HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-30, Page 1a
FIRST SECTION Wingham, Thursday, September 30, 1976.
Area recreation prop"'osal
defeated by county council
A proposal to have Huron come back with suggestions on Clifford asked just what the cri- great deal of • voluntary assis-
County establish an annual grant how those recommendations teria for receiving a grant would tante goes into operating the
Of up to $1,000, on a matched might be carried out. be, pointing out that Goderich has community arenas across the
dollar -for -dollar basis, as an in- The Development Committee worked in cooperation with Col- county, especially the smaller
centive to municipalities to form then formed an internal re- borne and Goderich Townships ones, and told council'that intro -
and operate co-operative area creation study committee to deal for some time. ducing more grants might wdil
Recreation Boards was defeated with the issue, composed of three Clerk -treasurer B. G. Hanly serve to destroy this "home effort
on Friday by the council. The members from the Development explained that any such co- and local philosophy."
vote shovKed 33 opposed and only Committee, the county develop- operative board, operating pro- Hensall Reeve John Barker
20 favoring the motion. V, ment officer and two recreation grams valued at $6,000, would be said that in his village there is a
r County Council did support the directors from within the county. eligible. He went on to point out real need for area recrea&n.
theory of forming such area This subcommittee, together that formation of the area boards "Even if this proposal is de -
boards to facilitate "better co-- with the Development Commit- would in no way affect the ex- feated, I want to sit down with the
operation between municipalities tee, held three meetings, at Exe- isting recreation committees in surrounding townships and talk
and to encourage better utili- ter, Clinton and Wingham, from the municipalities. Those 'com- about area recreation."
zation of facilities and services." local councils and recreation -nittees would continue to operate Noting that council seemed un -
The Clinton town council had committees. as always. willing to put up the necessary
first asked Huron County Council A questionnaire was completed Finlay MacDonald, deputy funds to introduce the grant
to investigate the financing of re- at the meetings and, based on the reeve of Ashfield, told the system, Harold Lobb, reeve of
creation services within the results, the committee presented meeting that in his opinion this is Clinton, even suggested that the
county in January of 1974. Since Friday's recommendations to a time of restraint and the county county consider starting its own
that time, the county develop- county council. Development is "into too many things already. lottery to raise the necessary
ment officer, Spence Cummings, Committee Chairman Frank We don4t need to go into re- funds.
in co-operation with represents- Cook (deputy reeve of Clinton) cre i 'n as well."
tiv6s from the Ministry of Culture told the council thIt he did not be- As the final vote on the re -
and Recreation and several of the lieve the grant, which could commendation reflects, a num-
recreation directors from reach a maximum of only $26,000, ber of the councils were willing to
municipalities within Huron would solve the problem. "But it endorse the proposal --to en- Nine Madill
County, have worked to assess could serve as a carrot, an en- courage the area boar4.,but not
and evaluate the current status couragement to the munici- to. sweeten the pot with any fin -
quo' within the county. palities to get together in local ancial assistance. students are
In September of 1975 this group boards." McKillop Reeve Allan Camp -
submitted a report to county Goderich Deputy Reeve Bill bell suggested that at present a awarded Ont
council which investigated the
areas of existing facilities; facil-
ity uses, a breaddown of the re 1,5 scholarships
creation financing in the cou=nty,
population statistics, the plan-'
ning process for recreation in the
The Ministry of Education has
released the names of nine for -
county, the extent of co-operation
in planning and action that exists r ' mer students at the F. E. Madill
p g " Secondary School in Wingham. ONE OF THE ITEMS for auction at the Wingham Business
at present, future individual who have won Ontario Scholar- Association street auction on Saturday was a fancy on the understanding that Jim Currie wear it for the rest of
plans of municipalities an# the
attitudes of both elected and ships. Each will receive*a $100 nightgown. A $25 bid from an -anonymous citizen was paid the day. Jim obliged.
municipally appointed officials to - � scholarship and the accompany
ins certificate. - "
the question. The Ontario Scholars from here Ki nef f es raise
As a result of that study, the
committee recommended are: Janet Cardiff, daughtl r of
council that Huron become morree New ntaC�Mr. and Mrs, John Cardiff, RR 5, faciI�•t to be na
Brussels, who is attending S
involved in the assessment, x000 for CARS
planning, development and sup
Queen's University; Mary Ellen' `
Wport of recreation in the county. Havens, daughter of Mr.and Jack Reavie -
also that neigh- "'�''Mrs!` Lneknow, nom
raised,Monty whentheWing-
tori en at University of Western Ontario;
boring municipalities be en- The executive members of the Wingham and District AMR. its meeting this week and hopes ham Kinette Club made its.
