HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-16, Page 7Abraham's life is WMS topic
BLUEVALE — The Life of
Roll call was answered by
Abraham was the topic theme
naming a Bible character and his
when Mrs. William Elston spoke
children. Visits to the sick were
at the September meeting of the
recorded and the business period
Women's Missionary Society of
followed during which plans, were
Knox Presbyterian Church, held
made for the T4nkoffering
at the home of Mrs. Gordon Mun-
meeting in October. 'Mmr Mun-
dell, Wingham.
dell received the offering which
Mrs. Golley opened the meet-
was dedicated by Mrs. Golley.
ing with the call to worship and a
The meeting closed with a
hymn- She thanked Mrs. Elston
hymn and prayer. Lunch was
for her interesting account of the
served by the hostess, assisted by
Old Testament prophet's life and
Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Mof-
also extended a vote of thanks to
Mrs. Mundell for sharing her
Scripture from the ninth chap-
ter of Genesis and comments on
Mrs. Jim English entertained
the reading were given by Mrs.
the Girls' Juvenile . Softball
Keith Moffatt. Mrs. Harvey
Champions with a barbecue apd
Robertson led in prayer.
games uu Friday evening.
The minutes of the last meeting
Anniversary services will be
held at Bluevale United Church
-were read by Mrs. McKercher.
on Sunday, Sept. 19, at 11 p.m.
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THE 1976 OFFICERS of the Wingham Business and Professional Women and the
provincial officers of the organization posed for a picture at last Tuesday evening's
banquet held to celebrate the local club's 15th anniversary. From the left are Mrs. Jean
Rintoul, past president and secretary; Mrs. Barbara Tervit, treasurer; Mrs. Helen
Daugherty, first vice-president; Miss Joan Wilson of Guelph, past provincial president;
Mrs. Stella Dabrowski, president; Mrs. Margaret MacKenzie, Owen Sound, regional
director Region No. 8.
Ws. mccuteheon The Wingham Advance -Times, September 16, 1976 --Pap 7
Is unit hostess
GORRIE — The September
meeting of unit two of the United
Church Women was held at the
home of Mrs. John McCutcheon,
Wednesday, September 8.
Mrs. John Strong opened the
wol bhip service with a short
prayer and a poem, "Have You
Taken Time?" Hymns were
sung. The theme of the worship
was "Harvest".
Mrs. Wesley Ball, guest
speaker, was welcomed and
introduced by Mrs. Strong. Mrs.
Ball related some of her family's
experiences and their life in Eng-
land before cominea tp Gorrie; the
work of women's groups there
and the difference in format of
one circuit with another. She
closed her talk with a short
The roll call, "A missionary
and where he serves" was an-
swered by 13 members. Mrs. OCTOBER DATE SET—Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Daugherty of
Alex Taylor, president, con- Wingham wish to announce the engagement of their
ducted the business period. daughter, Lea Ann, to Robert Harper English, son of Mr.
Minutes and treasurer's re- and Mrs. W. Harper English, Wingham. The wedding will
ports were read and adopted and take place on October 23 in St. Andrew's Presbyterian
$125 will be given to the church Church, Wingham, at four o'clock.
treasury this month. Thank you
notes were received from Mrs. K.
Hueston and the Irwin family. Seventeen attend meeting of A.C.W.
Plans were made for the wedding
catering project Oct. 16, in FORDWICH — The September notice of the fall deanery meeting
Gorrie. Announcements were meeting of Trinity Anglican to be held in St. Paul's Church,
given of the general UCW meet- Church Women was held at the Wingham, on November 17. The
ing, September 22 at 8:15 p.m.; home of Mrs. Peter Browne. The study book was read by Mrs.
the regional rally, September 29 president, Mrs. W. Sothern" Harold Foster, "Living One Day
at 7:30 p.m. at St. Helens and the opened the meeting with prayer. at a Time".
bale collection, Oct. 17 to Oct. 23. Roll call was answered by 17 Mrs. W. Sothern gave a humor -
Members of Unit 2 were re- members with "My worst mis- ous reading. Cards were signed
minded of their responsibility for take in cooking". Minutes of the for two members. The October
floral decorations in the church last meeting were read and the meeting will be held at the
for the month of October, also treasurer gave the financial church.
church calendars available from report. Plans were made and The meeting closed with
the president. committees named to look after prayer and Mrs. Sothern con -
At the close of the meeting a the bazaar, tea and bake sale at ducted a contest. Lunch was
delicious lunch was. served by the the church on November 13. served by Miss Ethna Foster and
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Harry Mrs. W. Hargrave read the the hostess, Mrs. Peter Browne.
