HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-20, Page 127 -7
with the planting of flower at the
pqp a --71w Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., May 2u, 1976 1 tered nurse
Regis Bluevale Cemetwy at two o'clock
on June 9. Mrs. Harry Mott will E.PARKER
is guest speaker be the hostess and the roH call
Former foundry managerwill be - 'your first school tea. P I u m b i ng & 60
H eat i n
at W.I. meeting cher's name and the school you PHONE - 887-79
T. A. Currie dies in London
8LUEVALE_MW needs of the attended" .
UrA V vwi 11"W
Tmemas www -em turne of 302 - Masonic Lodge, No. 286; a life speaker, Min Connie Kuc, Reg. -ED!
Centre Street, Wingham, died member of Lebanon Chapter No. N., when she attended the meet -
Monday, May 10, at University 84 and the Scottish Rite of Free ing of the Women's -Institute. She WE HAVE MOLD VT
Hospital, London, in his 76th Masonry; and a past president of spoke of problems such as loneli-
year. Wingham Curling Club. ness, improper eating and emo- Ed's Siding & Roofing
Mr. Currie was born on No Left to mourn his passing are tional problems which torment
viember 19, 1900, in East Wawa- his wife, the former Christine
the elderly. "These people need 9 Vinyl or aluminum siding
wah Township and attended Robertson whom he married in to be loved and understood," she eAlurninurn Seamless Eovestroughing
schools in East Wawanosh and Wingham on September 14, IM; said. • FREE ESTIMATES
Wingham. He was a son of the one daughter, Mrs. Mary Miss Kuc is public health nurse (let the lob done right at the right piece!
Frances Smith of Streetsville;
for Huron County. A graduate of Take your choice- 8lurninurn or vinyl siding $80 per square.
three grandchildren, Kevin, Laurentian University at Sud -
Heather and Craig, and two i bury, her home is in Saskatehe- Call 335-6341
sisters, Mrs. John (Mary) wan, but she presently lives at
Burchill and Mrs. John (Jessie) Belgrave. Her duties include Wroxeter, Ontario
McKague, both of Wingham. home visiting, school consulta
The late Thomas Currie rested tions and clinics.
at the R. A. Currie and Son Miss Kuc was thanked by Mrs.
Funeral Home, Wingham, where Wendell Stamper who presented
service was conducted Wednes- her with a gift.
day, May 12, by Rev. Robert H. Mrs. Bill deVos hosted the INTERVALS
Armstrong. Interment followed meeting which was in charge of
in Wingham Cemetery. president Mrs. Jim Armstrong.
Active pallbearers were six Mrs. Bill Peacock read the
nephews, Kenneth McKague, A193o RADIO is discussed bWilliMacPhersonWilliam Bolt Electronics teacher
y am , minutes and correspondence.
A Robert McKague, Orton Grain, Thank you notes were read from SPAIN
Rod Wraith. Parents and Grade 8 students participated in Orientation Night at F. E.
Currie Burchill, James Kennedy the Wingham branch of the Cana- From $489.00
and James Currie. Honorary Madill. Visits to specific rooms or general tours were organized. dian Cancer Society and Brook- PRICE INCLUDES:
pallbearers were G. W. Tiffin, haven Nursing Home. Members
Dr. A. W. Irwin, William Reed, were reminded of the 4-H round trip airfare from Toronto by Wardair
George Tervit Sr., Arthur Wilson, Achievement Day at F. E. Madill 747 -first class meals and complimentary bar
Kenneth Sinnamon and Nelson Secondary School on June 19.
Armstrong. Floral tributes were Integration, Assoc." t 0 P 1* c A committee was named to service.
a girl to compete for the 14 nights first class hotel accommodation.
carried by Kenneth Leitch, Daw
a associations with any problems.
son Craig, Donald Adams and On Thursday evening, May 13 a school will be held five days
title of Queen at the Hawick Fall
the eve- ground transportation to and from your hotel.
Arthur Bryce. very informative meeting of the week. She explained that when The guest speaker for Fair. She must
be between 18 and
ning was Mrs. Florence Reavie,
m and District Associa- the children are taught different
Wingham Masonic Lodge No. Wingham
I of the Golden Circle 25 years of age by September 15, American breakfast daily.
things, they must have fun and principa
286 held a service in the funeral tion for the Mentally Retarded School. The students started 1976. baggage portage at Malaga airport and
n for a rted last
home on Tuesday evening. was held at the Golden Circle this keeps their attentio
t The Institute is sending for twoi
swmmng a
School. The president, Mrs. longer period of time. Each child week going dozen copies of the book, "So You Aloha Puerto Hotel.
