The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-17, Page 140
Tai• 14--Ibe Wingham Advance-Tilnes, Thurs , June l7, 1976
- - Doctors prove
R & R Hicke teach smooth operators
y 0 against opponents ;r
r ■ � _ � Everyone who was anyone was is
first ala in cthic� :..,•r ��.
Pots 'n' Pans, from Mr. Big tib'
Two Wingham residents were the course with an average of 80 Miss Bedpan Deadbeat! Wearing
kept busy in Ethel for the last per cent. Reg O'Hagan, ambu- everything from baby rompers to
eight weeks. Rodney Hickey and lance director, Wingham and grass skirts they, romped their
Robert Hickey were instructing District Hospital conducted the way around Wingham', Ball `
members of the Grey Township examination June 8. He has as- Park last Wednesday evening,
Fire Department in the Red sisted many firefighters in first oblivious to everything but the
Gross Standard First Aid Course. aid knowledge. fun they were having! s;
The course consisted of lesson Fire Chief Gordon Engle and It was all part of an evening of t a
in control of bleeding, fractures, his department are to be congrat- fun, staged by and for people who
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, ulated in being progressive In year 'round are engaged in the
and care of victim until arrival of their fire fighting efforts and add- serious business of caring for the
professional aid, etc. Eng inure to 1 -heir serviro to the sick. The hospital staff, with one
Eighteen firefighters passeef community. player representing each dif
ferent department in the hospital,
opposed the doctors for a fun
game of baseball. With Dr. Han- #
Local teacherIon on the pitcher's mound, Dr. �.
Howiek Lions Clarke playing catcher with
attends meetin a
9bushel basket and Dr. Bateman
About 200 presidents and • taking life easy in the field, the
executive of the Women Teach- bingo wI n n erS medic team kept the hospital
staff to 15 runs while Dr. Mc-
ers' Associations that make up
the 33,000 member Federation of Howick Lions' bingo winners Gregor and Dr. Leahy„ with a
little help from be McKim and
Women Teachers' Associations of
were: his plastic bat, belted home 16
Ontario met at the Park Plaza Regular games: Margaret Ed- runs and claimed the trophy.
Hotel, Toronto, June 4 and 5. gar, Wroxeter; Mrs. Holloway, More important than the score,
Themes of the residents' con- Wingham; Mrs. Cooper, Listo M
P � however, was the fun players and
ference were leadership in the wel; Dianne Leek, Wroxeter; onlookers had even if Dr. ,Ping
work of the teachers' organiza- Mrs. Ste. Marie and Mrs. Finni- wasn't sure which direction to
tions and community public rela- gan, both of Wingham and Mrs. run when he hit the ball! The pro
tions. Caswell, Bluevale; Mrs. Hast, ceeds from the game, which
The conference is largely a ings, Listowel; Lyda Reidt, amounted to $178.20, will go
training session for next year's Wroxeter; Mrs. Atcheson, Wing- toward the Hospital Recreation l
presidents. ham; Mrs. Atcheson and Mrs. Committee for projects through -
Attending from Huron County Angus, both of Wingham; Mrs. out the year.
were Mrs. Helen Jamieson of Cooper, Listowel and Jim Scott, The committee wishes to ex -
McCurdy Public School in Cen- Listowel; Mrs. Hamilton, Luck- press gratitude to the doctors for n ......
tralia and Mrs. Kathleen Cruik- now and Dianne Leek, Wroxeter; sportsmanship above and beyond
shank of the Wingham Public Mrs. Cooper, Listowel; Mrs. the call of duty; and to those who
g Hamilton, Lucknow; Mrs. attended and supported their DR. PING rushes to first base during the game held between the doctors and the hospital
Hamill ,Atwood and Mrs.. Mrs.
ur- staff. After he reached first base he was overwhelmed by an onslaught of women. The
cause. game was held on Wednesday, June 9. Proceeds o to the hospital's recreation fund.
ner, Harriston; 9 y' g p
Share the Wealth: first, Mrs`
McInis, Fordwich and Mrs.
SlowpitC team 'chill, Formosa; second, Mrs.At the Movie'sBrophy
three times at bat. Steve Mor -
Caswell, Bluevale and Lorraine B r op b y Pee W e e s slam rison connected for a triple; Dan
drubbed 21 1 Montgomery, Wroxeter; Some bank robberies are Martin a double and singles went
$25 special: Mrs. Holloway, bloopers. Some work well. But to Goodall, Montgomery, Moore
none ever went like the one you'll
Win ham; jackpot consolation and Deichert. Dan Martin was at
The Brophy Slow Pitch team g l poy see in the film, "Dog Day After- opposition on, a sides g
and bonus: Lyda Reidt, his best, striking out 13 batters
took it on the chin to the tune of noon". And the weirdest thing is
21-1 at the Mitchell ball park on Wroxeter; stand to bingo: Di- that the heist really happened! The Wingham Brophy Pee- fourth with one, to round out their and going the distance. Dick
cane Leek, Wroxeter; lap card: total of 11 runs. They allowed Moore played a whale of a game
Thursday night. Mitchell came "Dog Day Afternoon" is a Wee baseball team remained
Mrs. Atcheson, Wingham; Walkerton two in the first, two in at third base, covering lip well on
through with 11 runs in the third Warner Bros. Film starring Al undefeated in their league after bunts inning on their way to the lop-sid- Dart game: Phyllis Baker, Pacino. It enacts an audacious defeating Dashwood 13-5 in that the third and only one in the ui nts and his constant chatter
ed score and the locals just could- Wingham; door prizes, Margaret bank holdup by amateurs, which village last week. The local squad fourth inning for a total of five showed he, was' really in the
n't get on the track. Edgar, Lyda Riedt, Jim Scott; took place in Brooklyn one hot appears to have developed con- runs. game.
