The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-08-19, Page 7R. W. BELL
The Square 524-7661
*Fresh vegetables &
*New potatoes
*Home made
*Home made crafts
Located on Highway 86,
6 miles west of Listowel
Mon. -Sat. 9 - 9:00
Tues - Fri. 9 - 5:30
Marriage vows we exchanged Principal questions fees '""""'""."'"""""'•""'age 7
charged student groups
in colorful summer ceremony .,�.H..0 yw
Sacred Heart Church, T
water, was the scene of a colo
summer wedding at 3 p.
Saturday, June 19, when Patri
Frances King and Vincent S
ley BogdansW were united
Rev. Philip Duffy officia
Mrs. Gladys Pickell
organist, and accompanied t
cousins of the bride, Miss Cath
ine White and Mrs. BarbAra
calfe, who sang togetllet•, "
dren's Prayer", "Jesus
Lord", "Mother At, Your F
We're Kneeling" and
Maria". Mass servers were M
Walters and Gerald King, cous
of the bride.
The bride is a daughter of
and Mrs. George C. King of T
water and the groom is the aid
son of Mr. and Mrs. John
danski of Kitchener.
Ed's Siding & Roofing
• Vinyl or aluminum siding
•Aluminum Seamless Eavestroughing
Get the job done right at the right price!
Take your choice - aluminum or vinyl siding ... $80 per square.
Call 335-6341
Wroxeter, Ontario
resh as a dal for
summertime fun!
Summer outings are
even more fun when you know you're
at your well-groomed best. Our supe-
rior cleaning methods give a sunshine
freshness to clothes, keep colors bright.
Cost is small.
Wingham, Ont.
The Huron Board of Education gest, ,"laude groups Wild be
took no action Monday afternoon responsible enough to look after
ees on a request from South Huron things themselves."
n., 1 District High School Principal J. T>�� Marian Zinn asked if
cia L. Wooden to reconsider a new every high school is in the same
cis schedule of fees for the use of P�bou and was told by Seaforth
�n school facilities. Act on a Principal Bruce Shaw, who was
in, ( suggestion of director D. J. Coch- in attendance as an observer,
cane, the board agreed to ask "Yes, definitely."
' Shaw said principals have been '
principals in the late fall how P Pa
was student councils are affected by considering the possibility of
WO the new fee structure. having the student councils rent.
er 8 The letter from South Huron the facilities.
Met- questioned the fairness of expect- Superintendent Bob Allan said
ChtI k P� some of the functions are rather
My of ing student councils to pay for
extra custodial services when the large and need custodial help.
eet money raised by council is used ACCEPT OIL TENDER
Ave to support activities at the school. The tender of Sun Oil Company
Mi Wooden said the athletic pro- w supply fuel oil to every school
ins gram at South Huron costs the in Huron County for next year
student council $2,000 per year was accepted by the board. Sun
' " and more than $1,000 is con- Oil, with the lowest of nine ten-
tributed to the Commencement ders, will supply fuel oil to 15 ,
est program. schools in the county for 31 cents §
Bog Trustee Jack Alexander of Per gallon. t'
Wingham asked if custodians The board learned that night - y
school classes during 1975-76 "
were very successful in the five
Rodeo profits secondary schools. Night school
r registers indicate that 1,544,
people attending classes during
to aid adult the fall term completed 27,051 ,.
w ork s h o fund hours of instruction and 1,524
1 p attending spring term classes MR. AND MRS. BRIAN E. COURTIS are residing in
The Adult Workshop for the completed 24,372 hours of in- London following their marriage at St. Andrew's
Mentally Retarded in Wingham struction. Presbyterian Church on Saturday, July 17. Mrs. Courtis is
is likely to receive a healthy boost Calculated into student days the former Ruth E. Currie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
in fundingas a result of an in- this adds approximately 53 stu
A. Currie of RR 3, Wingham. Parents of the groom are Mr.
teresting event in Brussels on dents to the secondary school and Mrs. Glen H. Courtis of RR 4, Wallaceburg.
