HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-16, Page 5By the summer of 1997 when was a town of about 5000. A year CEREAL CH*" The Wingham Advance -Times, September 1.6, 1976. --Page S the forst great infltuf of prospec- later, after the second and Fo"WICH —The first meet- Belgrave P rtors from ,outside the Yukon had greater flood of newcomers, the ing of the Cereal Chet was helde sOn I treached its goldfield, Dawson e\O es population grew to over 30,000. at Mrs. Jack Manns on August 3o. Plenty was aecomg�ished is UCW sees slides 4 Mr. and Mss. Albert Blernan $assn and Tim s OCCIDENTAL LIFE OF CAUFORHIA * first meet such as iiia stet- Pent Sunday � of rural living in our.,outh". The attended the funeral of their her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie lunch committee will be Mrs. tion of officers, the name of the cousin, Mrs.. Edward Unruh of Balt. Ross Higgins, Mrs. Garner TERM - EASY ON THE BUDGET club, Cereal Chefs, and the first Hanover in Elmwood Lutheran Mrs. Allan Armes of Windsor is Nicholson and Mrs. Jesse %rheel- S 5 Y- spending- a few days with her er. On October 1st the WI is spon- delicious dish. Church on Sunda of wildlife area 53 * 7,Provides $25,000 insurance at age 30 TU officers are: President, M, and Mrs. Walter Bacon and sister, Mrs. Cecil Coultes. soring a bus to the Plowing Match Peggy Schneider, vice-pres., BELGRAVE — The United they have rhosen to develop foto * First Year Premium Denise of Orangeville spent the The agriculture meeting of the in Bruce Countv. The bus will Church Women held their fall GE.1, COMPLETE INFORMATION Donna Martin; secretary, Paiti natural habitat area. leas. John Mann; rens reporter, Cindy weekend with Mr. and -Mrs. Belgrave Women's Institute will leave Belgrave at 10 a.m. with P Po Y general meeting on September 7Roberts �� � sP�a � Albert Bacon. Denise remained be held on Tuesday, Sept. 21 at anyone w to o to contact Sturgeon. All 11 members pitched Y �� g at 9:15 p.m. in the Sunday School the information as the wrildlite at HERBERT DIRSTEIN„ LISTOMIFI, % 291-3371 for a week's holidays. 8:15 p.m. in the hall. The roll call Mrs. B� Coultes by September Hallett. J J in to help make delicious fry pan Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown, will be "An idea for fostering love 20. room with i good attendance. cookies.' . The meeting opened with the The business Period was eon - r. _. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey, worship service conducted by ducted by the president, Mrs. Barbara and Brenda of Ingersoll Mrs' James Coultes and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler. A report was spent Sunday with her parents, John Macintosh. Mrs. Coultes given from the carpet committee. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter. g p, followed Mrs. Wheeler had delivered the ave the call to worst bale to Mission Service of Lon- (�'� by hymn, .0 Cori; the Rock of HOME OF GOOD V Nil .UES Mr. and Mrs. Barry Logan ofAges". Mrs. Coupes led in don• 0 i r Oakville spent the weekend with The scri ture was read Presbyterial will be held at St. prayer. P Helens on September 2e at 7 m. his parents, Mr. an MrsCliffby Mrs. Macintosh and the offer- P• Logan. Michael and Shawn ing was received and dedicated A welcoming committee was Pe a by Mrs. Coultes. Po ap- Log an of Oakville, who spent pointed with Mrs. John Roberts caoa a week's holidays with their grand Commentn the scripture was and Mrs. Robert Grasby volun WEED LAWN WEED' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc taken by Mrs. Coultes and Mrs. Bring for Sunday, Septmnber ..,� Kay and Mr. and Mrs. Logan, re- Maclntosh. Mrs. William Steven- 12. turned home on Sunday with their son favored with a solo, accom- .