive, and on your own
m the sorld
And f,or the fiat time evf,r, ( „ugar feature,, a whole
pride „f nr,v I ;imil% (;it,-d,.,r,, •t -doses% and waKon,,
t' Off the leash and n•adv tri ruu One of them is right
S.e.e. afl the L977
Fo rds andMew 7erys today,