The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-07-08, Page 12r
pale 1l--7Le Wingham Advance -Times, Thum., July 8, 1976
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Fishing - it can be a, satisfying experience
He stands at peace with his sur- Fullarton Pond, Fullarton ; September 30; lake trout and be obtained, with different charg- camps, lodges, summer camps,
roundings. Everything is quiet, Shakespeare Pond, North East- splake, January 1 to October 10. es for Ontario, Canadian or Non- hotels, sporting goods dealers
only the chirruping sounds of hope; Bluevale Pond, Turnberry; One more complicating factor Residents. These can be obtained. and at any district office of the
birds are heard, He takes a deep Morrison Dam, Usborne; Wing- is.that sport fishing licences must at many tourist outfitters' Ministry of Natural Resources.
breath of early morning air and ham Pond, Turnberry; Lakelet,
then suddenly is alert. Something Howick; Teeswater Pond, Cul -
has moved in the water close to ross; Hullett Wiildlife Manage -
the baited hook of his fishing rod. ment Area, Hullett; Lucknow,
A tug, and he jerks his pole up. He Kinloss and Wawanosh Pond,
has hooked a fish. Now it is up to East Wawanosh. i
him to fight the fish until it is tir- Although some mercury has 1
ed'and then reel it in. From the been found in lake fish, it is not of
UPS AND DOWNS—Both the CKNX Tryhards and the Lucknow Kinsmen had their share looks of it, the fish is a beaut. a high enough level to be danger -
of ups and downs during Sunday's Donkey baseball game which provided many a He'd sure have a fish story to tell ous. One concern for anglers at ,
hilarious situation. Herb Barger (left) of Lucknow had his downs when his third base if he caught this one. Lake Huron is the effect of the `
donkey decided to lie down on the job as Bill Matisz of the Tryhards makes an easy home This scene is repeated- many heated water coming out o7 the
run. times from the spring to the fall. Douglas Point generating station. You Want a
HI -HO CHESTER AWAY --Brian Elmsli,e of the CKNX
Tryhards baseball team aboard Chester, heads for home
plate to make it 3-0 for CKNX at the bottom of the first
inning during Sunday, July` 4th's DGhkey Baseball game
between the Tryhards and the Lucknow Kinsmen. Proceeds
from the game which ended in a tie, are to go to help
renovate the Goderich arena.
P & F Lawn and Sports Equipment
states: "A cheap job is not good;
A good job is not cheap!"
Small engine repairs is our business,
NO1 our sideline.
We guarantee all small engine repairs
Check through
our full lines
of men's
discounted off.
.,. , Cleaners
Josephine Stteet WiNghom, Wi rio
Ardent fishermen and women Mr. Bellinger says one way this
spend hours by streams, rivers, could affect the environmental
ponds and lakes. Often, half the balance is by driving out cold- I o w mileage
Lakelet fun is waiting for the fish to come. water fish species such as bass
Fortunately, Wingham and and having them replaced by
area seems to have a plentiful warm -water species.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Witmer of supply of fish for the sports- The division between warm use ear
Grand Valley visited Sunday with minded. The Ministry of Natural and cold water species is ap-
Mr. and Mrs Warren Zurbrigg.:, Resources stocked several rivers proximately 65 degrees F. or 18
with rainbow trout. These include degrees C. Above this the warm
Sunday visitors with Mr. and the Nine -Mile River, and the water species thrive — bass, Then just take a look
Mrs. Ervin Reidt were Mr. and Maitland River. Roy Bellinger, pike, pickerel and panfish. Below
Mrs. Edgar Dahms of Mildmay, Senior Enforcement Officer, this point the temperature allows at one of these.
Mrs. Terryberry, George and Ministry of Natural Resources, cold water fish to survive —
Paula of Mount Forest, Mr. and says that the Maitland River is trout, splake, salmon, herring
Mrs. Jack Milligan of Fergus and excellent for bass, and has some and whitefish.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Seip and salmon as well. The ministry puts out a bro-
family. A,lot of fishermen have been chure about fishing in Wingham
seen fishing below Lower Wing- and area. It lists resident fish of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hallman, 1
Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Angst and ham Dam. Good angling is often rivers in the district: Pine River, /
Mr. and Mrs. E. Angst of Clifford found here since there is a great- panfish; Lucknow River, small -
attended a 35th wedding anni- er oxygen content in the fallen mouth bass, panfish, pike, some
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold water. However, depending on Chinook salmon, brook, brown
Angst in Kitchener on Saturday, their size and construction, dams and rainbow trout; Teeswater
July 3. can have a discouraging effect on River, some pike, brook and rain -
fish by muddying the water. bow trout; Teeswater River, 7,000 MILES
Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Seip and The Nine -Mile or Luckribw brook, brown and rainbow trout\,
family moved from Kitchener to River, besides rainbow trout, has and some pike; Maitland River,
their home on the 14th concession perch fishing in June and part of large and smallmouth bass, pan- 1976 Pinto MPG 2 door runabout 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission,
of Howick Township. Mr. Seip is a July and black bass are plentiful fish, some pike -and pickerel, radio, electric rear defogger, whitewalls, wheel discs, side moldings. Lic.
