HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-09-09, Page 1FIRST SECTION Wingham, Thuraky, September 9, 1976 Federat*ion tbr ef NOW BOOKING — Cho~ flights and tours to Britain and Europe 1!!�� 4ArRAW&Y SERVKE Ustowel, C*tarlo}^291.2111 Single Copy Not Over 25c ,r on D*istr*ict Health Counc*11 The Education Committee of Dr. bills said the council would Perth area could be outlined Huron and did not want the Fed.. R the Huron County Federation of establish priorities and should more effectively to the Ministry ere' rbers to feel that he Agriculture was instructed to determine the health needs of the of Health through • the council, wa ►ot trying to sell the ' " - • prepare a brief outlining the district and match those needs to which would have the support of ide .. Federation's stand and sugges- the resources available. people in this area. It is also hop- DRAWBACKS t tions on the proposed formation The formation of such a coup- ed that it could reduce the dupli- He pointed out that certai]3 of a Huron Perth District Health cel, he suggested, could help pro cation of facilities and services problems could be expected with Council after the group heard an vide comprehensive planning on through more effective planning. the new council. With district.: jlr outline of the proposal from guest an area basis rather than on Dr. Mills stressed to the meet- planning there could be a tend- speaker Dr. Frank Mills. Dr. facility or individual program ing that he was merely trying to ency to downplay the identity of Mills spoke to the monthly mem- basis. The needs of the Huron- present the idea to the people of the patient, the professional and bership meeting of the group on the individual institution. e ° September 2. Inadequate or over -zealous Dr. Mills, medical officer of planning could result in a loss of health for Huron, explained that Pancake breakfast kicks off facilities and professional ser - the proposed council will be made vices for some communities. Dr. 0.bl' K up of a group of citizens within Mills also suggested that if there the district who will serve as an phone—a-thon for arena fund is an excess of political man - advisory body to the Ministry of oeuvering, the District Health Health on planning integrated A pancake breakfast will be match the pledge if he wishes to Council could be reduced to the s b health services. held at the Wingham Armouries be freed. status of a rubber stamp, admin66-0 - In asking that the Federation on Saturday starting at 8 a.m. The Junior Citizens will have a istrative process contributing lit- " ' "&4 1. a brief he also ed that and running to 10 a.m. as a kick- 'dunk tank' in the Armouries. prepare urged tie to efficiency or effectiveness. DISPLAYING A SERIES of original drawings and they propose at least one person off to the Phone-a-thon. Proceeds Several dignitaries will be on the 9 g But adding cost. as a nominee to the new body. He of the daylong activities will be platform for an unscheduled watercolor pieces at the town hall last Friday and Saturday medium and lower price range. A quarter of the proceeds It was also suggested that the r- said the existing steering com voluntary cooperation necessary turned over to the committee bath. were Guenter Heim's way of helping the Wingham from the sale was turned over to the fund. Area residents mittee will file a list of nomina- raising funds for the renovation Historical Society's museum fund. The line drawings and were welcome to visit and enjo the exhibit whether or not The Lions Club has lined u the. between groups in health care , tions with the Ministry of Health of the Arena. entertainment for the day's and social services with different paintings were sold to the general public and fell into the they bought anything. with their final report and the Hap Swatridge, a well-known activities. points of view may be difficult to participation of country groups in musician in Wingham, will enter- The Crippled Duck will be per- achieve. suggesting interested persons is forming during the day and will preparing rain the diners at the breakfast Ina brief, Dr. Milli desirable. with organ music. Throughout also play for a dance in the eve- asked that the Federation con- fo rHuron Initially the District Health the day entertainment will be ning. Everyone who makes a sider five basic questions. "DoBoarde Council will be appointed by the Provided by area talent. donation is invited. The dance You support the establishment of Minister of health, he explained. CKNX Radio will have tele- will start at 9p' m. and run until 1 a District Health Council? What Once the council is established, Phone operators at the Armouries a m should the membership be? Sug- the by-laws will make provisions to take pledges and members of gest a few names for member- for future appointments to the the CBers club will be on call to Other entertainers for the day ship? What do you think the fungi- Ch'1*1dren Youth.Centre body pick up money, cheques, post- are, Elizabeth