The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-29, Page 1i
Wingham, Thursday, April 29, 1976
Huron Board holds budget
fir 1976 t0- �8.�,.Y percent
Charter flights
and tours to Britain and Europe.
4A r,ffAVJZ oE
Listowel, Ontario 2 291-2111
Seigle Copy Not Over 25c
Awe &VOY
der 79th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred White of
Walkerton entertained on Sunday
in honor of Mrs. Joseph Brophy,
who celebrated her 79th birthday
on Thursday, April 22. Present
By Ross Haugh rate of support would be reduced $750,000 debenture debt at Vic- trying to maintain a certain for the occasion were neves
The tax rate for school pur- to 60 per cent and 54 per cent at toria Public School in Goderich. amount of objectivity but com- 1 children, Mary and Wilfred
poses in the County of Huron for the elementary and secondary At the same time, Hill who is mended the board on keeping the White' Margaret and John Wal -
the year 1976 will be increased by school levels, respectively, we chairman of the board's negotia- increase at the 28.7 level. - ten' Francis and George King'
24.7 cent as the result of the were already faced with sal Jerry ,NorBrophy, Janet and Jack
per y salary tion committee, said teachers' Bayfield reeve Ed Oddleifsoa i Brophy, Norma and Desmond
budget approved by Board of contracts that had been nego- salaries accounted for about 75 .
Education trustees Wednesday tiated eight months previously per cent of instructional costs said the board appeared to be Brophy, Patricia and Eugene
night. and tenders for school supplies which are increasing by acting very irresponsibly in the D., ...., ux.
The total budget for the year had been called." $2,435,344, instructional category with a Mary and Frances White, of
was approved at =18,428,354. This In 1975, government support large increase. He was again told London and Barb and Lea Met -
is an increase of $2,330,150 from was 62 per cent in both the Trustee Dorothy Wallace of salary negotiations had been 1 calfe and family of Walkerton
Goderich asked, "If nothing is completed early in 1975 for the aim attended.
the actual expenditures in 1975. It elementary and secondary school
amounts to 14.47 per cent. panels. being spent on capital expen- current school year. r Mrs. Brophy's many friends
In the last two months the The board chairman continued, diture, what does this do to our Ger Ginn of Goderich Town -
board, in supporting the Ontario "We, as a board, believe that re- equipment supplies, etc.?" ship suggested, "It's the student f' area wish her many more years
government's request for re- straints are necessary if our eco that will suffer not the staff." ' ofd and happiness.
straint ins spending, Superintendent of Business Af
pe ng, slashed ex nom is to be saved but are con fairs Roy Dunlop replied, "We Director Cochrane again empha-
pected expenditures drastically cerned that the lead time given to are in a better position now be- sized, "Our basic education pro- �*
in three areas. The cost of educa- us by the government was acause the government was liberal gram will not suffer."
tion services was reduced by 31 minus quantity." in recent ears. For one year the
Y Y Goderich Mayor Deb Shewfelt
per cent; operating expenses Chairman of the budget Y History course
situation should not be too bad on the method of levying school a
were down by 22 per cent and committee, John Elliott of Blyth non-operating costs were slashed said that provincial grants will and we will continue with essen taxes, said, "Our methods are -
tial maintenance only." completely antiquated. The total will be open to
b 13 r cent. account for 71 r cent of revenue P Y q
About 50 members of councils for the board compared with 75 Director of Education John education levy should come from students, public
from Huron municipalities at- per cent in 1975. Elliott continued, Cochrane added, "In our budget Toronto and get at the people who
tended the budget approval "The reduction in level of assis- formula for operating expenses get the services." What has become a sort of
meeting and participated in a tante will cost the board close to for each school we have a limited Board Vice-chairman Charles tradition in Palmerston com
question and answer period. ;860,000." amount of replacement capital Thomas was in complete agree mantes again this year Monday,
Board chairman Herb Turkheim, The budget committee recom- items of emergency nature." ment saying, "I'm opposed to the May 3. That date marks the
opening the budget discussion mended and the board approved government making taxes more AN beginning of another university
said, "We have done our utmost the transfer of an existing work- Chairman Turkheim said aggressive. Taxes on property course at the Mid -Western Re -
to pare our budget to the bare ing fund reserve of $200,000 to be Huron is rated as one of the most should be alleviated in all areas. I gional Centre. Over the last sev-
bones and to cut an more would used to reduce the requisition economical school boards in the ONE OF THE MORE interesting and peculiar displays at the a. Tho Community Centre ural y� psychology and socio -
be irresponsible. Y from municipalities. At the same province. Roy Dunlop added, have always fought for services Craft Show Saturday was made by Frances McKee of Elmira. Those who attended the logy have been offered at the
Po P for people and taxes should be show, s onsored by St. Ste hen's Anglican Church in Gorrie, were interested in the
He continued, "I would empha- meeting the board agreed to "Our increase in the tax rate will supplied b le and not from P p Centre by the University of
PP y PceP display of elderly people whose faces were made from dried apples. The hands were made Waterloo. This year a course in
