The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-22, Page 9MORRIS TOWNSHIP
Commencing May 1, 1976 Morris Township
waste disposal site will be open from 9 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays until
further notice.
BASE 482-9667
Two Sessions Per Week
For Four Weeks
FEE $16.00
Contact in Writing:
Mr. Rick Pettit
202 Keays Street
Goderich, Ontario
OR BY PHONE AFTER 4 P.M. .482-9667
Session Limited to Avoid Overcrowding
Used Car Savings
'74 ASTRE, 4 speed, radio.
'74 CHRYSLER, 4 door se-
dan, power steering
and brakes, radio.
'74 PLYMOUTH Fury III (2)
4 -door hardtop.
'73 JAVELIN, 2 door.
'73 DART, (2), 4 door se-
dan, 6 cylinder, auto-
'73 CHRYSLER, 2 door
'73 CHRYSLER, 4 door,
hardtop- '73 PONTIAC ASTRE
/ H O N E 3 5 7. 2 A L 2
dl r JAS
j .
NOT TOO MANY PEOPLE noticed how much work was involved in the making of pan-
cakes because they were more interested in eating them. John Rutherford of Belmore,
Gilbert Johann and Ellen Inglis didn't seem to have a free minute anytime during the day
to enjoy the product they were making.
Automobiles, Light Trucks,
Farm Tractors
New Rod Cores
Cleaning & Flashing
14 North St. \357-1102
leu* M m*w * "W%
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., April 22, 1876—Page 8
Donations received for
Maitland Cons.' Foundation
Maitland Conservation Foun- ing problems in the watershed meet of the Maitland Valley Con -
dation has received a total of have grown more serious and the
$1,300 in donations. Two cheques wildlife resources have been servation Authority members
were presented to the Foundation placed under greater and greater and staff. Financial donations
at its annual meet d at the will normally be directed to -
meeting hey, pressure. The 4,000 acre Saratoga wards the purchase of new
Maitland Valley Conservation Swamp is a haven for a wide
Authority headquarters in variety of wildlife. As well it con- probes. However, donors are
Wroxeter. The cheques represent tains areas of forest which have free to specify how they wish to
the first major donations to the never been logged over. Such have their donations used. Wher-
Foundation which held its in- areas are extremely rare in rural ever possible, their wishes will be
augural meeting on May 7, 1875 Ontario. Anyone who, through respected.
and will be directed towards the their donation, helps to preserve Other business conducted at
purchasing of ecologically this and other similar areas the meeting included the election
significant properties within the would be doing mankind a great of William Manning, Blyth;
water shed. service. Robert Wenger, Listowel;
Ian Deslauriers, resources George McCutcheon, Brussels;
manager for the Authority, out- The Maitland Conservation Kelly Dalton, Seaforth; and
lined on a map for the members, Foundation is a registered chari- Vince Judge, Listowel as direc-
the Saratoga Swamp area in West table organization dedicated to tors of the Foundation for a one
Wawanosh Township and "ex_ the Preservation of the natural year term. William Manning and
plained why it is the area of environment. To this end the Robert Wenger will serve as
highest priority for property memb&s are constantly search- chairman and vice-chairman re-
acquisition. The preservation of m8 for people or organizations spectively.
swampland is crucial to good who are likewise inclined and Other announcement's made by
water management, as well as to who are willing to donate parcels the Maitland Valley Conservation
the healthy survival of many of real or personal property to the Authority include
forms of wildlife, he said. Foundation. Donations of real —The hiring of additional stu-
He added that as swamps have Property will be placed under the dents for Experience '76. Due to
been drained and cleared flood- Protection and careful manage- cuts in all government minis-
tries, the length of employment
will be shortened from 10 weeks
to seven weeks for laborers and
from 16 weeks to 14 weeks for
Belmore Personals maple will fbe outnhge
Authority including a technical
Keith Hersey, Bob Reid, Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Rich- staff of four;
and Mrs. Brian Carroll, Jessica ards, Herb, Barry and Bruce, Mr. —The Purchase of 350 10 to 14
and Mary Beth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richards, Mr. inch trout for the Falls Reserve
and Mrs. Walter Renwick, Mark, and Mrs. Collin Richards and Jim Conservation Area. The fish will
Gail, Linda and Andrew last and Ruth MacAdam, visited with be Purchased from the Creek
weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacAdam Bank Trout farm in' Elmira;
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marston, last weekend. —The installation of 14 bluebird
Mr. and Mrs. Hoggie Unlandt, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Robbins and boxes at the Falls Reserve Con -
Anita, Shane, and Henry family of Richmond Hill, Mr. and servation Area. About 35 boxes
Gouthro, were guests at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins and for the birds will also be installed
