The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-17, Page 8Page 111—The Wingham Advance Tunes. Thws , June 17, 1976
Mission and service theme
for Maitlanddo
••Forward to Serve" was the Edward Brown sang a solo. Home Front". Mrs. Clarence �+ wit
tiMme when the Maitland Pres- Hymns were also interspersed �d of Wingham reported on .� by
b7twial Societv. WMS. mef in throughout the meeting. the Synodical, reminding the tak
Knox Presbyterian Church, Rev. Glen Noble brought greet- ladies that the next one will be ent
Lucknow, recently. President ings from Presbytery. held in Stratford in 1977.
Mrs. J. W. English of Wingham Honorary membership certifi- An In Memoriam Service was fin
called the meeting, to order. cates were presented to Mrs. conducted by Mrs. MacAdam of •
The morning devotions were Charles Finlay of Gorrie by Mrs. Belmore and Mrs. Lloyd Felker
conducted by the Teeswater J. MacDonald of Gorrie; and to of Molesworth dedicated the dis
groyp with -scripture reading by Mrs. Alvin Mundell, Belmore, by offering. Courtesies were given d
Mrs. Lyman Sutton, meditation Mrs. Elmer Jeffray of Belmore. by Mrs. Gordon Wall of Wingham
and Mrs. Jdck Barr of Kinlough ch
by Mrs. Walter BallaQh and Mrs. Morgan Henderson of Luck- closed the meed with prayer. prayer by Mrs. Ken Grant. The now then presented Mrs. Mundell n8 P Y '3 - . M
morning welcome address was with a pin on behalf of her sisters, Mrs. J. deBoer invited the fr
given by Mrs. Noble Johnston of Mrs. William Henderson of Presbyterial to Whitechurch in r re
know. Woodstock and Mrs. Jim Brisbin 1977. f
During the evening session, the of Pickering. s _ al
Ripley ladies were in charge of Guest speaker at both sessions Baptist
k + •
devotions. Scripture was read by was Mrs. J. A. Newstead, presi- B ap t 1st speaker to
Mrs. McAuley, Mrs. Gillies de- dent of Council and a member of
livered a brief meditation and the Board of World Missions. Her second Ve
Mrs. McLean led in prayer. Mrs. morning topic was "Sharing in predicts m
Ken Laidlaw welcomed the Mission" and she was introduced w
ladies. by Mrs. Walter Burton. Mrs_ Coming of Christ
Mrs. Ewen MacLean, secre- Newstead told of the work in The second coming of Christ d►
tary, read the minutes of the helping Koreans, Hungarians, was the topic of Pastor Ross W
January meeting. Correspond Ukrainians, Italians in Montreal, Smith as he spoke to the congre- b
ence was read by Mrs. Don Mac- Chinese, Hindus in Nepal and gation of the Wingham Baptist G
Adam and Mrs. Evan Keith gave Indians on reserves. As her even- Church on Sunday. "There is
the financial report. Throughout ing talk, Mrs. Newstead showed coming a time," he said, "when P
the sessions, special musical slides of the Presbyterian peace will -eign upon the earth. PLAYING HOUSE are Heidi Michelle Robertson and Nikki Reavie. They were at the
numbers were provided by Mrs. churches from here to Vancouver This peace will not be ushered in Wingham Majorette and Drum Corps rummage sale held Friday, June 11. Heidi is the
William Scott and Mrs. Glen and gave a commentary on them. by man's achievements but by daughter of Mrs. Patti Robertson, leader of the group. Mrs. Robertson said, "We did a lot
Noble on piano and organ. Mrs. Delegates' reports were read the literal bodily return of Jesus better this year than last."
by Mrs. MacLean, Mrs. - W. D. Christ to set up His Kingdom'
Campbell, Mrs. Gerald Gibson, rule."
