The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-10-07, Page 1FIRST SECTION
Huron Bd. of Education
Wingham, Thursday. tictubar 7, 1976
Parent asks more time
for remedial teachers
On Monday afternoon the
ally, hearing or sight handi-
receiving the help they need in
ability to teach?"
instead of teaching goals?" she
Huron County Board of Educa-
capped children in their
order to learn how to read," she
Mrs. Van den Broeck asked
tion was asked to initiate an
charge?" "Unless you are able to
said. "Will our child be denied the
what incentives there were for a
independent study into special
show me studies which have beenright
tk', an 'education because
teacher to be encouraged to
education needs in the County.
done to dispute this," she said,
these specialized programs are
become a better teacher. She
In view of the tremendous dif-
Joan Van den Broeck of
"we believe that this is one
not available in Huron County?"
suggested that Board policy of
ferentials in pay between teach-
Goderich, who told the board she
reason why the needs of the
Recognizing that the highest
recognizing university courses to
ers and administrators she sug-
had a son in grade four who
children with learning disabili-
school board expenditure goes
be of greater value in the long run
gested that the Board was
"could not read", said she was
ties though certainly not ignored,
toward salaries, "is it not
than Department of Education
creating incentives to make.
speaking for herself and many
can not be met." In presenting
reasonable for us to expect a high
courses on teaching methods cre-
administrators out of teachers.
other parents in the county whose
her brief, Mrs. Van den Broeck
level of efficiency in the regular
ated a feeling in teachers of,
"A tremendous amount of
children were not getting the
suggested that innovative and
classroom and specialized help
'Why take a course to be a better
energy is now being directed
special help they needed to cope
highly specialized programs and
for those who need it?" she
teacher when I can take a uni-
towards testing and evaluating
with learning disabilities.
follow through were needed so
versity course that is going to
children," she said. "This is of
Mrs. Van den Broeck told the
that these students, who are
In her brief she also asked what
give me a better salary whether
particular concern to us and I
board that such a study should
mentally capable of learning,
criteria is used to evaluate a
or not it has anything to do with
would suggest that this policy, as
evaluate not only what is being
may make the adjustment within
teacher? "Are your reports
it now stands, is questionable at
done in Huron but also what is
themselves which will allow them
which you use to evaluate a
best. By testing children you are
being done with similar problems
to continue effectively within the
teacher's worth as vague and
She went on to point out that the
deceiving parents who will
elsewhere and that the study
sometimes misleading as the
best salaries in the school system
assume that, because their child
provide recommendations based
report cards our children bring
were in administration. "There-
Please turn to Page 2
on its findings.
home? Are you paying teachers
fore I would like to know how
"As parents," she told the
"We are painfully aware of the
simply on the basis of their own
many of our best teachers are
meeting, "my husband and I
fact that children elsewhere are
education or on the basis of their
aspiring to administrative goals
We hove a winter vocation for you!
rRAVArAlf SfR�,tE
Listowel, Ontario 291-2111
- Single Copy Not Over :6e
BOOST FOR TEESWATER—Don Montgomery, second from right, president of Branch
180, Royal Canadian Legion, presents a cheque for $200 to the Teeswater Arena Building
Committee. -Accepting is Jack Blackwell, chairman of the Teeswater committee. Left is
Clarence Ohm, first vice-president of Branch 180 and, right, Bob Hollenbeck, second vice.
In addition to the cash donation the Legion has offered free use of their Wingham hall for
any functions the Teeswater committee wishes to sponsor.
have watched with growing • • •
alarm the effects that an ap Own coun C' is dsturbedi
parent .lack of policy in this area
has had on our child over the act
four years."
"We believe that until such �' • •
time as the board acknowledges Over van a ism a nos e
the need for special education,
policy and is willing to establish
guidelines and programs geared m `,< { Youngsters in the town came just give them a pat on the head cleaning up the cemetery before The rate increase has been sent
to the need, the educational under fire at the meeting of town and they are right back out on the the snow falls and a lot of dis- to the Anti -Inflation Board for
rights of many children in Huron council Monday night., streets." cussion was held about hiring apporval. The increase is much
County to realize their full Councillors are getting quite a As a merhber of the Police another man to help. It was larger- than that generally ac -
potential will be denied," she '"' few complaints .about noise and Commission, he said that Police decided that instead of. hiring a cepted under the Anti -Inflation
said. + acts of vandalism around town. Chief Robert Wittig is going to get second man, one could be trans guidelines.
