The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-06-03, Page 7MONEY
Resident%], Conmmerdw
LoW bevelopment
Builders Interim Fimmeing
Call Collect
Huron plowing -match
The Wingham Advance-Thaes, Thurs., June a, IWO-•Pys 7
at Kir ton
S t. 18v
1 8800
SaR W14
► MINI YM !�1 Tom_.-_•- -
M. .......,.... IMM • aik `"
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Ob- %A WW1MW (AMo.W•
the ba service m Landes,
Plowmen's Association
this year. Boys wishing to join
; -;, �; Brighton called on his uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc-
born United Chnrch an Sunday
will hold their 1978 plowing match
this year's club should get in
Quire last Tuesday.
morning when Rev. Stanley Me-
in Usborne Township on the Ken
touch with Len MacGregor at the
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse
Donald baptized Dana Marie, in -
Duncan farm near Kirkton on
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture
' accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mait-
fent daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Saturday, September 18th start-
and Food at Clinton, Club
RR 4,
land Edgar and family of Petro
David Bosman.
ing at 9 a.m.
The Junior Plowing Match and
Leaders BW Leeming,
Walton or John Clark, RR 5, " ~`
lia and Miss Janet Arnold of
Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer
spent a taw days last west with
thing da
coo will be held on
Goderich, before June 15.
Brigham to Hamilton on Friday
afternoon where their nephew,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft.
Thursday, September 16 com-
Graeme Craig, RR 2, Walton,
Brian Edgar, received fila de-
Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey of
� �r
mencing at 9:30 a.m. There will
has been appointed assistant
grass of Bachelor of Arts and
Ingersoll attended the convoca-
two expert plowmen on hand
secretary -treasurer. He replaces
Bachelor of Physical Education
tion at the University of Guelph
to advise plow boys on the proper
Robert McCartney, who has re-
at McMaster University. A
"irk amu' , Arnold, received
setting of plows an,, .. the fine
family smorgasbord dinner was
Bachelor of Science
points of plowing.
Plans for the 1978 International
- enjoyed at the Plainsman Tavern
M8Y He is the grandson of
The association is sponsoring
Plowing Match and Farm Ma -
a near Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter.
the 4-H Sodbusters Club again
chinery Demonstration at the
i ` �' ' #. Mr. and Mrs; Stuart Hammond
The anniversary service for
Jim Armstrong and surrounding
s : §` of Atwood visited on Sunday with
Calvin -Brick United Church was
farms are progressing on
held S da ev Ma 30
�% schedule. All committee chair f Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd. on un Y Y
Blue -
men have been appointed. Man -<y Mr and Mrs. Robert Hibberd with Rev. Wilma Brown of Blue -
PPo Y a s, visited on Friday evening with vale as guest speaker. Special
SERVICE interested and energetic people
��� music was Provided b the Bel-
T/P are required to assist with the _�. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg. �P Y
e9- ave Mens Choir accompanied
successful operation of each of Miss Doreen Anderson and grave Pant
LISTOWEL the committees. The Farmstead ffi.H^ e,t Dale Lougheed left last Wednes by Miss Doreen Anderson under
Impt ovement Committee will be day morning with the Lucknow the leadership of Rev. John G.
291 -2111 ging contestants from all Concert Band for a 5 -day tour Roberts. A time of fellowship fol -
291 -2111 TAKING A PLEASANT coffee break at the Craft and Bake Sale held Saturday are Lily which included concerts at Oak lowed the service. Since there
AIRLINES CRUISES municipalities to participate in Wyld, Arlene Cober, Leoda Winger and Mrs. Earl Cober. The sale was held in the after- villa Toronto, Brockville, Ottawa was no service in Knox United
the months ahead. noon in the town hall. Mone made from the event is going to the Association for the Men- Church, Bel rave, man
BUS TOURS GROUP TOURS Y 9 9 and the Lions International B Y
An information session will be tally Retarded. Parade in Quebec City on Satur- members attended this service.
ABC CHARTERS SUN TOURS held at the Central Huron Secon- Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Wide and
day. Kimberly of Mount Ho spent a
20 YEARS O F EXPERIENCE �rY School cafeteria on Tues- Mrs, pearl Wheeler and C. R. Y Pe Pce
day, June 22nd at 8:00 p.m. to r
outline the various activities as- 9 Coultes of Huronview, Clinton ac- few days last week with her par-
with the International companied Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ents, Mr. and Mrs. Garner
t to London on Sunda Nicholson.
Wghtma n f n s a e Wheelerw' Match. Ed Starr Satre- Mrs• 'Van YPlo tng Mr. and Mrs. Allan Armes of
tory manager, Ontario Plow where they visited with Mrs.
men's Association will be the Went
Winnie Wheeler. Windsor spent a few days last
feature speaker. Everyone with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kerr of week with Mrs. Cecil Coultas.