Sunday afternoon. enrolment. This represents an ( Photo by Snyder Studio)
The Brussels Business Associa- increase of 28 per cent in attend -
tion will sponsor a Gymkhana ance over the previous year.
Night school principals con- Voice for life
Rodeo to be produced by. the Bh P � •
Maitland Valley Saddle Club. tinue to report that courses of Friends honor
Those who have a special interest shorter duration have more executive meets
in equestrian events,acceptance than 20 week courses. as well as P An executive meeting of the
the uninitiated, will thrill to a Each night school centre is en- as
Voice for Life, Wingham, was program of some 14 , events, couraged to attempt to meet local Pear Wheeler held recently e, the home as
commencing at 12 noon. requests. clan Keet. The minutes of the
Looking radiant in her gown of Butch Miller of Kitchener and The program will consist of Starting dates for 1976-77 BELGRAVE - The afternoon previous meeting were presented
white nylon crystalette the bride Rick and Robyn Tripp of North junior and tyke halter class, Eng- classes will be the week of Octo- unit of the United Church Women and approved.
was escorted to the' altar by her Bay, nephews of the groom. lish pleasure class, open barrel, ber 4. Salaries for instructors will sponsored a special meeting to Adrian Keet
d. presented to the
father. The gown featured bishop A dinner and reception were western pleasure, junior alnd tyke be $14 per hour, an increase of $1 which friends and former neigh the P� budget for the
sleeves fitted on a tight band and held at the Hanover Coliseum apple bobbiopen rescue race, Per hour. hors of Mrs. Pearl Wheeler had grouP P ro
been invited in honor of her 92nd coming fiscal year. One of the
trimmed with pleated organza. where the bride's mother ladies' novelty, open steer riding, birthday,August 5. most widely discussed topics of
The bodice was trimmed with received the guests in a floor- keyhole race, open relay race, g the evening was fund-raising pro -
mother -of -pearl embroidered length gown of romance blue. She bare -back bronc ridin senior Mrs. Janisa Coultes conducted
Belgian lace and pleated wore a corse a of ink roses. The g' AI ha QskS B@I I the worship service, the theme of sects. Also, the group Will be rep -
pleated P novelty barrel, wild cow milking P resented at some of the fall fairs
organza. A ruffled chs train which was based upon Proverbs
g chapel groom.'s mother assisted wearing and half mile dash. tlower hones to the area eget° flus year. A
fell softly from the empire waist- a floor -length gown of silk knit in Although the adult workshop P 17, verse 17: A friend loveth at dance will be sponsored in Octo-
line. Her three -tiered elbow- seafoam color. She wore a for the retarded will be centred in all times". Several ladies parti- ber of this year.
length veil embroidered with gardenia corsage. The brides Hearin aids will not be able to cipated and all joined in singing
g Wingham it will serve persons g Adrian Keet also commented
mother-of-pearl fell from a maternal grandmother, Mrs. from the surrounding area as Pick up the sound from the bal- verses of favorite hymns, chosen on the great success of'the camp -
matching Juliet cap: She carried Joseph Brophy, of Wingham, was well. Since Brussels is within this anced armature -style phone Bell by individuals. out held in July. It was a weekend
an arm bouquet of pink Sweet- an honored guest. service area, the Brussels Busi- Canada plans to install, the Forty-seven signed a birthday that will long be remembered by
heart roses with baby's breath IFor travelling to the east coast ness Assoc. has offered the pro- 'SHA group fears. More in- card of best wishes. everyone in attendance. -Follow -
and fern and trailing knotted the bride changed to a street- ceeds from this event to support formation about the new phone Cake and ice cream were serv- ing some home -movies taken of
satin ribbons. length dress of multicolored poly- the projept - and their support is system is needed, but the group ed With tea and a social time was this weekend the meet' ad -
Miss Julianne King was her ester silk with orange and navy much appreciated by the to aid the physically handicapped enjoyed by all. journed
pister's maid of honor, wearing a accessories. 'Association for the Mentally Re-. voted to oppose the installation of _
pink floor length gown of flocked Before her marriage Patti was tarded. Your attendance at the the phones until Bell ensures the NOW Booking:
polyester crepe with mandarin honored by a miscellaneous rodeo will be sincerely ap- hard of hearing will not be left in
collar and cape. She carried a shower at the home of Mrs. Harry preciated and will be of very real silence- FALL TOUR
basket of cascading pink and Miller given by Mrs. Miller and assistance. Bell was also criticized for pub
white daisy mums. Miss Helen Mrs. Gary Falconer of Tees- lic telephones which are too high
King, also a sister of the bride, water. A coffee party, given by for people in wheelchairs to to
and Misses Kimberley and Tif- Mrs. Thompson Widdis was held McBurney reunion reach. A letter asking for easier
fany Koehler, nieces of the for her in Teeswater. Miss access to the phones will be sent SCOTTS groom, wore identical dresses in Ronnie Graf and Miss Mary BELGRAVE - The McBurney to Bell.
