The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-08, Page 2uf 2_InW WWgtla .: i • ULi C !':11<CS t tl al D 111:1, .. . y. L HOWICK CENTRAL SCHOOL GRADE EIGHT GRADUATES eforHowic ra ua es an u Belmore Mr. and Mrs. Alan Darling and family visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Tyler, St. Marys. During the past week Manon lillberte of Snerbrooke, flue., has, been visiting with Karen Fitch of Belmore. Karen re- turned to Sherbrooke with bar guest on Monday, where she will spend the next three weeks. The return visits are part of the stu- dent exchange program. Marge Tucker visited with Mrs. Eldon Renwick this week. Jake and Wealthie Will -visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ren- wick and family on Saturday. There was a good turnout at the Belmore arena on Friday eve- ning for the dance to music by Wayne Poole. Jeff Baker is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ren- wick this week. The Belmore ball teams won three games during the past week. The Intermediates de- feated Wroxeter 14-13; the Ban- tams defeated Teeswater 18-2 and the girls' team defeated Wingham on Saturday, but no score is available. Graduation activities at How- almost a decade. Jeff Baker, Patsy Faulkner, tve ehave sown through- ifforts hhthh- Jean Sparling Scholarship Award ten dollar Olympic----�-='--'-���-i--�----• ick Central School took place on Rev. Wesley Ball of the Gorrie- Trent Foerter, Leonard Hoist, out the year. including a Coin. Jae 24, to culminate a very suc- Wroxeter United Church, guest Donna Powell, Roger Sturgeon, Music participation by graduAs I N G L I S FARM ng Shirley Versteeg, Andy Demer- ates was recognized by Mr. and a final assemblage the cessful year at this rural edu- speaker for the evening held the graduating class directed by Phil '-44 cational institution. Teachers and audience in his liturgical palm as ling Louise Gibson, David Haa- Mrs. Parsons; library assistants, Parsons sang the official Olym- DRAINAGE graduates enjoyed an appetizing he emphasized with practised snot, Peter King, Dianne Leek, public speakers, student council pic Song, La Cuearacha and banquet catered by Mrs. Glenn verbosity the ultimate impor- Lynda -Riley, Allan Sturgeon, and members, and bus patrols were A dance followed the Johnston before the official Gere- tance of every individual's strife Grant Ziegler. Blaire Fisher pre- also identified. Top citizens were Graduation. Quality InstaIlation formal program with music sup- mony began. Chairman Gary to combine the elements of wis- rented top French student Tammy Campbell, Patsy Faulk plied by the Howick Central Clay or Plastic Grainger, a graduate himself, dom and excellence. The mes- awards to Patsy Faulkner, Jeff ner, Patti Mann, Lois Byer and School Ukulele Band. The even- y christened the graduation exer- sage was well received by all Baker, Lois Byer and Wayne Wayne Lockie, with Mr. Lockie ing was meaningful to all in at Free Estimates 11 cise b welcoming the several resent. Lockie. Superior mathematics also receiving the Brenda Brown PHONE: 392 6700 Y g P Pe g tendance and likely to inspire hundred guests and by having Principal Bruce Robertson de- ability was noted with present- Citizenship Award which in 1 valedictorian Wayne Lockie de- `tailed his pleasure in having been ations to Kim Unrau and Lois eluded an Olympic five dollar reminiscent thoughts in the minds of the graduates for the ex- R.R.3 Walkerton liver his oratory regarding high- able to associate with a fine Byer. coin. LiM:rlA�i:a�il:►iii�'�- lights of an elementary school ca- group of graduates for their ele- Students showing the ability to tent of their lives. reer at Howick Central. He mentary years. On behalf of the Proficient English activities accumulate a specific number of touched upon specific areas of re- entire staff he wished every for the year brought Patsy first class grades on their final membrane — the learning of graduating student, good fortune Faulkner and Louise Gibson report received academic 7 basic core subjects, musical in their respective futures both in under the spotlights. Particular badges. Winners were Tammy Nancekivellme for Greg notice cag P4 memories, physical education education and life itself. noCampbell, Patsy Faulkner, Patti Bilton for striving h d Stephen g challenges and generally the en- Numerous awards for hard- anMann, Janice McMichael, Kim joyment of working with