The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-10, Page 4v .. t ..... , w.. .. .. .,F......i,.arr
Certainlyworth trying
A page of P-ditcirl'A nninion
Thursday, June 10
Report from Queen's Park
CRANIASS! The provincial government has UN nations, called to discuss hu-
�everal months ago this column corn worth both thought and action. Of the 14 , n unveiled its plana for a long- man settlement and housing
mented favorably on a program of social re areas of concern listed, 12 lie withip the .. �_f7 promised home warranty plan. throughout the world. ,
Ail builders .�ratig in On- The phasing out of nuclear
form which was to be initiated by the Royal realm of legislative .control- Such problems � iariu will unve iu i sici' wi.L. a '
Canadian Legion across Canada. Dubbed as torei n influence on Canadian business / - , `as pvwCr aiiu .n.w iibc Yi+unS
e9 9 _ special non-profit corporation merged as two central issues
"ACTION", the Pur r when the law becomes effective during the discussions. The con -
pose of the program is to and culture and the hedith of Canadian con /
bring to Canadians a fresh awareness of
.,, ...e federation must eventually be dealt with by later this year. New houses built census view was that not only
basic areas of concern which appear to be re our elected representatives. Two other sub for sale in Ontario, exec t cot
p should there be a moratorium on
sponsible for a deteriorating quality of life in jests of the study, Decline of the Family tages, rental units and shell Nous the construction of nuclear
this nation. The word "Action" stands for the Structure and Work Ethics, are matters for \ ing which buyers finish them- plants, but also a phasing out of
initial letters of the program's theme, "A personal concern and areas in which only ":�
selves, will be covered under those now in operation.
commitment to improve our nation". personal awareness and responsibility can �a`'y s warranties. Canada, However, disagreed
The very fact that the Legion has em- create improvement. a';; The warranties are intended to with this viewpoint. Prime Min -
barked on a project of this kind is indicative $ �K protect buyers from faulty .work- ister Trudeau said that Canada
of the changes which are in progress all In communities all over the country manship and materials for the would not only continue to make
around us. Basic purpose of the Legion has committees of non -Legion people are being �\'.:� !'����'�\�\\�\"� ®' ` Y
first year, and from major struc- nuclear power planta, but would
been to protect the rights of war veterans, asked to take the lead in the Action program. `�rL lural defects for the following continue to export them.
their widows and childrep—an excellent ob Many of these people are shaking their heads Y _ four years. Builders who fail to As well as the nuclear demand
jective which has been effectively carried at the prospect of tackling hurdles which i,: meet standards set out in the On- by delegates, it was also suggest -
out. However, as veterans of the wars grow have, apparently, proven almost beyond the a » tario Building Code may lose ed that ten per cent of all money
older and eventually depart the scene, the powers of our legislators to surmount. But * their registration and right, to now used for military purposes
Legion finds itself with less and less respon- we believe that the Legion `has, indeed, en- construct new homes for sale in by UN members be transferred
sibility to those one-time defenders of free- visioned the only workable approach to these the province. annually to a fund for improving
dom. basic issues. Unless the little people all over The Ontario government spent human settlements. This would
The Action program is intended to direct Canada—the mothers and fathers, the fac- $26,576.26 on trips by cabinet amount 'to three billion dollars
the tremendous influence of the Legion tory workers and the farmers, and all the ministers throughout the prov- per year.
across Canada toward the betterment of the others in between, indicate in clear terms ince to explain their spending re-
qualit of life which so man g that the want to see better things for their straint programs. Of that Ontario has introduced its long
y y young Cana Y 9 overdue farm income stabiliza-
dians died to defend. At first glance- the children and grandchildren, the lawmakers amount, the treasury ministry tion legislation. The Ontario plan,
areas of concern toward which Action is di- have no directive from us to do anything spent $22,265.40 on tours between which is voluntary, offers some
more than keep the ordinary, ever da ma ( December and March of this
rested would appear to be well outside the P Y- Y Y �/ %�'/ �v�+ronsu�nn� _ year. income protection to growers of
possibility of change. Law and Order; Drug chinery of government operating and send �j/r� Jack Riddell (Lib. —Huron wheat and certa*yegetablesand
Use and Abuse; Capital Punishment; Parole us the bill. Middlesex) maintained that lay fruits on the same terms as the
System; The Quality of Justice -to mention Few nations on this earth are blessed offs of former Essex Packers federal plan. This could affect
only a few. first reaction is that Canadian workers at a Hamilton abattoir less than 25 per cent of the prov-
with the opportunities for a rich and whole ince's farmers. Support under the
lawmakers and Canadian churches have some future as we have in Canada. Still not P y
been seekinganswers to these same were an , Bet t eta cover
• bill would be provided at 90 per
ques- overcrowded; still possessed of bounteous company, Better Beef Ltd., to cent of the average market price
tions for a long time, so what can individuals resources and breath -taking natural beauty, avoid issuing severance pay. He for the previous five ears, with
or organizations do about therh-? Items rom es asked the labor minister to in P y
9 we can, if we ai�e determined, make our land
At first glance, we repeat, for each of the the gleaming hope of the world. The Action vestigate the manoeuvre by Bet adjustments for production cost
9 9 P changes in the current year.
