HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-27, Page 17AUTHENTIC GERMANY
High in the mountains west
of Caracas, Venezuela, is an
authentic German village,
Colonia Tovar, with German
architecture, food, customs
and atmosphere.
Ontario Hydro's Nanticoke
Generating Station, located near
Port Dover on the north store of
Lake Erie, will have a generating
capacity more than double Can-
ada's total share of power re-
sources 4t Niagara Falls. ,
Friday and Saturday, May 28, 29
Stars Peter Fonda
- plus -
Stars Lee Van Cleaf
Shows start at dusk
May 28 and 29
O 3
k 11
E 1 11
The Wingham Advance-Ttow, 7% rsdsy, May 27, 1tl►ai-410ge 7
. -Theatre group to present
• 4
Boyle's Inheritance"
*'*► 15 Strange sounds have been (Alex), Bill Matisz (Red Sandy), Students $1.50and Cbild m $1.00.
f A coming out of town hall audi- Ansley Currie (Jessie), Joan The charge for tickets at the door
torium recently. The Wingham Currie (Mary) and Judie Atkin' are: Adults $2.5o, Studlnts $s and
Little Theatre group is busy re- (Annie). Judie Atkin and Children, the same at $1.00•
' �► hears for otmnance to be Y trom
Ing perf Director! Sandra Lee spent much Ticlyets
�.• presented June 17, 18 and 18. The time reading plays before tela,- Sandra Lee or cast members.
,. play they have chosen is"Tho In ing an appropriate one. Prompter Many enthusiastic people are
Irl= heritance" by Harry J. Boyle. is Carol Jamieson and advertis- pepartidpatiag and it is hoped
The playwright hails from this ing is being done by Rick Hod- that the play will be a success.
region. He is presently chairman gm. Sandra Lee and Dianne
of the CRTC. Mr. Boyle has been Matisz are responsible for pro -
approached about attending duction management.
opening night, but to date, no de- Help would be appreciated in 1
finite answer has been received. finding props. Certain items are
THE TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM is occupied most nights with rehearsals for "The In- "The Inheritance" is the only
heritance",'a play written by Harry J. Boyle. Practising a scene by the woodstove are play he has actually written. All stilt needed. They are an old -
Joan Currie as Mary, Ansley Currie as Jessie, Rick Currah as Alex and Daniel Heim as of 4is other works are novels and fashioned crank telephone, a six-
Bill. short stories. His latest novels foot wooden dining table with
are "Luck of the Irish" and leaves, a sideboard, a hand -
cistern ,m• "Memories of a Catholic Boy
and a wicker rocking char. 11 you
pump with wash basin
hood „ i
.,..,`mr Future of Griffon wreckage have, or know of anyone who had .®
^•�•• The play is set in a rural area,
theseTHURSDAY NIGHT ONLY 1922. It is about a three -genera- Sand furnishings, please Call
.�.�m•.... doubtful after owner's death Andra I at 357-1383• the •
BABY BLUE y.11 E•�•' •'•^ •• tion family and how it copes with Wingham theatre group would be
MARINE BITE THE BULLET modern times. Nine characters grateful for any assistance.
— — — — — — — — — — One of the most important wreckage must be very old, he make up the cast. They will be ROCKY R.cc°°"
STARTS FRIDAY MAY 28 historic discoveries to come to kept his secret for 50 yors until portrayed by Blake Ferguson Tickets will be less expensive if
for one week light this century is the cause of time and some mondy were (Gramps), Daniel Heim (Billy), bought in advance. Prices for ad- POISON IVY
some concern to interested available to bring the pies to Dale Edgar (Jim), Rick Currah vane tickets are: Adults $2, A hike in the woodlands of the
historians. Authenticated pieces the surface. Bit by bit ov the Maitland Valley Watershed is an
a ,•��• from the first ship to sail the past few years h- has res � en
inexpsive way to spend a day,
Great Lakes lie in a garden shed parts of the old vessel and trans- but a well-known danger could
"•I '�° in Tobermory. ported them to his home./y 1 • ruin your fun.
