The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-30, Page 15j HURON COUNTY COUNCIL
The Wingham Advance -Times, September 30, WN -Pap U
MKI111' VUR F Bow and arrow hunting
called cruel by' reeveODW Qu
N»rNeNE ,Y.,•, M wNn .nM..i NrNc,
" lNT. 30 - OCT. S '
nw wwwIftOO'•' "T•' w Huron County Councjl passed a had been placed in the report of
motion, with only two members the Development Committee,
opposed, at their Friday meeting noting that there would be no # • Ted v�
to object to the Ministry of deer season in Huron County in
e Natural Resources over the min- 1976, with the "exception of a sea-
istry's intention to allow hunting son for bow and arrow only from,
of deer within the county with October 25 to November 80." This is the time of Year when series with Napanse. 7bey had
bow and arrow. Bayfield Reeve Ed Oddleifson, `r" anyone connected with sports in a won the first game with the aw-
A letter of information; signed in making the motion to object, newspaper is usually kept busy and game to be played last Sun -
by H. Lancaster, forest and land called thehunting with bow and with meetings. However, at time day in Napanee. Should they win
management supervisor of the arrow "cruel" and asked that . of writing this column things are that series, and they haven't last
6UTEW u,r: Ministry of Natural Resources, council request cancellation of y q game In the Play until time
ver quiet in the sports scxne. a
YIC IIOEEEw I"TMSlllll <. :..:.:.F.., There are only two ball teams of writing, they will be playing
W,MwpsarE the season. Mr. Oddletfson said
M, O,,,f° the animals are often only ~ "
- - - still playing and with the even- for the OASA championship
OCT. 4»- ^� E N, wounded and could take days to ings getting as cold as they have against a team as yet unnamed.
»'• ^ ,-•'•" die. been lately, the will be
SAT. MATINEE �Nr ,N�W,N� w '° `~»' Kenneth Campbell, Deputy� • -.- Y, Y glad Now fans will have t0 watt until
wrN.°e N°nu
WHALE Of A TALE OCT. �_� .R. ,., I,VN P + .h when the season is over. the hockey season starts bedore
Reeve of Stephen Township, se- a Wingham Intermediates and they can start going out to watch
1 OCT. 0 conded the motion.
LAST STOP ON THE NIGHT TRAIN Port Elgin are playing a beat of- games. The way it shapes up
/� three series for the Western On- right now it looks as U they will
tario Athletic Association title. have to be doing some travelling
TO THE DEVIL A DAUGHTER The two teams had met earlier in until the New Year.
Ontario Amateur Softball As-
��' A;N > - - - - - - - - • (( i sociation playdowns and Port El- The Wingham Ironmen in the
OCT io SUNDAY ONLY At the MoY�eS ;, I gin had gone on to further series. WOAA Junior `D' series $are at
�°.�.. w.. fit► Wingham had to wait until they present looking for some ice time
DUSK TO DAWN "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's*-
�4 , finished OASA play. at area arenas. They haven't
1711"! Nest", a tragic -comedy directed x ,
'• mow
EXARAMA ,T NOf NElT WEE$ by Milos Forman and starring The only other club which has been having much success.
1A r. Jack Nicholson, is about a free- advanced far enough to be still
Jspirited rogue who takes over the
` playing is Whitechurch Juhiors. The House League for the
� They have one more series in minor hockey clubs won't be
ward of a mental hospital by aAA and two in DASA. starting until completion of arena
combination of gall and ingen- �»
' '• '" WThey have been involved in a renovations. The contractors
bRRSTuity. Based on Ken Kesey's cele- _ have 166&i -in and have started to
brated novel, the film was pro-
ON uild the extension on the north
duced by Michael Douglas andRenovations end which will house a larger re -
Saul Zaentz. It opens for a week's
Y Wingham.
N ` ' �; frigeration plant and a referees'
[DRIVE- INTwtre run at the Lyceum in Win am. dressing room.
on Arena Work on the inside of the arena
Published in 1962, the book-«, has also started to enlarge the ice
anticipated not only the rebellion T r show progress P 1n8'
- _� '� _ surface and put in cuvv sea
OCTOBER - FRIDAY 1, of that decade, but the subse- ' °� `;
SATURDAY 2 3 This won't be completed until late
quent repression of the early 70's Work has started on the re- in December.