subjects is worth more than passing interest. program' will not, of course, make such ter Beef to determine whether it
The concerns defined by the Legion are so dreams c ne true over night. If, however, it JUNE 1929 The annual meeting of the past year of 414, but population of is grounds for ending a lease be -
important and so basic to our problems and does at least point the.way to better things it Stratford Rotary Club last year Wingham Patriotic Association the county as a whole rose by only tween the company and the pro-
those which face our children, that they are will be 'wel l worthwhile. raised a fund of about $7,000, to be was held in the council chambers 209. Wingham rose by 105 to 2,875. vincial government involving the
spent on crippled children in an with Fred W. Spry elected presi- Brussels, at 853, gained 18. Guelph Correctional Centre. The
endeavor to reduce their dis- dent. Other officers are William An executive meeting of the minister undertook to look into
ability and make life more pleas- G. Hamilton, George E. North- Association for Retarded Chil- the situation. Is your lifestyle leading to
ant. In making a survey of Perth wood and E. L. Stuckey. dren was held for the purpose of For part of the week I was at- heart attack? Your Ontario Heart
County the Rotarians found it reviewing applications and tending the Habitat Conference in Foundation can tell you how .to
possible to extend their good in- A county unit of the Federation selecting a teacher. The applica- Vancouver as the representative change it to reduce your risk of
fluences to a wider area and so of Agriculture was formed at tion of Mrs. Jack Reavie of Wing- of my party from Ontario. This ' heart attack and stroke. Help
have included Huron County in Clinton when upwards of 300 ham was accepted. conference is a United Nations your Heart Fund help YOUR
the scope of the beneficience. Huron County farmers and their conference involving all member heart.
, Miss Bernice Wright has taken wives attending a meeting. Eighty Masons marched in,the
We have strange priorities a position with the Robe and Reeve of H aselle t v Gamble annual church parade of Wing -
Clothing Company of Kitchener. of Gorrie, was elected vice presi ham Lodge A.F. and A.M. No. 286 E. Wawanosh repeals i s bV laws
Ben Rich's dray team took a dent. g P 1
Awa back in the bad cild days when• a sudden start from the station and when service was held in the Sal -
dashing Bobby ort is free to accept the highest vation Army Citadel. Visiting re Federation of Agriculture
king or a chieftain could part a head from a offer for his skills as a hockey player—so he dashing down Josephine Street, y g
body by simply lifting a finger to the court attached to the dray, swerved to lodges joined with`the Wingham
P Y 9 9 would take a good look at three million bucks
executioner one class of individuals enjoyed over five years. The TV wrestlers who enact the side near the post office and JUNE 1952 brethren. Before the parade, At the June meeting of the East Lot 35, Con. 2 was passed on mo-
a near immunity`,., to the royal` wrath. The all that agony in the ring have, in many straddled a sedan. Fortunately' ` Fred L;: Davidson of town was Wor. Bro. Alex Reid, P.M., pre- Wawanosh Township council last tion of Councillors Vincent and
kin s ester could et awl with insults and no person was injured in the cav- elected director of the Wingham sented Wor. Bro. Edgar Harrison week all bylaws pertaining to the Currie. A bylaw received approv-
9 I 9 Y cases, foresaken careers in the professions rY charge. al char and Bright district of the Ontario with his 50 -year jewel. collection of fees on behalf of the al for the township to enter into
impertinence that would have meant the because there is so much money in the Water Well Association which Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hodgkin- Federation of Agriculture were agreement with owners of lands
death sentence for the doughtiest knights in entertainment field. Movie and television Considerable improvements was organized at Tillsonburg last son have returned to Wingham rescinded. A new bylaw provides for the purpose of reforesting
the realm. Mind you, when the king was no stars are right in there too when it comes to have been made to the Wingham week. after residing in Lucknow the for a grant to the Federation, areas within the township.