George Cameron welcomed is geared to his individual Vanastra every Thursday after- Have Purchased a Freezer'?". welcoming "Sangria" get-together.
late John Currie and Jennie An- •several area visitors along with potential in learning. noon and the school staff ap- Mrs. Harry Elliott and Mrs.
derson. After graduating from Evening unit the regular members. Bill Mrs. Esther Cantelon ex- preciates the help of the many Jack Nicholson gave reports of Wardair flight bag and passport folder.
college, he was employed as a Stephenson and his committee plained the program'of the Adult volunteers who are assisting with
bookkeeper. He later became at Cook home reported that the dance held on Workshop. At present there are this activity. There are three stu- the events that took place at the services of an interval ground rep.
Moles -
general manager of the Western April 30 was very successful. four full-time and two part-time dents being sent to Camp Bel. District Annual held at Moles- * night club tour, including dinner and show.
Foundry, Wingham, retiring in BELGRAVE — The May meet- wood this summer. Mrs. Reavie worth and Mrs. Armstrong re -
1960. ing of the Evening Unit was held Nazir Khan, Wingham, was the trainees and this will be in that Huron County is the ported on the officers' conference * tour also available on a 28 -day basis or with
winner in the draw for the lovely creased in September. Another. reported t schools held recently at the University of 7 -day coach of area to Africa.
Mr. Currie was a member of St. at the home of Miss Annie Cook hooked rug.' teacher will be hired at that time. first to have the retarded
Andrew's Presbyterian Church, last Tuesday evening with 19 Julie Henderson, president of A craft and bake sale will be held located within the regular ele- Waterloo. (not included $8.00 Canadian air tax, tips and
Wingham; a life member and ladies present. Mrs. Robert Tay- YACMR (Youth Across Canada by the Workshop in the Wingham mentary schools. She showed Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. A.
Past Master (1934) of Wingham for had charge of the worship with the Mentally Retarded) told Town Hall, May 29 at 2 p.m. All several interesting slides of the ,McCracken and Mrs. A. MacTa- taxes)
service. She opened the meeting of the group's project of "Name donations of baking will be grate- students, some of which showed vish served lunch
with the hymn "Lord Speak to fully accepted. The variety of the integration of all pupils in the The June meeting, with the
Me, That I May Speak", followed the Doll and Win It". The doll is Wingham school. theme, "Education", will begin
by the scripture reading. A poem on display in the window of Jenni- crafts for sale have all been A fund raising committee was
18 fee runching, fer's Beauty Salon with the draw made by the trainees.
To My Mother" was read. The for the winning ticket to take The Silver Circle School has a formed. This is essential because REPAIR WORK TO
man-eating ketrod meditation was, "They Called place on May 19. They are also new board of directors, Mrs. the Nursery School and the Adult BLUEVALE DAM
Her Blessed". The offering was planning a picnic and field day to Myrla Frank, Mrs. Audrey Lewis Workshop receive only 80 per Concrete repair work will be BY WARDAIR
received and dedicated and the be held in Stratford on June 19 and Mrs. Sylvia Ricker. The cent support from the govern- done on the Bluevale Dam this
worship service was closed with and the children will be taken to directors for the Adult Workshop ment and the remainder has to be coming week. While repairs are
the hymn "Happy The Home this event on a school bus. The are Mrs. Audrey Swatridge, Bill raised by projects and donations. being done, there will be limited For further information contact:
when God Is There". incoming president of YACMR is Stephenson and Jack Reavie. It is hoped the "Flowers of Hope" pond storage. The Maitland Val- -FETTES TOURS & TRAVEL LTD.
