HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-20, Page 8y 0 1%V %—AR Wbolillilism Advance -Times, Thurs., May 20, 1976 Colorful springtime. t for CollinsmCoultes wedding ng A brW4 tfpringUrne theme otf bridesmaids, Miss Sharon sories weSk black. YOU" and white added brilliance Meirer, cousin of the groom, of Mr. and Mrs. Collins are resid- to the sanctuary of Knox United Ingersoll, and Mrs. Bryan ing on, "the tenth line of East Church, Belgrave, when Brenda Coultes, sister-in-law of the bride, Waw#nosh. Margaret Coultes of Wingham of RR 5, Wingham. The flower The bride is a graduate of F. E. and Wayne Paul Collins of Lon girls Angela Coultes, niece of the M$di11 Secondary School and has don met at the altar to be joined bride, of RR"5, Wingham, wore a been employed by the Bank of in holy wedlock. Rev. John dress simLLar to the bridal gown, Montreal, London, for the past Roberts performed the double- with long full sleeves. The gown seven years. The groom is em - ring ceremony amid a setting of was trimmed with a yellow velvet ployed at Douglas Point. lighted yellow candles sur- ribbon sash and she carried a rounded by yellow daisies. White small basket of yellow daisies. bows, each centred with a daffo- Dan MacRae of London, a dil, marked the guest pews. friend of the groom, was best Fordwich UCW The ceremony took place on man and guests were ushered by Friday, April 30, at eight o'clock. Bryan Coultes, brother of the Mrs. Sydney Thompson provided bride, of RR 5, Wingham, and plans 'visit to organ music and accd4'npanied Grant Coultes, cousin of -the the soloist, Jim Robertson, who bride, of RR 5, Wingham. Jason nursing home sang "Let It Be Me" and "The Coultes, the bride's nephew, also Twelfth of Never". of RR 5, Wingham, was ring FORDWICH — The afternoon Parents of the bride are Mr. bearer. The groom and his at- unit of Fordwich United Church and Mrs. James R. Coultes of RR tendants wore brown tuxedos Women held its May meeting in 5, Wingham. The groom is the son with yellow shirts and yellow the Sunday school room May 13, of Charles Collins and Mrs. boutonnieres. at 2 m. Gladys Duncan of Woodstock. Guests from Barrie, Owen p The bride was given in mar- The worship service was taken g Sound, Port Elgin, London, by Mrs. Clarence Carswell and riage by her father. She chose a Woodstock, .Ingersoll, Thames- Mrs. William Clyne beside a wor- floor-length dress of polyester ford and the surrounding area at- ship center of spring flowers, v, Isanza wi ace sleeves. The own wasodice and tended thappliqued Wi gh meLegi ntion Hall held in the lighted candles and the open SEASON'S CHAMPSof the Ladies' Wednesday Night Bowling league are King's Kidneys. with lace medallions and fea- Bible. Mrs. Carswell gave the Front row, Rena Jouswma, Jean Kin and Mar Campbell. Back row, Shirleyharton The bride's mother wore a invocation on, "Faith of our g y p y tured a self train. A white velvet floor -length gown of blue poly Mothers". The meditation on, and Verna Steffler. Absent was Beth Skinn. flowered headpiece held her ester with a short jacket of "The Mother Of Moses", was also shoulder -length veil and she flowered sheer. tier corsage was given by Mrs. Carswell who carried a cascade bouquet of red ink Sweetheart roses. The Sweetheart roses and white p closed with a poem, "A Mother' East Huron W 1 district mums. groom's mother chose a floor -by Helen Steiner Rice. Prayer length gown of yellow flowered was offered by Mrs. Clyne. Miss Doris Coultes of Milverton nylon with butterfly sleeves. A The Study Book, a comparison was maid of honor. Her gown of corsage of yellow Sweetheart of the women of China, Cuba, beige polyester crepe was figured roses completed her ensemble. Tanzania and Canada was r holds with yellow and orange roses and For a short hone moon to p e IY annual meeting sented b Mrs. Crosby topped with a rust velvet cape. points in Eastern Ontario, the Y Y Sotheran She carried yellow daisies in a bride changed to a two-piece and Miss Minnie McElwain. A GORRIE—The 74th annual also highlights of the year. alternate, Mrs. Ken McDonald of wicker basket .street -length dress of light g blue questionnaire and discussion fol- meeting of the