--�:.:: rents. parried by Pa Mrs. George Johnston. Brian Spivey of Ingersoll spent Mrs. John Kerr introduced the B guest speaker David Kains, who f <: >;: a couple of days with his grand- g Pe 0 rents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold is with the Ministry of NaturalBemo lr f: >r , 4 Procter. Resources. David showed slides u ett Wildlife area which d Mrs. Harold Helfen- .r on the H Il Mr. an Mr. and Mrs. William Coultes, -- �; � :•.� ><. stein visited relatives in New- -_ foundland the last two weeks. Karen, Andrea and Alison visited All on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .nh ton. /� Premium Weed killer CO-OP Weed killer Easy -grip 20 Stanley Johns and family of Clin- Arena repairs A bus trip taken 6 the Huron CO-OP premium lawn Recommended to kill pruners 3Country Playhouse to see the weed killer controls common lawn weeds. For Vinyl coated handle saves Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd are estimated play "Anne of Green Gables" was ver much enjoyed b real- . chickweed, clover, black dandelions, plaintain and hands. Cuts with minimum visited on Sunda with Mr. and Y JoY Y medic, dandelions plus other broadleaf tants. pressure. Chrome -plated - Mr Y dents of Belmore atter p p e plated s. Ronald Hibberd and Angela�'g• All — many others. 275-014 8 oz. cn. 1.49 anvil is. replaceablef g a t $41,250 or of Mildmay.Mr. and Mrs. George Harkness 275-016 8 oz. cn. .2.19 275-015 16 oi. cn. .2.39 economical use :591 210 Mr. and Mrs. Art Ha Estimated cost of repairs to the and Mark Martin visite with the 275 cn 3 09 german of 017 16 oz • °i:<::; , }�<..:. Beaton spent Sunday at the home Belgrave arena are. E41,250, ac Robert Harkness family on the cording to a preliminary <,::;k::; '::• ;;.f1,� .:: g P ma report weekend. of r. and r ,v *� Mrs. Lawrence Ta 1'Y Po ::a:: rk•� «, .•• .:..::.::.„::.::.::. ...�•• .;; :; ..,.. <.: : . ; . ,::»:::»:::: >: .°.,;. .. from c „?.n;s :.. ? „. x•;�:>:.:,;:. <:: r / ^ •� � �.. :: •%<.F:�. 1 .Ross &Associates of •” >' "•• GoderBich. The report was r People attending the�NE from Mrs. Stewart Procter, Mr. and Po �. :... ;>.<:.>.<: :>..Im.:y Belmore on September "` >::..;:y, ed and read at P -„::::>. <�: .< :.� Mrs Ross Procter and Mr and g 4 were z„:,:.<:,<;t<:>;. �:. ::� {;; ry. Richard Inglis, Kirk Wood Mari- - ,....... < r,.: ::.ss the Belgrave WI hall on Thursda g :a. Mrs. Geor a Pr ter attended Y 1 n Kate Rosema and g ev Carol ening. It is ex ted that fin - Kieffer, <..�>• +� ,. the marriage of Maureen Brad- Pce Kieffer, Karen Fitch Linda Ren- alized costs will be , available b �• � ,. . #A ' ':;: ”' ley and David Thomas in Pine Y y::.• ;,>:„n:<<'''„.�October. wick, Janice Kamrath, Doreen River United Church on Satur- Y on t Work Nickel, Dave Crowe and Sheri da he project will com- f mence as soon as approval is re- Phair. t mr Miss Marilyn Robertson re , x„ <:L,Y:„'� turned on Monday from a tri to ceived from the provincial min- Mr. and .,<..: Y P Mrs. Jim Wallace and i st .x.� :. .� of labor. ;:.:::.: ” .-� Hawaii and will : •.„ ;.; , ;>.. �.s:. ,.,Cole Mossle vis ..„>,; '_'with be commencing �'rte of y visited a:. a'= Grants available will �•.. cover 75 to work for or a travel a en in .p0 . �.� , � g Y the Earl Fitch family on Sunday. o :,. r ' _ e of t C �3 he outlay — �r• 25 t 3. r "� �; � <�"- Toronto this Y �,.. a n : „ ,� :.. ... wee ' ....h,." k cent under the Community Rpec- In Belmore baseball business, `0' handle 85 Extra -Sturdy Heavy-duty 50 The community was shocked to reation Centres Act; two-thirds of the Bantams were defeated by learn of the sudden udder assin of the remainder Mary's Hill 11-3. The In ti 8 ads each broom rake passing ander fr termedi- g e � each bow rak from the Win r” �' P e to o V eaa i Mrs. Vincent Makas (Mary Anne Fund. ates lost 5-1 to Clifford. Heat-treated blade has Long, fire -hardened Forged steel head with 14 Wheeler) of London, the result of Glenn Coultes, Harry Brydges sharp, turned edge and hol- handle i n weather - curved teeth. Smooth, The people of Bellmore cour- low back. Short handle resistant lacquer finish. 