The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-15, Page 12a .
Pe 3--.7b* Wiqgbam Advance -Times, July 15, 1976
Belgrave Personals
lbrDonald Vincent of Members of the evening unit of
tit m vilow, N.B., returned home the United Church Women and
ars gatwday atter spending a two their husbands enjoyed a social
warms, vseation with their par- evening and barbecue last Wed-
seb, ilflly. WAk Mrs. George Web- nesday evening at the home of
Aw clod Mr. and Mrs. Harald Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of
vhymt. /bey also visited with Wroxeter.
other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Cliff Logan spent a couple
Harold Vincent returned with of days with Mr. and Mrs. Barry
them for a few days. Logan and family of Oakville.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Edger reunion Zurbrigg of RR 2, Clifford.
A number from this area at-
BELGRAVE — The annual tended the celebration of the
Edgar reunion was held on Sun- Glorious Twelfth on Saturday in
day in the Wingham Riverside St. Marys. Brother Athol Bruce
Park piped for Belgrave LOL 462, it
Mr. and Mrs. Niel Edgar and being his 64th consecutive walk.
Mrs. Edward Daer conducted a Brother Rev. H. Pillen, deputy
lively program of sports for both grand chaplain of the GOL of
yang and old, which was follow- Canada, of Plattsville, was the
ed by a smorgasbord supper. guest speaker.
After the supper a short busi- Rev. J. Ray and Mrs. Anderson
ness meeting was held by presi- of Ottawa spent a few days last
dent Brian Ireland. Officers for week with their daughter and
the coming year are, president, son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Lewis Stonehouse; secretary- Plant.
treasurer, Mrs. Alvin Mundell; Mrs. James Lamont and Don -
sports, Mr. and Mrs. Niel Edgar elda visited last Tuesday after -
and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daer. noon with her mother, Mrs. Win
It was decided to hold the 1977 nue Vincent of Blyth. Also visiting
reunion at the same park the sec- at the same home were Mr. and
and Sunday in July.
Mrs. Lorne Harmer of St. Marys,
a sister of Mrs. Vincent.
Those present were from Blue-
vale, Teeswater, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell,
Petrolia, Blyth, Belgrave and Douglas and Dianne visited
Wingham. Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hibberd.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wojczyk
Constipated? and son John of Garson called on
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coultes one
Chew Feen-A-Mint. It's a chewing day last week.
gum laxative that's gently effective. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smart of
And pleasant tasting. It's one laxative Waskada, Man., were guests at a
everyone can take So don't suffer Stonehouse family gathering in
from Irregularity Reach for a the Women's Institute Hall on
gemle laxative. Saturday evening. Those present
feen-A-Mint. Natural/ were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Pletch, Mr. and Mrs- Brian Mac-
Kay of Galt, Mrs. Alan MacKay
Feen"a� and Tracey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Walker of Wingham, Mr. and
XATIVt Mrs. William Coultes and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coultes and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Coultes, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
look- neighbour .. .
IRugged Butler VII
silage distributor-unloader
pours silage out fast,
i cuts level, top to bottom.
Power ring drive, no weights.
But don't take -our word .for it.
Ask a neighbour who owns Butler.
Lynn Lowry Farm Equipment Ltd.
Route 1, Kincardine, Ontario
PHONE: 519-395-5286
Federal Progressive Conservative Leader
Monday.July 19
Orange Shillelagh,
Vanastra, Ontario
Reception from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Dancing from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a. m.
Tickets are available from the
local chairman
Come down and meet Mr. Clark
Sponsored by:
Huron -Middlesex P.C. Federal Association
AN OLD HAT and an old shirt had to be brought along to Caramel Day, Thursday of last
week at the pool. Joelle Reavie, Andrea Mill and Archita Ghosh show off their fashionable
headgear and bright smiles.
