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If' r 6_7The wingki n Advance -Times, Thurs. July 1, 1976
National. contest
qwnsored. by Mon"Tww
The federal Department of that the Canada Manpower Con -
Manpower and Immigration is tre for Students can meet the
sponsoring a national contest to needs of both students looking for
design the best poster, in either work and employers looking for
English or French, on the theme students.
of student employment. The win- Ali entries must be submitted
ner•of the contest will be present- to a Canada -Manpower Centre or
ed with a $1,000 cheque by the a Canada Manpower Centre for
Minister of Manpower and immi- Students by October 22, 1876. An
y gration, Robert Andras. The announcement of the winning
selection will be made by a board entry will be made later in the
of federal government officials seer_
` and professional graphic artists.
Only secondary or post -second-
ary students are eligible — work
3 from professional artists will not Physiotherapist
w '�'�` be accepted. The winner must be
" willing to prepare the poster to available to
y meet printing specifications.
Designs submitted must meet home care patients
the following criteria:
i. Posters must encourage em- For several years sufferers
ployers to hire students during from arthritis in Perth and Huron
the summer period. counties have been provided with
1 2. The entries must be rec- homecare treatment services by
The Arthritis Society's rofes-
�■a, * tan ular — no irr War shapes
Y' P
of -
will accepted, and it must by sional staff from the Regional of-
A 20 inches wide by 30 inches high. fice in London.
3. An unlimited number of col- To more effectively serve these
THE BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL graduation was held on ours can be used. • ., counties and to reduce travel
t Thursday, June 24 at 7:00 p.m. in the Brussels Legion Hall. 4. The poster must be on rigid costs the Society announced this
Present awards a
Back, Marlene Pennington, Walter Matthies, Brenda artboard, and must be adequate- week that effective July 5 Mrs.
Knight, John Vandenberg, Gary McCutchin, Darwin ly covered to protect it from Judith Threinen, 114 St. David
McCutchin, Heather Wilson, Everett Umphrey, Sherry damage. Street, Mitchell, a registered
E • Waw. graduation Robertson and Cheryl Bauer. Middle, Garry McWhirter, 5. Space should be provided for Physiotherapist, will be in charge
Greg DuCharm, Brian Kellington, Kevin Nichol, Steve
local Canada Manpower Centres of the Society's patient -care
for Students to place their ad- home service program in this
On June 24 East Wawanosh Gnay, Edward Nolt, Joanne Kingsbury, Neil Jutzi, Kevin Van Camp, Mike Harris, Reg dresses and telephone numbers area.
Public School held their kinder- Wood; Grade 6, Linda Gingrich, McClory. Front, Susan Hilts, Kathy Elliot, Jacqueline on the poster. The departmental The Arthritis Society's home
garten graduation at 10:45. Janet Macintosh, Patti Mc- Workman, Susan Cardiff, Vicki McCal, Franziski Stangen, logo will be added later. care program is an ancillary ser -
Several of the graduates' parents Dowell, Nancy Moore, Ken Carrie Umphrey, Rita Wierenga, Barbara Johnston and 6. Original artwork must be vice to all physicians in Perth and
attended the memorable event. Swanson; Grade 7, Kim Me- Doris Miller. Teacher is Ken Scott. submitted — no photographs of Huron in the care of those of their
The graduates are Brian Camp- Dowell, Mark Nolt, Audrey Scott, the design will be accepted. patients suffering from the rheu-
bell, Angela Coultes, Steven Eric Taylor, Cheryl Walker, 7. The poster may be in either matic diseases who will benefit
Coultes, Patrick Cull, Terry Katrin Otto; Grade 8, Karen French or English and should be from treatment and education in
Daer, Michael Fraser, Kevin Coultes, Marvin Gingrich, Grant adaptable to the other official the disease in their own home en-
Haasnoot, Harla Hussey, Chris Gnay, Ken Snell. Brussels grads feet language. vironment.
Macintosh, Corey McKee, Karen Music awards were presented 8. Members of the department This cost-free service must be
Montgomery,, Eric Muscheid, to Cathy Shiell, Lisa Thompson, and their immediate families are requested by the patient's physi-
Barbara Stein, Lissa Stevenson, Robbie Rodger, Janet Mac- regret upon leavingnot eligible to participate. cian but anyone desiring the
Steven Taylor and Barbara Intosh, John Haines, Joan Ar 9. Decision of the judges will be Society's informative literature
Wattam. buckle, Nida Kaciulis, Lisa final, or other specific information
The rest of the school was en- Hamilton, Nancy Verbeek, Lori The 1976 Grade Eight gradua- certainly something to look for- The winning poster wilj be about its program can contact
tertained by delightful songs and Cameron, Elizabeth Brydges, tion of the Brussels Public School ward to, yet some see only joy at placed in schools and other public Mrs. Threinen at 348-9082 in Mit-
verses. Georgina Chettleburgh, Jim was held in the Brussels Legion entering secondary school while institutions to make people aware chell.