sincere working individuals were pre- toward the mgreatest overall im- Unrau, Shirley Versteeg, Wanda teachers and fellow students for sented: for perfect attendance, provement in a year's work. High Ball, Louise Gibson, Janna C 0 0 calibre recognition for the top Gowdy, Henrietta Oldengarm graduation students was bestow- and Lois Byer. School letters, a ed upon Patsy Faulkner and Kim cherished gt'ail, were presented Unrau of Brian Doubleday's class to Wanda Ball, Heather Brent, and Lois Byer of Mrs. Jean Kirk- Lois Byer, Laurel Dane, Patsy by's class. Lois Steffler of the Faulkner, Louise Gibson, Janna Senior Academic Vocational Gowdy, Pattie Mann, Janice Mc- ENJOY class received a pen set from the Michael, Lynda Riley, Kim Un- Lakelet Women's Institute for the rau, Shirley Versteeg. Howick SUMMER BAR -13-0 TIME most improved student in her Lions Club pen sets were given to WITH CO-OP class. The entire senior academic Patsy Faulkner, Kim Unrau, Lois vocational class was presented Byer, Stephen Bilton and Steven with a chess set for the fine im- Litt. Best overall student, Patsy provements that their cumula- Faulkner, received the coveted The Listowel Agricultural Society presents CHUCK WAGON RACES by Great West Pony Chuck Shows, Calgary dnd Comontpn , X46 n, When you buy R exal I you save big. _ NON=SPRIN MnNIoolliMmIiMs $"s of 29� '100 . tallds Mi -31 Solution ANTISEPTIC 96 2 fW only $2 20 oz. 1 Rexall Medicated W SKIN CREAM lW CREARE 49 ti 16 oz. tar. w x , fly j r' mosquitt I �n t; killer iesed I a killer IJ I/c, 16 �C i V Bug Killer Aerosols Va-Por 289 Insect Killer. Kills insects Fly Strip ea. in the home and outside on Protects enclosed spaces flowers and vegetablesof up to 1,000 cu. ft. for up to 275-002 - 11 oz... $2.19 4 months. Kills flies, gnats, mosquitoes, etc. Great for Fly SL Mosquito Killer. milk room, barn, home or Controls flying and crawl- the cottage. .... 220-999 ing insects inside the home. 275-004 - 13 oz... $1.99 O 0 10LB. r �1 59 Wroxeter Personals VANCE'S DRUGS- WINGHAM Mrs. Mac Allan has returned Sara of Sarnia were visitors a. and cottagesduring the bug season! Yellow bulbs will home from the WI national con- the weekend with Ms. and Mrs. moisture -resistant cord, vention held in Charlottetown, Mac Allan. heavy -duty plastic handle PEI. Jamie Sanderson, Toronto, is Friday, July 9 1-3 P.M. Misses Karen and Wanda Hig- spending two weeks vacation element. ..... 575-304 gins of Stratford are vacationing with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. with their grandparents, Mr. and James Sanderson. NO OBLIGATION Mrs. Stewart Higgins. Mrs. Elaine McIntee, Weston, set Mrs. James Robertson, God- spent the weekend with her moth- Betteri•s, accessories, repairs to most makes erich and Mr. and Mrs. Roy er, Mrs. Ross Sanderson. Whitehead, Walkerton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Griffith /� • E. R. THEDE Wednesday evening with Mr. and visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Allan Griffith. Eric Eaton and family, Seaforth. L 6&" Hearing Aid Service Ltd. Weekend guests with Mrs. Pte. Ian Oakley, accompanied HEARING AIDS 88 Queen St., Kitchener Clarence White were Mr. and by friends Pte. Ken Durochei and Mrs. Graham MacLeod, Mr. and Pte. Pat Hards all of CFB King - Mrs. Ken Greer, Scott and Cindy, ston spent the weekend with the Mr. and Mrs. William Cullen, Corrin Miss Lu- former's mother, Mrs. Jack Ml - lar liar. look neighbour... new free st911 Heather and and celle White, all of Toronto. and Mr. Mrs. Gilberiley, two daugh- 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Allan and ters and grand hildren of Grand ALLEY CLEANERon Valley visited Mrs. Oliver Riley Dominion Day. Gordon A. Gibson David Sanderson, London, spent two weeks in Hawaii at the �!