In presenting her plea, Mrs. They have advised the police tough and clamp down onall the ferred from the Recreation and The old garage at the park will
Van den Broeck said she recog- i chief to take whatever action is vandalism and noise, especially Community Services Board fora b� moved to the new ball dia-
nized the national scope of some ' necessary to stop it. after 10 o'clock. five week period. This and f cut mond and used as a storage shed
of the problems which the board Councillor Bill Hams said that Acting Mayor Joe Kerr men-- for the lime, equipment and other
Faced. She said she had been told down on expenses for recreation
it might be about time to pass a tioned that there are still a lot of and also give the cemetery a essentials for the ball games.
4hat there are students, even at r by-law to put a curfew on those signs in town being mutilated. He hand. Chairman Don Kennedy of Council was advised the new dia-
the secondary school level, who inder_Wyears. "You can't put all said, "We jiust f d P>Idkr>t&up mond. will be ready for use by
are unable to read. She noted iiecreation is• to be gpnt"Aed-
t the blame on the kids," he said. about 30 stop signs and other traf- about this. next season.
concern being expressed by uni- "It is as much the fault of par- fic signs around town. Last week Council was also told that the
versifies who acknowledge that eats. we had to go back and replace Town Clerk Bill Renwick was Arena Board had changed its
they are receiving students from... ; "However, I think a lot of the about 14 of the signs which had advised by council to write a mind on the color scheme of the
the system lacking in basic blame should be put on the been up only a couple of weeks." letter to the Ontario Municipal arena exterior. When they found
language skills and who need to courts," he commented. "When a "The damage which is done to Association to back them in their out the roof could be painted as
upgrade themselves in order to
cope with university. young offender is caught the these signs can't be done by any- fight to stop Ontario Hydro from well ed the exterior walls they
"But," she added, "may I ask courts aren't tough enough. They one very young. They have to be getting a 30 percent increase in decided on autumn gold for the
you, because the problem ap pretty big and strong to bend rates. The OMA had publicly roof
a Thisnd .issunshine yellow
on the
them almost to the ground. It asked for support from municichange
pears to be so complex and widereally isn't the cost of the signs palities to have this increase sky blue which was decided on at
spread, does that excuse you (the Dangerous driving which I dislike, it is the fact that squashed. the Arena Board's meeting.
board) from taking any course if the damage done is senseless.
responsible action?" charge brings And they even do it right around
THE HURON COUNTY float was art of the monster grade which started each da of • the town hall." Sep.sehoYl Werofests
"is it not time for you, as our P P y prepresentatives, to take a close the match atoneo'clock. Asecond Huron entry was an old fire truck owned by the County fine, suspension "One of the signs which was al
look at what is happening in our Museum. most bent to the ground was in
own schools?" she asked. Arthur Joseph Showers, Listo
the driveway Porth of the town
wel, appeared in Provincial • •
TEA('IIERSO�'E:RWORKEDY a a Court on Friday on a charge of hall. The fire truck almost ran Ian for redistribution
dangerous driving. He had par- over it leaving for a call."
Mrs. Van den Broeck asked if Health Counclels The Recreation and Common
remedial teachers were not bein District ticipate in a high speed chase B Wilma Oke you are sayingis to h-- with the
flooded with students who require through the streets of Wingham its Services Board a attempting The Huron -Perth Count Ro- children in the big rural area in
qto get some of these youngsters y �
upgrading of basic skills because •on August 7' off the street during the winter. man ,Catholic Separate School the northern part of Huron."
