HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-30, Page 5TURKEY BINGO TUESDAY, OCT. 5th MILVERTON LEGION HALL Admission $1.00 16 - Turkey $10.00 Games 1 - $25.00 Special Game 1 - Share the Wealth Game $300.00 Jackpot on 58 calls $325.00 Jackpot on 59 calls Jackpots not won $25. consol9tion Increases by 1 number and $25. each month. SPIN 99 by MILVERTON LEGION 4 - Branch No. 565 8:30 petin e Door Prizes I., f:Ik,If:II�gul,�,��oI I yi FIVE GENERATIONS—Mrs. Ida Gallaher, 90, of Listowel and (on her lap) little Jamie MacEwen of Kitchener were the centre of attraction when this five generation picture was taken recently at a family wedding at the home of Mrs. Tom McClement of Listowel. Others in the picture are: Jamie's mother and Mrs. Gallaher's great-granddaughter (left), Mrs. Peter MacEwen of Kitchener, and behind Mrs. Gallaher, her daughter Mrs. Tom Hutchison of RR 2; Gorrie and, Mrs. Gallaher's grangson Bill Hutchison of RR 2, Gorrie. v What's new at Huronview? The Wingham Advance -Times, Septe2"._.1976—Page 5 The Goder" Township Wo- uorne Pr n lNotes a so a mens institute Volunteers as- sisted with Monday afternoon's Mrs. Glad Edgar and Mrs. Mrs. William Austin has re- Suzy with Mr. and Mn. Adrian activities of old time music, James McKercher of Rosetown, turned from a two weeks' visit Van Ee of Palmerston. dancing and a sing -a -long. The Sask., have returned from spend- with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Austin Mrs. Robert )Edgar, )hiss Jeal music was provided by Molly ing a month visiting with Mr. and of Coquitlam, B.C. Mra. Harvey Sporting and Mrs. Alex) Edo r Cox, Mrs. Driver and Norman Mrs. Robert McKercher of Aber- Adams has also returned from were co-Aostesses at a all"- Speir. Two new residents, Mrs. deen, Scotland and other rela- visiting her son Scott and Mn. laneous shower held in boner of Bert Finlay and Charlie Ruffell of tives in Ayr and Biggar and Edin- Adams at Prince George, B.C. bliss Heather Neilson, bridedo- Goderich, were welcomed to the borough. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dane, be, in the Knox Presbyterian Home. Mrs. George Severn of Toronto Ivan, Myra, Laurel and Shauna Church, Gorrie on Sept. 17. Rev. Carl De Boor, who is home spent the weekend with Mrs. M. visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dianne Edgar and Cindy Brown on furlough from a Baptist Mis- Hoey and also attended the Edgar of St. Thomas on Sunday presented the baskets of Sias. sion in Japan, provided the Golden Fall Party at the Howick and called on Rev. W. J. Taylor in Contests were enjoyed. Family Night program with Community Centre on Saturday Victoria Hospital, London. Mrs. Stanley Hays was hostess music, colored slides and a very evening. with Mrs. Philip Maier as co - interesting commentary. Rev. De Mr. and Mrs. James Lynn of Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, Miss Jean hostess for a surprise mised- Boor left Canada four years ago Howick and Wallace Boundary Sparling and Mrs. Delbert Clegg laneous shower of the neighbor's to serve as a missionary in Japan visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were on a bus tour to Agawa on Thursday evening in horror of along with his wife, Whilemena, Edgar on Sunday. Canyon in Northern Ontario. Miss Myra Dane, brid"ect. and four children, Jackie, Ray- Visitors at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lobb of Mrs. Glenn Underwood enter- nart, John and Aleida. Mr. 