Be n ar d
to rent
grant request for the Blyth
Centre of the Arts was tabled.
was the seconder that Bryan
In other matters there was a
W. h farm
tax rebate of 111.1 assessment
on buildings and By-law 7 was
authorizing the sale of
nent employee. Also in the area of
part 2 of Lot 70, Plan 9 of the
labour, Councillor Cranston
Township of Morris. -
Starting November 1, Bruce
crease the wage rate of grader
Monthly accounts paid totalled
Raynard will be allowed to rent
operators from $4.25 to $4.50 per
$31,403.81, $16,864.37 for roads
the workable portion of the farm
and $14,539.44 under general ac -
owned by West Wawanosh Town-
On motion of Councillors
ship, part of Lot 13, Con. 13 for
Stothers and Cranston, general
one dollar per acre per year for
accounts totalling $2,412.17, were
The president, Ross Procter,
five years. The decision was
made at the West Wawanosh
passed for payment. Largest
figure under the total was $1,700
township council meeting held
paid to Gamsby and Mannerow
early Procter historical events
We have
Tuesday, July 6 at the Public Ltd. for engineering on the Mil -
Works Garage. All members at- lian Drain.
tended with Reeve Lyons pre- Road accounts, passed for pay -
siding. ments amounted to $35,117.58, the Como
At the beginning of the session, two largest expenditures being
the minutes of the June meeting $18,710 to Jennison Construction
were read and adopted, subject to Ltd. for crushed gravel and
amendment of the motion that $3,389.48 to the Township of Col -
the township purchase property borne for the boundary account.
from Delmar Sproul, by adding
"subject to approval by the Mini- ENJOY
stry of Transportation and Com- SUMMER BAR B-C� TIME
munications." Family members WITH CO-OP
Councillor Foran made the
motion and Councillor hickey
attend reunion
was the seconder that Bryan
Gammie be accepted as a perma-
The 45th annual Procter re-
nent employee. Also in the area of
union was held Sunday at the Bel -
labour, Councillor Cranston
grave Institute Hall with 69 sign -
made the motion and Councillor
ing the register. A social time
Foraq seconded that By-law 8 be
was enjoyed by the adults while
passed to amend By-law 1 to in
the children enthusiastically par-
Councillors McDowell and Vin-
ticipated in several sporting
cent made a motion that the
registered plans regarding de-
East Wawanosh
The president, Ross Procter,
158-165, East Wawanosh Town-
gave a very interesting talk on
v�i,P JO
mill rates up
early Procter historical events
chester be approved. The plan
and displayed a piece of wood
Mill rates for residents in the
from the beech tree under which
the first two Procter brothers
Township of East Wawanosh are
port at 8 p.m. and the Workman
up from last year due to an in-
camped for their first night in
crease in education levies. The
Morris Township. The stump of�3
1976 budget was adopted at the
this tree, which must be 200 years
council meeting held Tuesday,
old, still remains.
f0 C
July 6.
Following a delicious lunch
4 =m
Based on budget estimates for
served by the committee An
I '•` �"
1976 the total mill rate for busi-
charge, the president conducted
ness and commercial, including
a short business meeting.
= `: t
county, township and schools is
Bride from Maitland and Engi-
124, up from 115 mills in 1975. For
Officers for 1977 are: president,
Alvin Procter; vice-president,
10 LB.
farm and residential, the total is
108 mills, compared to 100 in 1975.
Frank Procter ; • secretary-treas-
For separate school supporters
urer, Bob Thomas; sports com-
total mill rate was set at
mittee, Douglas Procter,
112.245, increased from 103.359 in
Cameron Procter, Edna
1975. Business and commercial
Stephens; lunch committee,
for Auburn is 101.043, a fairly
Maxine Procter, Sandra May -
large jump from 91.441 of last
berry, Helen McBurney, Laura
year. Farm and residential is
89.013 up from 80.086 mills. Charcoal Briquettes
A by-law was passed to regu- Now is the time for the backyard chef to stock up on
late the running at large or tres- charcoal briquettes. Grille Time briquettes are priced
passing of cattle within any area �ourtS too lax low enough at CO-OP to enable the barbecue fanatic
of the municipality or upon any to stock up for the entire summer! ........ 512-996
Building permits were ap-
say Morris Twp
proved and issued to Neil Vin
cent, Murray Vincent, William
council members
Versteeg, S. Siertsema, Norman
Coultes, G. Walker, Bruce
Morris Township Council has
Brothers and E. Schultz, subject
endorsed a resolution from the
to the approval of the Ministry of
own of Trenton condemning
Environment and J. Currie.