Huron WestFWIO Birch Run, Mich., visited on Sun -
an interest is invited to attend. presi
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Ninety women registered for trict. Mrs. Kaitting of Tiger Dun- Mrs. Papple conducted the e- Bert Johnston.
the 76th annual meeting of the lop Branch conducted a Sing- lection and, installation of of- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson Delegates to the Canadian
W HI TECHUR CH Huron West District of the Feder- Song after dinner. ficers : returned home on Thursday from Managing Editors' Conference in
ated Women's Institutes of On- Roll call of branches was an- Past pres., Mrs. Donald Haines, a three-week caravan tour of Regina were told that there has
& WEEK END Visitors on Sunday with Mr. tario. The event was held in Au- swered by the presidents of the 12 Auburn; president, Mrs. Ivan England Wales, Ireland and been a serious decline in daily
burn Community Hall on May branches givinge highlights of Wightman, RR 1 Belgrave; 1st Scotland. newspaper readership in the past
and Mrs. Wallace Conn were Mr. 26th. Followingthe opening exer- the past year. Mrs. C. Elliott and vice res., Mrs. Graham McNee, 15 years. One speaker said that
and Mrs. Mac Armstrong of Cul- P y p Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bosman
cises, Mrs. Eleanor Brodnock Mrs. A. Popp of the Clinton Dungannon; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. the excuse of inadequate staff to
BRUSSELS, ONTARIO rasa and Bert Moffat of Tees-
welcomed all to Auburn. Mrs. Branch conducted a short service Wiliam Porter, RR 2 Goderich; cover the news in depth is no
water. Ivan Wightman presided for the in memory of members who had secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Ri- longer valid. "Some of our small
JUNE 12 and 13 1976 Mrs. Julia Huffman is a patient g passed on to higher service dur- chard Buchanan, RR 6 Goderich; weekly papers are doing a great
r r meeting and Mrs. Richard Bu -
in Wingham hospital.. The com- chanan was secreta anajob in the same areas with
munity wishes her a speedy re- �' and ung the past year. assistant secretary, Mrs. Stanley
Brussels Fairgrounds gave the treasurers report. The Miss Helen McKercher, direct- Hopper, RR 5 Brussels; Feder- smaller staffs and certainly
covery. theme for the meetingwas "Uni- fewer dollars available," said
Mr. and Mrs. John de Boer or, Home Economics Branch, ation Representative, Mrs. Ivan
were ndvisitors with their versal Friendship". Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Wightman; alternate, Mrs. Eric CURRAH-VERDEN James, D. Morrison of the
Saturday Mrs. Gordon Pa le, Fredericton Gleaner, the con -
SATURDAY Flea Market PP FWIO and Food was the guest speaker. Anderson, Londesboro RR 1; Francaise Marie Rose Verden
daughter, Mrs. Ron Nicholson, board director, spoke briefly, "Wtrying relations officer, Mrs. ference president.
10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (501) and Mr. Nicholson of Strathroy. p° , She said, e are Yi � to deve- pand Barry Charles Currah were
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Scott of ging everyone who is concern- op leadership. We should create a Norman Coultes, RR 5 Wingham; united in marriage May 21 at
Remote Control Air Show ed about violence and obscenity desire for information in those curator, Mrs. Gordon Taylor, Sacred Heart Church, Sturgeon
Culross attended Whitechurch on T.V. or radio programs to le who do not have the de- Goderich; assistant, Mrs. Lloyd
2 p.m. of -
anniversary services on Sunday write to Mrs. H. Noblett stat' PSP Falls with Father Milette he
and visited with Mr. and Mrs. � sire, but make sure the infer- Pipe, Londesboro; auditors, Mrs. ficiating. The bride is the WINGHAM
the name and time of program mation is true. Citizens should be Charles Johnston, Blyth and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jean
Victor Emerson. also the sponsor. She urged SUNDAY Antique Car Tour 10:30 Po g capable, efficient and self reliant Robert Powell, Wingham; dis- Verden 92 Queen St., Sturgeon BODY SHOP
q Misses Barbara and Jean branches to support Erland Lee delegate, Mn.Graham Me -
to C.K.N.X. Wingham and Bain- Campbell of London spent the PPo and always interested in learn trier del Falls. The bridegroom's parents
weekend with Mrs. Robert Ross Home and Nutrition Education. Nee Dungannon; alternate, Mrs'
are Mr. and Mrs. Beverly
ton's Old mill, Blyth. and attended the anniversary Quilt blocks are to be made and She urged Women's Institute Peter Chandler, RR 3 Wingham. Currah, Gorrie.
sent to Erland Lee Home along•ti,ronveners to plan educational District standing committee Norma Malott of Monetville SID ADAMS
services. with the instructions — the are T"`pr conveners are: Agriculture and
Trophies and Prizes Awarded Y programs —programs that will Aga'. and Gerald Currah, of Gerrie Complete
p Sandy F Bev
Ke of Stratford, a to be for sale at the Home. Canadian industries, Mrs. Cecil
2 p.m. . ' friend of Bev Kay, attended the interest the potential member. were the attendants. A reception RADIATOR SERVICE
anniversary service on, Sunday This is Mrs. Papple s last year Mrs. Celia Taylor, Goderich and Elliott, Clinton; citizenship and followed at the home of the bride,
Antique Car Games 3 p.m. as board of director and she Mrs. Jackson, Auburn, each pro- world affairs, Mrs. Leslie Jack- 92 Queen St., Sturgeon Falls.
