The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-05-06, Page 121 '
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Advance•Times, '!burs., lltay 6, 1976
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the suicide of Willy Loman m STUDENT COUNCIL
"Death of a Salesman". Those of ELECTION RESULTS
us in Grade 13 and Grade 12 have Last Friday, students elected
id itori l been prepared for further educe- the following people to office:
tion, — well prepared for what- Dianne Pennington as girls' ath
ever we find in post -secondary letic convener, John Underwood
"Too much and too little versity and college more institutions. as boys' athletic convener, Brian
education? Or o '► Reid as social convener, and
. > � Education Mader the mind". going t0 work? Each of us has so many oppor-
a \ ��� —Pascal On what basis do we make the tunities. It is difficult to decide. Sally LeVan and Janice Guest as
At F. E. Madill, students who choice to further our education? For as Pascal said, "Too much social publicity managers.
are graduating this year have How do we know if we have and too little education hinder the The following positions were, r`
t spent the last few months making "enough"education, "too little", mind". Each of us must decide, filled by acclamation: president «.
decisions — whether they want to or "too much" education? The what is, for us, too much or too and vice-president, Susan
and Brian Jeffry activities of -
on to school, where they'll go if Adams -
problem facing many of us is — little. The decision we make will Y ;
they do, how they will pay for it, we don't. affect our lives for as many years ficers, Marilyn Congram and
x and what career they will train At F. E. Madill we received a as we have a career. And that Sandra Finlay; athletic publicity LOIS McLAUCHLIN served
for. We've all spent four or five manager, Debbie Adams; lounge D I A N N E P E N N I N G TO N i s
general, basic education. We can could be a long time. g ang Madill well this past year by
yearshere — being educated. To all read, write, and use calcula- "Too much" or "too little" — managers, David Demerling and this year's new athletic con acting as our Student Council
what end? tors. We know about De Maivre's the decision is up to us alone. Doreen Anderson. There is no vener. president.
.: For many of us, university or theorem, redox reactions, and —Marjorie Powell tuck shop manager as yet. ( Photo by Myron McKee) (Photo by Myron McKee)
college looms in the horizon.
4 '°•� Some will get jobs. After uni-
n' Canada, dear Canada, a sanctum
of the free, \
Your mountains, valleys, lakes ,
and plains, a::K::,..;:: .. ��,:. :f::%�,.,•
......... .
Stretch out from sea to sea, Or
A land that nourished native folk, `aN
The Eskimo, and Indian,
Spread out her multicolored Fop
cloak, .. . . .
ALAN WILLITS gives blood at the blood donor clinic on. Adopted new Canadians.!` `�;
Wednesday. There was a total of 198 who gave blood to the
Red Cross. ( Photo by MyrorlMc Kee) Canada, dear Canada, a land of
stirring �
sights, Spping Values fpom Reavep,
Of waterfalls, of geese that call,
offs with the Leafs and their
School Daze pyramids, the pyramidal concept And glowing northern lights,
The sugar maple, lonesome pine,
There was an amazing dis- made an interesting discussion
oovery made this week Teachers The beaver, fleur de lis,
for the biology class. The class ,
really do have soft spots for cer- was asked, "Did you see the one Are emblems of a land designed,
tain students. Mr. McLennan was of Kate Smith sitting on the top of With room for you and me. Spacemaker Shed \ ,
diligently scribbling a math solu- the pyramid? No matter how you Canada, dear Canada, the best of
tion on the board for his calculus look at it, he'd get the point." any age, A Great Idea for your garden storage
class. He made a slip up new the This school has had many wild The north, the south, the east, OblemS. TIIiS StlJrd Steel Shed
ns A
but not to em- life visitors. lbere's been ever
barrass him, the dasaid noth- thing from mice in the dungeon to the west, glues you over 195 cu.ft. of space.
ing. Finding that the answer birds in the belfry. Something A land where brave and noble A precious heritage.` Gold, baked -on enamel. I
didn't work out at the end, he re- else appeared on the scene /
traced his steps. When the error though, a big, fat, ugly bumble- dwell,
was found after several back, bee. This homely creature dis- In peaceful harmony,
tracking s, he demanded of the turbed a class of conscientious A story we are proud to tell,
class, "Why didn't you tell me Latin students. It was threatened Our splendid history. B III;
about it?" After a pause, "I miss and told to "buzz off" but to no —Teen O'Hagan95"
5 / I' !
6 ,X
Fordon for that. I mean it would avail. Finally it flew up to the
only be a split second until he front and lighted above the black-
lack 1 H 65
would be madly waving his arm board. Mr. Dennis, suspiciously ambitious athletes, it was
around to get my attention."' casting his eyes sideways mut- rumoured that the teams might _
Don't worry sir, he will be back. tered, "It's probably planning an have to let girls try out. To this 4 -
After all they say that "Absence attack from behind." one girl retorted, "I'd try out, but F<
makes the heart grow fonder". Because the soccer teams had I can just imagine all that un -01
8 / X 7' 1 O / X 9f `
After watching the NHL play -
such a hard time recruiting necessary body checking!" 4..
VERONICA WHITTAER from the Red Cross office in London takes blood from student
Larry Lane Wednesday at a blood donor clinic. at F. E. Madill Secondary School.
RICK WILLIAMS OF F E Madill Secondary School waits for clinical assistants Elaine
Campbell and Liz Serpa of the Canadian Red Cross to type his blood and check iron con
tent Wednesdav at the blood donor clinic held at the school
Tool Set
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Hose Gun
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Oscillating Sprinkler
50 Garden Hoses
PHONE 357-2581
Plant Stakes
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169 22" (Pkg. 20)
42" (Pkg. 10)
Sharp and sturdy. Palm
haped top handle. Vinyl
219 , D -Handle Spade
and Shovel
4 79 Steel blades hardwood hardies
�9 49 Any Choke
Sturdy yet light and easy
to use. 3'/," blade.
Hardy Wheel Barrow
Heavy duty tray. wood
frame and rubber tire
Use for major home gardening.
2.5 cu.ft.
Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
8 a.m.. ANNW