The Wingham team has played and Deanna Boyd, of Gorrie- summer day several years back:siderable depth, as every mem Bill Brophy led the hitting
some very fine ball in the past lucky draws: Lorraine Mont That robbery might have taken ber reached base at least once again with two doubles out of
three years and once they find gomery, Wroxeter., Bonnie His- just minutes. But as the screen during that fixture. "NEW" BINGO
their range they say the ooposi- top, Gorrie, Marion Hafermehl, re-creation shows, four hours Joe Tiffin came in to Pitch for
FRIDAY, 8:30 P.M.
tion teams had better look out. Mildmay and Gladys Bates, Har- later the bank was like a circus the local team after two runs had Ed Doer to play June 18, 1976
Gord Welwood led the hitting riston. sideshow: Then it was the hottest scored and bases were loaded.
with two and singles went to G. thing on live TV news. Half a day Joe struck out the next three bat n Beefeater of
Story, Bruce Machan, Tom later it was all history. Key parts ters to lift the pressure. He went VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE
Robinson and. Bob Foxton. of the true story are the strange- right on from there to register his JACKPOT - $290.00
reasons behind the robbery, and victory with nine strike -outs, golf tournament on 58 Calls
Bei rave the strange emotional attach- keeping the ball down around the Constwith o consolation prize or sss.00
ment between the bank hostages batters' knees. As a result the . Edward Daer of Wing
g ham, current club champion at If not won, Jackpot grows by s 1 U.
� and their captors. Dashwood boys were hitting the and number of calls Increases by
Mr. and Mrs. Athol Bruce and "Dog Day Afternoon Wingham Golf and Country was ball down into the dust for rather one, each week
Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne filmed where it all happened—in easy outs from the very steady Club, has been invited to compete in
Campbell and Mrs. Reta Ross Y infield. C the 1976 Ontario Champion of
the heart of Brooklyn. The climax 3 SHARI-TIN-Wf AITN DAME!
LAKELET II Champions Golf Tournament for
spent the weekend in Ottawa with of the getaway was• restaged at Leading the batting parade for ADMISSION $1.00 - INCLUDES
LAKELET —The eighth meet- Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Gunett and Kennedy Airport. Wingham was Bill Brophy with the Beefeater trophy.
g P Y ONE FREE CARD. AddlHonal
i on the project, A Touch of Al Pacino has earned wide The Ontario classic will be
ng P ] family. Mr. and Mrs. Gurnett, the four in five trips to the plate, in- cards 25c each or 4 for 11.00
Stitchery was held at the home of former Norma Bruce, celebrated acclaim for his role as the bank eluding two doubles and two sing- played at Weston Golf and Coun-
Mrs. Jack Wright on June 3rd. their 25th wedding anniversary robber in "Dog Day Afternoon". les; Peter Goodall a triple and a try Club on June 25. It is open to
all Ontario Golf Club Champions. '••' °' ••e •• "as
The meeting opened with the with a family dinner. Later, Sidney Lumet, who also directed single; Steve Morrison, three P
1 e. The roll call,was "Show Pacino in "Ser Eco", directs this This is the sixth year that Bee-
ee - - ----- ---
P ur neighbors gathered at the home. P singles; Danny Martin, two sin- feater has s nsored the tourna-
your free choice article and tell film, and John Cazale, who gles; Dave Nesbitt, two singles; p°
meat in cooperation with t8e•On
you favorite stitch". The min- Mr. and Mrs. Grant McBurney, played Al Pacino's brother in Paul Montgomery a double and
�=uvl,6odys..iVlaP�a� �����
Dear Dad:
We've decided to take -you
out to dinner on Fat�er's Day.
Turnberry Tavern is opening at
noon that day and their Father's
Day menu soli-rds terrific . . .
roast beef and barbecued chicken,
with all the 'yummy trimmings.
tb ,gc >rl>,;1 •;c creat ido,a
Mother ,.,,��nti, ..,.,�� .., a �..._._
'cause she 10 knows that sometimes
we forget to tell you "you're No 1
with us. "
Love, The Kids
Notice to
residents of
the Township of
Please be advised that the Honourable John
, R Rhodes. the Minister of Housing. signed
?? an amendment to Ontario Regulation
No. 291 74, a commercial order which affects
z your municipality.