pink and green and carried White also entertained in her reunion was held on Sunday While Bell seems to be keeping
baskets of daisy mums to com- honor in London. This was at- afternoon at the home of Mr. and the handicapped off the phone, OQUAGA LAKE RESORT
plement their dresses. Misses tended by many of her colleagues Mrs. Gordon McBurney. The 51 local arenas are including ramps Deposit, New York
Giselle and Kelly Wall, daughters at St. Joseph's Hospital. people present were from Cass for wheelchairs and accessible
of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Wall of Lon An engagement dinner was City, Michigan, Toronto, London, washrooms and water fountains Departing
don, were the flower girls. They held at the home of the groom's Kitchener, Preston, St. Thomas, in their renovation plans.
wore white dresses with tiny pink parents in Kitchener which was Seaforth, Listowel, Goderich and Mr. McDonald of the Exeter SEPTEMBER 20
flowers and carried small attended by many friends and the Wingham area. Recreational Centre Board .out- - 4 DAYS -
baskets of pink and white relatives of the couple. In the absence of Alex McBurn- lined the plans for the new com-
flowers. The ha ey due to illness, Donald Shiell plex at the last ALPHA meeting. * Deluxe Motor Coach Transportation.
The groom and his attendants couple reside at 22 acted as president for the day. The Exeter complex will have all e 3 Nights Accommodation at Scotts Resort on Lake Oggaga.
wore chocolate brown tuxedos Barret Crescent, London, where Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shiell the above plus a"special area sur- a All Entertainment and Activities supplied by the Scotts.
the groom is employed with were appointed resident and y plexiglass and brown velvet bow ties. Ed United Trust Realty and the bride PPo P rounded b lair lass that will a All Meals during your Stay at the Resort.
ward Bogdanski of Kitchener, at St. Joseph's Hospital in the secretary for next year. Mrs. allow wheelchair spectators to g
James Schefter and Andrew see the action. In addition, Bell
brother of the groom, was best Dialysis Unit.
man, while those ushering were Smith are in charge of sports. will be asked to lower phones for Two Persons Two Persons Two Persons
very short people and people in Twin Beds Tyin Beds Twin Beds
wheelchairs. Share Both With In Best Rooms
Other arena boards have been Next Room Of Lodge
Icontacted and reacted siti4e]
Rhodesian missionary Goderich,Blyth and AtwPoodha a $139.00 $144.00 $149.00 ea.
not replied yet.
speaks at local church The July meeting, held at the For Further information Contact
home of Bert and Helen Soother -
A missionary who served in Some in Corinth were abusing an of Clinton, ended with a barbe-
Rhodesia for 31 years, Rev. Jud- tongues and Paul, under the in- cue.
son Merritt, spoke and showed spiration of the Holy Spirit, Anyone interested in ALPHA
slides of his work there at the strives to correct their self-grati- may call Elaine Townshend in H%� LIDAN
evening service held in the Wing- fying practice. He warns the Clinton 482-3073 or Pat and Ralph
F' Check out our prices first! ham Baptist Church on Sunday. church that the misuse of tongues Watson in Brussels, 887-6236.