Mrs. Murray Lougheed had Christie Lewis. Jim Mulvale, Sarnia, who is donations will exceed last year's ley Conservation Authority would
charge of the business meeting. Mrs. Marilyn McPherson from the Ontario Regional Staff total-. like to apologize to local residents MITCHELL PHONE 348-8492
Minutes were read and approved talked about the activities of the spoke about the work of his group The next meeting will be held and fishermen for the inconveni- MOUNT FOREST 323-1545
and an invitation to go to Calvin- Silver Circle School. Next fall this in helping the directors of the on June 10 and a good crowd is ence. It is hoped that capacity le MOUNT
on the evening of June 1st anticipated. vel will be regained shortly.
was accepted. The June meeting
will be held on Tuesday, June 81
at the home of Mrs. Bert J6hn-
ston. Shantz refuses apology
t _ Mrs. Ross Anderson had
which •
,ADUL,T ENTERTAINMENT charge of the Bible quiz was irect ry
;00W �, was most interesting. Lto Principals,. Association ervice
MOMETTI&IM served by Mrs. Norman Cook and By Wilma Oke pose for next year. Making the
her group. At a meeting of the Huron- presentation were: Terry Craig, FLOWERS AUTOMOTIVE FUELS PLUMBING HEATING
CHRMTOPMR. AM006W RICHARD Perth County Roman Catholic Seaforth; Jim Steffler. Wing -
A PRIME JAECKEL R. W. BELL Separate School Board in Dublin ham; Mrs. Patricia Anderson
Monday night 'criticism was and Laurie Kraftcheck, both of Wedding WINGHAM BILL TIFFIN Leroy Jackson
OPTOMETRIST levelled by the school principals Stratford; and Ed Cappelli, St. imperial Esso Agent —Plumbing
at one of the board members for Marys. Arrangements SUNOCO SERVICE
LYEs GODERICH his critical remarks at there The board approved a request C Cut flowers ESSO Heating
A The Square U44"I vious board meeting about pro- of Rev. Aloysius Nolan of Sacred J'NDERCW%TING &
fessional development days for Heart Parish, Wingham, to hold a I Plants III, STI11100FIN( —Tinsmithing
,1A9,7# . For all your Home and
summer school of religion from 7 ,
teachers. CON1111,1-:TE (.%R & Farm Fuel and
- 41, 1� 191 Josephine St.
Howard Shantz of Stratford July 19-23 at Sacred Heart School Flowers by T 11 UCK S 1-: It Vll CF. Lubricating Needs
read a letter he had received in the town. His request fora I ;�r,
I , 357.1032 Wingham 357-2904
from Leo Turner, principal of grant of $200 to subsidize the bus, T',4,Wire Service
Prop. Ken Leitch
Holy Name of Mary School at St. costs to transport the children
Marys, reporting that the Princi- will be studied.
pals' Association, of which he is The board granted the request FLOWERS 357-1.7-0 \IGIVI'357-3585
ONTARIO LOTTERY corresponding secretary;takes of Roger Labelle of the Stratford 13 5 Frances
exception to a remark made by Recreation group to use. the Pletch Electric KEITH
Mr. Shantz at the last board board -owned Willow Street pro- Winqham MOFFATT
meeting when he said he does not perty for 1976. There is no school 357-3880
Ontario find professional activity days for on the property. PLUMBING AND HEATING
teachers "too worthwhile". CONSTRUCTION COMMERCIAL WIRING Duro and Myers Pumps
Mr. Turner said in his letter, I SURANCIE Also Rural and Domestic
"We feel that professional ac- WROXETER 357-1774
tivity days are a definite asset to Mrs. Art Gibson has returned Askes Brothers Phone 357-1583
APPLICATIONS FOR our system and the children in home after attending the gradua- CONSTRUCTION All Types of
our charge.'' He continued, tion of her niece, Susan Carson, Insurance
"Statements such as the one at Halifax, N.S. The reception Cottages Homes POOLS, ETC.
DISTRIBUTORSHIPS above, when printed in the press was at Sherrill Hall of Dalhousie Additions & Renovations 335-3525 357-2636 BURKE ELECTRIC
(Stratford Beacon Herald, April University and the dinner at Cha- FREE ESTIMATES GORRIE WINGHAM Electrical Contractors Swimming
28) are counterproductive and teau Halifax.