3 DAYS OF THE as well. Using the madhouse to So, as of this moment, it looks
symbolize the individual against THERE'IS NOTHINIS BUT big hole in the back wall of the Wingham Arena. However, novations of the arena and the
Arena Board was given a figure as c hockey fans will have to
- CONDOR the system, the story gets its this is just part of the renovating which is taking place. An extension of the refrigeration g � watch television.
power from the innumerable de- plant and a referees' dressing room will be added to the back end of the existing building. of $47,430 being donated to the The high school football teams
tails which reveal what life is like Arena Renovation Fund. This
are starting to work out and this
does not include the amount re -
STARS ROBERT BEDFORD inside a mental institution. It was league should get the schedule
PLUS , EOMEO►Tn,q, this realism that interested dir- • cess from the c Wingham street
ector Forman, who spent sev- 186, 191; Tor Ho 163; Daryl � started soon. However these
Terry Y I'Y nessmen s Association street
YBC BowlingHolmes 193; Scott Cornwall 162, auction which was held on Satur- games are played after school
eral weeks in residence at the y g Wayne da The amount from this has and not too many fans who am
LIPSTICK Oregon State Hospital, working 181; Barr Haugh 198; Wa a y, workin can et out to watch the
Thompson 186; Gary Adams 201; not been compiled as et. g g
on the screenplay. Later theANTAMS en P Y
-ACTION ! ACTION! ACTION! entire film was shot there usingThe new Season has begun for 106, Debbie
EBaxt Rodger Michael Rintoul 167, 202; Tim The arena has a gaping hole in games. Ilooks like a lean
g Y Stainton 152; Brian Hoy 164, 157. the back end and work on the ex mod for
many of its patients, aides and the young bowlers and leagues Michelle Heard 120, 165; Jeff locals its right now but it is
doctors both before the camera Y g g The Sweets and Grizzles are pension of the refrigeration area p° �
have formed. The Bantams have Walden 104; Robert Leedham tied at five. Tigers have three; and new referees' dressing room hoped that as soon as things are
and on the staff and crew. y Jaguars two and Team Five and P
chosen flowers names for their 107; Billy Tolton 128. completed at the arena the out -
teams. The 3 ONLY g is starting this --week. Sand -
teams. The Daffodils, Sweet 0-0-0 the Speedbugs are still at the blasting on the outside of the look will improve.
3 FEATURES Jack Nicholson has won wide Peas and'Roses are tied at five JUNIORS startingate. The Sweets also Don't despair. There has been
critical acclaim as well, as an points. The Sunflowers Violets Joanne Henryd the girls with g building and the steel girders
11 SEX CLINIC Academy Award for his perform- �' g won the Special Event Tourna- holding the roof on the main no talk of the Junior club drop -
. Daisies are still sleeping but her 213 single and 355 double. ment with 1900. ping out of competition for a
T ance as the inmate, Randel Pat- will no doubt come u for a PhillipRintoul showed the boys section of the arena is in full
2 • CHEATING rick McMur h The important P Y 0 - 0 - 0 swing. year. The house leagues will be
• n role of Miss Batched oro "Bi breath of fresh air next week. how, with a 224 single and 432 SENIORS The steel for the girders of the going strong by the New Year and
g The Special Event Tournament double. The Sacks lead the league with extension of the arena are ready�� there is the big Midget
Nurse" is played b Louise
HUSBANDS P Y Y winners were the Roses with+a bo- Games over 125 were recorded even points and won the tourna- � be put in lace. The reinforcing Hockey Tournament to look fot-
Fletcher, v)ho also won an Oscar tal of 1403 points. r:' b J nne Henry42, 213; Karen P P g
Po Y Y men$ with a total of 2348- Team of the walls is r essi and ward to in the Winter Break In
:fir her, performance. In fact, Michelle Heard had the•'high Cagw wm 151; Debra Wittig 176; Four has five; Team Five four; the board bas et a completion " March'
3 NAUGHTY NYMPHS fFlew Over the Cuckoo's single of 165 and the 285 high dou-' Michael Pletch 133, 169; Debbie The Bionic Four have three P Things might look dull right
Nest" is the first film in tweet date of January 1, 1977.