22 wooden handle. Strop a car accident on Friday. Sincere and Gerald McDowell were nam- hx 9, - teousl welcome Mr. and Mrs. with 'D' rip f - sympathy is extended to her has ed as the finance y p or easy trim tempered steel teeth, construction for our ar- ce committee for g y g band Vincent Makas her Jim Hall and their three da min and digging - , the- :rN`. g gg g chrome plated Benin needs ... 591-038 project. The building com- ” g 8 ters to the community. $rents Mr. a spring ..........590-.169 p rid Mrs. Kenneth mittee will include John Roberts, Wheeler, her brother Iva . a. •.��. :.s«�>� .;�,.,. :�:.,},F: n, an LloydMichie and Neil Vincent. Rev. and Mrs. Park were herrand rents Mrs. Pearl g Pa Canvassing in the area will coon- dinner guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Wheeler and C. R. Coultes. mence shortly. Murray Mulvej,and family. CO-OP Fertilin 3-5,12 provides the necessary plant food to help your lawn survive the hard winter months. It's also an ideal fall fertilizer to use on hedges, trees and shrubs .......... 270-960 5 HP 4 -Cycle n' ' Shred Mark 2W* Lawn Sweeper 350 Leaf 'n litter 08 -It ea. ea. poly bags Pk 5 HP Tecumseh engine, 25" x 42" polyester mesh Adjustable height for all Large sized (33" x 45") bag, 3 -stage cutting ac- tions for all jobs. 8" x 1.75' lawns. Plastic handles, easy covered emptying Heavy-duty, 2 bags complete mil poly with ties. steel hub wheels. Optional lift -out hamper, rustproof wheels. Large 5''2 bushel Priced right for ups. Pkg. of 5 fall clean 591-180 disposable bags. 545-351 capacity. ....... 591-030 ... 8 H.P. 4 -Sp. 7 IQ95 Tiller with ��00 ReverseTiller M7Q B8 gear drive .,ch Briggs & Stratton depend- 16 self -sharpening tines. ability, 16-14" slasher- 3'/2 Briggs-& Stratton en - type tines, 6 -position 10"' x 2.75" wheels, 1' ;' gine. Adjustable steel tube tine shaft, throttle and handles. Semi -pneumatic r clutch on handle. 545-357 tires ........... 545-353 Cement Mixer 32500 5 cu. ft. Capacity Myer can be manually tip- Small or large amounts can ped, also has positive drive be elected as required. May from tractor P T O Drops to also be used for mixing ground level for filling. Lifts feeds. fertilizers and oulk- for transporting chemicals 520-053 El LJt` , C3 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Wood Frame Wheelbarrow Free -running 2 -ply pneumatic 4 00" x 8" tire. 28" x 38" one-piece drawn steel tray — no seams or bolt holes Roller bearings sealed against dirt Capacity is 4 cu. ft dry, 3 cu ft wet . 591-000 Z We like to know our customers by name! 357-2711 Belgrave ,Branch 4950 ea. AT YOUR CO-OP FINANCING AVAIIABIE:� THROUGH_. • cn no tc n�,:c 887_6453 LJ :X3 UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO 11 /l PEACE AT LAST What had threatened to become a long drawn-out feud was settled amicably on Tuesday morning. Jim Pow- ers, ieft, chairman of the public relations committee for the International Plowing Match to be held at Walkerton this month, met Jim Arm strong, host farmer for the 1978 1 PM to be held near Wingham. The two men faced one another on neutral ground at the county line between Huron and Bruce to exchange a sign publicizing the Bruce match and flags which had mysteriously dis appeared from the Huron I PM sign on Highway 86. In the top picture the two men discuss terms of settlement, but in the lower frame they have obviously reached a greement as the flags and the sign are returned to their rightful owners. Formal charges had never been laid and the mutual return of plowing match property should lay the foundation for peace and co-operation in future between the two county plowing match com m i ttees . a