- Mr. and Mrs. Merritt worked is selfish, secondary, profitless,
II under the Africa Evangelical meaningless, foolish. He chal- WQ)RLD
Fellowship. "Many thousands lenges them to love.
ARRID CLAIROL COLLATE have died for their faith in the "Some people are not easy to pork Hostess
past ten or 20 years•" he said. love," Pastor Smith said. "How-
("- - _ He mentioned that "commu- ever, because God is love the one
ARRIP Extra Dry Final Net 00 nism is trying to take control and who has the Spirit of God dwel- to be chosen WINGHAM 357-2701
13 A 1181 ; has already done so in many of ling within must work at loving
'-p-P-1, breath Africa's countries, with the help even those who are hard to love. at barbecue
*"Mouthwash MOuthWOSh � of outside force." one who claims a gift of the
s139 ate In closing, he said, "Great Spirit, whether tongues or other, The Huron County Pork Pro -
e Would You Believe
Igo pressures are placed upon Chris- and lacks the love of the Lord for ducers Association will hold its by
��-� tian pastors yet their faithfulness others is surely fooling himself." annual pork barbecue and Pork
9 OZ. 8 OZ• $ 1 9 "' " has borne fruit over the years " Hostess contest in thg, Seaforth
- At the morning service, Pastor Arena on Thursday, August 26.
Johnsen & Johnson's Soo ml, Ross Smith spoke about the day This event always draws large
of Pentecost. Basing his talk in Hold shower for crowds. Last year hundreds had THAT BY TRAVELLING Yes, you could; if you started
GLADE the 14th chapter of Paul's first to be turned away it is advisable at the North Pole.
BABY letter to the Corinthians, he said Lynda Ettinger p y y Duf SOUTH 1 MILE, THEN
to purchase tickets earl as only
PLEDGE "The Word of God lists 16 langu- y 1,300 will be available from the t MILE DUE EAST THEN
Air Freshener ages spoken miraculously by the FORDWICH -Friends and directors. 1 MILE DUE NORTH, ONE
y`I POWDER apostles on the day of Pentecost. neighbours of the fourth line of The Pork Hostess Contest is ex- COULD RETURN TO THE
In1� -Furniture Polish These languages were under- lfowtck gathered at the home of anded this year to includ® mar
1 • stood by those present. The mes- Mrs. Harold Gibson to honor Miss ried women. The contestants
19 $
sage spoken was the message of Lynda Ettinger on her forth- must be between 18 and 35 years
1/ salvation through faith in the comm marriage. of age in June, 1977, when the
6 OZ. r� � �O 6 2 OZ. g g g g N .that there is o straight
�� 14 Oz. shed blood of Jesus Christ, the re- Several contests were enjoyed winner will represent Huron 9
line to real value and friendly
sult being that three thousand and everyone wrote helpful hints County at the Ontario Pork Con E
1 IId 11 h surroundings - the straight
peop a were saved.
Referridg to the book of Acts,
and words of advice in a booklet.
Mrs. Bruce Aala gave an ap-
gress. Batnton s O Mt as w _.
again donated the first prize in S : �- line between your place and
D ' C O
the speaker pointed out that in
the tenth chapter, Gentiles did
the speaking and again they
propriate reading. Miss Ettinger
opened her shower gifts, assisted
by Shirley Anne Miller and Ruth
the form of a beautiful pigskin ours!
Last year Pork Hostess, H4 N1)II:RAFT.4.N )
- _
spoke 'magnifying God' in the
Anne Pehlke. She then thanked
Cathy Madill of Blyth will do the F'1,1)R ER S11W,hl
languages of the people present.
honors and crown the 1976 Pork 1
The Lord used this experience to
Assisting the hostess in serving
Hostess. Anyone eligible can ob- JrwF►hin�
9 m. Weekdays -
Sund s Noon to Six
%haw the Jews that salvation was
lunch were Mrs. Bntce Agla,
twin an entry form from the dir- 11rrr� 1
R inRh,+n,
Open 9 a.m. to p
not for them alone but for the
Mrs. Bruce Sothern and Mrs.
ectors of the Pork Producers As-
Gentiles as well. Claude Martin. sortation.