W HI TECHUR CH Mrs. William MacPherson and Speaking on Revelation, chap- Inst talk i s about Timothy Eaton
Mrs. Keith. Mrs. Don Robertson ter 20, the speaker referred to the •
On Sunday afternoon, June 27, reported on the fall rally which previous chapter in which is gre-
at 3, a memorial service will be will be a mission festivikl with the dieted Christ's coming to earth BLUEVALE—At the June Graduation Banquet at Turn- played. They had been brought
held in Langside cemetery when theme, "Marching On — The from heaven riding upon a white meeting of the Women's Insti- berry Central School, June 24. by members. Refreshments of
it is hoped a good crowd will be horse, bringing with Him the tute, Mrs. Mel Craig gave a re- Committee members are Mrs. hot dogs, toasted marshmallows
Kesent to hear Bev Kay give his hosts of born-again believers, view about the shore that Timothy Carl Johnston, Mrs. Ken Sim- and a cool drink brought the
message. If the weather should being previously raptured. The Eaton had built. Mr. Eaton was mons, Mrs. Alex MacTavish, meeting to a close.
prove unfavorable for sitting out- great battle of Armageddon takes born in Ireland, 1834. At the age Mrs. Bill de Vos and Mrs. Wen- The July meeting will take
side the service will be held in place with Christ destroying the of 13 he left school. The first Ea- dell Stamper. place at Bluevale Park, July 14 at
Langside Church. All are asked world's armies headed by the ton store was built at Glen Wil- Bluevale Women's Institute 2 p.m. Mrs. Carl Johnston will be
to bring folding chairs. anti-christ. He then sets up His liams near Georgetown, Ontario. members looked over the hostess. Her roll call is "Bring
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Verbeek and Kingdom and "rules all nations He didn't just hire anybody to grounds of the cemetery. They something you have grown, sewn
Julie of Kincardine were Monday with a rod of iron". work in the store but chose wisely decided it would be better to erect or made for sale". Members are
evening visitors with Mr. and -� Continuing to explain, the and well for he was a good judge some of the tombstones that had reminded of the 4-H Achievement
Mrs. Victor Emerson. speaker said that this will be of character. fallen over rather than planting Day at F. E. Madill High School,
On Saturday evening Mr. and called the thousand -year or The meeting was held at the flowers. It appears that the June 19. o
Mrs. Earl Jamieson's family held millenial reign, when "Satan is home of Mrs. Harry Elliott. The ground is too stony for proper
a 25th wedding celebration party bound and cast into the bottom- shade of trees by a fish popd pro- growth,
for their parents at Wingham gess pit where he is tormented for vided a pleasant setting. Everyone answered roll call by
Legion Hall. A large crowd was in the duration of the millenial Opening Ode was sung followed stating where they started school Mrs. Jim Ward
attendance to wish them many reign". by the Mary Stewart Collect. and gave their teacher's name.
more years of happiness and In closing, Pastor Smith said, Mrs. Bill Peacock read the min- Mrs. Gordon Gregg, Listowel guest speaker for
}nth. "The next great world event will utes and correspondence. In- read several humourous pieces —
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans visited �.; . not be the end of the world but the eluded in the correspondence was "The Three Black Crows", "The Bluevale W MS
on Sunday with their son, Eric d- second coming of Jesus Christ in a thank you note and an invitation Dollar and the Cent,"
Evans, Mrs. Evans and family of the clouds and the gathering of all , from Wroxeter Institute to attend Paddle and the Shingle" and
Hyde Park. the saved unto Himself." an Old Time Dance in Wroxeter "Wages for Wife". Mrs. Mel BLUEVALE—Mrs. Jim Ward
Miss Barbara Ann Purdon of Mrs. Klass Jorritsma and Mrs. Hall, July 2. Craig then read her interesting of Wingham was the guest speak
Kitchener spent the weekend Ross Smith sang a duet during A committee was named to review about Timothy Eaton. er when the Women's Missionary
pen Society of Knox Presbyterian
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. the service. look after the Grade Eight Old school text books were di.s- Church, Bluevale, held its As -
Bill Purdon. sociate Members' meeting at the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mowbray Jane Elizabeth Holmes re- home of Mrs. Alba Mundell.