the are not being stressed appear to einevitable' He was given a fine of 1400 and Board approved in a recorded Voting for the: resolution were
Y g However, they are running out of PP g
enough in the regular classroom. had his driver's licence sus vote of 7 to 5 last week the re Howard Shantz, David Teahen,
g g money in their budget since no prep -
went on to suggest that the pended for three months. revenue is,coming in due to the aration of a resolution to the Mickey Vere, Ronald Marcy all
gg It appears that district health the ministry on all decision mak- some recommendations as to the g
skills of special education teach During the chase it was alleged arena beingclosed. Ministry of Education pointing of Stratford; John O'Drowsky of
Pe councils are an inevitability. At ing. It would be able to co-0rdin- function of the council itself. he had side -swipe a town police out the deficincies in the went St. Marys; Vi�icent Young of
ers were being used as a substi- least that was the consensus of ate the expenditure to local Members of the steering com Money to keep recreation going Pr ry g
tute for re-inforcin basic skills cruiser doing damage of around legislation concerning elected Goderich and Ted Geoffrey of
g opinion at the open meeting of a money in health care." mittee are: Ms. Jean Baker, will be coming from council but a g g Y
in the primary grades. Steering Committee held at He went on to sa that over 138 Clinton; Mrs. Wilda Drummond. $300. He was also alleged to have full report of extended expenses representatives on the board. Zurich.
She asked if "special education r y broken a road block set up on po In the redistribution of school Against the resolution were
P� Central Huron Seconds School million has been allocate in the RR 5, Mitchell; Norman Hayes, must be sent to council for per -
and remedial teachers are being Tuesday evening of last week. two counties. Of that amount Wingham; Dr. Jim Hiscocks. St. Highway 4 by Ontario Provincial usal. board members announced ear Donald Crowley, Gadshill;
faced with havingto make the Police. Work is progressing on lien this month, the City of Strat- Francis Hicknell, Seaforth;
Only about 30 residents attend there was 55.3 per cent„ or $21 Marys; Mrs. Florence Johnston, ford lost a re y, ppen;
choice of offering a little bit of ed. The meeting was one of sev- million, given to hospitals. The Listowel; Allister MacLeod• presentative and the Michael Connolly, Dublin;
rral area around and
hep to a fairly large number of eral to be held in Huron and Perth Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan Stratford; Dr. J. K. MacGregor• ham egaiin ned one. This evenedp Willi
am Kinahan, Lu know.
students to Supplement what counties in the next couple of had 14.2 per cent and children's Wingham; Lloyd Morrison. the representation from each
should be done in the classroom months. They are open to the mental health care received 12.4 chairman, St. Marys; Ed Odd- giving Huron and Perth county,
instead of expending their ener- public to get an idea if a Huron- per cent. leifson, Bayfield; Mrs. Gwen $5 000 estimated
gies on the specialized needs of Perth District Health Council At the resent time there are 15 Pemberton, Bayfield; Delmar each seven board members.
the smaller group of perception- meets with public a P Y Speaking for the four members damage caused
p approval. councils in existence with the Smythe, Stratford; Warden Ed from Stratford, Howard Shantz
Stephen Skorcz, area planning Ottawa -Carleton District beingward Doerr, Gadshill; Warden J. said, "One of us will be missing
• co-ordinator for Community the oldest. It was set up in Janu- L. McCutcheon, Brussels; Dr. G. ' '; next year." •
ealth Services said, "The ary, 1974. He said he expected F. Mills, Goderich; Dr. Susan w Mr. Shantz said they didn't in Belmore fire
Broken wi n dow.l Ministry hopes a district health that 18 councils would be set up Ta�nhlyn. Stratford and Stephen have a 1 to sterid on to appeal
council will be formed in Huron- by the end of 1976; about 30 are Skorcz. Toronto. PPe The Wingham Volunteer Fire
the redistribution this year but Department was called to a fire
plague police Perth. However, the ministry will needed in the province. �-- wanted the brief sent 4o express in the general store in �e,more
not force the council on any area. Ili,. Skurcz mentioned Lhat• I their concern about what might owned a eraRir-lt store
Konings Sun -
Break, enter and theft seems tp There shouldn't be a council it exclusive of Toronto, 75 per cent Marvin Streleh i happen in the future as a result of day afternoon.