longer amused the jokester wasn't around s. seven -figure earnin bowling green this year. A new
g g Miss Vivian Ernest was class past few years. rather than collection of fees A resolution from the Township
very long. fence has been erected and one of valedictorian when she graduat- Vern T. Inglis, son of Mr. and through taxes. of Hope was strongly endorsed by
We are still quite willing to give those Now, mind you, this is great. We like to the rows of trees cut down, so the ed from St.' Mary's Hospital Mrs. James Inglis, RR 1, Clif- At the same meeting building the East Wawanosh council. It
who amuse us some very great rewards. The be entertained and apparently -we are willing grass would not be shaded across School of Nursing, Kitchener. fbrd, has been promoted from permits were issued to Otto claims that the Equalization
prime minister takes on a position of great to pay for our amusements. Who can blame the end. The green is now in Leslie Mae Wall received word senior clerk to the position of ac- Weber, George McGee, Murray Factors used by the provincial
power; and gets a pretty good pay cheque; aBobby Orr or any of the other big-time puck- splendid shape and was used this last week that she has been countant at the plaza branch, Irwin and Rinaldo Facchinato, ministries of Revenue and
doctor who has the necessary training to chasers for making the dough while they still week for the first. awarded the Lillian Massey Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- all subject to approval by the Education are outdated and that
save lives is well paid; the accountants and have the legs? But next time you and the J. H. have
and Son in Tees- Treble Gold Medal in household merce, Georgetown. county. action should be taken to update
economists who guide our businesses aren't wife are wondering whether you can Spare water have purchased an interest economics from the Senate of The Evangelical United Breth- A livestock claim in the amount these factors not later than the
exactly starving—but when it comes right that two bucks for the Cancer Society or are to the undertaking business of W. Victoria University. Miss Wall ren Church in Chesley was decor- of $100 was passed for Harold first of January.
J. Morrison, Kincardine. y ated with daisies and candelabra @uipp as well as the $8.50 valu-
down to who gets the heavy gelt, take a look tellingyourselves that your $100 a year for also received the Sarah Kennedy
y Last weeks provincial election scholarship in household science when
ily to while awaguys ynd our leisure houwho rshe for us. the church is pretty open-handed, think in Saskatchewan resulted in a awarded by the Senate of the Uni- James DRobert Baiorothy n exchanged ances g and ator's (were appree to Keithoved foeber.r Alex Road accounts of $22,467.09 and
Y Y again. virtual defeat for the Liberal versity of Toronto. Miss Wall will wedding vows. Nethery and John McInnes. general accounts of $65,450.46
party which has held power since be employed with the Women's Doug Elliott's German -Shep- The passage of Bylaw No. 6 will were approved for payment. The
1905 when the western provinces Institute Branch of the Depart- herd, Ruff, participated in the prohibit the use of public lands general accounts included first
were formed. Liberals and Con- ment of Agriculture. pooch parade staged in the con- for any purpose other than rec- payment of $59,904.50 to the
servatives each elected 26 mem- .Russell Chapman has purchas- nection with the Kinsmen Trade reation, or for use by the town- Huron County Board of Educa-
bers so looks like a new election ed Mr. Loughran's general store Fair and won the prize for the ship and Hebo Siertsema for the tion and $1,151.50 to the Huron -
T h e national buck -passers within a year. in the village of Whitechurch. 'and longest tail. reforesting of eight acres on Part Perth Separate School Board.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gibson will get possession next week.
leave next week for Victoria, B.C.° + �.
Con -
by motor. Mr. Gibson has been on Mr. and Mrs. Loughran and Con.
Some of the natives are restless in Of managers into a loan. After a long time the the high school staff for the past pie intend to move Harri
taws these days. There's a little item of S16 whole deal fell through and the shoppers year and is going to Victoria to Robert Harknesss has pputut
million that slid down the drain to the Lock found they would have to find another air take a similar position. chased the Russell Nickel farm ,
near Belmore and is moving _
heed Aircraft Corporation and nobody wants plane store. But, by cracky, Lockheed could Charles Leaver is building a there this week.