Although the commercial order intends only to
' prohibit haphazard development of shopping
centres in your municipality, small-scale com-
mercial uses serving local needs are also
prohibited under the order
Ontario Regulation No 334 76 which amends
the original order, permits the erectionor r,se
i of a building wish a floor area of less tha
n* 5.000 square feet for commercial purposes
{Y<` Other changes in siting requirements have
' also been included
For detailed information on Ontario Regula e
tion No. 334 76, please contact your munici-
pal clerk.
Where a proposed commercial use exceeds
the provisions of the order. the Minister of
r Housing may amend the order pursuant to
°<-- Section 32 (6) of The Planning Act after as-
sessing individual applications and in accor-
dance with sound planning principles
Ministry of Housing
Ontario Mlnlstet
utes were read by Rhea Behrns. Stephen and Renee of Miss- tarso Golf Association. Slmultan-
issau a spent "The Godfather", co-stars as the Daryl Holmes, a single.
A discussion was held on how to g Pe the weekend with inept holdup helper. eously' on the same date at the
evaluate an embroidered article his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Clyde Gimourp of the Toronto TAKE SIXTH (,AME Weston Golf and Country Club, �0�D � YE.
and plans for achievement day. McBurney. Star chose "Dog Day Afternoon" The Peewees won their sixth Ontario Senior. Champions will
as the best film of 1975. game t Friday night under the compete for the Beefeater Senior
lights at the local park to the tune Champion of Champions trophy.
of 11-5 in aseven-inning game T11 against Walkerton. The boys Whitewalls
I opened surging hard and came Polyglasout of the first with 3, the second Towne Players
with 4, the third with 3 and the
'�..d'' -
OUTLANDISH COSTUMES were the name of the game last Wednesday night when the
doctors played baseball against the hospital staff. Usual behavior and etiquette were
thrown out the window. From the left are Ella Searson, Gerry Chappell and Leota King,
all RNAs.
S��l�AOvR GG:fc�
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s' Z7
• • f • Isfr 16 lives
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1 �� �•'�,
L. 4osA 1 00%
'Mrs. Laurie Brown, Toronto,
was a weekend guest with Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Hayden.
Mr. and Mrs. David Douglas
and Robert Douglas spent Sun-
day at the home of their brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Douglas
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Weber and
Kevin, Walkerton, visited Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Musgrove.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Dailley,
Cambridge -Galt, Mr. and Mrs. J.
S. Clift, Toronto, spent the week-
end with the ladies' mother, Mrs.
Edward Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson
spent the weekend with .Jamie
Sanderson. Toronto, and at-
tended a family birthday party
for Selby Dobbs. Beeton, at the
home of his daughter, in Scar-
borough Mr. Dobbs is the hus-
band of the former Margaret
put on play In
Goderich park
Over the weekend Wingham
Towne Players mixed business
with pleasure in Goderich. For
some time the group had been
working on a three -act play by
Harry J. Boyle called "The In-
heritance". When Point Farms
Provincial Park staff heard
about this, they invited the Towne
Players to put on the play. for
campers on Sunday, June 13.
Most of the group went down a
day�early, the events of the night
not withstanding. The play was
performed in a charming barn
just inside the park.
The building had bright murals
painted on screens and lofts full
of straw overhead. The stage was
quite small, so the actors and ac-
tresses ad-libbed happily.
Throughout the play, a friendly
dove cooed and flrRtered.
"The Inheritance'' went
smoothly and audience members
seemed to enjoy it. It will be per-
formed in Wingham's town hall
auditorium June 17, 18 and 19 at 8
p.m. Theatre -goers are warned
that tickets bought in advance
are less expensive.
� P ftp -' 1 `�►.. h,1,k?
SA" , S
die R/G11T TNI S
Z ou�a.
gl G 49AA�
L L 1a E
F1 N^ `L Y (,(z -TA
308? hR.Eni7 7oU
G 1. T -T r PVC, SIC*- GI- O t
-, f` '
As T L^TMA' -ril N9u4 LK NEXT
cine pow sage price
for most cars
J18 15$5 Each,
178 1`1 more
J78 14
Th,',,, Iho bre that,tartpd the helted bre rnvnliltir,n
Gooriyn,ir , Cn'Inm Power (.,jO nn Pnlygla,
Its hprnmo Nnoh Amenia mo'4I popular
belted the over 60 rrtulhnn have heen -.old
Now until Jnnq :inch only your ;m buy Ihr,
great Pniygla, Whopwall trip at very,ppral
'ale paces and enloy all Jho hpneht' that made
Polyglas the favounte of') many,w nwner'
• Belted rnn,hur hon 'pep, Irpad grnnvp' open
for gond tray lion anrd hanrlhnq provide'-)
'tahle ode
• Two Lough frhergla,5 holt, hold Irpad firm
rpdure wear prod... .ng'q,nrm to makp Polyglas
tires amand la,t
• Pnlyp'tor rnrd hndy php, provAp strongth an(t
a;Mooth no thump nd,
• The dwahlo tread ha, hundred' of anglpd hitmq
_ odge,fnr Burp f,,(1fnd gap
At these prices... join the revolution
Sale ends June 30