HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-08, Page 4.w1 t ,' THE ADVAnCIE----- - --- I ------------ --—Timis ---------­------- c�­____.­ .... -1-..-1------ A p page of editorial opinion Thursday, July 8 f luck TODAY'S CHILD ers o e or Besto net hbour' J v THE PRICE OF BEEF 3—Ail taxpayers in Turnberry, money asked for. Many WinSham Last Sunday, July 4, the United States of revelations of Watergate — but let usnever BY HELEN ALLEN IS NOT HIGH however do NOT ince the recrea- residents swim and picnic here at America entered its third century as a nation forget that the Americans had the courage to tion facilities in Wingham. no coat and maybe enjoy it more RR -- the most powerful and influential nation admit the rottenness which had crept into 1 Wroxeter Accuexampleof two other widely than poo highly organized ewfm- the world has ever seen. Because most their national leadership and to dig but its July 2.1876 used recreation facilities are Bel- come pool. We feel they are Also Canadians live within three hours' drive of roots. The Canadian alternative might have �� �• � more and Howick. These centres come to use these facilities. Also Chris is an interested, interesting bov, just turned 11 and In your paper of June 24 18761 provide hockey, ball and swim- some Wingham people enjoy roll - the long, undefended border with the been to cover it up. eager for a family to belong to. Black and white in descent, he is read an article entitled "15 cattle ming for many Turnberry resi- er skating, ice skating, dancing Americans we, more than any other people Americans make a big noise about their a handsome lad with dark eyes and black curly hair He is proud found in Appleby barn". in this dents. No requests for operating etc. in other arenas, without a on earth, have the best reasons to appreciate elections — but the average American of his black identity and wotild like a black family where he will article you wrote the price of beef costs have been made from these surcharge. It is a two-way street. their good points. believes in personal involvement in the be the oldest or the only cI was high nowadays. I am a beef centres. Here is where our prob- if, however Wingham finds they No Canadian writer has to be a Gordon process of democratic government. The An excellent student, ii grade five where he has farmer's wife and I can assure lem arises. cannot mad operating costs, then Sinclair to recal l American generosity to the Canadian way is usually to sit back and let consistently high marks. t.,,er says he has the ability to you the price of beef is not high. It Tax money comes from every those using k should pay for it. poor nations of the world. American dollars someone else get excited — and then grouse work on his own and reports he has ''a bright and inquisitive is 12 cents a pound lower than a . taxpayer in the township not just We feel that recreation should be .gave been poured out for 30 ears to aid about the town council, the intelligence " 1?aY P y provincial Chris is now living in a small treatment centre for children Year ago at this time. It coats a from those using Wingham's left up to individual communities those who did not possess her wealth of legislators or the MPs in Ottawa. with emotional problems. They have been largely resolved and farmer around 50 cents a pound facilities. to pay its own way either by do - material goods; American scientists have Canadians, because they live so close to he is ready to leave, if only he had a family to go to. He attends a to produce the meat he gets 40 A great many of our residents nation, volunteer help or charges led the race, not only to the atomic bomb, but and are so deeply influenced by the United community school and is involved to sports outside the centre cents a pound for when he ships donate not only money but volun- to those using the facilities. to the moon and beyond; American soldiers States, of America, are inevitably its most Good at games, he plays hockey, floor hockey and baseball. He it. On a 1,000 pound steer that is a teer a great deal of their time to If the community doesn't sup - have died on the soil of Asia in the sincere constant critics. However, the rest of the is keenly interested in music and fond of reading, loss of $100 and on 100 head that is make ice, paint on lines, scrape port these projects maybe the belief that they could protect their country — world should know that criticism is not born Chris, though appearing self-assured, lacks confidence in a loss of $10,000. and flood ice all winter in order to facilities should be closed for a and' ours —from the threat of communist of hatred. It is the natural beefing to be himself, so he needs parents who will give him• along with their Unless the farmer soon starts love, the feeling that he is a very worthwhile person. us keep down expenses and thus season, then the parents and domination. The fact that the experiment expected between members of the same To inquire about adopting Chas. please write to Today's getting a fair return for his in- their recreation, pays its own young people might appreciate failed detracts not a whit from their personal family. Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 8811, vestment beef will become way. them more and make them suc- heroism. When it comes right down to the fine Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2 In your letter tell something of your scarce and it will be considered The same applies in stunner cessfull in the future. Some in Canada have been self- point, we in Canada really mean it when we present family and your way of life high priced. Unfortunately the in- for roller skating and ball dia- It appears it is the larger com- righteously gleeful over the shocking say, "Happy birthday Uncle Sam." For general adoption information, contact your local crease in price will have come too monds— allvolunteerlabourand munities of Huron County that Children's Aid Society. late to be of any good to the far- supervision with no paid direct- have poor attendance at hockey mer who sold opt because the re- ors. Because these taxpayers do- and ball games etc.' and little turns were not making him and nate their time in order to keep parent involvement. We feel tax - his famil a decent living. Y ng• costs down and community spirit dollars, be it from rural mtulici- I hope you are more careful in high, does the council have the palities or Huron County will not future articles on beef. right to spend their tax dollars for solve these problems, only make Wasteful htime Yours tru ly, recreation in another communi- for less local interest and partici- . Mrs. Lynda Fitch ty? pation. Government involvement We believe it is a fact that any in education and health have in - There is some significance to the that religious holiday on December 25. No time you give of your time as well creased costs and taken control observation of Remembrance Day on person has known for the last 1976,years the RECREATION— as money it is appreciated even away from the local people. November 11. The armistice which brought exact date of Christ's birth. The JulianNECESSITY OR LUXURY more. For these reasons Wing- Do the residents of Huron an end to the hideous slaughter of the first calendar, by which we still measure our ham's recreation committee's County want more County offices World War became effective at the eleventh time, had been in use for only 46 years when RR 2, Wingham, request for money was turned and employees? Why not leave down by Turnberry Township recreation with the local trom- hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh the first Christmas occurred and it is July 2,1976 p council. mttnity where it belongs? month in the year 1918. That fact is engraved probable that Jewish history disdained the JJIj Turnberry Taxpayers, Wingham The taxpayers of TbYoursrespectfull on many (but ever fewer) minds. use of the conqueror's system yin any case. Citizens and Interested People of Turnberry y� No such valid reason, however, justifies Why not celebrate Christmas on the second Huron County. provide and maintain the Turn- Don Eadie, berry Park with no outside Jackson Dunkin retaining the first of July as a national last Friday in December—or the second last" holiday. It's true we became a nation on July Sunday? New Year's, marking the beginning Dear Editor: 1 1, 1867. It may be just as true that July 1st in of a new twelve-month period, would still Many people in public office q, that year fell on a Monday — so why not have to move about.. v ` ' are reluctant to make any state celebrate the national birthday on the first ment or decisiowthat may draw Monday in July — or the first Saturday, or Admittedly the day of the week on which criticism. With regard to the What's new at whatever? That's the way we handle what a holiday is celebrated may be immaterial to above topic, and for the benefit of repre- used to be the 24th of May, Civic Holiday, many, but to business people, employers and the taxpayers which we pinion • Labor Day and Thanksgiving Day. employees who work on a regular schedule sent, we believe our opinion should be voiced at this time: Huronvievv • Another floating holiday is Christmas these floating holidays are an expensive and and there is even less reason to celebrate terribly inconvenient pain in the neck. 1—All taxpayers in Turnberry The house at the Home pay towards Wingham and Dis- trict High School and Wingham during Senior Citizens' Week was The Clinton Centennial Band and District Hospital; quite successful with 390 senior played for a concert on the lawn 2—All taxpayers in Turnberry citizens registering. on Family Night. The weather contribute towards Wingham The residents appreciated the cleared just in time and many of Rural Fire Dept. and when visitors very much as it gave the residents were able to be out- -necessary necessary call for their help and them an opportunity to see many doors while those who were inside Sickening demonstration are grateful for the volunteer of their friends. Many thanks to -were able to ' see and hear the firemen; the Huronvie'w Auxiliary who band from the west windows. were responsible for the registra- Mrs. Storey is the new leader of Television viewers have no doubt sons and brothers died under similar tion and to all of the residents and the band and we wish her every already seen the promotional advertising circumstances. We haven't seen the moviestaff who helped in so many ways success in this very helpful pro - In brief... during the week. jest in any community. shots fora movie called "Eat My Dust" and would not do so for any price, but it is The Brussels Friendship Club which is appearing at some theatres in this probable that the drivers of those crashing had dinner s theHomeonFriday area. Though the spots last only about 15 cars somehow emerge as heroes. It not, at and joined the residents for an seconds on the TV screen they are enough to least the film will pay homage to their daringINSTRUCTION AT afternoon of bingo. turn any adult's stomach. and thus provide another push for aNews. O the -Nation Fifty members of the Seaforth HOWICK POOL The colorful action scenes with a maniac generation of young drivers who have yet to Happy Citizens' Club visited the GORR1E—The Howick Lions at the wheel of a car smashing through acquire the caution of maturity. Volunteer labour helped to bluntly refused to discuss it with Montreal only if cleared b Home on Saturday and after din Swimming Pool in Gorrie is the roadblocks and over cliffs to finally explode Y y y nem sponsored dismantle the condemned Tees- reporters. unanimous agreement of a Mrs.E Elizabeth afternoon of scene of much activity with 250 in searing flame depict not entertainment We have enough young hot-rodders water arena, which was well The controllers and pilots three-man inquiry and a Com games- Mrs. Elizabeth Scott won pupils taking lessons in July. but horrid suffering and death. squealing their way around the intersections below the safety standards called off