The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-15, Page 2I
Advance-Tttlses, July 15, 1m
A number h,om Dere attended Brecebridge, Callander, NII6 Mr. Robinson.
theraangse Parade Saturday in Bay, sad Pates► sound Mr, and Mrs. Jim Douglas,
Greg and Pat# rehrmd !mese
Mrs. fart Huukw et 5ltratbroy Mr. and Mrs- Jw Mcinnes and Saturday h'om a week's vacation
and Mrs. Glenford Rome out Sea- family spent Sunday at Heraing at Port Elgin•
forth spent Sunday with their Milia and attended the Hardman The sympathy of the com-
cousin, Mrs. Crosby Sotheran. reunion- munity goes to Mr. and Ira's.
Miss Vicki Leppington at Gor- Mrs- Wadley Downey, Mark Gordon Stalnecker in theath
ne spent the weekend with Mr. and Kim of Capas, Michigan,st laweek of the latter'$ sister,
and him. Gerald D'Areey and called on Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mrs. Verna Gernhaelder at Mil-
: girls. Stinson last Friday evening. verton.
+ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons
Orillia spent a couple of days 14M spent the weekend in Mississauga
week with Mrs. Dora Ridley, with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wild -
Mrs. Rauw, Gary fang Paul
t�� Age of majority
Hanover visited Sunday with Mr -turned
and Mrs. Anson Demerling. spending the past week here with o- o% •-A -1 -
,l Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs- Jim Doffs, fir, Paul Roy Simmons. for liquor store s
and Greg attended the Commer- Mrs. "Alex Wray is a present
cial Horsemen's picnic at Maple confined to Scarborough General Consumer Minister Sidney,
Del Park, Shelburne on Sunday. Hospital where she underwent Handleman has announced that
Mrs. A. B. Lindsay of Toronto major surgery last week, liquor store employees have been
is spending a couple of weeks' Ken Graham is again confined told to accept only official. age of
holidays with her sister, Miss to ListOWel Memorial Hospital. majority cards as identification
Ruth Johnston. The sympathy of the com- where there is any doubt about
^. ti Mrs. Bruce Sothern accom- munity goes to Mrs, Sam Robin the age of prospective youthful
paned Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weber son and to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rob- Purchasers.
and family of Palmerston to inson in the death last week of As far as I'm concerned, no
other form of identification cur-
x" P rently in use is suitable or accept-
able," Mr. Handleman said. "A
.� Library brar d'iver's license or social security
Huron County
rY \` deasily majority card as
the age of in-
A� t
bearer. s a photograph of the
offers comedy classie s
Application forms for the cards
If you're looking for entertain- borrowed through any branch of are available at Liquor Control
ment, Huron County Library has the Huron County Libary or by Board of Ontario outlets,
THEY LOVE 'EM ALL—The Stephen Thornton family of Gorrie could hardly believe it it! Last week the library received phoning 524-7751. There is a Brewers Retail stores, most
when their family pet Snoopy, just over a year old, gave birth to her first litter. It wasn't a deposit of 12 comedy classic service charge of $1.00 per reel. licensed premises and by a writ -
the fact she was going to have puppies that surprised the family - they were expecting that films from Midwestern Regional For film makers, Kitchener ten or telephone request to the
blessed event. What did surprise them was the number - 13. The Thorntons plan on Library System. These include Public Libary is sponsoring a Liquor Board of Ontario.
keeping about three. Shown with Snoopy and her offspring above are the Thornton such well-known stars as Charlie Film Festival open to anyone 14 The procedure for obtaining
children, from left, Jeremy 5, Jennifer 6, and Jeffrey 8. (Staff Photo) Chaplin, W. C. Fields, Laurel and years of age and over, holding a age of majority cards is similar
Hardy and the Little Rascals. valid library card. Entrants must to applying for a passport. Com-
These ever -popular films can be operate their own projection and pleted applications, bearing the
sound equipment during the pre- signature of a guarantor, must be
R. W. BELL Increase s ery i ee s for selection and final judging. There returned together with a pass -
are three categories for both 16 port -size photograph and a $2 fee.
OPTOMETRIST the mentally retarded • • mm and 8 mm film, fictional- The staff at all liquor stores has
Y New minister narrative; documentary-impres� been instructed to provide as-
GODERICH sionistic and animation. Entries sistance to individuals who re -
The Square 524-7661 A growing network of services opmental handicaps, an infant • will be accepted August 2 to 16. quire help in completing the
to encourage community living stimulation program and further guest (it meeting Final judging will be made on forms, Mr. Handleman said.
for Ontario's mentally retarded developmental work can lead to- August 26 by well known pro- More than 7,000 of the cards,
Shop people has received a recent ward gradual integration into the • • ducer Elwy Yost. which were Ontario
boost from the Ministry of Com- regular school system. of Sr. Citizens The overall winning 16 mm film in 1973, have been issued to date.
munity and Social Services. With "With enough community sup- will be purchased by Kitchener Initially, the cards were intended
public support, the Ministry port — much of it temporary — FORDWICH — The Senior Citi- Public Library and the 8 mm by to Provide proof of age in licensed
at the hopes to create during the cur- parents can keep their children at zens held their July meeting in Midwestern Regional Library. establishments.
