The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-10, Page 6a-ra Advance -Times, Thurs., June iv, 17:6
MR. AND MRS. BARRY WHYTOCK were married May -8.
Joanne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Marks of
Win ham Barry is the son of Mr and Mrs Everette Why -
Laws, religious practices
no sure way to heaven
sg ►ho dangers of
becoming too comfortable to
one's faith, Pastor Ross Smith
told the congregation of Wing -
ham Baptist Church, "Religious
experiences do not in any way
guarantee a person entrance into
heaven", when he spoke Sunday
"Surely if eternal life could be
gained through the keeping of
laws, experiences and practices,
the Jews should have attained
it," the speaker said. Concerning
the Jews, Paul bays in the fit
letter to the Corinthians that God
was displeased with many of
them and actually cast many of
them away.
Using Israel's journey from
Egypt to the promised land as an
example, Paul shows that be-
longing to a certain church or or-
ganization does not gain merit
with God. Baptism or holy com-
munion do not save and cannot,
under any circumstances, get a
man into heaven.
During Lhe u►uruii111111 wtcviuc,
Doug Thomson played a piano
At the evening service, Pastor
Smith continued his study of
Revelation, speaking on chapter
19. Sorne of the highlights of the
Chapter are the marriage of the
Lamb, the wedding supper of the
Lamb and Christ's coming to this
earth in final judgment. This is
when that great final world con-
flict, the battle of Armageddon,
takes place in Israel.
The marriage of the Lamb
takes place in heaven. The
Church, His Bride, has been rap-
tured previously. This bride is
made up of all the saved who
have been washed in the blood of
Jesus Christ. The bridegroom is
Jesus Christ, called the Lamb of
God by John the Baptist. He re-
turns to the earth riding upon a
white horse, judging its inhabi-
tants and setting up His kingdom.
June ACW meeting begins
with a pot luck dinner
Dixon -Nath vows said
at Sacred Heart Church
The June meeting of St. rani s
Later the president, Mrs. h.
Anglican Church Women was
Powell, opened the meeting with
Baskets of mixed flowers
plemented by blouses of floral
held in the parish basement at
prayer and all joined in the
adorned the altar at Sacred Heart
sheer 'in shades of orange ice,
noon n Thursday and began with
Lord's Prayer. Mrs. M. Wade
Roman Catholic Church, Wing
blue and beige. They carried
a pot luck dinner which was en-
read the scripture and roll call
ham, when Maribeth Vath and,
nosegays of yellow carnations
joyed by everyone.
was answered with a verse about
George Dixon, both of Windsor,
and orange tea roses.
knelt before Rev A J. Nolan
George Ashford was grooms
tock of RR 3, Teeswater. The couple is residing at RR 3, Mrs. Lloyd Forler Mrs. Farnell read the service
the Least Coin which was col- and exchanged marriage vows. man and guests were ushered by
lected. Mrs. H. King gave the The ceremony was solemnized at Greg Porter, Mike Reaume and
Teeswater. hosts WI meeting treasurer's report, the birthday 4:30 the afternoon of May 29. Ray Kelpaki. All are from Wind-
• I LAKELET—Hostess for the box was passed and cards were The bride is the daughter of Mr. sor. The groom and his atten-
H a p p i n es s 1 n Gods world Women's Institute meeting on signed for the sick and some and Mrs. Peter Vath of Wingham. dants wore beige tuxedos with
June 3 was Mrs. Lloyd Forler. senior members. Parents of the groom are Mr. and brown trim and orange ice
i s theme of U CW meeting Mrs. Farnell reported on the Mrs. Roy Dixon of Windsor. boutonnieres.