East Huron Wo- Courtesy remarks were given RR 2 Blyth; district delegate, In similar ensembles were the polka-dotted fabric. Her acces- lowed. men's Institute was held at the by Moncrieff WI and they also in- Mrs. John Freeman, Gorrie; Mrs, Scott Clarkson, unit presi- Molesworth Presbyterian Church vited members .to come to Mon- alternate, Mrs. James E. Smith dentpresided over the business on T%uesday May 11. Crieff for the 1977 meeting. of RR 1 Listowel; curator, Mrs. period. The roll call was answer- Call to order was at 9:30 a.m. The music for the day was sup- Malcolm Allan, Wroxeter; audi- ed by, "A woman of the Bible". by the president Mrs. Malcolm plied by Mrs. John Freeman. tors, Mrs. Alex Graham and Mrs. Thank you notes were read from Allan, Wroxeter. Officers for 1976-77 Robert Gibson both of Gorrie. Mrs. Warrell, Mrs. Donaldson Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford, Past president, Mrs. Malcolm Standing committees conven- and Mrs. Sotheran. It was plan- ratified the new officers for 1976 Allan, Wroxeter; president, Mrs. ers: agriculture and Canadian ned to visit the nursing home on 77. John Freeman, RR 2, Gorrie; Industries, Mrs. Ralph Kieffer, June 17. Mrs. Carswell invited all The minutes of the last annual first vice president, Mrs. James RR 2 Bluevale; citizenship and to hear a guest speaker who is to meeting and the correspondence E. Smith of RR I Listowel; world affairs, Mrs. Hans Peder - address the Women's Institute on were read by the secretary Mrs. second vice president, Mrs. Wil- son, RR 1 Monkton; education May 18. Mrs. Clarkson closed the . Lloyd Jacques of Gorrie. liam Humphries, Walton; secre- and cultural activities, Mrs. An meeting with a benediction The auditors report was given tary-treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Ian McCall of RR 3, Walton; prayer. Lunch was served by the by Mrs. Ron McMichael, Wroxe-, Jacques, Gorrie; public relations family , and consumer affairs, hostesses Mrs. Eurig, Mrs. Stin- ter. officer, Mrs. William - Dobson, Miss Kate McNabb, RR 2 Brus- son and Mrs. Wylie. Mrs. Allan gave the president's Ethel; Federated representative, sels and resolutions, Mrs. remarks. Mrs. Alex Graham Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford; Charles Mathers, Bluevale. gave the public relations report. Mrs. Harold Wallace, Clifford, Shower honors FWIO board director gave an ad- dress and then conducted the bride -elect election of officers. A humorous skit by Fordwich WHITECHURCH—Bride-to-be , WI provided a break in the busi- C UR R A H'S General Store Schneider's Jellied Ox Tongue ............ . ................ Ib. $2.40 Schneider's Country Sausage .............................. Ib. $1 .29 Schneider's Soh Margarine .................... ........ 2 lbs..99 Onion Rings ............................................. 14.0a. .19 Carefree Sanitary Napkins.....................................7� Carnival Soap Flakes .................................. S lbs. $1 99 Large Bath Towels..........................................:1.98 Green Work Pants, Shirts and Overalls now available. AN Ws of Spft Mks and Obwn. BRING THIS COUPON AND GET S' OFF MARGARINE 1 PNOIg 335-3151 69Is16, 11111111111111119 NOW OPEN to serve you • McCOMB'S HOBBY CRAFT •Ornamental Cement •Woodcraft *Handicraft 2 miles west of Wingham, Ontario "if we haven't got it, we'll get itl " CHANGE IN HOSPITAL RATES Effective May 1, 1976, the private and semi -private room accommodations at Wing - ham and District Hospital will be increased as follows: SEMI -PRIVATE: from $7.50 to $11.00/day. PRIVATE: from $12.50 to $22.50/day These rates are in addition to the standard ward rates and are payable by the patients who wish these accommodations. As the Wingham and District Hospital has been instructed by the Ontario Minister of Health to introduce these increased rates, we have no alternative other than to collect from the patients the sum based on the Ministry's new rates.. DeWitt Miller Norman Hayes Chairman of the Board Executive Director Miss Kay Wilken was honored ness session. Friday evening when a miscel- The standing committees gave laneous shower was held at the their reports after which the