The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-22, Page 14it
M o
Page 14 --The Wingham Advance -Times, July 22, 1878'
Wroxeter Personals �INGOEVERY
Sportsfest '76 offers ; f Mn. Ross Taman accompanied called at the same home Sunday FRIDAY EVENING
her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Harold evening. at
activities for a I I ages = M �t"wwa andioni at family who a� kenMrs��� �� has
vacationing at Amberley, to the taken up residence in Wingtwm.
Sage reunion in Listowel on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Doug Weber and RECREATIONAL CENTRE
'hie Lake Huron Zone Recrea- munity Centre. Any one wishing - day. Kevin of Walkerton are vacation- 15 REGULAR GAMES
Alan Association has come up with to enter any of the events should Miss Darla Holldryzuk, Tom- ing with bar parents, Mr. and AT $10.00 EACH
a new regional games format for contact her at 881-06M or contact � , to, spent the weekend with her Mrs. Stewart Musgrove.
mufti -sports pcogz am this sum his or her local recreation office. 1 girl friend, Miss Walker and Mrs. Janet Brophy and Mrs. 3 SHARE -THE -WEALTH
a m called is rograt `76 Archery will be held at Han- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker Nora Moffatt attended the GAMES
over. Tennis is scheduled for Ex- at their home here. Teachers' Piano Workshop in
Designed to lure as many chi)- Mrs. Clarence White, Miss London last week. ADMISSION;1'00
dren and adults as possible into eta' and Owen Sound. Horseshoe �:" INCLUDES ONE FREE CARD
sP«4 and recreation, Spatsfest pitching will be at the Watra Re;,, w Lucelle White, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mr. and Mrs. George Allan and
176 will be ted in the form sort, south of Durham. Kinard- Greer, Scott and Cindy of Toronto Sara of Sarnia visited at the Additional cards 25e
IPi end with Mr, and Mrs. Mac
of eight sports activities at sites me District Secondary School will were at their home here for the wee ...._.�___ -- - � >� � k each Or 6 for $1 .00
in the Lake Huron area., Competi- be the site of a table tennis weekend. Allan. Mrs. Allan and Sara were
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith have continuing on oto vacation in ADMISSION RESTRICTED TO
totirnament. For the young +■+ ....i `,
tion is scheduled August 14th and Y 8
.�.. � : ,;,s„ returned from an enjoyable
15� people there's a T -ball tourna- - : , bus Muskoka. "
ment at Palmerston. For the nut- trip to Victoria, B.C., and other ',- - - -
Sportsfest is organized by Jane
places of interest in the Canadian 1
so -young, there's a euchre a _�
Netzke of the Walkerton Com Y g
West and the USA.
tournament at the Ripley Com-
munit Centre and a shuffleboard Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson, DECISION
tournament for the golden-agers 1 " y" '� Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr.
California Cuties at Mount Forest. and Mrs. Reg Watson.
A soccer tournament for boys
Mrs. Gordon Holt, Grey, ac -
con nied b
W'Mrs. David Robin -
'I I of house league calibre will be son, Wroxeter, visited Mrs. Sam
P "1 played at Walkerton. No all-star �, , � teams will be allowed. Robinson at Fordwich Nursing
Wingham BPS Maximum participation is Home.
what recreation people strive for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Higgins and
When "Madam Hilda" struts when they organize any event., : Andrea of Erin were weekend Ottawa, July 13, 1976
onto a softball diamond, it isn't Sportsfest certainly offers this guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
the field that sparkles but the opportunity.Higgins.
owner -manager of the California �p1�9 Margo and Gay Terry of
London are visitingtheir rand-
us,Cutieshwho is playing his (pardon k� g The Canadian Radio -television and Telecommuni-
� mother, Mrs. Nora Moffatt.
us, "her") 28th season with the l � � �� A � � "� ` Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Daille
world famed novelty team. This Segxton fans 17 " " 4' Y' cations Commission announces the following
is the 28th year that the Cali
Cambridge (Galt), visited the decision.
forma Cuties have been on the in Tyke winn latter's mother, Mrs. Edward
road. When "Madam Hilda" is ,,, Gibson over the weekend.
not playing softball "she" (er, I The local Tykes proved giant �.. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Adams
mean he) is hustling a basketball killers as they downed Goderich have returned home following a
team during the winter months. 26-10 in Goderich on Saturday. JANICE RAE, instructor and lifeguard at the Wingham pool, watches as one of her trip as far West as Saskatoon, Decision CRTC 76-420
"Madam Hilda" is the only one of Kevin Saxton on the fnound was swimming students, Mrs. Margaret Pritchard, does a few strokes. Mrs. Pritchard said Sask.