The president, Mrs. Harold P Miss Rosemary Schmidt The bride's table was centred
Wallace, welcomed the ladies meeting held recently in St. ssuitable wedding music Schmidt
with a three -tiered wedding cake
1n closing the speaker said, and opened the meeting in the James'Westminster Church, played g
"Happiness in God's World" usual manner. The minutes of the London, which she and Miss the organ. A taped version of and on either side, yellow candles
was the theme of the meeting of atest
the afternoon unit f the United doing ore others, helpings is in people last meeting, treasurer's report Myrtle Johnson attended. speaker was Dr. Joanne De art Balfoue 'The r Paisley, Scotland, was the Wuart in ingham Legion Hall whetal candelabra re
Church ?Women held Tuesday, who need help, who are unable to and correspondence were dealt of the University of Toronto. Her played during the ceremony. the reception was held. A tall
help themselves. It is ours only as with by Mrs. Lyle Murray, the y Given in marriage by her white anniversary candle, a gift
June 1. Mrs. Fitch was in charge secretor theme was "Free in our Faith"
to the worship service and in her live inchaline rmony ourselves
th sto learn God's laws Mrs. Derril Hallman reported and she used a blown dandelion s to length ohe bride wn of eleghose a ant white floor -
table. Guestsalso attended from
be happy Plk said t `stents wone wants to ork hard in ms's creatures and God's plan- on the Huron East District An- astand fs a ast She toldtheur libertisladie be jet ey with high rolled neckline Windsor, Toronto, London, Mount
nual, which was held on May 11, with
order to provide their families n Theemeditation autiful lwas given by in Molesworth, and which was cause faith has made us free. We em
Hershoulder length veiffell�from Wisconsin, Kitchener, arls. Clemens, Michigan, Jefferson,
with the material necessities for Mrs. Pennington in keeping with attended by seven of Lakelet must try to work as a real Chris- a small cap of seed pearls and she Hanover and Guelph. Honored
Mft. Fitch
happiness.„ the theme "Happiness". Mrs. members, including FWIO board elan community as the church carried a nosegay of white carna- guest at the wedding was the
Mr§. Fitch said that often we Haselgrove read scripture from director, Mrs. Harold Wallace, exists to proclaim the one tions, orange tea roses and lily -0f groom's godmother, Mrs. W.
are so concerned with material St. Matthew's Gospel and Mrs. and Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, who is mission of mankind — open the -valley. Murphy of Windsor.
things that we forget to notice Fitch led in prayer. Mrs. Ken secretary -treasurer of Huron fellowship with an outreach to Miss Anne Vath of London was The bride's mother wore a long
what God has put in His world to East District. communities and people less for -
Wood sang a solo, accompanied maid of honor and bridesmaids sheer floral dress and coat en -
ensure our joy and happiness. by Mrs. Barry Passmore. Offer-- The 4-H Achievement Day for tunate than ourselves." were Miss Ruth Anne Currie of semble in orange shade with a
She cited the music of the birds, ing was received and dedicated, "A Touch of Stitchery" will be The speaker asked questions of Toronto, Miss Anne Welwood of corsage of yellow rosebuds and
perfume of flowers, trees with as was the offering of The Least held at Howick Central School on her listeners: "Have you seen the Wingham and Miss Adele Vath of white a of yeries. The groomed
naked boughs now bright and June 26, with all ladis invited to freedom Christ .proclaimed and -
heavy with foliage and bloom, Coin. the afternoon l l ram. promised? How can you feel London. Their - ensembles mother chose a floor -length en -
The business was convened by program. featured floor -length skirts of semble of green crepe with white
and green grass all around. Mrs. Underwood with Mrs. The motto for this education free . " In her answers, she urged nylon gabardine, com- accessories and a corsage of
Verena Bone giving the treasur- and cultural .activities meeting members to show willingness to
er's report. Mrs. Underwood an- was well presented by Mrs. Lyle work, use God-given talents,
nounced the general meeting to Murray. Her topic was "Educa- . have courage to do good to all.
be held June 14 with a pot luck tion is not merely the road to Dr. Dewart then went on to
St. Andrew's WMS supper at 6 p.m. followed by the g a earning living, but that which mention some of the church's
business meeting. The Friend- makes living worthwhile." Six- objectives, Outreach to Pakistan,
Folds -June meeting ship Club will meet June 16 at teen members and two visitors St. Monica House and Huron DOMINION HARDWARE'S
12:30 answered the roll call, "Which Church Camp among them.