Community Memorial Hall. The meeting adjourned for lunch. The gift table was prettily decorated luncheon was held in the church Awl cam%% with a white cloth with pink rose- basement with Molesworth WI buds. catering. Mrs. Dan Tiffin played music The afternoon session was while the crowd was gathering an opened by the members sing - and welcomed the bride-to-be. ing,"The Hymn of all Nations", ind. % onyx *i w ca Mrs. Bill Gibson also extended Mrs. John Freeman, Gorrie, pre - words of welcome to the guest of sided at the organ. honor. Mrs. Jim Gaunt and Miss Mrs. Herbert Maluskie, Ches- -Photo by Harvey McDowell Janet Gaunt conducted contests. ley, FWIO president was intro - Those assisting Miss Wilken duced by Mrs. Ken MacDonald, were Miss Glenna Wilken and RR 2 Blyth. The Census of Canada will �i Miss Gaunt. Other helpers were Mrs. Maluskie's theme was, be men on Tuesday, June 1, I' and Canada is counting on you Janet Adams, Rhonda Gibson, "Whose Idea Was It? She was to count yourself in. The Janet Laidlaw, Clara Milligan, thanked by Mrs. Lyle Murray questions are edsy to answer, • • • • • Mrs. Bill Willis, Miss Betty Scott, who presented her with a jug of and it doesn't take long to fill Kimberley Laidlaw and Karen maple syrup.. in the questionnaire. �� „ Pickard. Mrs. Jim Armstrong entertain- "The ntertain- WlgWetaloettltCttlSgS, The Nature of Things Among the gifts received were ed with round singing. The facts only you can pro - cooking utensils and kitchen- The home economist Miss Jane vide on Census Day are •_ ' by Geunter Heim ware, linens and china, an iron- Pengilley of Clinton, spoke brief- needed to update a statistical May 22 - Juile 11 -"Impressive Realism" ing board and a quilt. ly and thanked all 4-H leaders. picture of your community, Miss Wilken expressed her The and your country. Census i p presidents of 1975-76 an- information will be used in the thanks and the sponsor of the swered the roll call by telling how coming years for the plan- ' ' party, Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, and many members from their rung of social services for all her assistants served lunch. branches were in attendence and Canadian communities. r NOTICE IF YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL READS MAY, 9-8-7-6 YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE Advance -Times St. Paul's Church !ANGLICAN W INGHAM P REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector MRS. D. RICHARDSON, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 23 EASTER 5 8:30 a.m. -- Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.— Morning Prayer and Sermon i AtIdY WINGHAM CUBS went for a whole weekend to camp in Tobermory. A group of 37 Cubs and 10 leaders made the trip. Family and friends gathered to say good bye to the ad venturous Cubs late Friday afternoon. Cub Murray King is seen off by his mother, Mrs. Bill King. HOW we taint the Census. Within the next few days, a census representative will deliver a Census Otiestionnaire to your home. You can choose to have yours in either EnglLsh or French. All you have to do is use a pencil to answer all the c{rres- tions. U a pre -paid envelope was included in y )u ensus package, mail ba(c e com- pleted questionnaire'. If you don't get an envelope, simply keep the completed (piestion naire, and a census repre- sentative will pick it up after Census Day. Our lip at se2led. Only Statistics Canada per sonnel who are sworn to secrecy see your completed questionnaire, and they are subject to severe legal penalties if they disclose yo;r answers to anyone else. It special M �fnnr. If you're a farmer, you're asked to complete both a yen• eral and a Cerrs of Agriclrl- t re(pip%tionnare. ti Please fill in both question- nam­,, hint don't mail them hw k llwy will he picked up h � r,ur census rPpmsentative ,hunk after ('errs Day. It wouldllet be fright Plv,ise wrrnpinber that every- on(e hying in your household must be counted and that all questions in your Census Ques- tionnaire must he answered. We all have a stake in Canada's future, so please help us make the Census of Canada a com- pletP sl H rr&,;. 940soft • IL Adam 1�ffla I ' S!0!151;c3 ,a,,ddd atatistrque (Anada