accompanied Miss Mary Lou ceived the degree of Bachelor -
to Sarnia where the of Laws at the spring convo- Mrs. Ward shared three
Milligan Y thoughts with her audience. She
spent the weekend with Mr. and cation of Dalhousie Univer d White emeColorful red� a n'spoke first of two books, "Adven-
Mrs. Relison Falconer and sity, Halifax, Bova Scotia,
family and other relatives. and will be employed as an lure in Prayers and "While I
articling student with the ' Wait". She then shared two read -
firm of Stewart, Mac Keen �oWs►nd "I'd Pick More Daisiesefor cou es e of and "To the Children of the
R. W. BELL and Covert in Halifax. She is p World". Thirdly, she told a mori-
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A sparkling red and white The bride is the daughter of gowns were fashioned with ern parable written by the com-
OPTOMETRIST C. Holmes, Hantsport, Nova `heme predominated through the Mrs. Peggy Smith of Wingham. sweetheart necklines, cap Poser of "Blest Be the Tie that
Scotia, and granddaughter of marriage ceremony and rete sleeves and wrap-around collars. Binds". She also showed slides
GODERICH g Y P- Parents of the groom are Mr. and p- pertaining to her topics.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. tion held Saturday, May 29, at Mrs. Fred Snow, also of Wing- Their hats of polyester knit were P
The Square 524-7661 Wightman of Listowel. 5:30 at St. Paul's Anglican ham. worn tilted on the head so an Mrs. Keith Moffatt, Associate
Church, Wingham, when Karen Given in marriage b her attached rose made of the same Members' secretary, introduced
Margo Smith and William George g Y material rested becomingly over 'Mrs. Ward and after her most
g brother, Jamie Smith, the bride g Y interesting talk, thanked her for
Snow, both of Wingham, ex- chose a gown of off-white polyes- each girl's left ear. Each girl sharing her time and presented
changed vovZ,.before Rev. T. K. ter knit which was made by her carried a single white rose and her with a gift in appreciation.
Hawthorn. mother. The halter -style dress wore a silver necklace, 'a gift Mrs. with
also extended thanks
CURRAN'S GENERAL STORE - GORRIE White mums and red carne- from the bride. Y
featured a V neckline and double to Mrs. Ward and to Mrs. Mundell
Janitor in a Drum ....................................... 900 ml .99 tions formed the floral setting ca flared collar with a short Danny Medley of Milton was
Galion of Jar•x............................................ $1.19 and guest pews were adorned best man and ushering guests for hearing her home.
Carefree Sanitary Napkins........ .............79 g � sleeveless. jacket. Her off-white g g The theme of the meeting was
Frozen tsraNappo ins Orange Juice, Honey Dew Lemonade with white bows. Lighted red shoulder -length veil was held by were Wayne Percy of Ripley and ,Thoughts of Summer". Mrs.
Schneider's Bologna ......................................1 Ib..99 candles provided an added touch a pearl and lace headpiece and Bob Williams of Wingham. The Golley opened the meeting with a
°g of beaut groom wore a black mohair
-Schneiders Skillet Strips ................................. 1 Ib. 51.39 Y• she carried 'd single red rose. �' call to worship and an opening
Bacon Ends ............................................. Ib. $1.59 Mrs. Harry Brydges provided Her attendants were gowned tuxedo with black velvet lapels,
Blue �nn•t Margarine........ .. 2lb..51.29 traditional and contemporary alike in dresses of red polyester an off-white ruffled shirt trim- hymn. She then read scripture
from St. Luke's Gospel and de -
music on the organ. Harry knit, also made by the bride's med in brown and a red rose livered a meditation, entitled
Brydges sang, "The Wedding mother. Maid of honor was boutonniere. His attendants
"'For You Alone" and "The Heather Smith and bridesmaids chose black mohair tuxedos "Your Own Backyards. Mrs. Mc
Lord's Prayer". Mrs. Gesila were Carla Smith and Jil Car- trimmed with black velvet, white K Durinrcherg
led in prayer.
Richardson sang, "My World". michael, all of Wingham. Their shirts trimmed with red and During the business portion of
white rose boutonnieres. the meeting, offering was re
The wedding dinner followed in ceived by Mrs. Ross Gray and
WC McDONALD the parish hall. The bride's table dedicated by Mrs. Golley. The
• C. "� was adorned with silver sande- meeting closed with a hymn and
the Lord's Prayer in unison.
labra holding red candles. Red
Guild O t l e l a n s carnations, white mums and red Lunch was served and a social
P candles were placed on the guest hour enjoyed.