size that the cutbacks we have make application to the Ontario be among the lowest in this zone '
effected will not harm the educa- Ministry of Education for per- according to Ministry officials." property. in the same fashion. modern European history will be
tion of our young people„ Drastic mission to postpone the second Ginn replied, "IS we want to given. Trustee Jack Alexander asked Registrations for the course
as it may seem, we f that the phase of construction at the about cost per pupil and was told keep any say in education at the aree ted to ick u as the
cooperation of school staffs, stu- Exeter Public School to the 1977 by Director Cochrane that Huron local level yf have to be preP Pdents, parents, municipalities.. budget year: is in the middle range as far as Pared to pay for it." Sia mon Hallaham-is honored dam of the first lecture en
and the board will continue to The Ministry had authorized preaches, according to Stephen
provide a sound educational the expenditure of $277,710 for Ontario is concerned. Goderich councillor Elsa Jones, off -campus liaison officer
system of which we can all be alterations and addition of an Alex Corrigan asked if build- Haydon asked about an expen-for U
W's Faculty of Arts. In -
proud." auditorium at the Exeter school. ings would suffer during the re- diture of $458,500 for tuition fees by E. Wawanosh Federatio*n quiries from prospective students
Turkheim emphasized that The budget shows no plans for straint program and was told by and was told this was the amount and registrations already pro -
close to 80 per cent of the school capital projects. In 1975, $186,658 Budget Chairman Elliott that a Paid by Huron to other school A very active community Blyth Farmers' Coop, Albert think he had done that much. He cessed indicate a lively interest
budget was already committed was spent in this category. preventative maintenance pro- boards for tuition fees for stu- member and a provincial poli- Bieman for the Belgrave Coop recalled, "When our barn was in the course -
when the board received notice of Trustee Cayley Hill of Goderich gram in 1975 is already paying dents not able to find their re- titian had double billing at the and Don Pullen spoke about Mr. burned down, it was put up in Prof. Robert Wynne, himself
the decrease in support from the asked why debt charges and loan off. quired subjects locally. John annual meeting of the East Waw- Hallahan's 4-H activities. Mr. seven weeks, a real community European by birth and a part -
provincial government. interest had increased by more Exeter Mayor Bruce Shaw, Cochrane said among these stu- awash Township Federation of Hallaban is also the last of the effort." _ time resident of this area, will be
"� The chairman continued, than $161,000 and was told this is who is also principal at Seaforth dents hiwere and other ca half dozen ourses Agriculture meeting, held April original 21 members of the With one of his well-known � be uc� � session
When we were advised that the the first year for repayment of a District High School, said he was graphic 23 at the Belgrave Institute Hall. Threshermen's club. flashes of wit, he wondered why, introductory. ung
Beal Technical School in London. Simon Hallahan retired as sec- Mr. Hallahan's dedication, of all the people who spoke about seminar period he will discuss
Huron Warden Jack McCut- retary -treasurer of the federation faithfulness in attending and him, his wife wasn't included. What European society was like
cheon said he still supported the after 26 years in office, and his Irish wit were often mentioned. Mr. Hallahan was presented with before 1914.
The course promises not to be
Purpose oflocalplanninglocal collection of taxes in order friends and colleagues held the As one man put it, "There were a scroll and everyone got up to to keep local autonomy. He add- banquet to honor him. Man after thousands of meetings and Simon sing a rousing rendition of "For stuffy. The class will be small
ed, "The education levy makes man got up to testify to Mr. Hal- was always there — remunera- He's a Jolly Good Fellow". and convivial and discussions
• our county rate look pretty good. lahan's active and useful life. tion or not." Among other things, and films will be important
described by AndyMeBr�de What alarms me is the cut in ser- Adrian Vos spoke for the Huron he held a ploughing match at his MURRAYGAUNT aspects of the weekly sessions.
vices and the debt charges are County Federation of Agricul- farm, acted as reeve for East Guest speaker at the banquet Dr. Wynne is interested in both
beginning to look like the pro- ture, Russell Bolton for the On- Wawanosh and is one of the long- was Murray Gaunt, MPP for bads of students: those taking
Guest speaker at the Wingham tided to approach the Junior Citi- to the phoning committee about vine's." tario Ploughing Association, Cliff est serving 4-H leaders in On- Huron -Bruce. He spoke about the course for credit towards a
Business Association meeting zens to do most of the organi- attending the meetings. Presi- McNeil for the Huron County tario, if not in Canada. Mr. Pullen how the Ontario budget affects degree, and those who simply
last Thursday, Andy McBride, zation. dent Lynn Hoy said, "We have to In conclusion, budget chairman Milk Committee, Bill Gow for the said that Mr. Hallahan was ' in- farmers, food production and the wish to take it as a series of free
commented, "The main point of A secretary's report was read speak for the meals. We should be John Elliott commented, "I feel Holstein -Friesian Assoc., Clar- deed following the 4-H model, bankruptcy of Essex Packers. public lectures.