Since the death of O.C. "Orie" There is sound reason to be- What s in a name? Poison ivy is widespread
Vail ten days ago, the fate of his lieve that the vessel was the throughout Southern Ontario, es -
collection is in doubt. Mr. Vail, 'Griffon", the first vessel to sail pedally in the vacation areas
who had, sailed the waters of Lake the Great Lakes above Niagaraask Country Pla house along Lake Huron. It is a very
SIN _ Huron and Georgian Bay for Falls. The Griffon was built by / adaptable and hardy plant, grow -
the more than 70 years, discovered the French explorer, Sieur de La ing in such places as wooded
the wreckage of an old ship in a It is Huron Country Playhouse Last year the Canadian Tbe- areas, sandy or rocky soil and it
g P Salle in 1649. Intent on travelling Huron County. atre Yearbook, carrying several
cove on Russell Island in 1900. as far west as possible and can even be found in your own
�. p° Playhouse people are on a pictures of the Playhouse produc-
Convinced at the time that the having learned from the Indians campaign to get the name cor- tions, incorrectly listed it Huron backyard.
►.i The plant comes up perennially
�_.. that a chain of lakes and rivers rested once and for all. It is pro- County. London Free Press used
extended in that direction, La- bably the natural association of to get it wrong. The Goderieh Sig- in many forms. Poison ivy #P -
At the MoY1@S Salle realized something safer "Huron" and "County", like nal Star, certainly in the heart of pears most commonly as a
and faster than birch bark canoes Huron County Health, Huron Huron County, always gets it dwarfed, shrubby plant, but can
GRIZZLY Peter Sellers fans will have an was needed and the Griffon was County Board, etc. that leads to right. also appear as a stalk plant grow-
IHleelolRwl-rrun<hing;� on -Boling lerrorl opportunity to see not one Peter constructed on Lake Erie. the common mistake. This has In fact, the Signal Star gave the ing as tall as 2 or 3 feet, or as a
"""%%13 • Sellers, but six real life versions The ill-fated ship apparently perplexed Playhouse founders idea to Playhouse officials on how vine -like plant clinging to trees,
,�,° M""RSD1 IN A PIMA CAR„ was lost in a great storm on Lake from the beginning. But the error to correct the situation. That is �� or nearby posts.
— — — — — — — — — — — of their favourite actor in the new The leaves grow in a staggered
comedy, "Undercovers Hero," Huron on her first voyage, and occurs as much outside the to drop the importance at least
COMING JUNE 4 which opens May 25 at the her whereabouts have been the county of Huron, or more, than in temporarily, of the word "Hur- arrangement along the stem.
,r subject of rumor and solation Three leaflets form a leaf, one
"BLAZING SADDLES Lyceum. He appears as an elder it on". Therefore, people are likely Placed higher alongthe stem of
ly French General, a British In- ever since. CFPL Television once referred to begin hearing more references
telligence ` Agent, a Gestapo A few years ago scientists did to the Playhouse as County, as to the "Country Playhouse". Un- the leaf than other two.
Chief, A Japanese warrior confirm that nails and other did Toronto newspapers. But fortunately, the idea was not It is often drifficult to identify
Prince, as Hitler and as a Presi metal objects taken from Mr. those errors were immediately thought up in time to be printed poison ivy since the leaflets vary
dent of France. Other major Vail's find were indeed from the rectified. It's more difficult in on the season brochure which will in size and shape he much . the
' r starring roles are played by Curt Period in which the Griffon was other cases. be coming off the press next appearance the plant. The
THURS., FRI., SAT. *hues r P M Jurgens, Lila Kedrova and lost. week leaflet may range from being
Beatrice Romand. But what's in the name, perfectly smooth t0 tooth-like at
re -al l On a double bill,with with "Under- Country Playhouse? "It's quite'
.. � 1. ..-,.,"...,. leaflets
E•,_.:•r.. ,.r '°" covers Agent" is "92 in the simple," says James Murphy In spring, the young
`'M•'' Recreation Report „ ` are a reddish or bronzy -green
Shade," adventure drama set who created the name. The
SUN., MON., TUES. in the Flor a Keys. Peter Fonda Playhouse is in the country, its color. As the plants develop, the
MAY 30 - JUNE , atmosphere is country,. it y inns leaflets gradually become a
SNOWIIME F F M and Warren Oates star as two. By Jim Ward bright green, taking on an almost
What if it was vour sister. fishinn fact g guides who hire out to �� like any theatre in the city, i
C�++•i visitors of Florida's mangrove it is a country theatre. But it cer- glossy appearance.