Armstrong, tion of a District Health Council dated cheques and all pledges. Steven Pritchard of Lucknow, should be? List any other ideas The new Huron Centre for Chil- Health Act. pective board members to the Also nominated, but losing in the A 'jail' will be erected in front Stephen Burke, Pat Stackhouse, and views that you would wish dren and Youth became a reality Formation of such a service be- September 1 meeting. election, was Mrs. Monna Mul- of the Town Hall and any citizen The Coultes Sisters, Lori Goodall w Wednesday, SepG seder." wThe board of directors will con- hern of Goderich. Town Police may have another citizen ar- and Janette and Joanne Wood. the steering committee to can- September 1, came necessary following the rested by merely making a The temperature on the ther- when the first board of directors closing of the Goderich Psychia- sist of 11 persons. Nomination During an open question period Some members of the Federa- was elected at a public meeting tric Hospital and its child care' Committee chairman Norm a panel, made up of members pledge and asking the Town mometer hasn't risen very fast in Pickell of Goderich told the meet- from the steering committee, add two new tion felt that in the question of es- held in the Clinton Public School. and adolescent unit. Police to incarcerate him or her recent weeks. Now is a good time tablishment of the council there �'he Ministry of Health for the A steering committee, com- ing that the committee had at- clarified a number of points in the lockup. The `prisoner' must to make it go over the top. was really no choice. If Huron Province of Ontario gave ap- posed of staff and administrators tempted to put forward the about the new centre. was not agreeable now it would,, proval for the creation of a chil- of existing health and social ser- names of persons who would rep- HOME BASED SERVICE members be shoved on the area in any case dren's mental health centre vice organizations along with in-. resent the other agencies con The new program is meant to Wingham boy seriously hurt Sooner or later. Bearing this in recently to provide specialized terested professional and lay cerned with the new program be a community ba service Wingham Police Chief Robert mind the group felt it would be services for children and youth in people, has been meeting over and persons who would represent and has not been desig4d, or suf- Wittig announced that two new better to take the opportunity to Huron County. The Huron Centre the past four months to examine the whole of Huron County in a ficiently funded, to provide inpa'- personnel have joined the depart- in Morris Township accident. become involved in planning will be incorporated under the the need for such specialized ser- geographic sense. tient services. In such cases pa- ment. Mrs. Wendy Poll of Wing- now. Otherwise the council•miLht Children's Mental Health Cen- vices for children and youth and a BOARD PERSONNEL tients would be referred to hos- ham joined the office staff and, ash P by Ministry psY - g pital or for long term treatment The � em-�eteehment of Township. The truck, driven try be � the )Kinist of Health fres' Act and�serve as a '�ti'i�L'- - notriinatin committee of that One of the directors will be a of September 13, Constable John the Ontario Provincial Police \Cathers, went off the shoulder of with little or no local say. ric facility under the Mental group handed down a list of pros- representative of Huron County to the London Psychiatric Hos- P. Nolan, presently of the Toron- conducted 46 investigations last the road and upset. Both were Council and will be named when pital. to Metro Police force, will be- week. There were 22 charges laid treated for lacerations and abra- the council meets later this Rather than taking the child to come a member of the Wingham under the Highway Traffic Act sions and released from Wing- month. A the Children's Psychiatric Re - Police force. and 21 warnings issued. Seven ham and District Hospital.• Elected to the new board were: search Institute at London for During the past week the charges were laid under the Friday, William R. Howells of School Fair will II b held Mrs. Carol R. Egner, principal of example, the committee explain - department investigated one Liquor Licence Act and eight RR 2, Conn and Hans A. Ras- the Goderich Municipal Day ed that the new program would break and enter, when a resi under the Criminal Code. mussen of RR 1, Fordwich, were t Nursery; Bruce Heath, director work right in the home with the break on Arthur Street was en- The most serious accident involved in a collision on Con- in of the Huron County Children's parents and child as well as in the dencetered and a small amount of occurred on Sunday when a car cession 6 7, east of County Road B arena a s u s v a ° Aid Society; Mrs. Ila Kayes, Stu schools money taken. driven by Nelson E. Caldwell of 30, Howick Township. ' Ras- f dent Services Coordinator for The committee admitted that During the