Mrs. Brian Marston's for the Pamela of Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs. in the Wawanosh Valley Con -
weekend. NigelkRobbins of Sudbury, and P. servation Area. The nesting pro -
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Renwick, Elste and family, visited with Mr. gram is being carried out in co -
Heather and Jill visited Mr. and and Mrs. Harry Helfenstein last operation with the Bayfield Blue -
Mrs. Dick Marvin at Moffat. weekend. bird Society;
Belmore f
Mrs. Leslie Edwards, Robin, Claude Gehrig of Switzerland, —A recommendation to in -
Scott, Elaine, Dena, Mr. and Mrs. nephew of Mrs. Harry Helfen- crease planting fees for the
a t o t a I success bon Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. stein, is currently visiting the Reforestation Assistance Pro -
Brian Edwards and family and Helfenstein family. gram. Under the new schedule
Sheri Shindle visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Southgate fees for machine planting would
What has 1,000 ands of sau Mrs. Jim Renwick, Dan, Mari- and family of Woodbridge visited be raised to $20 for 1,000 trees
Po just how good their plates, laden lyn, Heather and Jill on Satur- with Mrs. Carl Douglas last from $15 per 1,000 trees. Fees for
sage, 6,000 pancakes, 75-100 gal- with pancakes, butter, sausages day weekend. hand planting will be increased
lops Qf maple syrup, handicrafts, and maple syrup were. from $20 per thousand trees to $25
hundreds of people and live en-
tertainment? You guessed it. The A total of 2,420 people par- per thousand.
Belmore Maple Syrup festival, chased a dinner of pancakes and The Conservation Authority
This year the festival took place sausages to celebrate the ninth has also announced that options
annual Maple Syrup Festival What's new at to purchase . an additional 450
on April 17.�
The first things you noticed held in Belmore. Leather crafts, acres of land in the Saratoga
when you walked into ' the Bel- string art, taffy making demon- Swamp in Huron County have
more arena were the appetizing strations, homebaking, farmer'sHuronview. been accepted by the property
smell of pancakes in the air and, sausage and Belmore Maple Pro- owners. Spokesmen for the
hundreds of people eating. The' ducts were available for sale in Conservation Authority say that
satisfied looks on their faces told the arena. The Christian Women's Club the ladies of the Clinton Christian if all the land is purchased it will
Many visitors attended from song service was led by Mrs. Reformed Church on Tuesday mean that a total of 900 acres of
great distances, but the record Shirley Luther of Hens" on Sun- afternoon and those without ecologically important swamp -
for the day was set by Miyoki day evening, accompanied at the immediate relatives were given a land will be under the Authority's
Naeda, an exchange student from organ by Mr. Luther. lovely Easter card. control.
Japan. Two new residents, Mrs. Rossie Rev. Wesley Ball of Gorrie Further information on any of
That whole festival was a com- Sholdice and James Elliott, were showed a colored film of the Holy the topics above can be obtained
munity effort became clear when welcomed to the home at Monday Land at the "Family Night" pro- from the Maitland Valley Con -
one realized how many people afternoon's program. The old gram. Mr. Ball has just returned servation Authority at Box 5,
were involved. Chairman of the time music was provided by from a conducted tour of Israel Wroxeter. The Authority also
festival, Bruce Harkness, said MarieZnr
me Lawson and and gave very interesting com- prints.a conservation newsletter,
that for every one of the four two Norm ith Morgan Dal mentary of his trip at the start of Conservation Correspondence.
hour shifts, 50 new workers show- ton anLear helping to the film. Miss Grace Aylesworth, Their phone number is 335-3557.
ed up. lead the sing -a -long. The Clinton formerly of Gorrie, thanked Mr. INFII TECHURCH
Mr. Harkness said that Satur- Christian Reformed volunteers Ball on behalf of the residents.
day was the best day, weather- assisted with the activities. The Over 90 club met on Wed -
wise, that he could remember for The residents enjoyed a visit by nesday afternoon in the first floor On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
the festival. Other workers made north sitting room and enjoyed a Laidlaw, Janet and Kimberley
similar comments about the wea- musical program provided by entertained Mr. and Mrs. Bill
ther. Colleges combine three guests, Mrs. Elsie Hender- Emmerton of Kincardine, Mario
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Litt were son, Nelson Lear and Morgan and John Crowston of Kincar-
two of the people who came not to to offer music Dalton. Three new residents were dine, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Alton
work, but to eat and talk with The George Brown College of welcomed to the club, Miss Muir, ao Ellyn of Ashfield, and Mr.