The Ontario Lottery Corporation from time to time has tem cast very poor light upon our sys-PAVING Motor Rewind and
tories come available in various parts •of the Province for the tem. We request, therefore, that Ph: 528-2726 Sales Pools
distribution of Wintario tickets. your statement be substantiated BLUEVALE Box 122, Lucknow Household Appliances Above and Below
A distributor is required to be actively engaged on a full time or formally retracted at the nextt) Ground
Bluevale and area cancer drive MIDWESTERN Josephine St. 357-2450 Complete Line of
basis in the operation of the distributorship, each distributor meeting of the board." sponsored by the Bluevale Emergency Service - See
must employ adequate sales personnel, and maintain sound In a written response to the Women's Institute is up $3(X) over the Yellow Pages Pool Chemicals
accounting and clerical office practices. board Mr. Shantz repeated his last year. This year's drive total- T. M. & T. PAVING
Wintario distributors are independent businessmen working statement. "I will re-emphasize led $870.64. The Institute would Driveways, Parking Lots COLLISION ARMSTRONG
on a commission basis A distributor is required to pre -pay for the fact that I still do not support like to thank all donors and can. CONSTRUCTION Repairs
Wintario tickets and re sell them to the 500 or so Wintorio re P.D.days." He gave as one of the vassers. ('ener'd (()nlr:lcfors CHEMICALS
reasons a recent example that he 528-2626 Al's Collision Box 56 Walkerton
tail outlets in his territory. The current commission structure for knew of one of the teachers from All types of concrete work
each draw i�, 2 ; cents per Wintario ticket for the first 100,000 Mr. Turner's school who had iii, Pit Silos LUCKNOW Service
tickets and.2 cents each on the remaining Wintario tickets sold. to London on the afternoon Home and form building PAINTING
In accordance with an agreement with Olympic Lottery, Win- of the last P.D. day on April 30. -Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mont- \LL IIoIVUII()N , I , I'Sfli\ SALES AND SERVICE 357-2206
taro distributors presently act as wholesale distributors for Mr. Shantz said he had many gomery. accompanied bv Mr. KEN'S
Olympic Lottery ticket-, as well similar examples described to and Mrs. Ed Stafford of lj)ndon, CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES
Soles reports and audited financial statements will be re him and he had received a great visited with Mr and Mrs Jim Lynn Hoy Cornplwk- Body Work Interior & Exterior
quired by the Corporation deal of flack from ratepayers Mitchinson of Niagara Falls last and Painting PAINTING
At present vacancies exist in territories centered in Toronto, about P.D. days. week Enterprises F romp and Rust Repoir
Mr. Shantz said he represented II
g Also Insurance Clnirn�, FREE ESTIMATES
Parts and Windsor Others may ' arise in the future and all appli Stratford along with three other (,) m�c'land Honda and Skidoo
cations received will be kept on file from which any future va trustees and he did not intend to LAKFLET 11 CLUB Sales & Service CONC. 2. MORRIS TWP.
(on(ies could be filled without further public notice. be dictated to by the principals in Freda Rennick read the— - Hwy AA 357-3170
Interested individuals can obtain further details and appli. the system whom he said he minutes when the girls met at the Hwy 86 east of Wingham 1,0 AAnrr,,, Lngs or Evenings
cation forms by contacting the Corporation at (4,16) 961-6262 or thought wanted to he spokesmen home of Mrs. William Behrns. Phone 519 357 3435
3. 9 _71d _M.1 r I I
wasting to for the board. Mr. Shantz said, The uses of the French knot were CONCRETE FORMING T
"Lord knows they have enough to discussed and demonstrations CONTRACTORS
do if they concentrated on the were given on suggested finishes P.O Box 130
Distributors, File 2400 running of our schools—we'have for the free -choice articles Winghorn. Ontario
ONTARIO LOTTERY CORPORATION yet to attain perfection there." The girls were asked to work on
IS V011111111111111111110
2 Bloor Street West The board accepted the resig: their record books and complete CONCRETE WALL"
Toronto, Ontario nation of Mrs. Amy Duskocy, a their free -choice articles at BUNKER SILOS• t-7-2320
teacher at Our Lady of Mount home.
M4W 31118 Carmel as of June 30. Rhea Behrns was appointed to 357-3162 HOUSE FOUNDATIONS Business I s Seryice -�
The sports council of the board read the minutes at the next
Applications for Pxi%fing vacancies should be received by made a presentation, outlining meeting which will he held May
May 31 1976 the program they are carrying 31 at 7:30 at the home of Mrs.
out this year and what they pro- Jack Wright.