Trophies were presented to Smuck, Sheila Anderson, Eric on Thursday. After a delightful others experience a twitch of re -
Field Day champions, who were: Cook, Glen Taylor, Kelly Loug- meal, introductions of the head gret at leaving the more familiar
Midget girls, Johanna Van heed, Audrey Scott, Andrea table, parents and students were patterns of Brussels Public. L l
Camp; Midget boys, John Bridge, Cathy Rawn, Kim Mc- made. Toasts to the school board, Through public school we develop O bV SG h aoh 4PW T And *At r'@ _
Smuck; Junior girls, Andrea Dowell, Bonnie Askes, Carolyn teachers, parents and students character, hopes and ideals that `. �•;
Coultes; Junior boys, Jim Campbell and Patti Edwards. were extended. will carry us through the high not-A;h9 to do b,4f Qd rlfh�A
Smuck; Intermediate girls, Academic awards were The 29 graduating students school years." l �I �J 9
Karen Coultes; Intermediate presented to the following were introduced and Reg Mc- The Science Award was pre- `
boys, Robbie Nicholson; Senior students of each individual class: Clory presented the school with a sented to Barbara Johnston by
girls, Cathy Bakelaar; Senior Grade 4, Dianne Hanna, Johanna substantial sum of money to Wilfred Shortreed of the Huron
boys, Grant Gnay. Van Camp, Brad Shobbrook and assist in the purchase of sports Board of Education, followed by ^ ( ^
French awards were handed Andrew Walsh; Grade 5, Andrea equipment on behalf of the grade the "Good Guy Award", given to
out to the following people: Coultes, Julie Gnay, Scott eight students. Garry McWhirter.
Grade 3, Robert Gordon, Glen Stevenson and Edward Nolt; The valedictorian's speech was Cheryl Bauer and Greg
Hunter, Laura Johns, Stacey Grade 6, Erma Nolt, Sheila presented by Barbara Johnston Ducharme received the Pro- �i I' Q l�
Taylor, Denise Nethery, Brian Anderson, Robbie Rogers and who said that high school is the ficiency Award, sponsored by the I f f
Wightman, Danny McNee; Jim Smuck; Grade 7, Karen beginning of one's further growth Brussels Legion. Supervisor of W ' 1 O 1�
Grade4-5, Andrew Walsh, Dianne Ja}etske, Kelly Lougheed, Eric to establish goals and define Education, W. D. Kenwell pre- �) 1 %J A
Hanna. Brad Shobbrook, Julie Taylor and Mark Nolt. values. She said, "Graduation is sented Doreen Raymond with the t
4 s t
English Award.
SOME OF THE AWARD -WINNERS at the East Wawanosh auditorium held Thursday of
last week are back row, Karen Coultes, track and field, best intermediate girl; Grant
Gnay, Senior boys and Jonas Kaciulis, Pinq (first in table tennis). Middle, Robbie
Nicholson, intermediate boys; Lisa..Thompson, junioe girls and public speaking trophy
and Johanna Van Camp, midget girls. Front, John Smuck, ryridget boys; his brother Jim
Smuck, junior boys end Pong (second in table tennifl and.Andrea Coultes, junior girls.
Cathy Bakelaar, senior girls was absent when the picture t keit.
OCCASIONAL CHEERS signalled that yet someone else
was dunked. Here Howard Robertson swims up to the
dunking tank's surface after a successful ball throw that
upset the platform on which he was sitting. This was one of
the many activities at the Welsh Country Fayre put on, by
Knox United Church in Belgrave on Saturday.
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In designing grain bins, Butler has come upon a very
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Other features include a tighter foundation seal,
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As a Butler Dealer, we can give you all the details.
See us soon.
•1 ' O
Rights Act becomes law
on July 1 9 W69
Here's what the new law
says, *s.A how Ontario
residents, can help.
This new Act provides that a blind person accompanied
by a dog guide has the same rights, privileges and
obligations—with respect to public places—as
anyone else. He or she cannot be discriminated
against or denied any accommodation, services or
facilities available in any place to which the public
is customarily admitted.
It is important that dog guide owners know their
rights under the Act and that the public, especially
employers and their employees, be made aware of
the provisions of the Act and their responsibilities
under it.
The Attorney General of Ontario will issue identifi-
cation cards to dog guide owners. The card will carry
a photograph of the owner and dog, as well as their
names, and will also carry a summary of the main
features of the Act.
For further information, application for an Identifica-
tion Card or a copy of the Act itself, contact. -
Office of the General Manager
Ministry of the Attorney General
18 King Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1 C5
Ministry of the
Attorney General
R. Roy McMurtry, William Davis,
Attorney General Premier
Province of Ontario
- t