work stoppages which mons vote free of party disci- the prize for the eldest lady euch- Peter Hilbert of Wingham is Those pictures must be unbearable to of our towns and blasting their cars over established under. the National had grounded most air traffic for plines. French-speaking air traf- re player and John McCallum the instructor and assisting are the parents and 'friends .of the many highways and country roads without adding Building Code. Tangible financial nine days after Transport Mini- fic controllers in Quebec then was the winner for the men. Kendra MacDonald of Tees - youngsters in our own community who are the spice of heroism to their youthful lack of rewards came from selling of ster Otto Lang said bilingual air created a stoppage in support of Dick Roorda led the Sunday water, Heather Neilson, Karen suffering the agonies of knowing that their judgement. scrap materials from the 28 -year- control would be introduced at Marchand's resignation. evening song service sponsored Hyndman and Joanne Sanderson, old arena which is expected to net by the Clinton Christian Reform- all of Gorrie. about $40,000 toward a new community centre. A fund drive to raise half the estimated The red face of Canada $00at 5111212,,000,, cost now stands while plans for a new , concrete and steel arena and Can you remember when your mother contracts has resulted in criminal charges auditorium are already being whacked you smart) right after the rests a ainst several prepared by Whitney Construc a y y g g g prominent figures who will had left, that time when you paraded all your go on trial as soon as the visitors to the tion Ltd. of Brampton. The experiment of volunteer worst qualities for the visitors to see. Your Olympics have left. labour has helped to build a great + . ,mother was not only embarrassed —she was Living quarters in the multi-million community spirit, Ron Hill, s angry. dollar Olympic Village are so crowded that chairman of the building con- That's, the way a lot of vs in Canada feel some athletes plan to live in the nearest US mittee for the new centre, said t . , as we approach the '76 Olympic Games in communities and commute daily to the the firm hopes to have the new Montreal. We are angry with politicians, Games. Hostesses hired weeks ago to assist arena and hall completed in time r' contractors, builders, workmen and finally the visitors have quit because working for the annual Teeswater Fair with the Ottawa government. conditions are so rotten. The infield sports October 9. The Olympic Games — the finest area in the gigantic stadium is flooded every t►--a—o;� k s, <• z:::� opportunity we have ever had to tell the time it rains. i world what a fine nation we are, will, or And now the last straw. The Canadian Olympic hostesses appear to ;:� y, already have demonstrated that we possess government refuses to let athletes from have been misled about the t a collection of deceitful, petty and Taiwan compete as "Chinese" over some quality of their jobs at the << i ill-behaved g y Olympic site in Montreal and juveniles. There is nothing technicality in our laws, instead of leaving many are prepared to quit rather f s :, wrong with the Games and the dedicated the decision to the International Olympic than endure the recent pay cut, t' athletes who compete, nor with the high Committee. Plain picky — in exactly thelack of facilities and misleading i principles of international good will they same spirit as the African nations which information about job duties and represent. But there is something seriously threaten to withdraw from the Games if New benefits. Mrs. Linda Abed, who " wrong in the host country. Zealand is not excluded — because New has quit her job, complains that Beset from the very beginning by deceit Zealand plays soccer or cricket or something the hostesses have an unpaid h f t .t and selfishness, the cost estimates have in the same league as South Africa. hour for lunch and must eithe climbed to /four or five times the original Montreal, -the only city in Canada which use vending machines in a figures — a miscalculation of criminal will benefit in any way from long-term special area, spend $8.75 for }'.. ! proportions. Proudly acclaimed as Mont- residuals after the Games are over, brings lunch and $9.75 for dinner at the ' {' veal's build-up jo her finest hour, Montreal out its annual budget without one cent Villiage buffet• or bring a bag workmen were so fiercely proud of their allowance for the 5200 million share of lunch for which there is no city's reputation that they did their best at Olympic deficit assigned to it by the refrigerator provided. Mrs Abed every turn to make sure the facilities would government of Quebec. said, "We're always supposed to ' a: not be ready on time. Obviously we can never again afford look fresh but we have no change Questionable business conduct on the another Jean Drapeau! O Canada! We blush or shower rooms -- only 20 _ t part of some who were involved in building deep red for thee. lockers for 200 girls at the Vil- lage. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES t - Prime Minister Trudeau ac- Published at Wingham, (hitarb, by Wenger Bros. limited cepted the resignation of .Jean Marchand, a member of cabinet q f Barry Wenger, President Robert O. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer and a power in federal politics for i 4 10 years. The resignation is due to ```':``':`.:.'•`" - �' ' ` Member Audit Bureau of Circulations the disagreement over the ar- _ t rangement with English langu- _ ti : + 3 ; Member —Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. t r...:; age air -controllers over the use of " '"' ' '" ' Quebec airs Mr. Trudeau confirmed • he�"d "ace. Sub'acription (10.00 per year. Six months =6.25 To united States i20.00 French in p Come down from there, Otf.1 --- ft's been rlLont 4 since you sent in 'l� Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Return postage guaranteed accepted the resignation •jut . ; _ '„ Your tax return! V I 1 K