community planning besides by Mrs. Iris Morrey and a trea- able to know at least the night the board is in a position to exer- ence Hanna for the township, El- "Learn to do by doing." Mr. Gaunt, MPP for nearly "Our activity at Palmerston
cise control as the confidence of more Hardin for the Pork Pro- Mr. Hallahan was clearly shale- fourteen ears, noted that food will continue this fall," adds Mr.
orderly development is to protect surer's report by Miss Greta before." g y Y
the present users." He is the Harris. Total bank balance to Next meeting will be a week the people will allow." ducers' Board, Ken Taylor for the en. But he said that he didn't production is increasing, but not Jones. "How women have been
former vice-chairman of the date is $1058.14. So far, 16 mem- earlier than usual, on May 13. as fast as population. He quoted portrayed in English literature
planning board in Wingham. bers have paid their fees. Jack Ward will be guest speaker, percentages of consumption of from the days of Chaucer to our
Mr. McBride outlined the steps It was asked that association speaking about the Listowel food produced in Ontario. For own time will be the theme of a
in planning, setting up a board, members give definite answers parking authority. example, he estimated that by topical English course called
establishing an official plan and Minister answers o b• e e t• o n s 1985, Ontario will be producing 'Women in Literature'."
having a zoning by-law passed. just over half of beef consumed, People who wish to take a
The board is made up of inter- and probably 60 per cent of total course at the Centre either for
ested residents who work on an t o abolition, eontroI food consumed. credit or just for fun, can Bisofficial plan. In the caseof Wing- Mr. Gaunt said that "Ontario cover how easy it is to register
ham, the board discussed the has capacity for self-suf. and can get all the detailed infor-
plan at a public meeting before Solicitor General Warren All- to participate in their sport," he protect their lives. ficiency," but "Canada is one of mation they need by calling
recommending it to town council. mond said the peace and security said. The whole purpose of the However, he didn't think that the world's largest food import- Harold Forbes at the Centre (343 -
Mr. McBride said, "Our zoning legislation, mainly Bill C-83 con- legislation, he said, is to screen capital punishment is a question ers." He spoke about the "dan- 2015)_
been sitting for some cerning the prevention of crime, out those people who are irre- of self-defence. "It has never gers of relying on external sup -
by -law has me. I hasthincouncil should work gun control and the improvement sponsible, dangerous or who have been demonstrated that, if you plies in these days of food pow -
of the prison system; is not in- criminal records. He also said apply capital punishment you er." He believes that "self-suf-
on it." t _
The speaker explained that, "A " tended to interfere with sports- that a person can now be released really protect people in the ficiency should be made a policy New status for
men but to screen out dangerous from a penitentiary or from a community. I have said time and objective by the government of
zoning by-law sets out what kind persons who can purchase guns. mental institution and buy a high- again that if it could be demon- this province." ten hospitals
certain areas." He went on to say
of development can take place in Mr. Allmond spoke on capital powered rifle without any ques- strated to me that it was an effec- He went on to say that inflation P
punishment and gun control tions being asked. tive deterrent, I would seriously bears particularity heavily on
that although there are always ordered closed
legislation before a capacity "These are a minority of people reconsider my position." Another farmers since they have the
problems of nonconforming uses crowd Monday evening at F. E. but they are the people who are reason for his opposition was greatest difficulty to pass in- A decision by Mr. Justice
that crop triup,es
the planning board Madill SecondarySchool. He also the most dangerous," he said. that, if one made a mistake -in creased costs on. He explained always tries to hit the happy g P Mayer Lerner of the Ontario Sup -
medium between the planners' discussed Bill C-84, the penalty "We don't think this is right, The capital punishment, it can't be that although much of the infla- rune Court has provided a
recommendations and the citi- for murder. The bill provides for proposals put forward in this corrected. tion is imported, deficit financing breathing spell for the ten hospi-
zens' wishes. Apparently, the ov the abolition of capital punish- legislation are merely to identify NEW BILL IN EFFECT is fuelling inflation. tals ordered closed by the provin-
official plan and the zoning by- ment, being replaced by life sen- those people who may be irre- The minister said that the new Mr. Gaunt mentioned that the tial health ministry.