friends. They said that they came Applied Arts and Technology in Miss Darrow, and Carl Campion and Mrs. Orland Irwin, Steven,
"chiefly to be sociable .. since it conjunction with Georgian Col- bringing the membership to 48 Faye. Donald and Michael of
is sure a great place to meet peo- lege has announced that it will residents. West Wawanosh. The occasion
ple." Mr. Litt said he thought conduct its Summer School of was the celebration of the 48th
Belmore had "the best maple Music during June and July of wedding anniversary of her
syrup in all of Canada." this year at Blue Mountain, a parents, Mr. ano Mrs. John
Throughout the day, the resort area near Collingwood. Bluevate Crowston of Lucknow. Mr. and
workers at the grills and the The school, which has been so Mrs. Crowston were honored with
people working in the booths popular in the past, offers musi- Mrs. Burns Moffatt returned a wedding dinner highlighted by
were entertained by various clans and those interested in the home one day last week after a decorated anniversary cake.
talent from the community. world of music, an opportunity to being a patient in Wingham and The family presented Mr. and
Highlights of the entertainment improve their skills. Eminent ar- District Hospital for a few weeks. Mrs. Crowston with several gifts.
were "The Country Belaires", tists will be in attendance to pro- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lobsinger The community wishes them
bagpipe music by Grant Ruther- vide instruction for a variety of and family of Kitchener, Mr. and many more years of happiness.
ford, along with baton twirling instruments. Courses in conduct- Mrs. Clarence Bishop and family
and step dancing. ing, special teaching techniques, and Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Shar — =--- ——
The draws for the quilts were and tour management will also pin visited with Mr. and Mrs. THE GRANGE
won by Dr. Bray of Wingham, be given. Dancing instruction in Jack Nicholson on Sunday.
Shelly Moffat and Leonard Met- ballet and other forms, including Miss Pat Pritchard spent the Antique Market every Sunday
calfe, both of Belmore. The draw jazz, will be given by the Lois weekend with Mr. and Mrs. 10 a.m_- 5
for the maple sugar bunny was Smith Summer School of Dance George Fischer and family. Hwy. 6 at St. Andrewsws
won by Mrs. Tilford Roods of in Toronto. Performances of Mr and Mrs. Don Robertson Fergus $indoors$
Listowel. various ballets will be given at and Miss Elizabeth Robertson Featuring a large selection of
The festival wound up with a Blue Mountain. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. primitive and traditional
dance to music supplied by Full information can be ob- Keith Nicholson and family on furniture pine and vintage
C.A.K.e. Over 700 people from the tamed by: writing to The George Sunday. telephone hang ng lights
surrounding community attended Brown College of Applied Arts Sunday visitors with Mr. and china glass brass primtives,
this dance, to make the festival and Technology, P. O Box 1015, Mrs. Joe Nicholson were Mr and Dealer Inquires
day a total success'. Station B, Toronto, Ontario, M5T Mrs. Ted Klaassen 519-836.7692
The festival started nine rears
ago to pay for a new roof on the
Belmore arena. It has been going F1;t„, F-1, F: Come to the Grand Opening
on ever since. Funds raised from WHITECHURCH — President
the event are spent largely on Lori Ann Jamieson opened the SATURDAY MAIC
community recreation projects. meeting with the pledge and r
minutes were read by Wendy O� O A.M.
Kay 8811 call was answered by
naming a fruit dessert the girls'
families enjoy. JEA N CA N TEEN
Latest news from the Olympic (Tara Milligan and Wendy Kay
site is that a slight error by the demonstrated a butterscotch
architect has placed a concrete fondue. Mrs Purdon demon -
guard rail in the stadium in a straled fruit specialties and a 270 Main Street East
position which will prevent 10,000 cheese tray. Mrs Elliott demon
spectators from seeing what strafed dessert fon(Rte and fruit Palmerston , Ontario
happens down below. It is esti- arrangements. A fruit arrange' .,
mated that it will cost S.'W,000 to meet, with grapes. apples, pears, Telephone 343-2299
rectify the mistake, plus 15 days fancy crackers and garnish ac -
of working time. The architect, companiment, was on display In FN, hikov S!)oriNviear mJ ,/01r71
whose firm is located in France, A work meeting will be held
will receive a fee in excess of SM April 27 at 7 p m to rehearse the Carol .and Jim Johnstone
million. Achievement Day program
�FUGUA MrDnnnugh PnwPr F.qu,pmPnt. [tic. Mr 1>nnnugh (sr ,yin in."> >
.. A Fuqua Industry
McGee Auto Electric
355 Josephine Street,
Wingham, Ontario 357-1416