Kay and family. � for
and visited with Mr. and Mrs. thanked all for their co-operation vided entertainment during the lin, Wingham; education and cul After a honeymoon in Ottawa and Automobiles, lighi-Trucks,
and friendship. She ratified the day, tural activities, Mrs. Margaret Northern Ontario, the couple will Farm Tractors
This community extends
... EVERYONE WELCOME ... district directors. The following reports were gi- Taylor, Londesboro; family and live at 10 Highland Cres., Kit- New Rad Cores
sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miss Jane Pengilley, home ven by the conveners: Agricul- consumer affairs, Mrs. Ross thenar.
Lunch Booth on grounds Gibson and family in the recent Gammie, RR i Lucknow; reso Rodding
passing of his father, Marshal economist, gave a very informs- tore and Canadian Industries, Guests attended from Gerrie,
Gibson of his f w. tive report on the activities of the Mrs. C. Elliott; citizenship and' lutions, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, B Guests , Toronto, Kitchener, Cleaning & Flush�g
4H Homemaking Clubs and an- world affairs, Mrs. Luella Mc- Auburn. Tavistock, Barrie, North Bay, 14 North St. 357-1102
pounced that the fall project is Gowan; education and cultural Bright and Sudbury. ,
"The Cereal Shelf", promoting activities, Mrs. Margaret Tay- `Qat euchre Arty
the use of cereal grains and fea- lor; family and consumer affairs,
SUTTON PARK INN turing recipes for snacks, supper Mrs. Ross Gammie, read by Mrs. held at Belgrave
dishes, muffins, etc. She thanked James Curran; public relations HAVE MOVED !
Kincardine Ontario WI members and parents for officer, Mrs. N. H. Coultes; cur- BELGRAVE—Three tables of WE
their cooperation. ator's report, Mrs. Celia Taylor; euchre were played when the last
Mrs. Norman Coultes gave a Huronview report, Mrs. Keith party of the season was held in Ed's Siding & Roofing
Tops in Entertainment and Dining report of officer's conference Webster who announced a bazaar the community rooms last
which she attended in Waterloo, and tea to be held June 9 at Wednesday evening. •Vinyl or aluminum siding
For Your Enjoyment *Aluminum Seamless Eavestroughing
May 4, S, 6 as district delegate. Huronview. Prizes for high scores went to .FREE ESTIMATES
Appearing this week - GARY d DAVE Following the dinner which was Mrs. 'Phomas Haggitt read an Mrs. Ella Johnston and Mrs.
provided b the Auburn Branch, emergency resolution re the clos Get the job done right of the right price
June 7 - 12 -Coulson Expansion p Y g Y Olive Walker, the latter playing
p greetings were brought from the ing of Clinton Hospital and all as a man. Mrs. Pearl Hogg and Take your choice • aluminum or vinyl siding . $80 per square.
A show band for your listening 8 dancing pleasure. London Area by Mrs. Wallace branches were asked to write let- Lawrence Taylor held low scores.
Laidlaw, president. She an- ters to Premier Davis, the mini- Novelty prizes went to Mrs. Call 335-6341
MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY — $1 Cover Charge nounced that the London area ster of health and to local Hazel Procter and Victor Young -
THURSDAY TO SATURDAY - $2 Cover Charge convention will be held in Till- M.P.P's regarding this matter. blut. Wroxeter, Ontario
sonburg, November 9 and 10.
Mrs. Freeman brought greet'
From 4 to 8p. m. every Sunday - "Maxi-Smorg " ings from Huron East District �1e,.,� �� ,
and Mrs. R. Westcott brought +� .
greetings from Huron South Dis._
Step up to
While stork lasts!,
Guaranteed repairs to all
small engine equipment.
from HAHN!
Buy Ndw and
8 H.P. Rider Mower
36 inch cut. Reg. priced at $989
NOW $79900
19" Magnesium Deck`
Reg. $215
1 8800
SaR W14
Come out and
try one and
light, easy to handle.
Comparable with other S h.p
you'll believe
Rvq $?
Now $ � � � O 0
as we do:
- the best quality products for your money
Lmm & its
"We service what we sell"
Highway 73 North
Listowel, Ontario
Telephone 291-2441
PAT ORIEN, of the Junior Citizens, rests for a minute out-
side the Berean Chapel. She was helping at the Kinette
Garage Sale held Saturday. Proceeds wlil be donated to the
Junior Citizens. The Kinettes would like to thank everyone
for all the help they received.
READS JUNE 9-8-7-6
Advance -Times
That's right: an occideint to the left
Mo of the brain moy paralyze the
right aide of the body and vice verso.
...that you'll get more from your dol- .
for and friendly servlce from #wry
side when you deal with us. ".1m