plumber. in July. Southwest of Wingham at brown and rainbow trout; Bay- No. KMU 694
Port Albert good salmon fishing field River, smallmouth bass,
Weekend guests with Mr. and can often be found. panfish, pike, some splake, brook 9,000 MILE S
Mrs. Harvey -Demerling were Other places and their town- and brown trout; Ausable River,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Demerling and ship locations where the Ministry smallmouth bass, pike, and some 1975 Pontiac Lemans sedan, a beautiful powder blue intermediate. V8,
family of Ingleside and Jim of Natural Resources stocked pickerel; North Thames River automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear defogger, radial
Demerling of Beaverton. trout are Flat Creek, Blanshard; and Lake Huron, smallmouth whitewalls, special wheel discs, side moldings. Lic. No. JSC 040
bass and panfish. The brochure
requests that any clipped or tag-
ged13,000 fish be reported to the Min
Ont. Government eases istry's office. 1973 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme sedan. Local lady driven automatic in
As experienced anglers know, unbelievable condition. V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes,
squeeze on dairymen there are times when certain fish power door locks, electric rear defogger vinyl roof, tinted windshield,
can be caught. In the Number side moldings, Michelin radial tires. Must be seen. Light green with dark
Four district (where Wingham green top. Lic. No. OHM 291
Ontario's minister of agricul- statement from the federal and area is situated) on the fish -
ture and food, William Newman, minister of agriculture, Eugene ing map pike are allowed to be
has announced a two-year exten- Whelan, that some sort- of new caught May 8 to March 3yellow
sion of the provincial assistance regulations will be introduced. and blue pickerel and syellow
program for dairy farmers. The it is hoped that Ontario's more May 8 to March 31; large and
auger, McGEE
provincial government's decision prompt and practical response to smallmouth bass, June 26 to PONTIAC—BUICK—CA DILL AC
was the result of hardships forced the dairy , farmers' plight will November 30; maskinonge, June
on dairymen by the recent offer some relief for a situation 5 to December 15; brook, brown Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391
cutback of 15 per cent in which has been brought about by and rainbow trout, April 24 to
industrial milk quotas by the their sincere response to a
federal government. government request for in -
Two years ago there was a creased production.
shortage of industrial milk and at
encourf the aeral gement
ties every encouragement was
given to farmers who were 58 people attend 1976 schedule
willing to incrF�ase herd size. To
further implement the plan the Jacques � reunion
Ontario government introduced a q (EFFECTIVE JULY S) z
loan for such dairymen, whereby BELMORE—The 46th annual
borrowings taken on a five-year Jacques reunion was held Sun -
basis would require a repayment day, June 27, in the Belmore
of principal in the first year. Community Park with 58 people TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY
Further. those who achieved an in attendance. John Jacques,
agreed level of production would president, welcomed everyone to 9.00 a.m.
benefit from a 20 per cent refund the reunion and then called the Lessons Lessons lessons
on their annual payments. Lessons Lessons
business portion to order. A
All that has changed. The minute's silence was observed in 12:00
response from the dairy industry memory of those passing away in
was so successful that the the last year. The min, !
es of the �
country is now highly over 12:30 p.m.
stocked with powdered milk and last reunion were adopted as
read. Parent Parent
as a consequence the federal Officers appointed for next 1 :00 P•m and Aand
authorities have ordered the year were as follows: president, Tot Tot
cutback. Producers who exceed Ron Harkness; vice-president,
their reduced quotas find that the Glenn Jacques; secretary-treas- 1:30 p.m. Lessons Lessons
milk cheques have been reduced urer, Barbara Harkness; sports
b} the amount of fines for. committee, Linda and Leland Public Public Public Public Public
over -production Because there is Harkness, Mr, and Mrs Ron Swimming Public Public Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming
no wa} to reduce herd size, or Harkness.
recoup expenditures for buildings The motion to donate $10.00 for Swimming Swimming
and equipment quickly. many the use of the park was made and
dair} farmers ha%e found them- approved. It was decided to hold 4:00 p.m.
.elves m + disastrous financial the '1977 reunion at Belmore on
situation the last Sunday in June with two Swim 1001 Adult Adult
Public dumping of milk. pro- meals as usual. 1001 Swim 1001
tests. both peaceful and violent The following prizes were then Club Team Club Team Club Swimming Swimming
on Parliament Kill have so far awarded oldest person present, 5:00 p.m.
resulted in nothing more than a Laura Jacques, 91 years; young-
est person present, Jeffrey
Awrey, 11 weeks; longest mar -
Prize winners ried couple, Margaret and Harold
Robinson, 38 years; most recent- 6:30 p.rn.
at grand opening ly married couple, Glenn and
Delphine Jacques, 1 year; per- Water Adult Water Adult Family Family
The winner of the grand prize, sons travelling the farthest. Iva Polo Lessons Polo Lessons Swim Swim
a trip for two to Florida, at the Gallaher, St. Clairsville-, Ohio.
The sports committee then re 7:30 p.m. Public
Grand Opening of Holiday World, � P Swimming
was Mrs. Beatrice Robb of Wing- sented a very enjoyable program Public Public Public Public
ham. Winner of the second prize, followed by a ball game Public Public
Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming Public
a trip for two for three days to �. g g
Manitoulin and the Muskoka 8:30 p.m. `
Lakes area, was Mrs. Eva Wright It was a Western Canada air- }
of Wingham. ways plane, piloted by W Leigh
The travel bags were *on by Brintnell, that took Gilbert
Wilbert l4odgkinson, Wingham, Labine north on the journey * Please note: This schedule is sybiecl to change.
and Mrs. Joe King, RR 2, Tees- which resulted in the discovery of
` water, uranium at Great Bear Fake.