law have time ranges of 25 years tences for two degrees of murder. sponsible." legislation now being put into long-term goal reform of prop -
and 10 to 15 years. Bill C-83, that of gun controls, In explaining the new legis- effect is to replace a temporary erty tax, is to have farm land tax- The justice agreed that a letter
Other business of the meeting ' resulted in heated discussion lation, Mr. Allmond compared act that, expires before the next ed at a 100 per cent of market dated April 12 from Acting Health
concerned sidewalk days, Christ- among groups from the South the licencing of firearms to that election. The present bill, he said, value and taxes paid by the Minister Bette Stephenson order-
mas street decorations, parking Bruce Game and Fish Protection of obtaining a driving licence. He is a temporary one, lasting for government. Under the new pro- ing the Durham Memorial Hos-
and the Santa Claus parade. Assoication of Walkerton, the said people are taken off the five years and expiring in 1977. gram, if the uses of farm or for- pital to close by June 1 lacks
Sidewalk days this year will beWildlife Federation and the highways if they drive negli- He said the new law put forward estry lands are changed, provin- authority. Mr. Lerner stated that
on July 15 through to the 17th. The ,.�x f, Federation of Anglers and Hunt- gently and the same should apply would be a free vote bill where tial taxes plus interest, previous- the Public Hospitals Act permits
j ars. Many delegates from the with firearms. the political parties would not ly paid by the government, will the health ministry to order
motion naming these days was groups expressed concern over
raised by Gordon Walter. Bill 1 QUESTION OF CONSCtF,NCF, impose party discipline. be recoverable up to ten years. suspension of a hospital's opera -
the way the new legislation would He believed that the capital When the Essex Packers went tions, but only the provincial
Reynolds will be chairman of the '� i ' The speaker believes that the P
Christmas decorations commit . question of Licencing of firearms cabinet has the power to close
affect thempunishment issue should not be bankrupt, the government rens
tee and Jim Currie sub -chair' x �" ~ = MURDERS is 'a question of conscience' but dealt with by commutation but signed the leases of several abba- such an institution.
man. Bill Keil, speaking for the Mr. Allmond said more than 50 stated that he respected the opi- instead parliament should make toirs. One group was awarded the A further motion by the
parking committee, said "A per cent of murders in Canada nions of those who had different up its mind one way or another. Guelph Abbatoir lease, as long as Durham hospital board asked
recommendation will be pre- 4 were committed with guns, half views on the matter. "It is cer- " his is why I want to see this they operated two other plants in that the court order a judicial
rented at the next council meet-. with long guns such as rifles and tainly a question that strikes issue settled in a free vote." Hamilton. Mr. Gaunt claimed review of the ministry's decision
ing that a parking authority be .•.►' ;,, ordinary shotguns. He indicated deeply at the emotions and the PUBLIC RESPONSES that another group, that had been
P Y to close the hospital. Mr. Lerner
set up with adequate finances that cantrols over short firearms, conscience," he added. Fred Tiles representing the rejected, would have paid the will announce his decision on this
available on a long-term basis to � 1 or handguns, have to be made Mr. Allmond said he was op Royal CAadian Legion, dis- farmers more. at motion on May 3.
pick up whatever land comes i 4 stricteF when he cited that two posed to capital punishment be- cussed their Action Program Anew executive was chosen Other hospitals ordered closed,
.. A* � which deals with law and order, the meed B acclamation,
UP.„y x i'°— TiLrds of crimes in the United cause 'One should only take an- y notably Clinton Public Hospital
SANTA PARADE I� States were committed with ille- other's life in self-defen6e. I think capital punishment, the preven- president is Robert Taylor, vice- and the Paris Hospital will obvi-
The Santa Claus parade was gal firearms. it is only just that, if a person tion of crimes, the parole system president, Walter Elliot and ously find reference to their own
"It is not our intention at all to threatens the life of a family and civil liberties. Peter Chandler, secretary- situations in the supreme court
also discussed. Mn. Bill Keil will Y P
be chairman of the committee interfere with legitimate sports- member you must defend your- He said the Legion has had sev- treasurer. Roy Pattison was ap- decision. It comes too late, how -
and Mrs. John Dabrowski will be GUEST SPEAKER at the Wingham Business Association mete, hunters and shooters. The self.” He also said that the issu- oral meetings in Ottawa and Tor- pointed auditor and directors ever, for the Chesley Hospital,
in charge of the collection from meeting on April 22 was Andy McBride. He spoke about the bill provides that these people Ing of firearms to policemen is onto and the objective of the pro- were selected for each township which ceased operations a few
businesses. Howeverit was de- planning board. Listening to him Is Lynn Hoy, president.' should be allowed their weapons justified because they have to (Continued on page 2) line• weeks ago.