r Shortly after tlh
swamps.. Also starring are Mar- The season is getting on but the on Sat., May 29. We would ask tainlyis not a 'County' Theatre." he eaves have
the Playhouse has be- developed in spring or early
got Kidder and Burgess Mere weather is not improving much. that registrations be sent in to the Rather, summer, dense clusters of
f� dith. However, the pool has been recreation office previous to that come, as Herbert Whittaker,
Opening May 28 for seven days scrubbed down and is now ready or at least bring your registration senior arts crisis for the Toronto at points whitish where the leaves join or yellowish flowers forto
• is "Grizzly," the new film which for water. By the time this paper that day. Globe & Mail, pointed out, "a true athe main stem. During the
Regional theater.
will do for bears what "Jaws" did hits the street the pool will be " The region in summer months the flowers,
for sharks. "Grizzly" is the tale full: Now, I'm not too sure how WHERE TO FROM HERE. question is that area dominated
"TRACRWIMMrr of an 18 -foot, 2000 pound grizzly many would want to use it right Last week a letter was received by Lake Huron which Murphy re- lProtected by the leaves,
bear that wreaks havoc on a away but there has to be warmer by most people in town in order to fers to as Huron Country. develop small hard berries,
scenic countryside. With much weather around the corner. determine by opinion poll what The playhouse will again serve which look very much like mini,
CLINT swiftness the animal savagely- the people in town wanted to do this same Lakeshore region with tore peeled oranges.
EASTWOOD attacks helpless campers and BALL PROGRAM with the arena. Well, the trend live theater again this year. These berries are the seeds
that will start next year's plant.
"THUNDERBOLT others. Politics enters the story We are disappointed at the co has shown that most people want Besides taking the entire season
and LIGHTFDDT" as wildlife specialists want to operation in registration for ball. to repair the present building. to Owen Sound and Meaford, it is Present in all parts off the plant.
Poison ivy contains oil that
— — — — — — — — — — close the park where the attacks Also, we haven't had anyone Not as many of the question- will send out a special two week
COMING JUNE 2 have been made, but are turned come forth as a new coach for the naires were returned as was tour of Anne of Green Gables. A The oil is exposed if the plant
down by the park supervisor. As T -ball. We are badly in need of hoped. If you have not had some- Wintario Grant will assist the Parts are torn or bruised. It is this
_ 1( the list of victims grows, the hunt three people—either moms or one call on you or you might have playhouse to tour the complete oil that, ifs contact with your
for the Grizzly intensifies, and dads who will spend some time been out when called on would show throughout Southwestern skin, causes an irritating rash.
the film builds to a suspenseful with the boys. These are your you please forward it to the The poison ivy oil will stick to
Ontario. Seaforth, Lions Head, an or one an object that it
• $ I and action -filled ending. boys we are speaking of. clerk's office or take it there Sarnia, Fergus, Kincardine and Y Y
"Grizzly" stars Christopher Last week's column stated that yourself. Goderich are some of the centres comes in contact with. It is
' t i George and Richard Jaeckel and T -ball started at 9 p.m. on Satur- that have already booked thepossible for a person to be af-
is directed by William Girdler. day. That should have read 9 a.m. Country Playhouse production. fected by the oil even though
direct exposure to the plant has
not occurred.