'De Albert Dustow on Sunday were Huron Park and Mr. and Mrs. tained at a miscellaneous shower Boor led a sing -song of familiar Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Strachan Joseph McBride of Caledonia in honor of Miss Colleen Me - hymns and sang some,solo num- and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry visited Friday with Mrs. Wilford Millan last Wednesday evening. bers in three languages, English, Holmes of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. King. Mrs. Bill Nay and Mrs. Alex Gra- Dutch and Japanese. Incidently Michael Knipe, Sheila and Jill of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huth of , Waterloo spent the weekend with )ham assisted, with over 20 ladies Whilemena De Boor -is the daugh- Milverton, and Woodrow Dustow attending. ter of Mrs. Heyink, one of our and Bobby of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson. residents. Mrs. Valkenburg, a Ian Howes of Thunder Bay and" Miss Marlene Earl, Ross Earl, personal friend of the family, Bruce Grainger of Barrie spent Robert Earl, Mrs. Charles Fin - thanked Carl De Boor on behalf of the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. lay, Mrs. Roy Gowdy and Mrs. Vandalism the residents. Cecil Grainger. 7-Iarry Gowdy were dinner guests Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harrison of Mrs. Arnold Halliday of Wing- • Mrs. Earl Bernard who celebrat- of Burlington spent the weekend ek ham on Sunday. Investigated ed their fib -eighth wedding an- at the home of Mrs. Glad Edgar. Mrs. Thomas MacDonald spent niversary on September 24th. Mrs. Edward Bolander and Mr. the weekend with Miss Florence by town and Mrs. Robin Bolander visited Edwards of London. police Investigation into the malicious OUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION damage , property to two local churches, the Wingham. United THE HURON C t. and Wingham Baptist, by Wing- Howick Lions hold V I NLA S S S S ham Police is continuing. The invitational • incidents occurred sometime Saturday evening. The properties STARTING DATE FOR MONDAY EVENING CLASSES WILL BE MON., OCT. 4 1supper were cleaned early Sunday morning before services began. The Howick Lions club invited vitality- and enthusiasm. Also on Saturday, two area REGISTRATION INFORMATION All dosses will begin during the week of October 4. ! Y juveniles were charged with 60 residents to their first supper Lion Bev Currah was called on meeting held in the Howick Com- to thank the s aker and resent shoplifting from seven Wingham 2. Advance registration is desirable and may be made by phoning or visiting the school. munity Centre on Sept. 13 to him with a gift from all those stores. acquaint them WithDurin Lionism and present for his informative talk. g the last week the de- 3. late registration will be accepted on opening night if class is not already ready filled. its workings. Lion Ted Heimpel from Mit- partment investigated two aeei- Presided by president Lion Dan chell, deputy district governor, dents. On Aesday-, September 4. Classes will be held weekly, generally from 8-10 p.m; Coghlin, a social hour was pnjoy- made his official visit and wel- 21 a car owned by Lillian Wood, 0.20 Session Course $20.00 ed and then a beef supper was come to all members and visit- 318 Leopold Street, Wingham was • 10 Session Course -:12.00 5. One credit toward a Graduation or Honour Graduation Diploma will be allowed for academic served to over 50 from the town- ors. sideswiped on