the original players. sensational, striking out 17, and she was taking the course, "For exercise and if I get far enough, for safety, since I have a Don and Gary Beattie, New
"She" moves from pitching going the route for the win. small child." Brunswick, visited Mrs. Nora
mound to right field most of the Goderich jumped into a one -run and Harold Moffatt on Tuesday. WINGHAM, ONTARIO - 750758500.
time. lead in the first but the local boys David and Robert Watson of
The Cuties come to the Wing- bounced back with six big runs in Arizona are spending their
ham Ball Park on Friday, July 30 the second and nine runs in thesummer vacation with their
to face Bob Foxton's Win ham third to gain control of the game. Fun for eh1I ren New lottery grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Reg
g Goderich came u with a big Watson. CKNX Broadcasting Limited
BP's r 8 the Tickets are- avail p g p I a n n ed for Sunda
able from the arena or members five -run outburst in the sixth to 0 . y guests with Mr. and
of the BP's for $1 00 for children close the gap to 16-10 but the Mrs. Allan Griffith were Mr. and
and $1.50 for adults. At the Park Tykes' bats came on strong in theduring program` �Oetober 31 Mrs. Brian Manuel, Mitchell. Application for renewal of its broadcasting licence
the night of the game adults' ad- seventh with 10 big runs for a 1 Mrs. Carl Griffith, Wingham, for CKNX Wingham, Ontario expiring September
mission goes up to $2.00 so gel very convincing 26-10 win. "To provide a learning ex- the recreational camp and in the Harvey McCulloch, Q.C., 30, 1976.
your tickets early. Call 357-9991 at" Hats off to Jeff Moore who perience in an atmosphere of fun winter teaches public schoolers chairman of the Ontario Lottery
the arena or 357-3492, Doug Neil. came up with a big home run, the and enjoyment," i& how Connie gymnastics at F. E. Madill Sec- Corporation, announced at a
only round -tripper of the game Stevenson, playground leader de- ondary School. Marilyn takes news conference that Ontario in -
Robbie Strong and Dave Mont- scribes a summer program set up recreation courses at Fanshawe tends to proceed with a new mil-
gomery both had good success at for Wingham and area children. Community College, London, and lion dollar provincial lottery. Decision: APPROVED
the plate as each canie up with The program involves four is entering her second year this Called "The Provincial" it will
three hits. Other hits for the weeks of playground and one fall. feature five chances at $1 million The Commission renews this licence from October
locals were Pete Keat, a pair of week of day camp. Some of the To date, there are 23 children in and five chances at $1/4 million 1, 1976 to March 31, 1979, subject to conditions
doubles. Kevin Saxton and Mark activities planned are quiet and the summer program. The enrol- and thousands of other prizes.WE' ' I
F oxton each with a double ana a active games, songs, special lment is somewhat disappointing, Tickets will cost $5 each. y= to be specified therein. This period will enable the
single, while Terry Rintoul events like watermelon and particularity after the schedule Commission to consider renewal of this licence at
HAVE pounded out a single. scavenger hunts and drama. was changed to a E. Marshall Pollock, Q.C.,
g appeal to a managing director of the Ontario the same time as those of radio licences in the area.
The Tykes certainly are round- However, no play will be present- younger age group since older Lottery Corporation said, "The
ing into fine form and dishing up ed since there are younger chil- children didn't seem to be inter- first draw of The Provincial will In decision CRTC 71-104, the Commission approved
entertaining ball and now that dren this year with many five and, ested. It still isn't too late to be televised Oct. 31, Halloween an application by the licensee of CKNX to transfer
STUDENTS they have that sweet taste of sev- six year olds.register. Just contact Jim Ward, night. The draws are to take the ownership,of the company to the London Free
eral victories they're going to be Connie is one of three leaders. recreation director, at his office place six times annually, and Press Holdings Limited, owner of CFPL London. The
hard to beat. She worked at a Lucknow play- in the arena for information. dates for subsequent draws will Commission noted in the decision the licensee's
p ground last year and this year at Much enthusiasm and thought be announced later". intention to maintain a substantial) different local.
tended a training session for res- seems to have gone into the pro- ' ,I� 'I j �� I y
Do You SCOUTING NEWS Tickets for the first draw will
reational leaders at Camp gram. One day the children and +� programming service from that provided by CFPL
Menesetun Tamara Hayes, leader may be bus go on sale throughout the pro
,�0 g� Y y y preparing for vinceon Sept. 6, 1976, and it is ex- London. The Commission will expect the licensee to
Wingham and Marilyn Grainger Indian Week and another day the continue to honour its commitment to provide a
.Have Many of our Scouts and Ven- of Gorrie, are the two other children mayhave stories read to pected that between four and five HOWICK NATIVE distinctive local radio service and advertising
turers are working very hard this supervisors. Tamara also went to them. Other activities slated in- million tickets will be issued. g
summer at a variety of obs. The Ontario Lottery Cor George Heinmiller has opportunities in the area it is licensed to serve.