Hastie. The October meeting will
be at home of Mrs. James Alcorn, 10
October 13 with Mrs. Robert Gib-
son in charge of the program.
Wroxeter club I
I ,
FIFTEEN YEARS OF MEMORIES were relived by these women as they met Tuesday attends fair
evening of last week for a special meeting commemorating the organization of the I I I
Wingham Business and Professional Women. All have, durinq the past fifteen years, WROXETER — Louise Gibson
devoted their time and talent as presidents of the organization. From the left are Mrs. of the Wroxeter 4-H Club and
Jean Rintoul, Mrs. Marion Scott, Mrs. Adelaide Ahara, Mrs. Stella Dabrowski (1976 Rhea Behrns of the Lakelet 4-11 I I
president), Mrs. Kay Forgie, Mrs. Daisy Connell, Miss Yvonne McPherson (charter Club attended Junior Day under
president) and Mrs. Norma Ostrom. the 4-H Homemaking Club Pro-
gram at the Western Fair, Lon-
don, on Sept. 10. These girls were I now"
given this honor because of their
Shepherd's Psalm theme for UCW unit standard of work
n a at cberofeleub
Miss Annie H. Henry convened Armstrong read the 23rd Psalm desh. The theme will be Mission ings, personal growth and
the meeting, choosing as her and following the talk on the ',of Love". There will be craft development and contributions to (ANGLICAN)
theme the beautiful 23rd Psalm psalm, Miss Henry led in prayer.. work for sale. the club program.
when the afternoon unit, of 'the Mrs. Underwood conducted the Mrs. Underwood also announc- Registration took place at the W I N G H A M n
United Church Women met Tues- business portion of the meeting. ed that there are quilts to be banquet hall of the Adminis- v;
day of last week in the church. She announced the Friendship quilted. The treasurer's report tration Building. Here a film,
"The Lord Is My .Shepherd" Club luncheon on September 15 at.. was given and The Least Coin "Food — What's It All About?" Rev. T. K. Hawthorn, Rector €
are probably the most comforting noon and the unit's visit to Brook, collected. The next meeting on was seen. After lunch, the girls Mrs. Diane Matisz, Organist
words in the entire Bible. Written haven in November. The general October 5 is the Thankoffering saw the Simplicity Fashion Show, f and Choir Leader
by David centuries ago, the- meeting is September 27 at 8 p.m. meeting and will be in charge of "Fashions for Fall '76" and made
psalm contains the gravest issue with Mrs. Needham the guest 'Mrs. Hank Bos and her assist- a macrame Dlant hanger. A SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19
ants banquet was held at the "Top of
faced by the human race today.
Sin is a disease we all have.
speaker. The North Huron Pres- -
byterial will be at St. Helens
Following the singing of a the Fair Clubhouse".
There is also much suffering in
September 29 at -7 p.m. with Mrs.
hymn, Mrs. Underwood closed
the world,, malnutrition, starva-
VanDyke speaking on Bangla-
With prayer.
tion, victims of war, fire and
GORRIE — A miscellaneous
flood, mental suffering. But this
shower was held in honor of Miss
psalm a message not every-
Myra Dane, bride -elect, at the
one hears. God created man and
of Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. She
gave man the freedom of'6hdice:home
planned lanned
was the recipient of many lovely
you obey me, love me and fol-
—Mr. and Mrs. Ike Anger and gifts from the relatives.
low me, we will build a wonderful
their granddaughter from Holi-
world. But if you go against me
by evening unit
day, Florida, were guests last a\ �P�teCk
and break my law, you will suf-
week of Mr. and Mrs. George
FORDWICH - The evening
Anger, Shuter Street, Wingham.
