HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-16, Page 13� ti
'i• Q 7 M11
The Wingham 4-H girls or-
ganirFed their club at the first
meeting. The Project is "The
Cereal Shelf" and leaders are
Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. D.
At the first meeting, the girls
chose their club name and
elected Arlene Willis as president
and Sherry Green, vice-presi-
dent. Roll call was "What kind o
cereal product have yod never
eaten but would like to try?"
Mrs. Stuckey discussed cereal
for everyday eat4ig and family
foods from basic grains. In group
work, the girls worked on
measuring skills and Mrs. Clark
supervised as the girls made fry
Pan cookie$. At home, the girls
will begin their record%wks and
recipe files.
A9aR/11 qK ,
Tt) Hap{
• hAl� p/ n01
Shows start at dusk
At the •
j e Movies
r iP's' The daring buccaneer and his
notorious crew, the spirited hero -
ice -in -distress, the cruel black -
,f - hearted villain, bungling sol-
diers, booming cannons, and all
the trappings of a grand -scale
prate adventure return to the
t screen in "Swashbuckler", plax-
• ing at the Lyceum September i�
to 21. The first theatrical motion
picture about daring freebooters
h to be filmed by Hollywood for
yy decades, the pirate saga is
Ta, i packed with the action, color and
romance that helped create the
motion picture industry.
' Kingston, Jamaica and the
To teach her a lesson or two, pirate captain Red Ned Lynch Caribbean in 1718 are the settings
(ROBERT SHAW) duels with high-spirited Jane Barnet for the adventure, and sea
(GENEVIEVE BUJOLD) in Universal's "Swashbuckler." Polonski sequences were filmed aboardThe Golden Hinde I1, a detailed
(AVERY SCHREIBER) and other pirates look on as their ship, re-creation of one of the most
The Blarney Cock, waits in thEPbay. famous vessels in maritime
history. The ship is re -named The
PeeWees win Blarney Cock for the film, and
Robert Shaw stars as its in -
'ARK '111EIA"FRE captain. James Earl
Zone 2 title I Jones plays his cunning powerful
TUE$. SAT, SEPT. 1 6-18 )BELMORE — Bellmore Pee- ally, Peter Boyle is a decadent
ONE $NOW TNURS F P M Wees won the Ontario Amateur British tyrant, Genevieve Bujold
' $0 L. 10
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Softball Association, Zone 2 title is a plucky daughter of a deposed
by defeating Mitchell, 9-8 in the British official, and Beau Bridges
third game of the best -of -three is a spit -and -polish young officer
series. who always ends up with egg on
- dw
In Zone 1 playdowns on Sunday his face.
de= they won the first game of a best "Swashbuckler" was directed
....r of -three series with Jordan, 18-4. by James Goldstone and written
The teams will play the second by Jeffrey Bloom from a story by
$U•MUIRrw J--.%'F,N.I,..• game in Jordan on Saturday at Paul Wheeler.
SUNTUE$ SEPT. 19-2 1 noon. Should a third game be nec-
essary it will be,played at 2 p.m.
Murray Mawhinney was the SCOUTING NEWS
"`�� • winning pitcher in both games on �e
Ir ' the weekend.
Len Stamper was the "big hitter The first meeting of the Group
on Sunday with a grand -slam Committee was held Sunday
home run. Other big hitters for night at the Armouries. There
WEDSAT SEPT. 22-25 the winners were Bruce Kuntz, was a full agenda with many de -
N.G. WELLS,NaTlamci S pp� Jim Legrand and Craig Ander- visions to be reached. The fate of
�S L�Do son. our Cub Packs was of prime im-
Coach Keith Mulvey says the ' portance and it is hoped we will
team will be taking a bus to Jor- have the answer by next week.
f dan Saturday morning. Anyone Thanks to the cooperation of
The &xpkw" sft y interested in making the trip with Rev. Barry Passmore and the Of-
oT.n.Cc/d ntowl ficial Board of the Wingham
rumed into MAVERI the young boys can contact him United Church, the Beaver at 392-6759.
gram is ready to be launched on
Wednesday, September 22 at 6:30
p.m. in the church gymnasium.
Parents must accompany their
little Beavers to this initial meet-
ing. We will be able to accept only
C 24 boys in the program as we
work with a ratio of six Beavers
for one leader. The leaders for
mmm this group will be Carol Stone,
Marlene Henry, Donna Gregg
WINGHAM 3574 638 and Carol Carter.
The Cubs and Scouts will be
selling Hallowe'en candy this
year as a fund-raising project.
SHOWING 1 DAYS! THE FUN MOVIE OF THE YEAR! - This will be done on a one-night
canvass of the town with areas
1-1 assigned to the boys. We want to
WEDNESDAY, SEPT• 15th to TUESDAY, SEPT. 21St prevent the annoyance of having
several eager salesmen call at
your door. Please give us your
i support on Wednesday, October
VL-ioiii, FIRST AREA Srinwimrc.. 13.
jf� L
Enjoy the
� tts � � ti I>• � � � IS t>• �Iwo
• •.
`�f•�rf• f•���
'fie Wingham Advance -Times, September 16, 1976—Page 13
LOG ROLLING ISN'T the easiest sport to compete in. Mike Mc Dona gh and Bruce Elsnor
found out it can be a very wet experience as they tried it on Sunday afternoon at the
Howick Community pool as part of the Howick Lions Club Frolic.
