The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-17, Page 7Notice to
roeiiio�te of
the Township of
East Wawanosh
Please be advised that the Honourable John
R. Rhodes, the Minister of Housing, signed
an amendment to Ontario Regulation
No. 349/74, a commercial order which affects
your mAinicipality.
Although the commercial order intends only to
prohibit haphazard development of shopping
centres in your municipality, small-scale com-
mercial uses serving local needs are also
prohibited under the order.
Ontario Regulation No 3331/76 which amends
the original order, permits the erection or use
of a building with a floor area of less than
5,000 square feet for commercial purposes
Other changes in siting requirements have
also been included.
For detailed information on Ontario Regula-
tion No. 333,76, please contact your munici-
pal clerk.
Where a proposed commercial use exceeds
the provisions of the order, the Minister of
Housing may amend the order pursuant to
Section 32 (6) of The Planning Act after as-
sessing individual applications and in accor-
dance with sound planning principles.
(t Ministry of Housing
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The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., June 17, 1976—Pale 7
MANAGER OF TRIANGLE DISCOUNT, Nelson Frank, stands with cashier Marg Hen-
derson at the store's new location. It is now situated across the street from where they
were before. A front window full of flowers wished the Triangle Discount the'best of luck.
TWO TV specials —"Taiwan and Hong Kong"
Journey with Billy Graham and the Team to Sad with the Graham team across Victoria
Taiwan, the 225 mile -long island off the Harbor to Hong Kong, the cosmopolitan
coast of China View thousands of British Crown Colony, where 68,000 gath-
people who were drawn to the Taipei City ered at the Government and South China
Stadium, which turned out to be the largest Stadiums on the last day, Sunday afternoon,
religious event in the country's history to hear the message of Dr. Graham
"Taiwan" Tbvrs., Jwn 17 / 76 — 9 p.m. "Hong Kong" w•, Jule l i1 / 76 — 9 P.M.
Global TV �,,�,�,,�,channel 6
Read Billy Grahams hook I Angels God's Ser.ret Agents Now Available at bookstores
BRIGHT, SPACIOUS AND COOL describes Triangle Discount's new building. The official
opening at the new location was Thursday, June 3. The move was made in order to have
more storage and floor space. A sale and lucky draw marked the opening..
orae Personal
.. Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dennis were Earls reunion held at the home of and Mrs. Harold Edgar and fami-
gtr'ests at the marriage of their Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gibson of ly.
grand daughter, Heather Eliza- Monkton on Sunday with over 70 Mrs, Archie Miller, Mrs, Har -
beth Hart, Reg. N. to Gregory attending. vey Adams and Mrs. Thomas
Triangle a n n o u n e e s Wellstood of Hamilton, at Hamp- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Finnigan, MacDonald were in Stratford on
stead United Church last Satur- Michael and Heather and Miss Thursday.
day. The bride is the daughter of Karen Blythe of London visited Mr. and Mrs. Cal Ramsden and
u e k y draw winners Hugh and Dorothy Hart of RR 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie and Sue Ann of Islington visited Sun-
Gadshill. attended the Earls reunion at day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mrs. and. Mrs. Kevin Raven Monkton on Sunday. Hyndman.
Triangle Discount recently John Brent, E. Melton, Mrs. and Lisa of Etobicoke were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar re- Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hoy of
moved to a new location on Jose- Carol Farnell, Ralph Harrison; guests at the Wellstood-Hart turned Thursday by plane from Wingham accompanied Mr. and
phine Street. They are now Cathy Fisher, Mrs. Angus Fal- wedding and also visited with Mr. Moncton, N.B., after visiting Mr. Mrs. George Brown to a family
located across the street from toner, Margaret Carter, Doris and Mrs. Mel Dennis at the reunion at the home of Mr. and
where they used to be. To cele- Walden, Jim Beattie, Marilyn weekend. Mrs. Raven is the for- Mrs. Murray Brown, Kitchener
brate the move a lucky draw was Litt, Karol Galbraith, Mrs. John mer Isobel Dennis. on Sunday.