-=� f• =._ honored b InOSO11S r Lions Club World Convention. Mr. Mrs. Doug Weber �. and and • The installation of officers of Kevin, Walkerton, were Sunday 1 Forest Lodge No. 162, A.F. & guests with her parents, Mr. and A.M. took place on the 24th of Mrs. Stewart Musgrove. June. A great honor was be- Wroxeter Women's Institute stowed on one of its worthy mem- held an old time dance on Friday 1 bers in the person of Rt. Worship- with music supplied by Howard ful Bro. Gordon A. Gibson of Smith's Orchestra from Brussels. r 'e Wroxeter. Winner of the draw for the quilt On June 24, 1926, Mr. Gibson made by the Institute ladies was was installed as Worshipful Mr. Bert Van De Kemp of Gorrie. fr i Master of Forest Lodge, thus showing he has been a past master for 50 years. During the meeting he was presented with a Award winner 50 -year Past Masters' pin by his s two sons who are both Past at Brussels I Butler chain type Masters of Forest Lodge, namely free stall alley cleaner 1 Worshipful Bro. Crawford Omitted in the list of award scrapers run automatically Gibson, Master from 1955-56 who winners last week at the Grade now resides in Barrie and Eight graduation ceremonies of to remove manure, moisture. Worshipful Bro. Gary, Gibson, Brussels Public School were Air is drier, cows cleaner. Master from 1957-58, who now Marlene Pennington who re - I resides in Whitby. ceived the mathematics award A fitting reply was given by Rt. from W. 11 Kenwell, super - Worshipful Bro. Gordon A. Gib- intendent of education. and But don't take our Word for It. son during which he related Sherry Robertson and Gary Mc - Ask a neighbour Who OWnS Butler. many happy memories. Rt. Cutcheon who received the Worshipful Bro. Mac Inglis, Citizenship Awards from Jim Listowel Silo & file Ltd. DDGM of North Huron District, Knight on behalf of the Brussels was present for this honored Lions Club. N: 38, occasion, together with a number The Martin Murray English 11111loeref6W, Owt«ie of Masons from surrounding Award was presented to Jacquie Poem: S19-343-2120 OW 631-3077 lodges. Workman by Doreen Raymond. The Listowel Agricultural Society presents CHUCK WAGON RACES by Great West Pony Chuck Shows, Calgary dnd Comontpn , X46 n, When you buy R exal I you save big. _ NON=SPRIN MnNIoolliMmIiMs $"s of 29� '100 . tallds Mi -31 Solution ANTISEPTIC 96 2 fW only $2 20 oz. 1 Rexall Medicated W SKIN CREAM lW CREARE 49 ti 16 oz. tar. w x , fly j r' mosquitt I �n t; killer iesed I a killer IJ I/c, 16 �C i V Bug Killer Aerosols Va-Por 289 Insect Killer. Kills insects Fly Strip ea. in the home and outside on Protects enclosed spaces flowers and vegetablesof up to 1,000 cu. ft. for up to 275-002 - 11 oz... $2.19 4 months. Kills flies, gnats, mosquitoes, etc. Great for Fly SL Mosquito Killer. milk room, barn, home or Controls flying and crawl- the cottage. .... 220-999 ing insects inside the home. 275-004 - 13 oz... $1.99 O 0 10LB. r �1 59 Charcoal 19 Lighter 4 ea Here's convenience! Elec- 60 or 100 Watt Bug Lights Great for backyards, pa:io5 Floodlight Kit ea tric charcoal lighter fea- tures steel guard, and cottagesduring the bug season! Yellow bulbs will set the serious barbecuer Long Life Quartzllne Bulb. Attracts photo -sensitive in- moisture -resistant cord, not attract bugs the way or - sects such as mosquitoes, heavy -duty plastic handle dinary bulbs do. Charcoal Briquettes and a l l o y s he a t h 587-169 - 2/pk.... $1.29 safe ultra -violet black light element. ..... 575-304 587-129 - 2/pk.... $1.10 Now is the time for the backyard chef to stock up on becue tongs ... all with sturdy light as two regular charcoal briquettes. Grille Time briquettes are priced low enough at CO-OP to enable the barbecue fanatic to stock up for the entire summer! ........ 512-996 and colourful plastic handles WATT PAR or R mean- r S, -- Super 1995 Flow -Trop 14495 Floodlight Kit ea Bug Killer e8. 4 -Piece set the serious barbecuer Long Life Quartzllne Bulb. Attracts photo -sensitive in- BMbecue just can't afford to be without! Quartz light produces more sects such as mosquitoes, Tool Set Set includes chrome -plated light per watt than regular black flies and moths by a Valu@ hamburger turner, basting incandescent PAR 8 R safe ultra -violet black light brush, barbecue fork and bar- Lamps (almost same total 150 to an electronically charged becue tongs ... all with sturdy light as two regular grid. ........... 540-092 and colourful plastic handles WATT PAR or R mean- . set with heat guards. .. 575-191 descent) 587-200 Farm Price is a special price available only to those farmers qualified under the Federal ;ales & Fxcise Tax Laws to purchase items used for agricultural purposes on tax and/or duty exempt bans This must be supported by the hlmq of a valid end user certificate at the time of purchase 357-2711 BELGRAVE BRANCH 887-6453 ow t Sunday, July 11 - 2:00 p.m. �1 Monday, July 12 - 7:30 p.m. A BRANCH OF V O UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO Listowel Fairgrounds Admissipn `_ Adults $2.50^ 12 years and under $1.00' Preschoolers admitted fr6e 1 fA V