Joan Johnston, daughter of Mrs. p annual canvass of Wingham and
couraged to develop methods of Wingham and District Associa- The new workshop will be for several new members this
co-operation Johnston, Wingham who
peration in the delivery of re- tion for the Mentally Retarded opened in the present Silver season. Bluevale.
creation services and education has entered full-time employ- (AMR) met at the Silver Circle Circle School in early October. YACMR will be sending two The Kinettes, on behalf of the
ment; Joy Kuepfer, daughter of appoint y p Canadian Arthritis and Rheu
in changing trends in the pilo- School to a int several new Harve Webster will be the new re resentatives to Bark Lake
sophy of les leisure. It was also sug • Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kuepfer, RR chairmen for the coming season. member on the board of direc Conference in October. These matism Society, are grateful to
gested that equitable and fairdefinite plans; William Loree, 2, Bluevale, who has not made At present there are 16 directors. tors. young people are doing a wonder- all people who gave of their time
system for cost sharing and de- p There will also be five area chair- Christmas cards have been Ful job in helping out in many and money to make the campaign
son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Loree, ordered and will be for sale ver was with all the mentally re y especially cision making among municipal- men who will cover the following Y Y Y a success. The es c=all thank
ities that are sharing programs LOOKING AT THE AWARD he received during the Ontario Lucknow, at University of Water- areas; Teeswater. Brussels; soon. A sincere thank -you goes tarded children in the area. Janice Jackson for offering her
and facilities be developed, using Medical Association's convention at Benmiller Inn, is Dr. loo; Evelyn Morin, daughter of Lucknow, Blyth and Gorrie. out to everyone who sent a dona- No one summed up the nation's home as headquarters; and The
an appropriate formula system. Wilfred Crawford of Wingham. Dr. Crawford was presented Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Morin, Wing- The members decided to com- tion and helped to make this obligation and opportunity better Advance -Times for advance pub -
REFERRED T000MMITTEE with the Glenn Sawyer Service Award which. recognizes ham, at University of Toronto; memorate the new Adult Work- year's Flowers of Hope campaign than did the late George P. licity.
County Council accepted that those senior members of the Association who have given Marjorie Powell, daughter of Mr. shop in memory of the late Jack a huge success. Vanier, a former governor -
report, as presented, and asked sufficient service to the profession and the community and Mrs: Ed Powell, RR 1, Wing- Reavie. A bronze plaque will be Pat Hblloway has volunteered general of Canada, in his plea for
the Development Committee to primarily at the local level, rather than at the provincial or ham, attending University of placed on the building and it will to be membership chairman. a rightful place in our society for
research the topic further and to national level. Western Ontario; James Ritter, be named 'The Jack Reavie Donna Vanderwoude was elected the mentally retarded. Here is
son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Ritter, Workshop'. Without lack's hard educational chairman. Bill what he said;
Wingham, now at Royal Military work hope and enthusiasm. Stephenson will be special events "I throw out this challenge to
We have a winter vocotion for you!
Listowel, Ontario •^•. 211-2111
Single Copy Not Over 25c
OPP investigate accidents
which injure eight persons
Ten motor vehicle collisions
which caused an estimated $9,670
and injuries to eight persons,
kept the Wingham Detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police
busy last week.
On Saturday one collision in-
jured four persons. Stephen J.
ntchie of RR 5, Lucknow and his
wo passengers where injured
when his vehicle was involved in
a single car accident on Sideroad
30-31, north of Concession 10-11,
East Wawanosh Township.
Ritchie was treated at Wing -
ham and District Hospital for a
laceration and contusion to his
eyebrow and released. Brenda
Johnstone of RR 5, Lucknow was
treated for a fractured right
thigh, multiple abrasions and
lacerations. She was transferred
to Victoria Hospital, London
where her condition was
described as satisfactory on
Tuesday. Peter Hare, 937 David-
son A., Listowel, was treated for
a laceration under his eye and
On Sunday, two accidents in-
jured five persons. Peter Ver-
beek, RR 2, Bluevale, was in-
jured in a motorcycle accident
which occurred on Sideroad 1.5-16,
north of Concession 3-4, Morris
Verbeek was treated for mul-
tiple abrasions, and lacerations
and later transferred to Uni-
versity Hospital, London. His
condition was described as fair
on Tuesday.