Man decided he didn't need
unit of the United Church Women
—Miss Katherine McPhedran —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smelt -
God and the result is that the
met Wednesday, Sept. 8 at the
and Mrs. Mary Norrish of Guelph zer of Ogema, Saskatchewan, are
world has many problems to
home of Marilyn Lockie. Connie
Visited with. Mrs. Melville Brad- visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
solve today.
D'Arcey opened the worship
burn during last week. Montgomery and other relatives.
The meeting opened with pray-
service with a prayer, followed
er and a hymn. Mrs. Charles Bos-
by Darlene Harding reading the
man and Mrs. Earl Sellers sang
scripture. Darlene read from '
"Amazing Grace", accompanied
proverbs and Psalm 33 in story
by Mrs. Passmore. Mrs. Vera
form and Connie closed the war
ship service with prayer.
Ellen Siefert, president of the
meeting, opened the business
with the roll call. The minutes of
the July meeting were read by
the secretary, Diane Mann, She
a so gave e treasurer s report i
ALUMINUM SIDING A thank you note was received
from the Village Nursing Home
for the party for the patients.
The fall Thankoffering date is
October .6 and the evening unit
will supply and serve the lunch. A
committee'was appointed to pur
chase material and all will se" a
and press the curtains for Sunday
School room
The fowl supper date was set i
for'October 27 and the ladies were A
SOffit asked to help make posters The
Siding prices for the supper are adults 'a
$$3,50.00 12 years and under El 50S M and pre-school free. A discussion
�/�/ on nursery school for Sundays
took place and volunteer help for
the start and a schedule will be
made up later.
Per 100 sq. ft. installed Per 100 sq. ft. installed The program committee. Eva
Harris, Elaine Nickel and Marg a
i`hvn nrwas s��g ranmeeting
20 year manufacturer's guarantee Nickel read an article on ''Our
Country. Canada'' The Lockic
boys sang "This Land Is Our
ALL COLORS AVAILABLE Lama". Eva Harris showed her
pictures taken on her trip to the MR. AND MRS. DAVID MCDOUGALL are residing in
Hurry! Special ends Sept. 25, 1976 East Coast and Marg Livermore
showed hers on a trip to VPctoria Stratford following their marriage Saturday, August 14, in
Mrs Schaefer gave the featur Ethel United Church. Rev. Eric Ledrew officiated. Mrs.
8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion
10:30 a.m.—TV Program and Morning Prayer
Thurs., Sept. 16=Altar Guild meeting at the hon
of Mrs. Alice Newton 2:30 p.m.
Ross Smith — Pastor
10:00 a.m.—Sunday School
11:00 a.m.—Morning Service
7:00 p.m.—Evening Service
Prayer and Bible Study
8:00 p.m.—Wednesday Evening
Rev. Larry Johnson, Pastor of Peterborough's
fastest growing Church and Sunday School will
be singing and preaching.
Pastor Office
Ronald Baker 359 Centre Street 357.1340
'Sunday School 10 A M. Wednesday 8 P.M.
Morning Worship 11 A M. Prayer 8 Bible Study
Evening Evoh9*listic Service 7 P.M. Friday 8 P M
Fomily Night
'For free bus transportation call 357- 1340
THOT: The Most influential of all educotionol foc
tors is the conversation in a child's home.
Wingham, Ont.
Sunday Masses of Obligation
are Saturdays at 8:00 p.m.
and Sundays at 1 1 :15 a.m.
SWA D local Representative which was a poem The offering McDougall is the former Donna Sleightholm, daughter of A Sunday Mass is also offered at St. Ambrose Church
W. E. (BUS) KING was received and dedicated The Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sleightholm of RR 3, Brussels. Parents Brussels at 9:30 a.m. Please read your bulletin,
1 139 Victoria St. N., Kitchener A closing prayer was given by of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDougall, for further information.
323-3009 Ellen Siefert grid lunch was Wingham. The bride is a Registered Nursling Assistant at
743-4348 or 745-9411 served by the hostess which the Stratford General Hospital.
brought the evening to a close ( Photo by Russell Studio)