y ble for the gals. For the guysiAt " Lee 134; Julaine Adams 146; points; Team Three two and the The arena will be painted blue now, but they aren't completely
years• that has swept all_ the was Jeff Cameron's 132' and If%. MurrayeVos 143; Donald Case
major Academy Awards. Y Number Ones kept the score- ,when renovations have been black yet. It will only be a matter
Shows start at dusk Games over 100 wereboWl'edby more 162; Terry Rintoul 162, 171; board empty. completed. The exterior will be of time until everything is bright
David Scott 142; Bryan Thomp- Brefida Foxton had high single, sky blue while the interior will be and shiny again from a fan's
son 143; Michael Heard 139; Al- a 239, and high double, 601. For royal blue and white. point of view.
lan Jackson 148; Phillip Rintoul the boys it was Stephen Burke's While the arena is being reno-
224, 208; Tim Bain 178; Brent Day 213 single and 532 double. vated the Junior "D" Wingham
140; Robert Hubbard 129; Billy Games over 175: Chris Foxton Ironmen have obtained some ice
Gaunt 129, 168; Stephen Gaunt 201, 180; Anna Haugh 188, 228; time at the Howick Arena and Rain postpones
145, 164; Robbie Willis 221; Greg Peggy Tervit 193, 178; Gail Del- will move back to"the arena when
Laidlaw 136, 173. mage 179; Pam Gerrie 182, 177; it is completed. The House •
The Snowdrops are out in front Rhonda" Lee 186, 184; Brenda League hockey teams will have to junior fastball
with five points. Tied at three are Foxton 239, 217; Kevin Tervit 180; wait until the completion of work.
the Dewdrops and Golddrops. Ken Thompson 183, 201; Stephen WHITECHURCH -The local
P P There is a possibility the sched-
�� The Pearldrops and Crystal Burke 213, 180; Spencer Burley ules will, be extended. junior fastball team travelled by
Drops are tied at two ' and the 205; Steve Thompson 176. Prices of a new public address bus to Napanee on Sunday to play
Gumdrops have yet to get off the system and rental of a tractor to the OASA semi-finals. However,
the ane was cancelled because
c-3Me1�� W�NGHAIYI 357-1638 ground. The Snowdrops, with a clean the ice were discussed. It of rain.
• total of 1873, won the Special was left to recreation director
Event Tournament. • Jim Ward to get these,prices and Whitechurch was to have
0-0 - 0 g o w �� n g report to the board at the next played' two games in Napanee if
they lost the first game. How -
Susan Bain and Sherry Green Activities for the arena once ever, now the game is re -
competed for the top honors in COMMERCIAL LEAGUE scheduled for next Sunday and if
SNOWING 1 DAYS Wed S 29 to Tues Oct.5th the league. Susan made it with Joyce Gaunt bowled the hi h renovations are completed were
g g also discussed. It is ho that Whitechurch wins, the series is
• the 167 single, though Sherry had single of 233 and Ruth Ann Steffen over.
a nice 162. Sherry's 307 double took high triple honors with her the figure skating club, broom- Should they lose, the third
601 ball leagues and industrial hoc game of the best -of -three series
topped Susan's, though. Daryl key league will return to the
2 SHOWINGS DAILY 1:00 nd 9:1 S p.m. Holmes had the high 205 single For the guys, it was Brian Y g will be played on neutral ground.
Q P ; and 398 double for the boys. Douglas all the way with a 287 arena in the new year.
Games over 150 : Greg Storey single and 671 triple.
��s�a�asl.a>•sasl.sasl.a>• ��������������
2 SHOWINGS DAILY AT 7:00 and 9:15 PAL
'., „y..•., ,a,�i %%inn,,., ., .i,,. '
October 1, 2, 3
An Event... o
.l t
P,MINT;,,., f�
They'd never forget
the day he drifted into town.
DON RINTOUL WAS PART of the staff who manned the
four phfts and did the mailing at Gary's Auto Supply
where donations were received for the telethon held for the
Wingham area Saturday night and Sunday morning. The
donations phone in will help fund 'Participation Lodge'
which is being built by the Ontario Federation of Cerebral
Palsied. The total amount of donations received frorn the
Wingham area were exceeded $94,450.