early hours of_the Listowel collided with a bicycle mussen was slightly injured but Definitelyes" was the an program and judging of the calf, ance Agency, Wingham, will the Huron Board of Education the group would be forced to du - ridden b Andrew Poels, RR 1, didn't need hospital attention. Y P g g g g y' g and Dr. Bruce Thomson, a doctor plicate some of the services of - morning on September 4, minor Y P saver of president William Coultes hog, pony and lamb classes out- judge and provide the prizes for damage was done to the con- Wingham. The collision was at William J. Aitchison of specializing in family medicine fered by the Children's Psychia- when asked by a director ata side will be sure to make the these classes. struction on Patrick Street. Lot 26, Concession 8 of Morris 'Brussels was involved in a single the at Goderich and representing the tric Research Institute tCPR1 t as recent meeting of the Belgrave, afternoon very interesting and Also new this year is e par - Three Wingham youths will Township. car collision on Concession 9, Blyth, Brussels school fair board, enjoyable for both the young and ticipation of both girls and boys in Huron Medical Association. at present it is often necessary to appear in Wingham Court. Poels was rushed to Wingham west of Huron County Road 12, as to whether this year's fair old. all the baking, sewing and farm These four, the nominating com- wait for seven weeks for the ini- d Di t ' t H it 1 with frac- Morris Townshi Both he and a mittee explained, were put for- tial appointment for assessment On September 2 the bath house an Xs nc osp► a wX a p would be held as usual in the Bel- Two new classes introduced mechanics classes. on Minnie Street was entered on tured skull and was immediately passenger, Steven Pletch of grave arena. this year include a poster contest Bring your family and friends ward as agency representatives. It was also suggested that CPRI k"> two` occasions and several ar transferred to University Hos Brussels, were slightly injured' The 56th school fair will be held on the topic of fire prevention. and enjoy an afternoon in Bel Others elected a the board is situated too far away for reg - two were taken. Investigation pital in London. At press time his On Saturday, Paul G. Kerr and next Wednesday, September 15, There is a class for both junior grave at Ontario's largest rural were: Mrs. Helen Bartliff of Clin ular follow-up treatment. continues. Also on the 2nd a condition is still described as a passenger, Robert B. Ramey, beginning with a parade of the and senior students. Keil Insur- school fair. ton, Rev. Jack Beaton of Cen- Huron Public Health Nurse brown leather shaving kit case serious. both of London, were injured as a tralia, Mrs. Donna Cornwall of Joanne Jasper also pointed out On Tuesday, 31, Eldred result of a single car collision on students of the three schools at ham, Howard James of was turned into the department. Y• Au Win August g g one o'clock, followed by the of- g that the biggest gap in such ser - It had been found on Josephine L. Cathers, RR 1, Wroxeter, and Macintosh Street at Airport ficial opening by the guest Egmondville, Mrs. Joanne Jas- vices to children is between the Street. a passenger, Brett Garniss of Road, Turnberry Township. . per of Goderich and William ages of two and' five. Between the speaker, Barry Wenger of Wing Malone three directors of Goderich Townshi stops g Two charges were laid under Howick Township, were injured.. Ramey was released after treat- ham. Gregg P• time the doctor sto seeing the the Liquor License Act, nine in an accident which occurred oft' ment at Wingham and District All the exhibits will be on dis- �� child on regular basis and the under the Highway Traffic Act Huron County Road 28, south of Hospital but Kerr was admitted , time he w she is screened by the g y play in the arena and a sports • and also one investigation under Huron County Road 7, Howick for observation. to hold L S t o w e l a are n g Public lf••alth authorities as a the Narcotics Control Act. pre-scha,ler. She said that an ef- fort mus; he made to make par - The Ombudsman of Ontario• houses, he served in the Canadian encs aware that the new program Arthur Maloney, Q.C., and four Army in Korea and then was Aide 60000 exists and is available if they are members of his office staff will be De Camp to Gov. -Gen. Vincent having problems. Mrs. Jasper • i in Listowel on Sept. 23, the Office Massey and Gov. -Gen. Vanier, also suggested the formation of Ire dept. W1�� r of the Ombudsman announces. actin as a liaison between P g 55000 groups where the mothers and canvass for MD In a telephone announcement Government House and the pub- children would come together last week the office reported Mr. lic. and discuss common problems. ., Maloney will probably attend the Mr, Cavanagh who has been 50000 Ways must be found to stimulate The Wingham Fire Depart- +, g men} will hold its annual house- evening session of the private director of Communications