to take the blame for this mistake in the n't give them back their little old down pay cement foundation for n shed at=�
ment. his home in Whitechurch. Morris Township Council, at its
handling of the petty cash. regular meeting, passed a bylaw''
It all started when the Armed Forces So now Mr. Goyer, who is minister of Members of the Ballagh providing for installation and
said that the old Argus patrol aircraft was supply in Ottawa, and his pal, Mr. Richard families at Belmore attended the maintenance of Bluevale street
getting pretty wobbly and Canada should go son, who told his boys in the Forces they Ballagh-McDonald wedding in lights y
shopping for some new models. The buying could have new airplanes, are feeling sort of Teeswater on Wednesday. Winners from the public school
department looked here and there and foolish. Mr. Goyer says one of Mr. Richard 0-0-0
at the field day in Wroxeter went ,
finally said they'd found the right plane for son's boys, a guy by the name of General to Walkerton where they compet->
the job—the Lockheed Orion. And boy, the Allen, was the one who goofed. Some of the JUNE 1941 ed with Bruce County winners. '
price was right: less than a billion dollars for lads who sit across the aisle from Jack Herd, who has been man- Marg Hastie came second in the ¢
18 of these slick new jobs. Jean Pierre and Jimmy think that's a stinky ager of the Chainway Store here tinning race.
So they said, ''Sure, we'll take 'em. You way to do things. They came right out and since it opened nearly two years One of the most beautiful ser- t,
can start to whack 'em together for us right said if the boss couldn't take the heat he ago, has resigned and his place is vices of the year, Flower Sunday, t'
away.'' should get out of the kitchen. being taken by Fred Bates of was observed at the Wingham
Now things were a bit sticky at Lock Oh well ; what the hell I It's only sixteen Brampton who has been in United Church. People from `
p charge of the Chainwa Store at
heed. The airplane makers were a bit short million. It won't make all that much differ g Y miles around flocked to the
Caledonia. s.
on ,`tough so they said. ''Slip us a little pin ence in this year's deficit anyway church and many had to be turn -
money so we can lay in some engines and _ For 31 years, Alex McEwen has ed away. "Service" was the
wire and stuff like that and we'll get right at been clerk of the township of theme this year and the entire
Miracles Morris and throughout these was conducted by mem-
it " Which the shoppers did Apparently they program
didn't bother with contracts and agreements years of service he has carried on bets of the Sunday School under
his duties faithfully and well. the direction of Lloyd Hutton. g
and trivial paper work That kind of"red tape Now in his 85th`
Your fingers thrust a. hard, dry seed of year, he gives Jean Elizabeth Kirkconnell of
could be spliced in when the real money
corn into the moist earth You cover it over way to a younger man. In ap- Auburn became the bride of
estarted to flow and walk away without another thout In a Preciation of his years of service, Louis Augustine Blake in the Ro-
�� `", I he was resented with a
week or so there is a green shoo ,rn f`wo P gold man Catholic Church in Brussels.
Unfortunately, Lockheed had to have a months a tall stalk and in the summer the headed cane. The new 'clerk, 0-0-0
little more of the green stuff and they took a ripening ears of golden corn From a hard George Martin, is no stranger to
tri to the bank—then to some more banks, nub of seed to a feast upon. our table And the people of the township, as he JUNE
P P y was born and raised on the fifth Sharon Edwards and Ken Har-
ar and blessed if they could talk any of the bank yet-, you do not believe in miracles . ecncession. rison won top honors in the Kins��
When Wingham Public School men Twistathon staged at the
re -assembles in September two Trade Fair on Saturday night. ,
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES familiar faces will be missing. Five couples participated in the
Gordon Kidd, who for five years event.
Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bron. Limited has been the popular principal at Dr. •Ivor Cenni, a graduate of
the school, has accepted a posi- McGill University who has toren ;
Barry Wenger. President Robert O Wenger. Secretary Treasurer tion at Islington At a board in dental practice in Montreal for
meeting, it was decided to offer the Past four years, will corn -
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations the principalship to Goldie meme pe av6ur in Wingham this
Member — Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. Wheeler who has been on the staff wee in association with'Dr. J. 0.
for two years. Miss Myra Mac- Shaunessy and Dr. E. F Shaun- THE BUSINESS AND Professional Women's Club went to see Wingham's Museum on
Subscription $10.00 per.year. Six months $5.25 To United States $20.00 Donald who has been a member easy. June 1 after their regular meeting. The museum is situated above the Day Care Centre.
of the staff for nine years, has The five towns in Huron County Looking at George Allen's collection of carved birds are two new B & PW members,
Serond Class Mail ReBi$tratioa No. 0621 Return postage guaranteed given in her resignation also had a net population gain in the Nancy Bailey and Marg Burkhart.