The Women's Missionary Following the business portion has more influence call,
a child's Plans were discussed for the
Society of St. Andrew's Presby of the meeting, the group honored upbringing — home, school or spring deanery meeting to be
terian Church, Wingham, held its a member and her husband, Mr. church?" Everyone agreed that held in St. Paul's on Tuesday,
monthly .meeting in the upper and Mrs. Colin Fingland, who the home had the greatest' in- June 15, also the strawberry
room on June 1 at two o'clock. celebrated their 60th wedding an- fluence. festival Tuesday evening, June
The president, Mrs. Gordon niversary on June 3. The table The members were taken on an 22. Mrs. French read a poem
Wall, opened the meeting with a was decorated with lighted cand- armchair tour of Canada from written by a former rector, Rev. FOR THE JUNE BRIDE!
call to worship and a poem, is and a cake iced for the occas East Coast to WPst-Coast and the Jack James, picturing what he
"Light in the Valley". A hymn ion which was served with ice Yukon, with picturesque slides felt heaven is like.
was sung, accompanied by the cream and tea. • presented by Mrs. Lloyd Forler, The president closed the meet -
pianist, Mrs. J. Conn. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fingland depicting many beauty spots she ing with the benediction after
Scripture from the 25th chapter expressed thanks to the afternoon 'has visited on her travels plans had been made for the
of Matthew's Gospel was read by group and everyone wished them throughout Canada. September meeting
Mrs. V. Young who also gave a the best, with good health for
brief meditation which was pre- their remaining pared by Mrs. Conn. Mrs. R. H. g years. By re -
Armstrong led in prayer. quest, Mrs. Townsend sang the as
Following the singing of song which was sung at their r /
another hymnMrs. W. Ford read wedding 60 years ago, Mrs. Pass
I fl�llf \
the minutes of the last meeting more accompanying her.
and Mrs. Wall took charge of the The afternoon unit will not
business. The correspondence meet in July or August. The next
was read by Mrs. Ford and Mrs. meeting will be September 7 with
R. Hastings gave the treasurer's Miss Anne Henry in charge.
report. The offering was received
by Mrs. Hastings and Mrs. J. Fordwich
Currie and dedicated by Mrs. J.
McKague. Mrs. Ford then played Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson
a piano solo. were dinner guests Sunday with
The topic, "The Korean Mr. and Mrs. Ken Heise at Drew
Christian Church in Japan", was and visited with Mrs. Wes Down-
own taken by Mrs. Conn, Mrs. Currie, ey and Mrs. Grace Ziegler at '
Mrs. F. Ross and Mrs. Hastings. Geri -Care. Jim Richards of Lon -
Following the singing of a don called on his grandparents'
given hymn, the Mrs. losing Sunday evening on his way home
prayer and a social hour was enjoyed. from Tara where he had spent the
St. Paul's- Church
-REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector
and Choir Loader
TrWq SaWay
8:30 a.m. —Holy Communion
11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon
V Mrs. Ruth King, 2:30 p.m.
Tues., June 15--ACW Spring Deanery at
St. Paul's Church, 9:30 a.m. registration
Wed,, June 16�—Servers' Guild meets at the home of
Mike and Larry Milosevic, 6:00 p.m.
BRIGHT RIBBONS decorated award winnorc at HnIA,irie
Central field day held June 1. Pupils who gathered the most
points in the intermediate division were, front row, Shirley
Versteeg, 40 points and Rhea Behms, 58. Centre row is Andy
Demerling, 30 and Nancy Versteeg, 4e. In the back row are
David Burns, 66 and Jeff Baker, a3 points.
white carnations and tiny yellow
For tr:voWN in southwn On- E. PARKER
tario, the bride wore a white two-
piece linen dress with navy ac; Plumbing i Heating
Dories. They will reside in PHONE - 687-6071
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TEL. 291-2974
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