Patrick Street. courses completed. ship. Memberships and Develop- Damage was estimated at $100. • less than )0 Sessions10.00 y, a motor vehicle $' Petei• Keil explained the work mast chairman Lion Allan Mc - On Saturda • Grade XIII Courses $30.00 Materials for projects must be supplied by students. Students must purchase required text books. of the first vice president, Terry Lean from Ripley made his call accident revealed seven guard "SOME COURSES MAY HAVE TO BE uCANCEIIED IF INSUFFICIENT - Davidson explaining the sec. vice for the fall and wished the How- Posts on Park Road had been INTEREST IS INDICATED BY ENROLMENT." president and Dave Dinsmore the ick club success for the coming damaged and the vehicle had left third vice president. An account year. the scene. M. Morrison of RR 1, of pool activity and its *cess Adjournment was followed by a Lucknow, has been charged and • will appear in Wingham Pro - Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton - Phone -482-3471 this year was given. Lion Presi- few games of cards and many PPe MACRAME dent Coghlin then introduced vincial Court. Damage was TUESDAY NIGHT WOMEN'S PHYSICAL FITNESS (s weeks, Lion- Bruce Murray,uestions were asked of Lion estimated at $840.99. MONDAY NIGHT HISTORY GRADE x111 (credit) y, one .of the Bruce and fellow Lions and it is to CAR MAINTENANCE d (10 weeks) sfwlNG BASIC truly great Lions from St. Marys, During the week seven charges DRAFTING S BLUE PRINT READING (24 weeks) 10 weeks be hoped a few new faces will be were laid under the Liquor ( 10 wits 1 (20 weeks for credit) MOTOR MECHANICS (lOweeks) WORLD RELIGIONS !cred)t) 120 weeks) as their guest speaker. Bruce has HUNTER SAFETY d GUN CONTROL $MAIL ENGINES - seen in the Howick Lions Club to Licence Act and 11 under the GOURMET COOKING CERAMICS REPAIR d MAINTENANCE travelled ext1ppsively to all corn- help In their community work. Highway Traffic ket.(1o weeks) (lo week s) (lo weeksl WEDNESDAY NIGHT ,10 weeks) ars of the w8rld with his after - PHYSICS GRADE XIII INTERIOR DECORATING ART 110 week}) WOODWORKING dinner talks to Lions clubs. He (credit) (24 weeks) CONSUMER ELECTRONICS (10 weeks) T 10 weeks) has held all positions in Lionism PSYCHOLOGti FOR EVERYDAY LIFE (10 weeks) BOOKKEEPING 120 weeks) (10 weeks) KARATE FOR YOUNG BOYS ELECTRICITY FOR HOME AND HOUSEWIFE THURSDAY NIGHT and this year is running for Inter - STRETCH FABRIC SEWING BEGWNINGAND CONSUMER MATHEMATICS (credit) MATHEMATICS GRADE XIII (credi(10 weeks) BADMINTON (10 w«its) (10 wee national director. EVENING COURSES ADVANCED (10 weeks) (20 woks) a ENGLISH GRADE XIII (cred,r, (24 weeks) He related some of his exper- 44otiiI, t) TECHNICAL 6 GRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE ART FIRST AID GODERICH POWER SQUADRON iences and the joys he gets out of 24 weeks) START IN SPRING THIS FALL (lo week') (B weeks) (20 weeks) Fee 545 00 giving his time to helping others � iff TUBE PAINTING & LIQUID EMBROIDERY SHORTHAND (10 •veeks) HAIRDRESSING (10weeks) GOLF GARDENING not as fortunate as himself. This BEGINNING d ADVANCED (10 weeks) FLOWER ARRANGING IZ OTHER CRAFTS WELDING FOR FARM d HOME (8 weeks) (8 weeks) MACHINE SHOP 8 METALLURGY is what Lionism means —giving' TYPING (20 weeks) UPHOLSTERY (10 weeks) (10 weeks) (10 weeks) (10 weeks) to others and helping your fellow- man. If anyone could set an ex- Registrations at Conestoga College, Clinton F. E. Madill Secondary School Wingham -Phone 3'57-1800 ample with their