BATHTUBS AREN'T ONLY used for taking a bath. They can also be used for racing on
the street. Lucknow Lions, with Barry McDona gh aad Bob Struthers, (on the outside)
outmaneuvred a Teeswater tub manned by Brian Barrett and Bruce Kissner, to win.a
race in Gorrie on Sunday. It was all part of the Howick Lions Club Frolic.
MINNOW NOT CAUGHT have been regular at broomball
Omitted last week in the list of or hockey will not be active
successful swimming students at Recreation Report either.
the Wingham and District Cen- We will be circulating a ques-
tennial Swimming Pool, was the By Jim Ward tionnaire this week through the
name of Andy Versteeg. Andy schools to find what will be want -
was one of the successful Min- �� ed by all these people, if these
nows. programs are wanted or if you
ARENA PHONE-A-THON you missed a treat. Those gals desire something else we will try
s R.. We feel the Phone-a-thon was who were responsible for that to help get it going. However, it
T'm' E IE an unqualified success. However, were all up before breakfast to will be up to you to complete the
P<.E a �•::.` it could not have been done with- serve those who did et out be
g questionnaire and return it im-
FRI A SAT SEPT. 1 7-1 8 out the efforts of many people. tween 8 and 10 to have hot flap- mediately.
ADUII FNTFNaNMIM* First we thank all the donors, for jacks with raspberry, blueberry
RIYROIIIRR nc1 „- DEATH RAS without your support it would or maple syrup lathered on top.
'"""••_•"° IOM have been a fizzle. We knew you The girls on the phones answer-
"'"��' Howick Lions
A CROSS COUNTRY could do it and hope you had fun ing the eager pledgers were
ROAD WRECKI I doing your thing. .Then there pleasant and anxious to take all weekend frolic
were those who "did time in jail" instruction. The guys at the tab-
or did stunts for pledges. It all elating table nearly went nuts
was h1 Sueee55
added to the fun and frolic of the trying to keep track of how much
SEPT. 1 9 SUNDAY ONLY day. was being pledged as well as the A very successful beef barbe-
•°° ` Fa•F.1. —FN' The entertainers were from the gigs that were being asked for. A cue was held at the Howick Lions
Managainsl ; outlying area as well as from couple of people to keep the mes- pool in Gorrie on Sunday to wind
MananlBeasf town. We appreciate their sup- sage moving from the phones to up the swimming season for 1976.
s port also. They were rounded up the typewriter were responsible A bright, sunny day greeted
by a . hers. couple of Lions Club mem- for keeping things moving. contestants from Lucknow, Tees -
&b The police chief was one of the water and Gorrie for the bathtub
M I' Did you start the day with the busiest men around. The 'jail' races. Lucknow had the fastest
pancake breakfast? If you didn't was never empty all day. tub on wheels• defeating all con
The Junior Citizens kept the testants. However they had to
splashing dunking tank busy for a have a rerun against Teeswater
' couple of hours with a number of in the final after straying over the
well-known town citizens helping centre line in the first run,
out in that respect. The log rolling contest was
Then, of course, the free donor once again a very popular event
' F ' dance at night which waI'looked Jim Geiger was the junior boys'
after by a couple of former Kins- winner with Katherine Geiger the
men who have had lots of expert- girls' winner Mike McDonagh of
• ence in that line. Lucknow won the seniors' title
FRIDAY,ATURDAY, SUNDAY So without mentioning any Most popular event of the day
names for fear of missing some- was a challenge from a Lucknow
S.ptlmblr 17, 18, 19 one and not having the space to Lions Club memtwi- to a lady
"NOT SINCE `CAT BALLOU' O mention all, i was proud to be from Gorrie to swim one length of
such a hilariously bawdy movie!" part of it all. My hat is off to the pool They started from the
r everyone involved. Thank you shaJlow end but onl%- one swim -
and funny 1 too I T As of Monday our thermometer mPr jumped in The Gorrie lady
heap m now shows over 542,000 and going ran around the deck to the deep
Ci,.r�pv1R •d .,RtiD • ReMnCAIID p up end before jumping into the
= EIIAI$EfI1 �SNLEY tLrIM, VIR11R j.Iv,R rn.ry /� water.
%^ N I1 �1 ii Her coveralls filled with water
ADULT eNTERTA NMFNT 41 ill '1J.1m D ARENA PROGRESS and a life jacket was thrown to
-i Now that the phone -a thon is her However. being a good
LL TWO GUYS9A CHICK AND completed we are busy at the swimmer, she proceeded to the
A HOT 9S7 CHEVY! 3 arena. By the time this report is shallow end to get out The Luck
aj. I I read much of the steel work in the now swimmer reached the ladder
w T arena will have been sand blasted and climbed out to run to the end
A before being painted The game of the pool and become the win
Ln timer is down and will be stored ner.
Z ? / ,-,�, away safely until we have all the it took a lot of effort to Ret the
W rr = work done. We are started and Gorrie lady out as the water had
IL >;w
i hope that we are ready by Christ- to drain from her coveralls each
;-- n mas. We will try to keep you post- step of the ladder
LL , m ed on progress. it was the end to a day of fun
LL , 0 0 0 and a goal beef quppel it was
K• j t ` FALL PROGRAMS also the end to a ver,, successful
Om L L ; With the arena out of commis- year at the iiow•1ck Lions Pool
1 sign for half the winter, many The Howick Lions would like to
youngsters will not have their thank all those who took lessons
ADULT ENTERTAINNINT regular activities of hockey end and helped in am w•aN at the pool
=Aire skating. Also adults who this summer