rent fiscal year a broad range of home, and handicapped adults the form of a pot luck smorgas- Winners of other categories will
community community programs for the can live fuller, happier lives," bord supper in the Fordwich Hall, receive the new National Film
mentally retarded, including Mr. Taylor said. July 5. The hall was decorated Board book, "Between Friends".
with flowers, each table centred
provision for an additional 1,000 wInterested film makers should
money mart accommodation places, 155 de- Projects recently approved with a rose bowl. contact their library for further
velopmental day care places, 775 include a summer program for Rev. Thomas Fleetham, United details and registration forms.
workshop and training places, 57 children in Kapuskasing, a Par- Church minister was a guest and
community support projects and ent Relief project in Oshawa, opened the supper with the bless-
62 protective service workers. Recreation programs in Sudbury ing. After supper Wray Cooper,
Save ... invest ... borrow These programs are designed to and Woodstock and Life Skills the president, conducted 'a brief
serve a new population in addi- projects in Thunder Ba Corn- business
... secure — it will pay you tion to some 7,000 people now be- wall and Parry Sound,
y period.L-
everyway to make Victoria ing served in community pro- In Timmins, a program plan- Announcement was made of
and Grey your one-stop grams. ner is being hired to assess needs the Zone 33 picnic in Wingham on
money centre. Hon. James Taylor recently and coordinate services for the July 21, each person to take a box
announced his Ministry's approv- handicappedlunch and beverage. Plans were
al of 12 such community in the community. made to procure a bus for the
Eighty-seven years of y pro acts Humber College in Metropoli- g po
experience is at your in the province. "These are part tan Toronto is being funded to de -
of a much larger commitment to velop an Infant Education Pro- Wray Cooper and Mrs. William Ab
service to help you get the assist mentally handicapped peo- ject, and the Oshawa District As- Filson will be a committee to ar-
most for your money. ple to integrate into the com- sociation for the Mentally Re- range a bus trip to some place of
Yesterday ... todaymunity at their own rate," he tarded is running a Summer interest'
... said. Work orientation project for 30 New group leaders were ��
Victoria and Grey. "We need to bridge the gap be- students. chosen, Mrs. Edwin Dietz, Mrs,
jJJ�J1�J� slid tween living in an institution and In Owen Sound, the Association William Wilson, Mrs. Clarence
�/l going out into the community." for the Mentally Retarded is de- McLaughlin and Mrs. Florence
Mr. Taylor explained. "Many veloping a model plan for provid- Wilson. It was voted to give the �e rboa• dpro
older children and adults will ing transportation for the handi- community hall board $200 to as- Ices
GRLT pass through life -skills and work- "capped in a rural setting. sist with payment of oil and hy-
`s training programs into the main- Kirkland Lake's Association dro' �' •
TRUST COMPANY $tNf'F 1ee9 stream of normal living. Others for the Mentally Retarded have The entertainment committee
Main St. E., Listowel will need a sheltered environ- received funding for a develop- conducted several contests after
D. N. Lefebrve, Mgr. ment in which to develop their mental program providing ment- which a few games of euchre
potential." al and physical fitness to the Fere enjoyed bringing the even -
For young children with devel- mentally retarded, ing to a close.
Variety and Gift Shop
a,r,, A
$105 jackpot won
of Howick bingo •
Regular game winners at, the
Howick Lions' Bingo were Vi
Sacks, Hanover, Tena Gardner,
Lucknow, Mrs. Derbecker and
Mrs. ReiW, both of Wingham;
Wendy March, Scarborough;
Janet Hammer, Harriston; Mrs,
Copeland, Harriston; Sarah An-
stett, Wingham; Ruby Paylor,
Palmerston; Mrs. Strauss, Mild- GIVE YOUR FEET „
may; Mrs. Bill Boyd, Gorrie; Bill
Upper, Listowel; Ruby Payloe, SOME LOVE! �xa//
Palmerston; Mrs. Reihl, Wing- c
ham; Mrs. Hamilton, Listowel; >
Mrs. Derbecker, Wingham; Mrs,
Atcheson, Wingham; Margaret `� ' ' FOOT
Edgar, Wroxeter; Mrs. Fin- e
negan, Wingham and Janet Ham- , 1 ,
mer, Harriston. ;,
First share the wealth went to }1
Mrs. Beatty, Listowel, $40.00;
second share the wealth went to I
IsabelTiffin, Lucknow; Mrs. Dry Powder
Schill, Formosa and Patsy Theo-
dorff, Listowel, S38-oo- Affw 6 oz. only
The $25.00 special went to Compare at
Arthur Hendrich, Waterloo and $198 $
Mrs. Arthur Hendrich also of
Waterloo. a,s„. pa -'p
The Stand Up Bingo winner
was Doris Hueston, Atwood. A National
Jackpot of $105.00 went to Jennie Brands
Middleton, Listowel. Margaret
Riley, Wingham won the lap card
and Mrs. Kauffman, Listowel
won the art game, of $5.
Door Prizes went to Bill Upper,
Listowel; Mrs. Huber Mildmay;
Arthur Hendrick, Waterloo and
Rita Hazelgrove, Wingham.
Lucky Draws went to Mildred
Coupland, Wroxeter; Mrs.
Moyer, Mildmay; Olive Lewis, •
Wingham and Margaret Adams,
READS JULY 9-e-7.6
Advance -Times
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