beaming en Campus are still being accepted for the following thusiasm, Bruce could with his, Courses: WEDNESDAY NIGHT - Drawing and Painting BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS (TUESDAYS) START IN APRIL ° TUESDAY NIGHT START NOVEMBER 9 TUESDAYS - Bartending Techniques AUTO MECHANICS, PRACTICAL CAKE DECORATING - BASIC ALL ABOUT HOUSE PLANTS Consumer affairs - English - Level I I I or IV(by home study) DECORATIVE TUBE PAINTING (8 weeks) (6 weeks) (Day i date to be announced) Mathematics -Level I I I or IV(by home study) (Liquid Embroidery) CHAIR CANING TECHNIQUES START JANUARY 4, 1977 (TUESDAYS) GOLF FOR BEGINNERS is mieeting topic HAND SPINNING d DYEING - WOOL (6 weeks) (10 weeks) HAIRDRESSING AND GROOMING POTTERY FOR BEGINNERS SEWING ADVANCED HORDRES weeks) (10 week') GORRIE — Mrs. Alvin Grain- Course starting dates will be established as soon GENERAL WELDING TECHNIQUES START MONDAY NIGHT, ger was hostess for the Women's TYPING GENERAL LADIES' FUN AND FITNESS you as sufficient registrations are received. If (l0 weeks) Institute meeting on Sept. 15. g y UPHOLSTERY BEGINNERS (10 weeks) OCTOBER 4 are interested give us a call at 482-3458 from 8:00 VACATION GEOGRAPHY POTTERY FOR BEGINNERS START JANUARY S, 1977 (WEDNESDAYS) The president, Erland Thorn- a.m. - 4:30 m. (8 weeks) (10 weeks) ) OIL PAINTING ton, opened the meeting with the P PILOT GROUND SCHOOL UPHOLSTERY - ADVANCED, LADIES' FITNESS (10 weeks) of Brussels Public School) usual order of business which 20 weeks) WOODWORKING - GENERAL CHAIR CANING TECHNIQUES consisted Of plans for the fall fair SEWING -BEGINNERS (20 Wks.) (6 weeks) display booth, a future catering project at Hawick Community PUBLIC FORUM Centre, a donation to the local Go erich District Collegiate Institute, Goderich - Phone 524-7353 ball Park and expenses to local 4 H club leaders. ON FARM INCOME MONDAY NIGHT HISTORY GRADE XIII SEWING INTERMEDIATE START IN JANUARY The president reminded mem ART (credit) SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BADMINTON START IN FEBRUARY bers to save used postage stamps BADMINTON JUDO SENIORS (10 weeksl (10 week S) TENNIS in future. Life memberships were STABILIZATION 110 weeks) MACRAME b DECOUPAGE TYPEWRITING BEGINNERS BRIDGE MORE ADVANCED 10 weeks) ,. discussed and the secretary was BRIDGE BEGINNERS (5 weeks) 110 weeks ( 10 weeks) asked to try to locate old minute (10 weeks)START IN MARCH METRIC SYSTEM WOODWORKING GOLF books to the Gerrie Women's MON 4 at 8.30 pm CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH (5 weeks) (10 weeks) GARDENING (lo weeks) PHOTOGRAPHY HOUSE PLANTS WEDNESDAY NIGHT 2 weeks) Institute. The members an OCT• CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH (10 weeks) LADIES SPORTS NIGHT (2 weeks) START IN APRIL shared the roll Cell, "A bargain (10 weeks) SEWING BASIC (10 weeks) that wasn't a bargain". LADIES FITNESS TENNIS Mrs. Clarence Gibson and Mrs. The Ontario Ministr of A riculture and Food wilt CROCHETING ADVANCED WELDING MEN'S SPORTS NIGHT (10 weeks) Y g (10 weeks) (10 weeks) 110 weeks)10 weeks) Donelda Graham were named hold meetings across the province on Monday, ENGLISH GREAT READINGS SPEED READING SEWING ADVANCED IlOweeksl delegates to the county rally in October 4, to receive views on farm income (10 weeks) TUESDAY NIGHT (Potters Design, 110 weeksl STRETCH SEWING ADVANCED ONLY Dashwood on Oct. 4. It is hoped to stabilization GOLF ACCOUNTING INTRODUCTORY SPEED READING 110 weeksi have