for children and contribute to normal to -house canvass for Muscular hearings. Attending throughout the Ombudsman since the cre- growth and development. Dystrophy on Monday, Sept- the day will be Gilles Morin, dir- ation of the office in August of 45000 Such programs were also seen ember t3, starting at 7 p.m. #''` ector of Rural, Agricultural and 1975, is well-known throughout as a means through which early All fire departments across Municipal Services for the Office the province for his work with identification of learning disabi.l- P of the Ombudsman; Gary Sper Canada participate at least once radio and television news depart- a0000 hies' could be made. anzini, director of Interview Ser ments After working for many The new services will reach a year to raise funds for research J vices: Ken Cavanagh, director of and assist those with this disease. F years with the CBC and free- out, as much as possible, to the Communications; and Blair Tay lancing,in 1966 he was the first le. A central base is enols Your cooperation and support "''' lor, legal advisor. 35000 PSP will•be gratefully acknowledged. ''i ,+ -: ; �M` host of CTV's public affairs pro- ioned, perhaps in Clinton, but unit If you are not called upon, or not �► The hearings will be held in the gram W-5. In 1970 he returned to workers would go out, to satelite +'':.' - '" ' Municipal Building from 10 a.m. at home, call the chairman, li to 9 m. No a intment is the CBC as host of Telescope, co 3000) operations in each of the major Norman Cronkwright or any �t P' PPo host of the Montreal current county communities so that no .. .' necessary to meet with in•esti- melnber of the fire department r' events program Highlights, and one would have to travel veru far and arrangements will be made �t is gators and interviewers who will g ::t;;22; hear complaints concerning the anchorman of CBC Tv's evening >500) to reach the services. to receive your donation. The +` • �► news program Weekday. number to call is 357-1195.erws ,� ...' •. i'z.., government of the Province of Some such children will be re- The Wingham department is a ;;� :* Ontario and its agencies. The Bary Speranzim joined the ferred to the new centre by the looking f ngfirefigdepa m three '�� * j� �� "t Ombudsman's Office stresses staff of the Ombudsman m Aug 2000o schools and staff from the unit men have resigned due to em j' that people having such com ust of 1975, coming directly .from will likely visit the schools and g " plaints are encouraged to attend Family Services of Hamilton work with special education ployment and school opening. the private hearings on a first- Wentworth which he joined in ,[ They are Brian- Douglas, Peter �00o teachers ..:.: Bauer and Jeff Croskill. Interest ,:." " ' come, first-served basis. How- 1971 As director in Interview The Province of Ontario has ed parties can contact any mem- .. ever, organized groups address- Services he directs the staff in re- earmarked $185,060 for the Rist bet of the department. ing the hearings are requested to ceiving people.who come to see X)000 year of operation in Huron. After "' have a copy of their brief avail- the Ombudsman. His staff helps that the group will provide its es - The fire department would like to remind citizens that Don Cart IMP these people feel welcome and timates for each upcoming year er has a vacuum pickup attach Mr. Morin who was named develops the individuals' com- and a budget will he struck. director of the department of plaints in writing, assigns prior- no chestier s ery v Atpresent lea es from the meet to clean PAY complaints. make '•�• :''J•"•"� Rural, Agricultural and Mum hies to such compla street. itis ho this will elitrtin 'i:: :: • ; g * ices are available togroupslike P� cipal Services in January has had some basic jurisdictional de• ate the burning, of leaves, es considerable experience dealing cisions and refers those individ the Children's Aid Society, Cot pecially on streets which have with individual farmers and rural uals, when com Taints are out- rectional Services, and the Board just been paved. DEPUTY MINISTER of Agriculture Gordon Bennett, right, pauses as he eyes a platter of P There is heavy air contamina choice morsels. He wa�attending the kick-off pork barbecue at the Jim Armstrong farm groups in financial matters and side the Ombudsman's jurisdic• of Education but the nevi Huron ust east of Wingham Tuesday of lost week. Holden the latter is Ed Starr, secretary helping munic$al officials ar- tion, to whatever other approp ARENA Centre for Children and Youth tion from the smoke, not, to men- I 9 y g P ho to to providing tion the cost to sons who dam- manager of the Ontario Plowmen's Association, aided by Dawn Brunton of Bruce County, range debenture issues. Prior to within service there is existing etwovArwNan+o the very P B s�v1C! per' working with various investment within their own community. ooNA,�oNs in the very near future age hydro and utility poles. the 1976 Queen of the Furrow. At •