held. Various gifts were given de Boer, E. H. Whitby, Jenny Mr, and Mrs. Martin Scott Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Robert -
out. Among them were 50 passes Hopper, Jim' .Whytock, Ted entertained their family at a pic- Knox W.M.S. son of Strathclair, Man., visited
to the Lyceum Theatre. Brewster, Eric Niessen, Esther me on Sunday. Present were Miss 0 with Gorrie and Molesworth rela-
The following people are asked Nethery, Margaret Scott of Toronto, Mr. meets at Gorrie tives.
to crime into the. store to pick up Connie Harrison, Louise Gan- and Mrs. Shean Rea, Lisa and George Dane of Hythe, Alta., is
their tickets: nett, Judy Nicholson, E. Cope- Laura of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. GORRIE—The June meeting of visiting Miss Margaret Dane and
Mrs. Allan Bumstead, L. Ed- land, Gayle M. Gibson, Diane Edward Rea, Teddy, Jimmy and Knox Presbyterian Women's other relatives.
wards, M. McLean, Brian Park Wheeler, Nancy Riley, Pauline Kelly Anne Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Missionary Society was held at IVs. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman
Irlma Casemore, Shirley Snell, Cox, RR 2; Mrs. Reta McLennan,
Liam Rea, Donnie and Billy all of the.home of Mrs. Burns Stewart spent the weekend at Port Elgin.
Streetsville. on June 9. Mrs. William Smith,
Mrs. Angeline Vollmer, T. Barb , Gladys R Gary Mac Fred Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. president, opened with a poem, f.
Adams, W. Ruttan, Mrs. A. Sween, Gladys Rutier, Linda Clifton Coulter attended the "A Tribute to Father" followed
H tuns in, Brenda SchieDey-stel, Walden, Donna Anderson, Mrs. graduation of the former's by repeating the aim and pur- Annual WI bus
Harold Casemore, Brenda Dey- D. Rae, Mrs. Glenn Montgomery
ell, K. Todd, Linda Hallenbeck, and Mary Ann Kissner. granddaughter, Miss Shirley pose. "Faith of Our Fathers" was
Coulter, daughter of Mr. and sung. The president offered tour to Niagara
Mrs. Harold Coulter, RR 3 Listo- prayer.
wel, held in the Kitchener, Mrs. James Robinson favored GORRIE—The Women's In -
Waterloo Auditorium on Satur with an accordion solo and also stitute closed their activities for
Anniversary and flower service day. Miss a graduate . read the minutes. Mrs. Smith re- the summer months with an en -
nurse of Kitchener -Waterloo ported on the Presbytery meeting joyable bus tour to the Niagara
GORRIE- On Sunday morn- choir. Hospital, Kitchener. at Lucknow and reminded the area on Monday of last week. A
ing, the United Church Sunday Mrs. Raymond Gowdy directed Mrs. Harvey Adams and Mrs. ladies of the bus trip to Toronto to stop was made at the beautiful
School'celebrated its anniversary the children's singing which was Murray Edgar visited Mrs. Andy visit Ewart College and other Vineland Experimental farm,
with a flower service having as very much appreciated. Adams and Mrs. Alberta Elliott places of interest. where the floral displays were
the theme "Living for Jesus". of RR 1 Bluevale on Sunday. Plans were made to hold a viewed and a tour through the or -
Floral arrangements and post- "The Mann Family" offered to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grainger, birthday meeting in July. Nine chards gave an insight into the
ers carried the theme throughout musical numbers, "I Will Sing" Kitchener, Bruce Grainger of ladies answered the roll call with various experimental projects.
the attractively decorated and "Give Me that Old Time London, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. a verse containing the word, The commentary was given by a
sanctuary, windows and vesti- Religion". These were greatly Campbell of Harriston visited "Bread". farm employee who is a graduate
bule. enjoyed by everyone. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miss Louise Matthews received _ of the OAC.