London, Ontario tables. Centering the bride's
table was a three -tiered wedding
will be at the Medical Arts Building every other cake decorated by the bride's
Thursday commencing June 24, 1976. mother. Each tier was supported
Y by overturned wine glasses, each HOLD SHOWER
containing a red satin rose. A BTUEVALE—A miscellaneous
miniature wine glass with lily -0f- shower was attended miscellaneous
the valley was placed on top of and relatives on Saturday even -
•I .+ the cake. ing, June 12, for Lynne Willitts in
g Guests were later received ata the Sunday School room of the
Would You BelieveV reception in the Wingham Ar
+ mouries. The bride's mother Presbyterian Church,
by RINA wore a caftan -styled gown of Lynn received many lovely
polyester knit with a cream back- gifts, for which she thanked
YES! In fact the famous in ground and large rust flowers. everyone. Mrs. Walter Willitts
Her corsage was orange carna- read an address. Lunch was
;UTENBERG, THE INVENTOR ventor even had his equip- tions. The groom's mother chose served and a social time
OF THE PRINTING PRESS, ment and books siezed to a long-sleeved brown and white ' followed.
rs. Zim ,o as
Guild hos �l
GORRIE—St. Stephen's &M
et at the home of Mrs. Harry
mmerman on June 9. Mrs. Ron
Ben was in charge of devo-
ns. The meeting was opened
h the Lord's Prayer followed
Psalm 438. The scripture was
en from Psalm 103. A reading
itled, "We Sing„ was given.
The minutes were read. A
inial report was given by
Mrs. Merle Fisher.
The Craft Show for 1977 was
cussed. April 23 was the date
ecided on.
Mrs. Harold King will be in
arge of buying a gift for Mrs.
Ma Steurnol. A thank you card
fro John and Cathy Lovell was
ad. A thank you note from the
rdwich Nursing Home was
so read.
The Guild members are invited
Bennetts' trailer on August 11.
The roll call, "My favorite
getable" was answered by 12
embers. The mystery gift was
by Mrs. Merle Fisher.
Final plans for the May wed -
ng on June 12 were made. Mrs.
illiam Bennett auctioned the
eking and plants donated by
uild members.
The meeting was closed with
rayer. Several games of bingo
tom+. ane
Smorgasbord cold plate
JUNE 22nd
Starts at 5:30 p.m.
AdWh $2.50
CMWrw $1.25
(under 12)
Pre-Schoolers FREE
is Welcome
St. Paul's Church
and Choir Leader
Tdwty 1
8:30 a. m,—Holy Communion ,
11:00 a.m.—Contemporary Holy Communion
to be held of Riverside Park, Wingham
Bring your lawn chairs and complete
luncheon basket. Pariih picnic to follow
Communion service.
If a ride is needed call the rectory.
Enroll your child now for the Nursery School
Program offered at the Wingham Day Care
Centre for the months of July and August,
*Ages 2 to 5 years
*Either 2 or'3 day programs available
For more information:
03 357-2424
Vegetable Building
Vegetables and Fruit
Home Made Preserves
Hand Made Crafts
and Supplies
Hwy. 86 West
6 Miles West of Listowel
TEL. 291-2974
U T "' cover unpaid bills!
striped knit gown with belted
waistline. White carnations com
--- . L1 . . LL LLLL LLL LLL.
prised her corsage. .
1 1 1 ! For a honeymoon at Stoney OPENING N
1 , x :14 414, � Lake, near Lakeside, the bride '
W-, changed to a multi -colored •
Ivy ... that a shortage of cash striped dress with button and tie Wingham Towne Players
front and full elbow -length
may not be a problem when .,,,.,. w. sleeves. She wore a white orchid. present the 3 -act play
ou see our rices - where { Mr. and Mrs. Snow are residing r s
YSovihas" and "Satisfaction" at Kitchener. THE INHERITANCE"
Out-of-town guests came from
ore Nuwords for business.
London, Port Perry, Beaverton, by Harry J. Boyle
Newmarket, Hamilton, Guelph,
H f �1►ll K IF ► t �l► 411111110- s ..I f Toronto, Kitchener, Milton, To be held at: Wingham Town Hall Auditorium
f 1,11 R FU Slllll'1'F: i t Listowel and Palmerston.
#r � at 8:00 P.M. -JUNE 17, 18, 19
.006 1 f,Honored guests were the grand
Jo.ephin,. .,. noratnts of the bride. Mrs..TAnet Tickets available
11rPrt `Et•7 m Smitn of Listowel and Mi. and at the door. Adults al.
R inRhlln, Mrs. Ab Nethery of Wingham. - -
Students $2.00 Children $1.00