there isn't full support shown b of Ontario is covered b' District � the proposed property tax reform Most of the estimated damage
Sun -
be a common occurrance for PPo Y y
Wingham Town Police investi the public." Health Councils. He stated that 80 Goes to Sud bUry plan by the government. of 15,000 was caused by smoke
gation over the past several He mentioned that if a council per cent of Southwestern Ontario \ Jack Lane, superintendent of and to electrical wiring. Cause of
weeks. had been in existence there is now covered by councils. The Department of Community business, suggested it might be the blaze was l malfunction in
Last week the Beaver Lumber wouldn't have been so many con- There are councils set up in the and Social Services in Wingham prudent to wait and see what the the hydro system according to
store in Wingham was entered straints put on hospitals in the Thames Valley. Essex. Kent and will have a new director in the decision of government might be Fire Chief Dave according
area. The council would have had Grey -Bruce. Bruce. The other 20 in the proposed property tax re- The Wingham department was
and items in the store thrown Y- .per near future. +,�
around. A fire extinguisher was some say in what could have been cent of Southwestern Ontario Marvin Streich, who has been "*a \
removed from the building. In- done with the money which was would be covered if a council was with the department For the past �, "'� - form plan as there appeared to beconsiderable opposition 'to it, assisted by the Teeswater Volun-
vesti ation is continuin available and could have given set up in Huron -Perth 10 years in Wingham, has been teer Fire Department and it took
g g the ministry some guidelines for It was mentioned that if the moved to the Sudbury office. He .,` before sending in a resolution three hours to get the fire under _
Monday night police investi- Y g Y � from the board. control.
the constraints. steering committee found the left for his new Stratford trustee Ronald This was the only call during
gated an occurrence at the g post on the week ,
Lyceum Theatre where a window When asked what would general public in Huron -Perth end. Marcy insisted,that a brief should the week for the Wingham d de
had been broken. Damage was happen to hospital boards and wanted a District Health Council Mr. Streich, who is well-known
g be presented as soon as possible rtment
estimated at 1150 and one area health units in the counties, he one would be forme. This would in the welfare community, leaves Pa
-,s 14 to express the board's- concern
replied, "Hospital boards -would be made u of six le who are Wingham "with regret". Now- '' about what might happen.
youth has been charged. P �"p g g Joseph Looby of Dublin said he HOLIDAY HOURS
still have responsibility for providers of health care, six con- ever, he feels his new
One accident was investigated position —�� did not think the school id -he
managing the facilities: How- sumers of health care and two, will be a challenge. AT POST OFFICE
when two cars collided in front of g
the Canadian Imperial Bank of ever, the council would be used as members of the ministry. He is moving to a much larger CORPORAL SAM KRUG, , 42, of Wingham, passes a should be involved. "If Stratford
Commerce. The vehicles were oard
a planning advisory for how the The steering committee was centre and feels there is a lot message on the United Nations Disengagement Observer does not feel they have the right . On Monday. October it. there
driven by John Ackerman of money would be spent." formed in 1975 and has set two more work to be done in the re- g p g will be no wicket service and no
Wroxeter and Harry Ackerman,
of He said a District Health objectives for itself: (1) to deter- gional form of services, and is Force radio net at the force headquarters in Damascus. He representation then let them o to
Wingham. Damage was esti- Council is necessary because it mine whether the residents of looking forward to seeing how the is a radio operator serving with 73 Canadian Signals the government." rural delivery
mated at 1170. "does something which�is not Iiuron and Perth counties would services are being handled under Squadron which provides communications for the United William Kinahan of Lucknow, There will be a street letter box
already done." Nations forces in the Middle East. Cpl. Krug is one of 150 who represents Wingham and the collection beginning at 10:45 a m
Also duringthe week three Y want a District Health Council; a regional administration. g
"It would be totally involved in (2) to submit to the Ministry of There has been no new director Canadians serving with the UNDOF nations which separate area to get more representation, Mail posted in the red receiver in
charges were laid under' the Y Y g
Liquor I.icen a Act and 31 under health services in the area. Health a suggested list of citizens named for the Wingham opening the Syrian and Israeli armies. He is the Son of Mrs. L. R. commented on the Stratford front of the post office will be des -
the or Liceyfe Act
Act. Council would be able to advise to serve on the council as well as as yet Krug of Wingham. (Canadian Forces Photo) trustee's remarks, "I think what patched at 12 10 noon