A vehicle driven by Larry
Ruttan, 20, of Wroxeter was in
collision with another vehicle
driven by Bradley Johnson,
Gorrie, on Sideroad 15-16 at Con-
cession 4-5. Howick Township.
Johnson was not injured.
Ruttan was admitted to Wing -
ham and District Hospital with
multiple injuries. His three pas-
sengers, William Yeoman,
County welfare is denied
Wroxeter. Richard Morris. Scar -
borough and Kenneth Penning-
chairman as well as head of the
all those who believe in the value
ton, Wroxeter, were also injured.
to those
refuse work
Yeoan was treated
ham. His presence will be sadly
lacerations and released. Morris
In making his report to county
July 232 while in 1976 there were
was admitted to Wingham and
District Hospital for observation.
council on Friday, R. M. William-
240 in June and 239 in July.
It was admitted that the case
Pennington was the most serious -
son, chairman of the County
Social Services Committee, told
load in August of 1976 had risen
ly injured and was admitted to
the meeting that during the
slightly, however. Normally, this
Wingham and District Hospital
with multiple injuries but was
month of August there had been a
is not the case, but unemploy-
ment was.narned as one possible
later transferred to University
number of welfare recipients who
had work and had been
cause. Companies like Dominion
Hospital, London. - His condition
cut off from all income. "This,"
Road Machinery Company,
Y p
was described as still serious,
Tue�da Y
Mr. Williamson said, "I think is
which close down for four to five
weeks were seen as one of the
The Wingham Detachment
good for the county."
conducted 45 investigations. A
The report indicated that
Unemployment insurance
total of 26 charges were laic
during the summer months the
Commission rules stipulate a two
under the Highway Traffic Act
social services caseload had re-
week waiting period, county
and 28 warnings issued. Siai
charges were laid under the
mained fairly stable and the
council learned, and then count
number of inquiries was some-
two weeks worth of vacation pay
Liquor Licence Act.
Also treated at Wingham anc
what lower than last year. As of
so it is five weeks before such a
District Hospital was John Bjerg
August 1 there were 90 cases in
plant employee receives a UiC
87 Rattenbury St., Clinton, wh(
1975 but only Be in 1976. inquiries
cheque. The County Social
was injured when his vehicl(
in 1975 number 57 in June and 74
Services must fill in during this
went off the road and struck F
in July for a total of 131 while in
time. UiC does deduct money
fence, south of Wingham. He wa;
1976 there were 56 inquiries in
from those cheques and return it
examined for sorene-, in the ril
June and 60 in July for 116.
to County Social Services in the
cage and a sore elbow and dis
Persons receiving assistance in
cases of those who have received
June of 1975 numbered 268 and in
College and Mark Tiffin, son of
mere would not be a place for
chairman as well as head of the
all those who believe in the value
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Wing-
these adults in the Town of Wing-
Flowers of Hope campaign.
of the human being. There are
ham, at Wilfrid Laurier Univer-
ham. His presence will be sadly
The YACMR group with Chris-
hundreds of thousands of inade-
and tremendously missed by the
tie Lewis as president is having
quately cared -for persons who
need your scientific knowledge,
who have need for your heart,
your affection and your love.
They have already been waiting
too long.' r�
e s
IT TAKES QUITE a bit of ice cream cone selling to come up with $59.20; Harold White,
manager of Belle's Variety and Gift Inc. presents a cheque for this amount to Tom Deyell,
treasurer of the Arena Renovation Fund while Lorne Humphrey, president of the Gift
Shop, looks on. The money wai(donated by the gift shop,as their part of the Phone-a-thon
held two weeks ago.
30 000
10 (_)c0
5 000
Cecil de Boer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John deBoer of RR
5, Lucknow, graduated with
honors in Electronic En-
gineering Technology from
Radio College of Canada,
Toronto. Graduation cere-
monies took place on Sep
tember 16 at the Sheraton
Centre, Toronto. Cecil has
accepted a position with
Sperry Univac Computer
Systems, Mississauga, as a
customer engineer
in September 23 paper it was
erroneously reported that Eric
Cook won first prize with a Brown
Swiss steer. it should have been a
Brown Swiss heifer The judging
took place at the Relgrave-Blyth-
Brussels School Fair
- -ds