light court sentences. The en -
Councillors McDowell and Vin-
dorsement occurred at the regu-
cent made a motion that the
registered plans regarding de-
lar meeting Monday, July 5.
velopment of lots 142-149 and lots
Concern is still evident about
158-165, East Wawanosh Town-
drains. Robert Grasby moved a
ship and police village of Man-
motion that the revised report on
chester be approved. The plan
the Thomas Drain be considered
had been presented by Don
at 7:30 p.m., the King Drain re-
4 -Piece
McCauley, Auburn.
port at 8 p.m. and the Workman
Council agreed that East
Drain report 9 p.m. on Tuesday,
Wawanosh landfill site receive
July 20 James Mair moved that
garbage from Auburn for six
by-law No. 8 be passed as read
weeks. Beginning January 1,
the first, second and third times,
1977, Auburn will be permitted to
imposing a special rate under the
bring garbage to the site for two
Tile Drainage Act 1971.
months annually.
Two tile drain loan applications
During the meeting Andy Mc -
cc ted b council a live-
Bride from Maitland and Engi-
This Thursday to
Saturday look over our
selection of souvenirs.
Check out the great
savings on them on our
"Sidewalk Sale" table.
Bug Killer Aerosols lila-Por 289
Insect Killer. Kills insects Fly Strip 08
in the home and outside on Protects enclosed spaces
flowers and vegetables. of up to 1,000 cu. ft. for up to
275-002 — 11 oz... $2.19 4 months. Kills flies, gnats,
mosquitoes, etc. Great for
Fly 1!i Mosquito Killer. milk room, barn, home or
Controls flying and crawl- the cottage. .... 220-999
ing insects inside the home.
275-004 — 13 oz... $1.99
Charcoal 419
Lighter ea.
Here's convenience! Elec-
tric charcoal lighter fea-
tures steel guard,
moisture -resistant cord,
heavy-duty plastic handle
and alloy sheath
element. ....... 575-304
60 or 160 Watt
Bug Lights
Great for backyards, patios
and cottagesduring the bug
season! Yellow bulbs will
not attract bugs the way or-
dinary bulbs do.
587-169 — 2/pk.... $1.29
587-129 — 2/pk.... $1.10
A set the serious barbecuer
just can't afford to be without!
Set includes chrome -plated
hamburger turner, basting
brush, barbecue fork and bar-
becue tongs ... all with sturdy
and colourful plastic handles
with heat guards. . 575-191
Floodlight Kit 1.7 ea.
Long Life Quartzline Bulb.
Quartz light produces more
light per watt than regular
incandescent PAR 8 R
Lamps (almost same total
light as two regular 150
WATT PAR or R incan-
descent). ... r .. 587-200
Bug Killer 1449085
Attracts photo -sensitive in-
sects such as mosquitoes,
black flies and moths by a
safe ultra -violet black light
to an electronically charged
grid............ 540-092
were a ep y I Farm Pace is a special pace available only to those farmers qualified under the Federal Sales a Fxc se Tax Laws to purchase Mems used for
stock claim of $28.50 was paid to neering Services and a number of agricultural purposes on tax and/or ditty exempt bans This must be supported by the filing of a valid end user certificate at the time of purchase
Ralph Scott regarding poultry ratepayers were present to dis-
and Livestock Valuer E. Snell cuss the type of repair desired on
was paid fees of $5.45. the Rintoul Dr; in
Councillor McDowell made BEL�RAVE BRANCH ��-6as3
motion and Councillor Curriea There were two items of buss 357-2711
seconded that road accounts of ness centering around Blyth.
$4,845.98 and general accounts of Bruce Richmond was appointed
$2,070.0.5 be paid. The motion was as the Morris representative to
carried. the Blyth' Arena Committee and a