The organist, Mrs. John Free- Grainger. th"ffering which was dedicated The trip continued to Marine -
man and pianists, Karen Binkley The Sunday School super- Earl Toner is a patient in Listo- by the president. Mrs. Gordon land and the Game Farm and
and Karen Hyndman provided intendent, Wesley R. Ball, led in wel Memorial Hospital. Gibson read the scripture taken after a picnic lunch the party en -
prelude music and accompanied worship and prayer and read the At a recent convention at Ni- from Matt. 5. Miss Louise Mat- joyed the porpoise show in the
the hymn singing 'and special scripture lesson from St. Luke 18: agara Falls, Harold Robinson thews had charge of the devotions Aquarium and the antics of the
music by the junior choir, the 1-30. was elected to the Provincial As- and spoke on the Third Com- killer whale. Supper was in Nia-
kindergarden and primary An interesting part of the ser- sociation of Committees of Ad- mandment. gara Falls before the bus left for
classes and the Sunday School vice was the presentation of justment of Land Divisions. Mrs. Thomas MacDonald gave the return journey.,
awards to students in recognition Mrs. Thomas MacDonald, Mrs. a report on how and where mis- The ladies were particularly
of regular attendance, partici- Archie Miller, Mrs. Wilford sionary monies are used. A hymn appreciative of the pleasant co-
pation in the life of the Sunday King, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie, was sung and the meeting closed operation of the bus driver and
School and general interest. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie and withprayer and the AN; 11 the hostess. Tt�e tour party in -
These were presented by the family, and Mrs. Robert benediction. A social half hour eluded ladies from nearby
Step up to superintendent assisted by the` Strong andnd family attended the was spent.
centres as well as Gorrie.
teachers of each class.
While stock The guest preacher was Rev.
from HAHN! Barry J Robinson Exeter. Hiy
las tee address ''Plugging
Away", contained interesting
and worthwhile thoughts for both`s
the children and adults present.
Buy Now and
_ S���I Referring to the scripture les -
SAVE! in which Jesus asked that ht -
tie children be brought to Him, he
8 H.P. Rider Mower, reminded everyone that our Lord y ..
36 inch cut.' Reg. priced at $989 y also said that only people who
•• _;79900 1" have the faith of children will r
7 - -- NOW ever enter the Kingdom's gates. �e ,
Pondering on what Jesus really -
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Guaranteed repairs to all P
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n y rs s a omen . e rug-
Bested that there is much to he
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Reg. $215
learned from children. We would
do well to imitate their honesty
NOW 8 8
and innocent openers, also their
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Come out and
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complete faith and trust. Chris -
bans must walk by faith and be
Light, easy
God's children.
try one and
Comparable with other 5 h p
Warning against the danger of
you'll believe
Reg :� s26500
becoming too serious, he gave
several • humorous illustrations
as we do:
and said we should always be
able to laugh at ourselves. A
the best quality products for your money
formula for being happy and
staying young at heart is to re-
member that you can't get angry
Lmm & *rh
and upset and laugh at the same
ul ciosmg he said that Happi-
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... a.. ,.,, 1..�..4r. t4.nir .^. �:,.-...,.y :., nnr., a}nrn AAanaAPr'
TRIH1\V LC lJ1�l VVI\ �iCiV a �r ov. .v v
"We service what we sell"
r Highway 23 North
ness is like a butterfly - the
and owner, Nelson Frank, presents Pearl Bell with �a Polaroid camera. Other winners
Listowel, Ontario
more we pursue it the farther it
were Shirley Double, Dr. Scholl's Massager; E. Smith, electric lighter; Mrs. Norman
flies. We should look around us
Kreswelter, salad set; Mrs. Edna Foxton, salt and pepper mill set; Dianne Scott, Carlton
Telephone 291-2441
and find our happiness where we
child's dishes; Ma,k Vincent, Tonomatic belt; Donna Marks, LP record; and Allan
are — living for Jesus.
Bumstead, Sidekick travel case.—Adv't.