Y j elude a bicycle parade. ration will utilize the existing been. appointed as sales and
Jobs They have a goal of $350 to be The program takes place out- p° g
saved by next summer so that side the pool from 9:30 to 11:30 in system of ticket distribution, servce manager, Fiji, ac -
the may attend the National however, the system will be ex- cording to an announcement Guy Lefebvre
To Be y y Family members the morning and 1:30 to 3rai s, anded to ensure better covers made by CP Air. Mr. Secretary General
Jamboree to be held in Prince P coverage the afternoon. When it rains, y
Edward Island next July. Their travel from area everyone goes to the arena. of the province. Ontario distri- Heinmiller was born on con -
Done? ambition and determination are butors will receive a commission cession two, Howick Town -
to be commended. to Eadie reunion" of three per cent of ticket sales, ship and attended Gorrie
The only qualification requiredBelmore and retailers 5 per cent. Public School and Wroxeter
for this Jamboree is that a boy be BELMORE The Eadie - Projected revenues of "The Continuation School. He is a
a registered Scout or Venturer family reunion was held in the Mrs. Anne Eddleston of Tees- Provincial" are estimated to be son of Mrs. James Worden
and spend two weekends light- Belmore Park on Sunday with a water visited with Mr. and Mrs. about $50 million annually and and the late Aaron Hein- Canadian Conseil de la
Call weight camping. The CJ 77 com- good crowd in attendance. John Rutherford and family on will be used to support medical miller. Mr. Heinmiller will be ' Radio -Television Radio-Teldvision
mittee guarantees that 15,000 Familymembers were resent Sunda research and health related r ponsible for the overall CP
p Y� Commission Canadienne
2����� Scouts and Venturers will not from Holyrood, Kitchener, At- Gilbert Johann and Harvey environmental programs. +r operation in Fiji and the
7 sink the island! wood. Wingham. London and the Darling attended a race in Dela- South Pacific Islands.
Our local theatre will be show- surrounding area. ware on Saturday.
Canada Manpower m the Walt Disney film, "Follow Mr and Mrs Neil Eadie. M-
K Y Mr. and Mrs. Orville Awrey, In 1896, George Washington
Centre for Students ale Boys". this summer. We sin- ,nu viis. Cecil Horton and Mr. Morriston, and Mr. and Mrs. Cormack, an American prospec
1 h
Listowel, Ontano sere y ope that all Scouting and Mrs. Brian Deyell were in George Harkness. Goderich, for in the Yukon, and his two
members will take the time to see charge of this year's program. visited with Robert Harkness and Indian partners Skookum Jim
this excellent film. After an afternoon of games, family on Sunday. and Tagish Charley sampled a
visiting and baseball, a bountiful In Belmore baseball action, the panful of gravel at Eldorado — _ _ �_ ■
smorgasbord supper was enjoy Bantams defeated Formosa 24 creek that was rated about 4000 \ .
ed . 13. The PeeWees defeated Neu- per cent higher than what was , v
The executive to plan the 1977 stadt 34-5 and the Belmore Slow- considered a good prospect.
union will be Mr. and Mrs. pitch team defeated Wroxeter 20- Their discovery brought scores of '
Bruce Colwell and Mr. and Mrs. 18. The local girls' team was de- miners to the Klondike and the
Meet your friends at the Manor Lorne Eadie. feated 14-5 by Harriston. gold rush was underway.
t Goose s
Hotel, Jul 22, 23 and 24 0 r�, ....�.
hear.. .
to the music of
at the
Howick Community Centre
Tickets $3.50 each
— lunch Provided —
For tickets phone
335-3984 or 33S-3422
N -
"� a4
60. v
"SHE'S GREAT AS AN INSTRUCTOR," says Mrs. Audrey Currie about her daughter,
Ansley. Ansley who works at the pool, is teaching her mother and other people how to
swim Herr etches critically as her mother does some practice kicks.
1 I
Wingham 357-2323 Or 11x"11'""'
t' 't
Wingham 357-2323 Or 11x"11'""'
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