Destroying the above -ground
Bull's-eye for parts of the poison ivy plant will
1C�-eest dart season not necessarily stop the plant
n from sprouting up the following
r Brownie Corner year. New shoots can also grow
ONE WEEK ONLY, The Wingham Men's Dart Mrs. H. Smits helped from the plant's extensive root
ONLY! League finished a very successful the system. Chemical weed killers
STARTS FRIDAY, MAY 28 TO THURSDAY JUNE 3rd season with a supper at Turn- Brownies make favors for the are an effective way of controll-
berry Tavern. Afterwards the mother and daughter banquet, ing the growth of poison ivy. Ex-
Fridayand Saturdayat league went to the Legion Hall for Maureen Beattie, Sherri treme care should be exercised
PLEASE NOTE presentation of the awards and Wright and Ginnie LeVan re- when using chemicals. You may
]:00 - 9:00 - 10:30 P.M. for a social evening of darts and ceived their Golden Hands, destroy desirable plants that
SHOW TIMES: Sunday to Thursday at Michelle Hooftman and Sherri surround the poison iv If poison
cards. p° y
Wright earned Golden Bars. ivy is located near your favorite
7•00 and 9.00 P.M. For the season the league was Ginnie LeVan and Andrea Mc
4 chaired by Bob Hollenbeck. The Gregor received their et- shrub, the safest method for re
` ADULT ENTERTAINMENT six team captains were Andy _ keepers' badges, and Sheri moval is to dig the plant and root
„"� Rodger, Danny Montgomery, Les Walden earned her baker's system out and destroy it. Heavy
"SOME SCENES MAY BE TOO cldthing and gloves will protect
WAp � Thompson, Jack • Plumb. Art badge.
RNING. FRIGHTENING FORPRE.TEENAGERS" g you from the poisonous oils.
{ t �'abee and Bill Renwick. Games Julie Nicholls discussed Caution should be used when
were played at Branch 180 Royal Brownies in other lands.
1 Canadian Legion Hall on Thurs- We wish to thank all those who later handling the clothes. i[ you
ti 18 feet of gut -crunching day nights. bought Girl Guide cookies. A are burning the plant the oil can
t 7 also be vaporized and carried by
it was a very competitive year special note of thanks to Mrs. D. the smoke.
r! with end results a close race. Farnell, Mrs. J. Beattie and Mrs. Although each person reacts
MOA -eating terro
Three of the teams tied for first S. Orien for the organization of differently to poison ivy, it should
place hand two other teams were the cookie drive. not be taken for granted that you
CHRISTOPHER ANDREW RICHARD only three points behind. After a are immune -to the poison ivy oil.
shoot -off, Les Thompson•s team There are a number of effective
of Roger Irvine, Ted Surridge treatments for poison ivy, but it is
and Rick Irvine defeated Jack • wise to consult your doctor if a
Plumb's team of Bob Hollenbeck, Bowlers win rash occurs.
Brian Hogg and Steve Owen, as Hiking enthusiasts using the
Kell as beating Danny Mont- at Walkerton facilities in the Maitland water-
omery's team of Brian Met shed should be familiar with this
calfe. Wayne Irvine and Dave harmful plant. A booklet contain-
Schiestal. The, victors received FORDWiCH--Marian Behrns' ing photos of poison ivy and its
the Branch • 180 trophy and in -.'•C" team entry from Moles- many forms would be a handy
dividual trophies. worth Bowling Lanes recently addition to your camping or hik-
The League is planning to con- won the Ladies •'C" Division in ins equipment. Further informa-
. ._.' °�. ,• •2 x1010 , " • _'*,�'), ', T •°�• s• ��+�,• ;T •oma < ,^ • r °�o• , I� *,0�". .I� linue next September and is open the annual Midtown bowling tion can be obtained by contact
���•�, r.'c"; �J:�, ,.�, r,''� �-�� '�� CM,�:�+L�.� rl -'•�. ��°�'�"(AA-6)-r � b�.�� �->�rn C�;o).,6, Lo t) q), ��,�;� c� b)}r;: p µ, tournament at Walkerton. The Ing the Maitland Valley Con
` > ' for more entries. Anyone ho
,,tEL HRool(S �.. team members were Marian servation wuuiui liy, Box 5, in
would like to enter a team, or
STARTS NEXT FRIDAY -� g' learn darts, get in touch with Winkel , Gerrie Lambkin, Winnie Wroxeter, l by phoning 335 y.57.
June 4th /V • Roger Plumb at 52I1-"3 or the Winkel, Fat Coghlin, Sandra Al- When dealing with poison ivy, it
f AT 7:00 and 9:00 P. M. len and Rona Lee Johnson. is better to learn about its effects
� Legion Hall, 357-2L26. You may
THE FUNNIEST WESTERN ' J also Speak with any of the team Each bowier received a digital fi oto a lxx,k i ailwt than from
EVER MADE!!!! �_ ADULT ENTERTAIIIMENT clock AM -FM RADiO. first-hand experience.