adelegate attend the Interested Individuals are invited to participate in (10 weeks) (10 week S) THURSDAY NIGHT TENNIS Guelph area convention in Kitch- an one of the following meetings GYMNASTICS FOR Y ELEMENTARY STUDENTS DRAFTING BASIC (10 weeksl JUDO JUNIOR (boys d girls) 10 weeks ener, Oct. 18 and 19. DRAWING (10 weeks) STRETCH SEWING � 10 weekti) Mrs. WINE MAKING FOR BEGINNERS MJWilson dealt with the •, to weeks) ;2 weeks RIDGETOWN CAMPBELLFORD theme of the meeting in the form of a monologue, enacting the Rldgetown College of District High School Sfrustrations of the consumer Agricultural Technology. Ranney Street Seaforth - Phone 527-0380 when confronted with the ridicu- lous range in food prices from one STRATFORD CARLETON PLACE MONDAY NIGHT TUESDAY NIGHT WEDNESDAY NIGHT THURSDAY. NIGHT START IN SPRING (aN S -weak courses) store with another. Donelda Gra- Market Annex Zion Memorial United BOUTIQUE CRAFTS HISTORY GRADE XIII ACCOUNTING GRADE X11 MEN S BASKETBALL GOLF TENNIS ham gave the motto, "Perhaps Fairgrounds Church Hall. (10 weeks) (credit) (credit TYPING the reason the dollar doesn't do 37 Franklin Street FURNITURE REFINISHING SEWING AND;OR TAILORING FLOWER ARRANGING 10 weeks START IN JANUARY (all 10 -week courses) much today IS that people don't LADIES KEEP FIT (10 weeksl (10 weeksl yr'" PHOTOGRAPH) 10. -cells BADMINTON CfRAMiC S CROSS COUNTRY SKIING either". ANCASTER KEMPTVILLE (10 hacks) INCOME tax Oil PAiN•NC, The program closed with a buzz Marritt Hall Kemptville College of � session on the consumer's re- Fairgrounds Agricultural Technology. action to food coupons. advertis- Engineering Building South Huron District High School, Exeter - Phone 235-0880 ing and gimmicks applied to food products. FLESHERTON NEW LISKEARD POTTER) INTERMEDIATE After adjourment, lunch was Grey Highlands New Liskeard College of MACHINE SHOP GENERAL PRACTICE WEDNESDAY NIGHT ',MALI ENGINES REPAIR A Agricultural Technology MONDAY NIGHT 110 weeksi c,ed,i 24 weeks MAINTENANCE served by Mrs. Janet Hogg and Secondary School, g 9Y" SEWING BEGINNERS „ CANADIAN LAW cred,i Auditorium ACCOUNTING ]00 (creel's) MACRAME 121 weeks- IO wee4u Mrs. Alberta Strong. The October Auditorium (24 weeks) YOGA BEGINNERS 5 weeks GOURMET COOKINGmeeting will be at the home of AUTO MECHANICS FOR DRIVER OWNER YOGA ADVANCED MATHEMATICS 240 cied.I (10 weeksl WOMEN S FITNESS RECREATION Mrs. Dorothy Fisher. MARKHAM THU DER BAY 'ow°e4 s' TUESDAY NIGHT 24 weeps Markham Arena Hall A rlane Motor Hotel DRAFTING 6 BLUEPRINT READING GENERAL MATHEMATICS 441 ,c,ed,t HEATING PIUMBING d FLECTRI( AL Highways 48 and 7 ACCOUNTING 550 (credit) 24 weeks WORK FOR THE HOME OWNER THURSDAY NIGHT c,edin 174 weeks) 24 weeksl 14 weeks, fNGLISH 240 ,credit MATHEMATICS 550 creel I SEWING MEN'S KNITS (PANTS d SHORTS Non �ti' u „ Npw•nan 24 week% FIRST AID ST JOHN 25 weeks 10 -eek $) Lake"let Ministryof a^ B w°e4s HISTORY SSOluedit M,n,gtoi SfWING ADVANCED 75 weeks) SEWING T SHIRTS Agriculture ENGLISH , , ,c,ed t' FLOWER ARRANGING 10 —Poh%) ,75wee4s' SEWING LINGERIE BASIC n ,, MEN 11 WOMEN FITNESS Il WEIGHT CONTROL 5 we°ks, 110 wee►u MATHEMATICS 431 (cudit) SEWING LADIES' KNITS Congratualtions to Mr. and and Food �Fni, s \t r stPr 110w°eksl t GYMNASTICS TYPING 1001c,ed-') i24—«ks) '10—ee4sl Mrs. Robert Tozer (Audrey PARENT EFFECTIVENESS TRAINING 110.,«4s) (24 —«ks) POTTERY WEAVING OFF -LOOM (ew«4s) JUDO JUNIOR JUDO SENIOR WELDING ((red''I 10wee4s) (10 weeks) daughteron Friday, Sept. 44th Ontario